Book Read Free

Stealing the Bad Boy

Page 11

by Emma St Clair

  Like the three guys she was supposed to go out with this week.

  The thought made Sy burn even hotter. He blasted the A/C, turning the vents so they were directed right at his face and neck, but it did nothing. He couldn’t stop picturing Amy with some other guy. The very idea made him nauseated.

  Sy dragged a hand through his hair. He came here thinking about Delia, about making things right and then asking her to the charity prom. Not even two full days later and Sy was thinking about kissing Amy and putting his contract at risk to do something nice for her.

  He should probably slow down.

  At the same time, Sy wanted to go all in, right now. He should have told her how he felt. It wasn’t fair for him to ask her to cancel her date tonight without giving her some kind of commitment.

  But am I ready to make a commitment right now?

  Sy turned this question over in his mind. His gut said yes. But it had to be too soon to know that. He thought about Chad’s advice, to be impulsive about the right things. Surely, a relationship was too big of a thing to make a snap decision about. He didn’t need a call with Chad to tell him that.

  If he was going to lay it all on the line, Sy wanted to do things right. To take his time. Amy deserved that. But it felt like some giant clock was ticking down in Sy’s mind. He had less than a week here with Amy.

  Katy wasn’t such a far drive from San Antonio, but with his schedule, even three hours was a lot. The off-season was coming up, but he still had team commitments for the next few months. It felt like right now was all he had.

  Breathe, man. Breathe.

  A few more circles around the block and Sy felt calmer. He didn’t need to figure things out today. As he pulled into the driveway of the bed-and-breakfast, he noticed leaves and debris sticking out of the gutters. Cleaning gutters had been one of his chores at home in the spring. He should ask Amy if she had a ladder.

  No—he would be in so much trouble with the team if he got injured falling off a ladder helping clean out gutters.

  Worth it. Totally worth it.

  As Sy walked up to the bed-and-breakfast, he checked the time. He didn’t know with certainty what to do about Amy, but without a doubt, he was going to do his best to scare off her date.

  Twenty minutes later, Sy lumbered down the stairs and found Amy in the kitchen with a mug of coffee. Her eyes widened, and she choked, spitting coffee into the sink. Sy grinned and patted her on the back. She pulled away, glaring at him.

  “You okay, Ames?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “What do you mean?” Sy casually leaned a hip against the counter, loving the way Amy’s eyes roved over his arms and chest, like she couldn’t help staring.

  She gestured to his body. “This! What are you wearing?”

  Sy grinned. “I’m going for a run after I see you off. These are my workout clothes.”

  When Sy went shopping the day before, he’d picked up a couple of athletic shorts and sports tanks, a pair of which he wore now. He couldn’t be blamed if the store didn’t carry his size. The tank showed every muscle in his abs and chest, leaving his shoulders and biceps bare.

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He blinked innocently.

  “Sy, you know exactly what’s wrong with it. I know you said you wanted to be my date-vetter, but this might be a little extreme.”

  “Nope. It’s perfect.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Look, if this guy can’t handle this, you shouldn’t date him.”

  Amy rolled her eyes and put her mug in the sink. “I can’t think of a guy who wouldn’t run screaming for the door after seeing you.”

  “Are you saying you find me attractive?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I’m saying that you have the body of a professional athlete. It would intimidate most normal guys.”

  “You didn’t answer the question.”

  “Go change.”


  The doorbell rang, and Amy’s eyes went wide. Sy smirked. “Guess we’ll see if he runs or stays.”


  She squealed and raced around the counter, but Sy grabbed her by the arms. He held her in place. Their gazes locked, and if the doorbell hadn’t rung again, he would have been tempted to kiss her.

  “You’re waiting here, Ames. No arguments.”

  “Ugh. Fine.” As the kitchen door swung shut behind him, she called out, “Be nice!”

  Right. Nice wasn’t the word he would use.

  Sy pulled open the front door quickly, making the tall guy on the front door jump back. With his arms crossed over his chest, Sy stared him down. The man had wavy blond hair and a trimmed beard. He wore a button-down shirt tucked into jeans with red Adidas sneakers.

  He blinked at Sy in confusion, shifting from foot to foot. “Um, I’m here to pick up Amy? Is this the right house?”


  Sy knew he was pushing this, but he couldn’t help it. This was too much fun. Plus, every instinct he had made him want to chase this guy down the street.

  To his credit, the guy didn’t run. “Well, is Amy here? I’m Brandon.”

  Sy grunted. “Brandon what?”

  “Brandon Trellis.”

  Enjoying this way more than he should, Sy leaned casually against the doorframe, his biceps bulging. “And what are your plans this evening with Amy?”

  Brandon squinted up at him. “Are you her brother or something?”

  “Not her brother.”

  A hand grasped Sy’s arm, trying to pull him back in the house. He refused to budge and looked down to see Amy glaring up at him. The corners of his lips twitched, but he kept his serious expression.

  “Or something,” Amy muttered, glancing at Brandon. She ducked under Sy’s arm when he didn’t move and stepped onto the porch. “Sorry about him.”

  Watching Amy shake Brandon’s hand, Sy had to fight not to physically get between them or drag her back in the house. He had never felt like this before, and the urge to claim Amy felt raw and primal. He hated everything about this. Irrational or not, he didn’t want this guy—or any guy—near Amy.

  Brandon grinned at Amy, clearly trying to ignore Sy. “Are you ready to go?”


  When Brandon held out his arm and Amy hooked hers through it, Sy felt it like a punch to the gut. He swallowed the thickness in his throat as they turned away. Brandon said something low and Amy laughed. This was torture, plain and simple. Sy thought it would be fun to mess with Amy’s dates, but the joke was on him. Instead, it was completely messing with him.

  He watched them walk down the sidewalk.

  Watched as stupid, bearded Brandon opened Amy’s door, smiling down at her as she got in.

  Watched as they drove off, Amy not glancing back even once.

  Sy went for a run to keep from punching something. He should have said more at the end of their date. Half-heartedly telling her she could cancel her dates wasn’t the same as telling her that he had real feelings and wanted to see where things could go between them. He had been a coward, and now Amy was out with someone else.

  The emptiness in his gut threatened to consume him. It was official. Sy had fallen fast and fallen hard. Now he needed to decide what to do about it. He knew one thing: he had come home to Katy to deal with past regrets.

  He wouldn’t leave with a new one.

  Chapter Twelve


  If Sy had wanted to ruin all other dates forever, he had accomplished his goal. Amy sat next to Boring Brandon, trying really hard to listen to what he was saying about … something. She had no idea. For the last ten minutes, he had been talking and Amy had been nodding, while replaying every detail of her date with Sy in her head.

  Amy couldn’t complain about Brandon’s choice for dinner and a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse. It was like the quintessential first date. Dinner and a movie, but together. It saved time and would also keep talking to a minimum once the movie started.

couldn’t happen fast enough, as far as Amy was concerned.

  Brandon couldn’t help the fact that there was zero chemistry between them. At least, on her side. Even if she hadn’t gone out with Sy first, Amy didn’t think she would have been enjoying herself. But Sy had set the bar atmospherically high, and no one else could compete. Maybe ever.

  Meanwhile, Brandon seemed to be on another date in a parallel universe, because the way he kept turning to smile at Amy told her that he was having a great time. She was either a great actress or he was totally oblivious. He didn’t notice that she was a million miles away.

  More like, a dozen miles away and with another man.

  A man who made her feel like the only woman in the world a few hours ago. Guilt threaded through her thoughts. Sy hadn’t even looked at another woman while they were on their date, despite the women who kept eyeing him. And yet here Amy was with another guy. It wasn’t fair to Sy or to Brandon.

  “So, Amy.”

  Brandon saying her name dragged her back to the moment. She hoped there wasn’t going to be a pop quiz at the end of this date because she would fail miserably.

  “Do you want to explain why a pro football player answered the door when I came to pick you up?”

  “You recognized him?”

  Brandon grinned. “I’m a huge Mustangs fan.”

  “Right—you lived in San Antonio until a few years ago.” She at least remembered that fact. “It’s kind of a long story, but the quick version is that Sy is an old friend.”

  “Friend, huh?” Brandon took a sip of water. “He seemed awfully territorial.”

  Did he, now?

  The thought thrilled Amy. Sure, she acted annoyed at Sy’s big show at the door, but seeing him go all alpha male had been … well. There weren’t words for how much it affected her to see him that way.

  Amy had done her best not to give herself away, but it would have shocked her if Sy didn’t feel her temperature rising as she pushed by him to get to … Brandon. Who was still waiting for her answer.

  “I think maybe he sees me as a little sister?” The words didn’t taste right, and Amy felt her lip curl. They must not have sounded right either, because Brandon’s eyebrows shot up.

  “A sister? Really? I wasn’t getting that vibe. At all.”

  “Oh.” Amy looked down at her half-finished pizza, hoping her hair would cover the blush she felt rising in her cheeks.

  Thankfully the server stopped by for the last call on drinks and food before the movie.

  “You sure you don’t want anything else?” Brandon asked her. “A beer? They have a really fantastic microbrew aged in whiskey barrels.”

  “Not really a beer girl,” she said.

  Brandon shook his head. “You’re missing out.”

  You’re right. I’m missing out on being with a better date.

  Amy relaxed when the lights dimmed, and the previews started. Now she could at least sit in silence and try to enjoy the movie. Which was unfortunately a romantic comedy.

  Brandon had already purchased the tickets when he picked her up. Which meant either he chose the movie based on the profile Delia created for Amy on the app, or Brandon actually liked rom-coms.

  Or—and this was the one Amy hoped wasn’t true—he thought it would set the tone for the date.

  She sat stiffly, trying to keep her arms tucked in. The seats were roomy, but every few minutes, Brandon shifted in his seat, moving closer. Trying to be discreet, Amy inched further away every time he encroached. It was like a slow-motion game of chess.

  Leaning awkwardly over the empty seat to her right was going to lead to an aching back. Thinking about her back led her thoughts to Sy, and how he’d requested a massage when he checked in.

  Should she offer one? The thought of having an excuse to touch Sy for a long period of time sent a shiver through her.

  Would he keep his shirt on? Or off? Were the muscles under his shirt as big and imposing as she imagined them to be?

  Brandon leaned closer. “Are you cold?”

  “I’m fine,” she whispered softly, hoping he wasn’t going to put his arm around her. Brandon. She was on a date with Brandon. And probably shouldn’t be thinking about Sy’s bare chest anyway. Nope.

  “I’m loving this so far! You?”

  “Mm-hm.” She didn’t even know the characters’ names.

  “What do you think about—”

  “Shh!” Someone from behind shushed him, and Amy had to stifle a giggle. Brandon turned back to the screen.

  Poor Brandon. He’d probably make some other girl happy. A girl who liked beards and microbrews and talking through romantic comedies.

  Amy preferred … Sy. Just Sy. Not because of any of his attributes, but the sum of his whole.

  The million-dollar question was: Did he feel the same way?

  With so little to compare it to, Amy kept second-guessing herself. He seemed interested even from the moment he recognized her on the porch of the bed-and-breakfast. Their conversations were full of teasing and flirting. He asked her on a date and definitely gave her more-than-friends vibes.

  But what did she know?

  If he liked her, wouldn’t he have kissed her at the end of their date? Hand-holding had been nice, and occasionally Sy had touched her lower back, like when they’d walked into the restaurant. On the mini-golf course, he had tugged at a strand of her hair playfully.

  Despite the way Amy’s body reacted to every touch, none of those small gestures took her out of the friend zone the way a kiss would have. She wouldn’t be sitting here wondering about Sy’s intentions if he’d kissed her. She also wouldn’t be on this date.

  Her thoughts caused her to miss Brandon’s latest move closer, and before she could stop him, he grabbed her hand. He grinned like he knew he had won the game they were playing.

  Check, Brandon. But not checkmate.

  As Amy tried to figure out a way to disentangle herself from his grip, she understood how Sy felt with Delia clinging to him the other night at her mom’s house. It wasn’t that easy to say no when someone was pushy. Hopefully, Sy had already talked to Delia, the way she needed to talk to Brandon.

  A moment later, Amy tugged her hand away and took a drink of her soda, keeping it in her hand after. Not the most comfortable position, but it kept Brandon at bay until the credits finally rolled on what had to be the longest movie ever made.

  Amy’s stomach began fluttering at the idea of getting back to the house. And Sy.

  Brandon fell in step beside her as they walked to his car. He nudged her shoulder with his. Whatever cologne he used hit her like a splash of pine cleaner. Amy sneezed.

  “Bless you. Are you up for some coffee? Dessert? A walk? The weather has been so great this week.”

  Amy resisted an eye roll. Yes, the weather had been great. Balmy for Christmas. Something they established on the car ride to the movie theater. She thought of the word yawn over and over in her head until her body complied, and she actually yawned as Brandon was opening the car door for her.

  “Man. I’m tired. I should get back.”

  “Are the holidays usually busy for a bed-and-breakfast?”

  “This week I’m full,” she said, conveniently leaving out the fact that she was full because one particular person had rented out all the rooms.

  Amy’s heart sped up just thinking about Sy. Would he be waiting for her when they got home? Would he be watching to make sure Brandon was a gentleman at the end of the date?

  She was already thinking about how she would escape any attempts at a good-night kiss from Brandon. There was no way she would let Brandon be her first kiss.

  And if Sy was watching, Brandon might end up with a black eye if he attempted it.

  “Is Sy LaMarque staying there now?”

  “He is.”

  “And you said you were old friends?”

  “I’ve known him since I was in middle school. He lived next door.”

  “And you’re just friends?” T
hey were at a stoplight, and Brandon leveled her with a look that told her he did not buy it.

  Amy tried to figure out how to respond honestly but struggled to find the right words. That’s what she’d been wondering all night. Are we just friends? Or does he feel something more, the same way I do?

  When she didn’t answer right away, Brandon gave her a half smile. “It’s complicated, huh?”

  Amy chuckled. “That’s maybe the best word to describe it.”

  Conversation faltered after that. Thankfully, Brandon didn’t try to hold her hand during the car ride, but he did insist on walking her to the door. She had to stifle a giggle at the way he scanned the bushes and then the porch, like he expected Sy to come jumping out at any moment. It wouldn’t really be surprising.

  She hoped more than a little bit that Sy would swoop in and save her from this goodbye.

  “Well,” Brandon said, smiling at her in a way that made her realize that he did not, in fact, realize the lack of chemistry, “how about we try round two next week? Maybe after Christmas when all your guests are gone?”

  Meaning Sy, obviously. Amy gave him a small smile. “I really don’t think—”

  Running footsteps caught her attention just as Sy’s voice called out to them. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything!”

  Amy turned and tried to keep her jaw from hitting the ground. Sy jogged up to the front sidewalk and jumped the stairs to the porch, stopping right next to Brandon and Amy.



  And with a million-watt smile aimed right at her.

  Amy couldn’t stop staring. The pull toward him felt almost gravitational, like she couldn’t resist if she tried. It wasn’t just all the muscles on display, which looked inhumanly perfect, but at the way Sy smiled at her. It was a full smile, but contained something of a smirk, like he knew exactly what he was doing right now. Which he clearly did.

  Brandon flicked a nervous glance Amy’s way and then patted her on the shoulder before dashing off the porch. “I had a lovely time!” he called.


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