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Collaring the Saber-Tooth

Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

  She leaned back into his arms. “He doesn’t like the bright light. At least the last time I was close enough to him.” She sighed.

  “He could go out in the sun, but still took care to cover his skin. You now carry my blood to. There is something in it that Randolph wants, but I still haven’t figure out what it is.” Maya reached to a glass enclosure and ran her hand over the top of it.

  “If I’m right, he was hoping you were his meru.” She stepped out of his arms and faced him. “I really have two other mates?”

  He picked up a spear. Old blood coated along the twine that held the rock tip. “Yes, and they can’t wait to meet you.”

  “That was my father’s.” She ran her hand over the muscles of his arm.

  “I remember him and my uncles hunting. We always had plenty to eat and shared with others. We have other things he wanted. Our people were also what the humans call witches.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “You smell so good. Only our mate can partake in our flair. That is one of the reasons I can only drink A negative and, well, your blood too. It’s also the reason Randolph was so furious when he found out. My father hoped to stop the slaughter. He tried to explain this to Randolph, but it only set him into a further rage.” She traced the spear with her finger.

  “He vowed to my father that no man would benefit from our race. If he couldn’t use the flair, no one would, and he made good on that promise. Well, except for me.” Maya strolled over to a roll top desk and picked up a long scroll.

  She turned and tossed it to him. “This was Randolph’s. I came very close to him about sixty years ago. He evacuated his household leaving everything, knowing I was close. The only thing I found that was worth anything was what you hold. It explains why he is so nervous about me finding him and why he didn’t want any others to have my people’s gift.”

  “There is something we are missing here. Randolph would not be afraid of her. If anything, he would have taken her. She is small and could easily be taken,” Warden stated.

  “Excuse me, but you have no idea who I am or what I’m capable of!” Maya snapped, and turned to glare at Akaos. “Who does he think he is? None of you know me and what I can and can’t do.”

  The thought of her facing Randolph by herself made him turn away from her so she wouldn’t see the creature come close to the surface. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists waiting till he was able to control himself once more.

  He turned to see Maya lift a fragile, torn, and bloody stained blanket up to her face. Her hands shook as she held the small child blanket.

  “My mom used to say that no one should judge anyone else until they are willing to walk in their shoes.. My mother was making this for my baby sister. She was only two months old when they drained her. I can still smell my mother on it sometimes.” Her eyes were filled with tears when she looked up at him.

  “I haven’t judged any of you and have been trying to work my mind around the idea of having three of you, but when you make judge me when you don’t even know me…” She shook her head and turned away from him.

  He placed the scroll down and wrapped his arms around her. Akaos gently took the blanket out of her hands and set it aside as he turned her to face him.

  “I am sorry my words hurt you. See, I told you I would hurt her,” Warden snapped. Before Akaos could say a word to him, the connection was gone.

  “Akaos, I believe it would best if Warden came to you now,” Tesuss said.

  She stiffened in his arms. “He needs me?”

  “Yes, more so than any of us. Warden was very close to giving up on everything, but then we found him. Our bond has helped, but I’m afraid only you can truly bring him back to his normal self, to make him whole.” He kissed the side of her neck.

  “It won’t be easy, Maya. He’s going to be even more possessive than I am. He won’t be able to leave your side for a while. It won’t be easy. At times he reverts back to the animal form we were pieced with.”

  “He needs us, then send for him.” She turned in his arms. “I can’t promise anything and I’m scared, but I will try.”

  “Tesuss, the both of you should come.” He rubbed the top his chin on her head.

  “I cannot right now. I’ll explain when I see you, but I will make sure he comes. Be prepared.”

  “Yes, you will. Warden will be here soon. Thank you for the gift, but we don’t need your magic, just your love and trust. Only the young of our kind have trouble, but then it’s just an annoyance for them. For the Vampire, I’m sure it would be a precious gift. Come. Let’s leave this place, where there is so much sadness. The night is young. Why don’t we go enjoy it? Allow me to dim those memories.” Akaos scooped her up into his arms. One minute they were in her home, the next outside among the stars.

  She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “What is wrong with Warden? Did I do something to irritate him?”

  “No, you did nothing to irritate me. Please forgive my words if they hurt you.” Warden stepped out of the darkness. His eyes were still red.

  “Your eyes Warden. Maya this is our medic I believe you say.” He lowered her feet to the ground and waited for Warden to step forward.

  Maya held out her hand. “Please I’m scared enough.”

  He stepped out of the shadows and she trembled when Warden took her hand lifting it to his mouth and kissing each finger. “You are beautiful. I’d given up all hope of ever finding you Please forgive me.” Warden’s voice was barely understandable through the little growls he was making.

  Even though Warden was taller than Akaos, he wrapped his arm around the new man’s shoulder and squeezed him tight. “I’ve missed you. We are whole now, Warden. Maya is not going anywhere. We were just going for a run. Join us. It’s been ages since someone has run beside me and now I have the both of you here.” He grinned and dimmed the memories in her head. The lines of pain around her eyes lightened.

  Warden added his healing touch and at once both of them could see the stiffness slowly disappear from her body.

  “It’s great to meet you, Warden. Please be patient with me. I’ve been alone for so long.” She reached up and cupped his chin. “I can only shift into my cat.” Her eyes sparked and Maya changed there in their arms, a rare talent for any species.

  They laughed and shifted, surprising her. Both he and Warden were twice her size, their colors darker. Akaos rubbed against her on one side while Warden took the other side. He turned his head to nip her butt.

  “See if you can keep up, my Cat de mica.”

  Maya stretched and he could have sworn he saw the heat in her eyes. “Eat my dust, you old geezers.” She took off and laughed.

  “Are you going to tell me what you keep calling me?” She head butted Warden’s side, shocking him with her play, before she took off to the right.

  But Warden was not about to allow her to get away. He pounced on her before she could get away from them and pinned her to the ground where proceeded to lick her face. It was the first time he’d seen Warden actually have fun.

  “He has been calling you “My Little Cat”. Now that I have you, Little Cat, and you are ours.” Warden jumped up and out of the way before her paw could connect with his side. He laughed at her. His tail switched back and forth.

  Her laugh warmed his heart as she chased after him. For the next hour they kept her busy, while Anthony and Lacey questioned the guard, Tim. Tonight he didn’t want her near death. She needed to laugh and relax as much as Warden did. He would allow those under him to show their worth.

  Shifting back to her human form, Maya sat at the end of the pier. She let her feet dangle

  over the edge of the dock. “This is one of my favorite places to come when I’ve had a rough night. I’ve even swam here. Once we even made it across to the other side.” She smiled up at him as they both kneeled behind her. “Thank you, both of you. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to actually enjoy myself.”

  “I don’t want t
o hear about you doing things like swimming across the channel,” he snarled and tugged on her hair. The things he’d seen her do in the past scared the shit out of him and he knew he would have to bend some to keep her happy.

  “You’ve already given me so much in this one hour that I can’t thank you enough. I feel hope for the first time in a long time.” Warden leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

  She smiled at Warden. “I’ve done nothing.” Her gaze turned to his. “You let Anthony and Lacey question Tim didn’t you? Do you trust Anthony enough?” He held out his hand, standing. She placed her smaller hand in his and faced both of them.

  “Anthony is very close to me and one of the few I would trust with your friend.” He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. She stiffened at first, but then relaxed in his arms.

  “I’ve known Anthony for a while. He is one of the first I’ve brought over. He was dying when I found him. In a way, he is my great grandson.” He looked down into her face when she burst out laughing.

  “Now, I know you two are too old for me! Great grandson! How many children do you have running around? I sure don’t want to be called Grandma,” she teased and slipped out of his arms.

  They both stood there at the dock and watch her run back towards her home. “Oh yea, thought you’d like to know. I’m not involved with anyone right now,” Maya laughed as they both snarled and shifted on the run.

  Their woman was a powerhouse and a surprise. Not one to let his woman get the best of him, Akaos shifted and took after her with Warden right next to him. Her laughter filled their heads as she teased them.

  Akaos was so focused on what she said he ran right into her backside.

  Shifting instantly, Warden caught her before she fell. That’s when he smelled something odd. “Get her inside now!” he ordered and changed as he turned to the East where the scent lingered.

  She snarled and pushed out of Warden’s arms, taking off running before he could grab hold of her. Maya was on a mission and no one was going to stop her, not even them.

  “Not going to happen, my heart. I’m sorry. I can’t allow this,” Warden said. With speed only known for his kind, he scooped her up. Warren transported Maya into the safety of her home while Akaos turned to deal with Randolph.

  “I know you’re here, Randolph. You hide like a child. I would have thought you’d grow tired of these games by now. Come to me. We have unfinished business.” He moved silently, but quickly back to where he has last caught the scent.

  “You are too old and slow. Tell me, have you bedded her too? Do you know she has this little mole right under her left breast? Of course my men loved trying to bite it off of her when they played with her. She was a wild one.” Randolph stopped, hearing the roar coming towards him, Warden returning.

  Bones shifted, wings spread out behind him and he grew to his true mass and height. Randolph hissed and rushed toward Akaos and Warden.

  Warden had landed one shoot to his stomach. Akaos’s clawed hand was only inches from Randolph’s face as he flew by them before he disappeared. “This isn’t over! Keep her close or I’ll make sure you lose her for good.”

  His words echoed into the night. The sound of Warden’s breath near his back had Akaos yank the man to him and kiss him hard. He pushed his tongue through his lips and growled. All the pent up anger and lust he had bottled up inside, he now showered Warden with. Without a word, he broke the kiss and guided Warden to his cock. “Suck it, and Warden don’t ever step between me and someone I’m confronting.” He glared down at his bonded while the man he took the edge off.

  Warden’s mouth wrapped around his cock and almost swallowed it. “That’s it! God, I’ve missed you.” It didn’t take long before Warden was drinking his seed.

  “Thank you.” Akaos hugged him tight. “It’s going to be okay Warden, we won’t let any harm come to her.”

  That is when the last piece fell into place. He suddenly recognized the voice pattern and the faded scent of Randolph’s second man, Drang. That it hadn’t been Randolph stunned him for only a second before he turned toward Maya’s home…


  * * * *

  Maya was furious that Akaos and Warden had refused to allow her stay. Warden moved with speed that amazed and frightened her. He’d carried her all the way back to the house, ran his hand through her fur gently, set barriers so she couldn’t follow him back and took off so fast no one had seen him move. She roared with frustration. Her sisters knew they’d been breached. Their cries filled the night as alarms sounded in all parts of the building. Each one of them was on the hunt for the intruders and there were more than one in her home.

  Anthony and Lacey stood to her side in the family room and waited as she shifted. “Damn it, how could they do this to me?” She threw up her hands and glared at Anthony.

  He stepped back. “Akaos is law unto himself, Maya. I’ve never seen him so protective of anyone.”

  She hissed. “I don’t need protection. We’re supposed to do this together. He lied to me.” Maya stomped out of the room and down the corridor making her way towards the kitchen. With her cat senses, Maya stopped. The same scent from earlier, but stronger, drew her away from the kitchen.

  She circled around and made her way back to her private quarters. The scent grew stronger and the hair on her arms and back of her neck stood up. Her enemy was very close.

  Not even bothering to shift, she moved on quiet feet towards her treasure room. She’d left it open earlier. Everything she cherished was in that room. Sleek like the large cat she was, Maya turned the corner. Randolph’s tall frame filled the doorway, ready for her.

  He smiled, holding the scrolls. “Thank you. I’ve been looking for these.”

  The monster she remembered rushed forward and shoved her against the wall. He sniffed the air around her. “I smell him on you.”

  His arm pushed against her neck, cutting off her air as he rubbed his cock up and down on her. “Maybe I should take you with me. Oh, that’s right, I already took this pussy and so did my men.” He laughed, but his laugh was an echo.

  With the pressure from her neck gone, she could actually breathe. He’d disappeared before she could do anything.

  Furious at herself, Maya shifted and ran for her private tunnel. “Lacey, escort our

  company out. It’s late and I don’t want to see them right now. The threat is gone, but he got what he wanted.”

  “Do you need me?” Lacey sounded worried.

  “No, my friend I just need time alone.” Maya ran through the tunnel at full speed. She was dirty again. He’d gotten through her security, and touched her. Her roar filled the tunnel and she knew it would reach her family, but she didn’t care. How could she protect her family, if she couldn’t even protect herself? He was too powerful and he’d only been playing with her after all these years. They were right. She was just a game to him.

  She stopped and plopped down on the cool cement floor. Her breathing was hard and fast, and her tears wet her fur. How did he get in and know where everything was? Akaos was the only one she’d been with. She’d been in his mind and he was the only one who knew about her room. Maya paced back and forth.

  “Then someone from within was in cahoots him, but who?” Once more she took off running, different scenarios going through her head. The cooler air blew against her fur when she breached the exit of the building.

  Maya ran towards the end of the pier, needing to think. Someone she trusted betrayed her, but who? The water, the coolness of it, was just what she needed. She flew off the end of the pier waiting to hit the water, but nothing.

  Strong arms slid around the middle of the big cat and carried her back to the pier, Akaos.

  “What do you think you are doing?” He shook her as if she didn’t weight anything. Warden paced back and before behind him, glaring at her. “Shift now,” he ordered, holding her. His body blazed with power and it flowed into her, forcing her to shift.

  She roare
d and tried to yank out of his arms, but he was stronger and furious. “I will not repeat myself. You are testing me…” His nose touched hers. “I usually kill those who test me, but you I’ll spank!”

  Maya groaned. He just had to say those words, when she was furious with them both. She showed her large teeth once more before she shifted. “You have no right. I need to think and to think I swim!” she snapped.

  He flipped her over his shoulder and smacked her ass hard. “We have bigger problems. Randolph and his gang know how to get into your place now. You and your family are not safe.” Akaos applied his extreme speed and she groaned.

  “Could you please warn me before you do that?” Maya didn’t even acknowledge the slap on her ass, because she knew damn well he would be able to see how much it turned her on.

  Sliding her body down his, Maya stared into his eyes and traced her fingers down his cheek. “Orange, your eyes are orange when you’re mad?” she said.

  “And other strong emotions.” He took her hand and nipped on one of her fingers. “You and your family can’t stay here. Someone knows the layout and the alarms.” He frowned and hugged her tighter and sniffed around her.

  “He touched you,” Akaos wrapped his hand around her hair and tugged her head back. “Did he hurt you?”

  She hissed and tried to pull out of his arms, but he held her tight. “No he didn’t hurt me this time.” She held his gaze. “He’s been playing me. You knew it, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. As I told you before, his powers are beyond anything you know. Have your family pack their things. All of you are coming with us tonight. Tomorrow, we can come back here, and work on your security.” He kissed her before releasing her to Warden’s arms.

  Warden lifted her up and hugged her tight. “He’s dead. No one touches you but us.” He nibbled his way down her neck, but stopped when her pain-filled words came out.


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