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Villa of Sun and Secrets

Page 25

by Jennifer Bohnet

  Carla tried to hide her dismay. Of course the room in the villa had always been a stopgap for Joel until he found another place. She’d known that but had pushed the knowledge it was a temporary solution for him to the back of her mind. She’d got so used to him being around that she’d begun to think he’d be living with her forever.

  ‘When will it be ready for you?’

  ‘They reckon another six weeks. Time for me to save some rent money.’

  Time for me to try and change your mind about leaving, Carla thought.

  ‘I shall miss you when you go. As for Leroy, he’ll think you’re deserting him. Oh – you’re not planning on taking him with you, are you?’

  Joel shook his head. ‘No. I’m hoping you’ll grant me visiting rights. To see both of you,’ he added quietly.

  Carla felt her heart soar at his words. ‘You’re welcome any time. I know having just the one room and,’ she made quotation marks in the air with her fingers, ‘sharing “the facilities” with me isn’t ideal, but you don’t have to move out at all if you don’t want to. I’ve really liked having you around – you’re a great housemate.’ The words, I thought you liked me as much as I’m beginning to realise I like you, stayed unspoken.

  ‘Once you’ve opened your chambre d’hôte you’ll need the spare room for when Maddy and Ed visit.’

  ‘Doubt that that’s going to happen this year now,’ Carla said. ‘With everything else happening… anyway, right now I don’t think I could cope with other people in the house. I’d…’ she hesitated, ‘I’d quite like it if you stayed, Joel.’

  Joel was silent for several seconds. ‘It’s better if I do move out – give you space to enjoy life as a single woman for a while, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.’ Joel said quietly. ‘But your life has been turned upside down this past year, I think you need to take some time for you.’

  Carla, remembering Joel’s door closing the evening she’d arrived home late after having dinner with Bruno, hoped she was reading the right message into his words. He did like her but wanted to give her time to recover from the divorce.

  ‘You’ve got my number on speed dial,’ Joel said. ‘So you know I can be here within minutes if you need me. I’m also looking forward to you spending time with me in my new place.’ He glanced at her. ‘Whenever you need me, I’ll be there, okay?’

  Carla nodded. ‘Okay.’ She smiled at him. ‘How d’you feel about this weekend? I definitely need you here then for moral support, that’s for sure. I’m praying that introducing Mario to the twins doesn’t turn out be too nerve wracking.’

  ‘I’ll be here,’ Joel promised.


  Carla found it impossible to settle to anything as the weekend approached. Mario rang again, trying to persuade her to bring everyone to San Remo, but Carla held firm about this first meeting being at the Villa Mimosa. It was her home and she wanted the twins to at least be in a familiar place rather than in a strange house in yet another country when they met Mario for the first time.

  ‘It’s going to be a huge shock for them, discovering they have a new grandfather,’ she said. ‘I promise we’ll all come to San Remo another time for a family get-together.’ She crossed her fingers as she made the promise. What would happen if the twins flatly refused to embrace Mario as their grandfather? They’d both adored Grampa Robert and Carla suspected they’d have the same reaction she’d had to the news of Mario’s relationship to them all. Robert was irreplaceable either as a father or grandfather.

  Early Saturday afternoon found Carla in the kitchen baking scones and a sponge cake for the tea she was planning on offering Mario and whomever of his family he brought with him. Maybe he’d bring his brother Alexandro, who had known Josette in the past? Would Bruno accompany him?

  Joel had gone into town but had promised to be back before everyone arrived. Carla found herself getting more and more stressed as it got closer to the time for Maddy and Ed to arrive. She wished Sam was coming with Maddy. He seemed to know how to calm her down when she became agitated or unhappy over something, although Ed too, was also good at that. Ed himself seemed to take everything life threw at him in his stride and Carla prayed the latest revelation wouldn’t prove to be the exception.

  Josette arrived alone just as Carla was taking the sponge out of the oven.

  ‘Where’s Gordon? I thought he was coming to give you some moral support,’ Carla said, glancing at Josette’s left hand. ‘You’ve taken your ring off.’

  Josette held up her right hand. ‘Changed hands just for the afternoon. Gordon’s coming later. I said I’d text him when… when I’ve spoken to Mario about us.’

  Carla stared at her. ‘You mean he doesn’t know yet you turned him down and then accepted Gordon on the same day?’

  Josette nodded miserably. ‘I have written him a letter like I promised, repeating everything I told him on the phone about why getting back together is not possible for so many reasons. But somehow telling him in a letter I am now engaged to Gordon seemed too brutal. Be kinder to tell him face to face.’

  ‘And there was me thinking introducing the twins to Mario was going to be stressful enough,’ Carla said, shaking her head.

  ‘Who’s Mario?’ Maddy asked, walking into the kitchen.

  ‘Darling, I didn’t hear you arrive,’ Carla said, turning round and hugging her. ‘Where’s Ed?’

  ‘Being a good brother and getting our overnight bags out of the car,’ Maddy said. ‘So, come on, answer the question.’ And she looked at her mother and grandmother expectantly.

  ‘I’ll just put the kettle on for tea and wait for Ed,’ Carla said. ‘It’s all part of the reason for getting you to come down this weekend.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll go and have a quick dip in the pool while we wait,’ Maddy said.

  ‘It would be better if you waited until after we’ve talked, please,’ Carla said.

  Maddy stared at her and was just about to open her mouth to say something when Ed walked in.

  ‘Hi Ma, Grandma Josette, so what’s this urgent meeting all about then?’

  It was Josette who answered him. ‘Let’s all go and sit on the terrace and I’ll start to explain while your mother makes the tea. Although after you hear what I’ve got to say, you might prefer something stronger.’

  Carla deliberately took her time in the kitchen, feeling that it was Josette’s story to explain to the twins how they now had a new Italian grandfather and various other relations in their lives. One or more of whom were coming to meet them this afternoon.

  When Carla carried the tray out, both the twins were sat there listening to their grandmother with stunned expressions on their faces.

  ‘I can only keep repeating how sorry I am that my action so long ago has caused such distress to the people I love. The truth is out in the open now and we all have adjustments to make,’ Josette said. ‘It’s an unhappy story, but hopefully we’re at the beginning of a happier time for our family.’ She took a deep breath. ‘My sister spent the majority of her life hating, wanting and instigating revenge against me, which sadly hurt other innocent people as well as me. I was brought up to never speak ill of the dead, but Amelia’s action in keeping the DNA result secret was a deliberate and unforgivable act of cruelty. I can only guess at the disturbed state of her mind. If she’d told me those results when she first got them, then we wouldn’t be here today. You would have all known the truth far earlier. Lives could have been very different.’

  ‘I think you and Mum are the ones who have suffered the most in all this,’ Ed said quietly. ‘I’m glad the two of you have the chance now to get to know one another.’ He turned to look at Carla. ‘I think it’s been easier for you to accept the shock news of Josette being your mother because of the way Amelia treated you, but you and Granddad were so close. Learning about Mario must have been an even bigger shock.’

  Carla nodded. ‘True.’

  ‘Have you met this Mario?’ Maddy said.

I went with Josette to Ventimiglia and met him. He’s… very Italian,’ Carla said. ‘As shocked by the news as we all are, of course.’

  ‘Do we get to meet this new grandfather? Or doesn’t he want to know?’ Maddy asked, an edge to her voice.

  ‘He’s longing to meet you both. He’ll be here in about an hour,’ Carla said.


  An hour later, an overwhelmed Carla sat on the terrace next to Joel.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Joel asked. ‘The awkward introductions have passed, now everyone needs to spend time getting to know each other. Seems to be going well so far,’ he added, looking across to where the twins were talking to Stéphanie and Bruno, while Josette was talking to Mario and his son, Antoine.

  Carla nodded absently. ‘It’s just that I hadn’t given a single thought to my own reaction to Mario’s family. I was too busy worrying about the twins and their feelings. And Josette’s too, of course.’ She looked at Joel. ‘I’d forgotten that Mario’s son is my brother – well, half-brother.’

  ‘He seems a nice man,’ Joel said. ‘You’re both too old for any sort of attention-seeking sibling rivalry, so I expect you’ll get on,’ he said, a teasing note in his voice.

  ‘I’d forgotten I’ve become an instant auntie too,’ Carla said, hearing Stéphanie, Antoine’s daughter, laugh at something Ed said. ‘That the twins have a cousin. Suddenly, I’ve got more family than I know what to do with. Family that are strangers, with a history I know nothing about – any more than they know about mine. It could all end in a big disaster.’

  Joel took her hand. ‘Stop worrying. Comme une famille – as a family – they look good. In a year or two, after a few lunches and dinners with them, celebrating birthdays, Christmas and various other things, you’ll wonder why you were so anxious over everything. So stop stressing about things. Relationships will sort themselves out.’ He stood up. ‘I’m going to go and potter in the garden. I think you need to talk to your relatives. I’ll be back in time for a cup of tea and a slice of the cake I saw in the kitchen earlier. If you need me, come and find me.’

  Watching him walk away, Carla realised he was right. She did need to talk to her new family. Before she could make her way across to anyone, she saw Bruno say something quickly to the others and begin to walk towards her. She smiled up at him as he reached her side.

  ‘I was going to ring you, but when Mario invited me to accompany him today I decided I’d rather see you. I can’t believe I’m related to the beautiful lady I rescued earlier this year. My uncle is delighted with me and I’m glad I was there, but right now I wish we weren’t related.’

  Carla laughed. ‘Just as well you didn’t know at the time or you’d have been in a bit of a quandary – to save me or to leave me.’

  ‘No quandary at all. I’d always opt to save you,’ Bruno said seriously. ‘Any chance of us being kissing cousins?’ He added, laughing.

  Carla smiled. ‘As much as I like you, I’m afraid not. Friends though, I hope?’

  ‘Of course. At least I’ll get to see you on family occasions,’ and Bruno smiled at her.

  Carla glanced over to where Mario, Antoine and Josette had now joined the twins and Stéphanie. ‘How’s Mario taken all the unexpected family news?’

  ‘On the one hand he’s delighted about you and the twins, but on the other hand, he’s upset over the unhappiness that Amelia caused for others as well as suffered herself.’

  ‘I think we can all agree with that,’ Carla said.

  Bruno looked at her. ‘Josette was the love of his life, you know. I know he loved his wife, Concheta, but he never forgot Josette. The one thing he longed for when he knew Josette was back in Antibes was to see her, for her to be free and for them to get back together.’

  Carla let out a regretful sigh and shook her head. ‘I know that’s not going to happen and I’m sorry about it too, in a way. It would make for a lovely and very satisfying end to their young love.’

  Bruno nodded. ‘He showed me the letter she wrote explaining why their getting back together was not possible. He has an argument for every single reason she put up, he told me, but felt he had to accept her decision.’

  ‘He’s being extremely intuitive,’ Carla said. ‘And I hope he’ll be equally understanding when…’ she stopped. ‘Sorry, I’m getting ahead of things here.’

  Bruno looked at her questioningly, but she shook her head and, after waiting for a few seconds, he spoke again. ‘One thing he is determined on, though, is embracing you and the twins as his family. Now he knows about you, he will try and make up for all the missing years. I hope you’re ready for the full onslaught of an Italian man intent on gathering his family to his side.’

  ‘I’ll warn the twins,’ Carla said, smiling at the thought. ‘Right, I think it’s time to get everyone round the table for cake and tea. I’ll go put the kettle on.’

  ‘I’ll give you a hand with things,’ Bruno said.

  Josette, seeing Carla go indoors followed by Bruno, guessed that tea was on its way and she wanted to be able to text Gordon to join them. But it was imperative she talked to Mario before that could happen. She looked around. The twins and Stéphanie were getting along well, Antoine was wandering off in Joel’s direction and Mario… was walking towards her. The tight feeling in her tummy increased and she felt nauseous. It was time for her to face things and tell Mario the last painful reason she couldn’t marry him.

  ‘Josie amore mio,’ Mario said. ‘Isn’t this wonderful? Two halves of our family meeting for the first time. If only you would change your mind about marrying me, life would be perfect. Maybe one day I’ll be able to persuade you?’ The sentence hung in the air. ‘I’ll play the long game if I have to,’ he added softly, looking at her intently.

  Josette bit her lip. ‘I’ve already told you over the telephone and in my letter the main reasons why I can’t marry you, but there is also another reason,’ she said. ‘And that reason is a man.’

  Mario stilled. ‘Gordon?’

  ‘Yes. He also has asked me to marry him and… and I’ve said yes.’

  Mario turned slightly away from her but not before she saw the emotion etched across his face.

  ‘I’m sorry if this is painful for you. I’ve never met anyone I wanted to marry other than you, until now. Sadly the right time for us to marry passed long ago. And whereas you had a good family life with Concheta and Antoine, I wasn’t that lucky. My time to marry, though, has finally come now I’ve met Gordon.’ Josette took a breath. ‘I’ve explained to him, that you and I will be forever linked via Carla and the twins. He knows when I marry him he has to accept me and all my baggage and be happy to be part of my newly discovered family unit. A family unit which will always include you.’ She looked anxiously at Mario and reached for his hand. His fingers gripped hers. ‘Gordon doesn’t see any of this being a problem. For my sake, I hope you don’t see any problems either?’

  Mario shook his head as he looked at her. ‘To think we finally came back into each other’s lives, only for it to be too late and to learn that there is no hope for us in the future. I can’t say I’m not hurt that you’re marrying someone else, because I am. But I do wish you every happiness with Gordon. If anyone deserves to be happy it’s my Josie.’ He squeezed her hand tightly.

  Josette blinked hard. ‘Thank you. That means everything to me.’

  Mario caught hold of her other hand and, pulling her towards him, pressed his lips against her forehead gently for several seconds before moving back and saying. ‘I want you to promise me a couple of things though.’

  Josette looked at him and waited.

  ‘If you ever need help of any kind, you let me know. Promise? Good. The other thing is – you tell me if this Gordon doesn’t treat you right. I have friends who’d be only too willing to show him how to treat a lady.’

  Josette laughed. ‘Mario Grimaud – only a true Italian man would dare to offer something like that!’


  While Carla organ
ised everyone with cake and tea, Josette quickly walked round to the front garden to text Gordon.

  All explained. Tea is being served. See you soon.

  She pressed send.

  ‘I’m hoping that is my cue to arrive,’ Gordon said, walking up the drive towards her. ‘Sorry. I’ve been loitering outside for ages waiting for your message.’ He looked at her questioningly. ‘How’s it going?’

  Josette shrugged. ‘D’accord I think. You’ll be able to judge for yourself when you meet everyone. Although I do need to warn you that Mario has threatened to send in “certain” Italian friends if you don’t treat me right.’

  ‘Dinee worry, lass,’ Gordon said, putting on a dreadful fake Scottish accent and placing his arm around her shoulders. ‘I’ll tell him I’ll gae him a Glaswegian kiss if he makes a move on my girl. Now,’ he said in his normal voice. ‘Please can I put your ring back on the right finger?’

  Out on the terrace, Carla had decided to forgo the tea and opened the large bottle of Prosecco Mario had brought instead. As everyone picked up their glasses, Mario got to his feet and proposed a toast.

  ‘Here’s to extended families and lots of happy meet-ups in the future. Saluti!’

  With Joel on one side, her new half-brother Antoine on the other and surrounded by the rest of her family, old and new, Carla felt a frisson of happiness. The past year had been traumatic to say the least, but things now appeared to have levelled out in ways she could never have anticipated. When Mario proposed the next meet-up should be in San Remo at his place, she readily agreed. She’d already overheard Maddy and Stéphanie planning a London shopping trip.

  As Gordon moved across to speak to Mario, Carla briefly wondered how Josette felt seeing the two men together. It couldn’t be easy knowing that they both loved her and she’d chosen one over the other. Carla tensed as she saw the two men do a sort of high five – only with their fists rather than their hands. But it was clearly a man thing as afterwards they stayed chatting and laughing together.


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