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Forever Finn

Page 3

by Delta James

  The information regarding her brother seemed pretty straightforward. He was taking a vacation from his job in the family business, a long-established international banking concern. He thought hard. There was something about the name … he flipped through the rest of the file. There it was. There were some suspicions regarding their involvement with an international arms dealer and also with several groups suspected of being in collusion with terrorists. Maybe there was more to her brother’s disappearance than he had originally thought.

  Croft realized he didn’t even know her brother’s name. He looked at the face page in the file. Christian … Christian Reid IV. He looked to see when her birthday had been to see how late Christian had actually been in contacting his sister.

  There it was … proof positive she had lied to him. Just flat-out lied. Finlay Reid wasn’t thirty, and her birthday wasn’t for another six months. He tossed the file on the bed and ran back to her cabin, throwing the door open before stepping in and slamming it behind him. Finn was up and had already pulled on a pair of socks and a clean blouse, the tail of which just barely covered her red-lace-panty-clad derriere. He was glad she liked red; he meant to ensure her butt was that color before he was done with her.

  “You lied to me,” he said, not trying to moderate the anger surging through his body. He hated to admit it, but his fury at her was fueled partly by arousal and partly by irritation at having been played.

  He could see in her eyes that she knew he was onto her.

  “Yes, I did. And I’d do it again. You want to be pissed, mister ex-special-forces guy, because you fell for some crocodile tears and a soft, modulated voice? Go right ahead. Makes no never mind to me. I’m going after my brother, and if you can’t be of help in that regard, then get the hell out of my way because I’m going without you.”

  “You are not going with me or without me. You’re going to get your cute little butt on that helicopter in the morning and go home. You’re going to wait until I find your brother and then you and he can go on with your lives and leave me the hell out of it.”

  “Don’t blame me because you’re all hot and bothered. If you hadn’t been so quick to tuck me in bed, you might have convinced me take a small break and ease your lust for you. I have to admit, from what I could feel behind your fly, it might have been fun.”

  “You think so? I got news for you, sweetheart. Before I get between your legs and plow that pussy of yours the way it needs, you’ll be calling my name and begging me.”

  “What? Billy? What kind of name is that for a grown man anyway?”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I’m not stupid, Billy,” she spat his name like a curse. “Once Willa turned me down for a straight tracking job, I did my research on the Wild Mustang Security Firm. William Lee Crofton of Atlanta, Georgia. Did they call you Billy Lee? Are you connected to the naval family of the same name as in Admiral William Crofton on the Joint Chief’s staff?”

  “My father.”

  She nodded. “I thought as much. Your service record has a lot of redactions. That tells me you’ve been doing a lot of things they don’t ever want the press and thereby the public to find out. You don’t want me crawling up your ass, Commander Crofton.”

  “Oh fuck. You’re that Finn Reid? I thought you were a guy.”

  “Do you usually get a hard-on and fondle guys’ asses?”

  She was really pushing all his buttons.

  “As I recall, Finn, you didn’t seem to have any objections.”

  “No, I didn’t,” she admitted. “But now I have things to do, and you’re in my way. I’d appreciate it if you’d let me borrow Jasper, as I did pay your firm quite a bit of money. I need to get on my way.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “I’m going after my brother.”

  He shook his head. “The only place you’re going, Finn, is over my knee for what I suspect is a first and long-overdue spanking. Good thing you haven’t put your jeans on yet. Less trouble for me.”

  Croft took her by the hand and propelled her to the bed. He sat, pulling her across his powerful thighs and pressing her upper body down. Rubbing her backside with anticipation, he acknowledged to himself that he’d been wanting to get his hands on her ass since this morning.

  “Don’t you dare. I was willing to overlook those other two times you hit me, but I’ll be damned if I overlook a third.”

  “I didn’t hit you, Finn. Hell, I barely swatted you. You’ve been lying to me since we met, and you lied to my employer before that. Fact is, I’d bet a substantial amount of money that you’re still lying. Are you lying to me, Finn?”

  “Let me up!”

  “No,” he said as he brought his hand down on her still panty-clad buttocks.

  Finn yelped again, more in outrage than pain. He meant to change that.

  His hand descended and landed another smack. Croft decided he didn’t much care for the skimpy lace panties concealing her naked globes from his sight. He tried to tell himself he was going to take them off so he could see the color bloom across her cheeks to ensure she felt his displeasure and discipline but that he did no real, lasting damage. But he knew that wasn’t true. He wanted to feel her naked flesh under his hand … wanted to feel the heat from her spanking radiating across her upturned behind.

  He tugged her panties down past her thighs.

  “No,” she wailed.

  Croft smiled. Her panties were wet, the same slick moisture coating the uppermost portion of her legs. He had yet to really take her to task for deceiving both him and the firm. Croft trailed his finger along the inside of her thigh, liking the feel of her response to him and the softness of her skin.

  Her bottom was perfection. It was round and firm and had never been kissed by the sun. Before this was over, it still would never have known the feel of the sun, but it would know that of his chastisement. He landed the first strike with a considerable amount of intensity, causing her to try desperately to escape his punishment.

  “Stop it, you bastard!” she shrieked.

  Croft moved one of his legs to create space for her legs to go. Before she had a chance to get purchase on the ground, he closed his leg against the back of hers, effectively trapping them within his own. Having her truly at his mercy, he began to wallop her, quickly coloring her backside. After covering the fleshiest part, he then moved down until she was red from her upper thighs to the highest point of her globes and had given over to crying and pleading with him to stop.


  Finn couldn’t believe it. Not only did her derriere feel as though he had lit a fire all over it, her body was awash in arousal. Her nipples were so stiff they hurt, her clit was throbbing, and her cunt was working overtime to produce enough viscous fluidity, she feared she’d start leaking it onto his jeans. This was insane. She did not like pain. She did not like being ordered around. In general, she did not find overly masculine, tough-guy types appealing, but she found the pull of Croft’s authoritarian virility impossible to resist.

  Over and over, his hand moved across her backside, making it heated and tender to the touch. He switched to the apex of her thighs and bottom and landed several hard swats to that sensitive area before moving down to the backs of her upper legs, causing her to cry out again. She squirmed and wriggled, trying to get away from him and also trying desperately to ease the ache of longing he had awakened within her.

  Finally, he brought his hand down on her rump and did not raise it for another strike. He traced the crack of her ass, stopping momentarily to play with her bottom hole. She renewed her struggles. This was not something she’d ever had any interest in, and thank God that, at least, hadn’t changed.

  Croft chuckled as he continued to trail his finger down to her slit only to discover how wet and needy she was before ignoring the entrance to her core and seeking her pleasure bud just above it. He circled and rubbed it, causing her to moan — only this time not in pain. He tugged it and then gave it a little
pinch, and she bucked her hips on his leg, asking wordlessly for relief.

  He moved back to her labia and traced those swollen lips before barely inserting two fingertips into her pulsing sheath, causing her to writhe even more wildly on his lap, as he jammed both inside her and roughly finger fucked her. She was just nearing the peak of ecstasy when his digits were removed, making her cry out in frustration and need.

  “Want me to take care of that for you?” he asked silkily.

  “Yes, please, Croft, do something.”

  “I was doing something. Do you want me to start fingering you again? Or did you want something bigger shoved up your cunt and riding you hard?”

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak, and remembering what he had threatened earlier.

  “You want me to fuck you, Finn?”

  Again, she moved her head to indicate agreement.

  “I should make you beg. I could make you beg, couldn’t I?”

  “Yes, Croft.”

  “As long as we both know that, I’m willing to settle for you asking me nicely.”

  She gritted her teeth. “Croft, please,” she said in her sweetest voice.

  “Please what, Finn? Continue to finger you? Put you on your back and tongue fuck you? What do you want? Be specific and be nice.”

  She swallowed the saliva that was forming in her mouth as well as her pride.

  “Please, Croft, will you fuck me with your cock?”

  He leaned down close to her face. “See? That wasn’t so difficult now, was it? You want me to fuck that wet heat of yours until you’ve come, screaming my name a couple of times before I unload in you? Is that what you want?”

  Finn nodded.

  “I ought to make you say it, but, as stubborn as you are, that could take longer than I’m willing to wait. I’m going to let you up. You get the rest of your clothes off and get up on the bed on your hands and knees. Then I’m going to mount you like a wild stallion takes his mares,” he ordered.

  There it was … an order, and they both knew it. Finn wasn’t sure all she was agreeing to by following it, but she didn’t care. All she knew was that she needed Croft to be plunging in and out of her before he came and filled her with his cum. She needed to feel that hot fluid being pumped from his body into hers.

  He let her up, and she got up on the bed as he drew his sweater over his head and unbuttoned his fly. His long, heavy cock sprang from where it had been contained and pointed straight at the opening he meant to take with it. Croft was actually bigger than any man she’d had, and she wondered if he’d fit. She looked back over her shoulder as he grabbed her hips and drew her back to the edge of the bed. He meant to fuck her standing up — only half-naked, with his boots and spurs still on.

  Finn thought momentarily about rebelling, but Croft parted her legs with his own. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit, getting it slick with the lubricant her body was naturally providing in abundance. His cock had the rigidity that one associated with steel and, steadying her, he drove forward with tremendous force, breaching her in one thrust and causing her to orgasm powerfully from just the act of mounting her.

  He stroked the sides of her body as he rested his staff lodged deep inside her. When her pussy quit spasming along his length, he started to thrust in and out of her. He had complete control and did not allow her to move at all. He stroked her hard and she came again for him … this time calling his name.

  “Again,” he said not bothering to stop or even slow his rhythm.

  He pounded against her — his cock scraped along her interior walls even though she was more than wet enough. Each time he slammed into her buttocks, she was reminded of the spanking he had inflicted before he began to torment her with his exquisite claiming of her body. But each time as he drew back, causing that delicious friction within her, she knew she wanted nothing more in life than to feel him doing this. It felt as though she had been waiting for him since the beginning of time.

  She reveled in the way he plundered all she had to give him. He wrapped one arm around her middle to keep her hips in place but used the other hand to play with her nipples and breasts. The first time he gave her stiffened peak a tug, she screamed his name, and the intensity of her climax surprised her.

  Just when Finn thought she couldn’t endure anymore, she felt him pick up the tempo of his onslaught. He gave a great groan as his cock began shooting his load to the very back of her channel. He plunged hard, settling deep within her as over and over he spurted into her.

  When at last it was over, he carefully withdrew from her, raining kisses all down her spine and fondling her nipples with both hands.

  “Get under the covers, Finn.”

  “Croft, I don’t want you to be angry.”

  “Hush, Finn. We’ll sort it out in the morning before I leave. But, this time, you’re going to tell me everything and then I’m going to find Christian.”

  “I can be ready to go whenever you are.”

  Standing beside the bed, he shrugged out of his jeans and briefs before sitting down to pull off his boots and socks.

  “No, baby, you’re going to wait for the helicopter and go back to Mesa and wait for me. When you get airborne, you tell Avery, the pilot, to take you out to my place. When you get there, you tell Gus to let you in. Willa let me convert an old dairy barn at the back of her spread to live in. You’ll be comfortable there.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  He shook his head as he slipped into bed beside her. “No, you’re not. Tomorrow morning, you’re going to tell me what’s not in the file and then you’re going back to Mesa. I’ll find out what happened to Christian and bring him back there.”

  “You don’t understand …”

  “What I don’t understand is how a woman who just got her ass paddled hard and her pussy hammered until she had nothing left to give me has enough energy left to argue with me. Did you fake that like you did those tears earlier?”

  “No. I thought you weren’t angry anymore.”

  “I’m not angry. As a general rule, once I spank you for whatever you did to deserve it, and fuck you hard, whatever it was that was wrong is put right. We’re back to neutral. But if you lie to me again or disobey me, you’ll earn yourself another trip over my knee. You hear me, Finn?”

  “Yes, Croft,” she said disdainfully.

  “Lose the attitude, Finn. If you can’t fix it, I’m betting another spanking can. I’m tired, and I’ve got a lot of riding to do …” He reached for her and drew her close. “Now, you hush and go to sleep.”

  Finn laid her head on his shoulder and felt his arm slip underneath her and pat her on the ass affectionately. His other hand took hers and closed around it as he shut his eyes. It amazed her that the same hands that had subjected to her to the pain and embarrassment of a spanking could be so tender now that he felt he’d put her in her place. While she appreciated that he wanted to protect her, he was just going to have to understand that she had to protect Christian, and she was the only one who could do that. If Croft was unwilling to allow her to accompany him … then she’d have to go alone.

  Chapter 4

  Finn waited until Croft’s breathing was deep and even. She loosened his hold on her hand and, when that didn’t wake him, eased out of bed. She put on her bra and donned a T-shirt as well as her socks and jeans in the cabin. She continued to monitor him, and when she was convinced he was still asleep, she grabbed her boots and sweater, retrieving the flash drive in the toe and once again tucking it into her bra next to her heart for safekeeping.

  She eased the door shut behind her then pulled on her boots and her sweater as the canyon floor had yet to be warmed by the sun. Finn ran to the barn, grateful they had left the saddlebags with the saddle. She pulled Jasper out of his stall and got him ready to go. She climbed on, wincing and catching her breath as her bruised backside hit the saddle. She pointed him toward the river expecting him to be stubborn, or at least want to hang back, but Jasper pic
ked up an easy, ground-covering trot and, once she could see the trail along the river was stable, flat, and wide, she smooched to him, and he increased his speed to a rocking-chair type lope. Finn grinned, Jasper was proving to be an excellent mount. She reached back and patted his rump and laughed as he wiggled his ears as if enjoying it. When she reached forward to rub his neck, he responded the same way.

  After an hour, Finn slowed Jasper to a jog-trot and was again surprised by how comfortable he was to ride. She figured right about now Croft was waking up and, within minutes, he would know she had left and would come looking for her. Her only hope was to be so far removed from Phantom Ranch, he’d have no choice but to call off the helicopter and take her with him. If push came to shove, she’d have to come clean about everything.

  Finn wondered when pissing Croft off had gone from not liking confrontation and wanting to avoid another spanking, to actually not wanting to hide things from him and building something. She shook her head to clear it. First things first: she needed to save Christian. Making amends with Croft would have to come later.


  As Croft began to wake, he was surprised not to feel Finn beside him. He’d had the most sensual dreams. In some, he relived the feel of her over his knee as he spanked her; in others, how she had felt on her knees in front of him as he’d plowed her pussy. But the best ones had been of all the things he dreamed of doing to and with her. The latter had caused him to become erect and wake.

  Before he opened his eyes, he had reached for her to pull her underneath him. His eyes shot open as he realized not only was she not next to him, the place in the bed where she had slept was cold, and the sun was far higher than he thought it should be. As there was no cell phone coverage, Croft glanced at his watch. Shit!

  He pulled on his jeans and boots, grabbed the rest of his clothes, and got dressed with the same speed and precision he had as a SEAL. He ran up to the pay phone and placed a call back to the office.

  “Wild Mustang Security. How can we help?”


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