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Collaring the Saber-Tooth

Page 8

by Trinity Blacio

  “I’m being very patient. Please do not touch this man. I can see he finds you very attractive, and we do not want to do something that would anger you,” Akaos stated and she nodded.

  “If all goes well, I’m hoping we’ll be back two to three weeks tops.” She smiled, but Dan still frowned at them.

  “Damn it, Maya we need you here. With you here at least we have a chance of catching whatever this is.”

  Anthony stepped over to Dan and held out his hand. “Mr. Edward, I can assure you, I will have my top trackers on this while we are away. I have also informed my man, Ronald Brakeman, to work with you until we come back. He has a total of fifteen trained men under him who will be of help.” Anthony took a quick peek at her and winked.

  “I’m afraid I can’t let you go on your little trip without me.” Anthony’s attention zeroed onto Lacey’s. “Plus, I do have to make certain a small kitty does not get hurt.”

  Lacey didn’t say a word to him. She refused to look his way at all. “We really do need to get going, Maya. The jet is ready.” Lacey nodded to their sisters who all moved towards the front of the estate. What she took as part of Akaos family followed behind them, leaving her with the three males.

  “Dan, you have my cell phone number, but if you can’t reach me, you know what to do if it’s an emergency.” Maya stepped forward and stared at Dan.

  “I mean it, Dan. Don’t take any chances, because if I even hear about you getting hurt or worse, this little kitty will be furious.” She smiled. “I made a promise to your father, and I keep my promises. Or at least, I try too.”

  Dan sighed and reached out to her, but stopped. “Maya, my father’s death was not your fault. My mother knows this and so does the rest of my family. Stop punishing yourself.” He turned to Akaos. “And you two. I don’t give a shit about what you claim. If you hurt Maya, I’ll hunt you down and slice you into pieces. She’s family.” With that Dan yanked her into his arms and hugged her. Ignoring the growls behind them, he kissed her forehead. “Stay safe Maya, and be happy.”

  He stepped back and released her.

  “I’ve kind of grown accustomed to your nagging,” Maya teased, but there were tears in her eyes. “Tell your mom I’ll call her tomorrow.”

  She turned around. Both Warden and Akaos were at her side. As she started to walk away, she noticed the same man who attacked her stood behind them. Standing next to him was a very tall, beautiful, and full figured woman who looked extremely pissed.

  She tapped her foot on the ground and glared at the man who now sported a swollen eye. “Ranr Volun!”

  Akaos and Warden laughed. “My mother just called my father an animal on our world, something like your pig. I’ll introduce you and don’t worry. My father has been warned not to touch you again.” He rubbed her arm trying to comfort her.

  “I will make sure your friend is protected, Maya. I see how important he is to you. He will be included in our circle,” Akaos declared and stepped forward as she stayed put.

  He frowned and regarded her over his shoulder. “What is wrong?”

  Maya was never afraid of anyone, but the thought of meeting these two people- two alien people sent her emotions into a tail spin. She’d been alone so long Maya didn’t know if she could do this.

  * * * *

  The whirlwind of emotions not only swirled in her eyes, but in her mind. Their Little Cat was scared and nervous. He stepped in front of her and blocked the view of his parents.

  Warden’s arms slipped around her and he hugged her tight. “Maya look at me,” Akaos gently coaxed and waited for her to gather herself as he took her hands in his.

  Her hand trembled as she brushed back a long piece of her hair. “I can do this, but don’t expect a lot Akaos. I’m not used to family and it seems mine keeps getting bigger and bigger. I’m used to being alone. Thank you for including Dan in your protection.” She tried to smile, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  “I almost wish I was human. At least I would know what to expect when one meets the parents. Here these people could kill me in an instant,” she mumbled the last part with her head down as she stared at the ground.

  “No one is going to kill you, Maya.” Akaos’ mother stepped up next to them and took hold of one of Maya’s hands.

  “I’m sorry my husband hurt you. It won’t happen again, ever. My name is Caurla. Maybe one day you will feel comfortable enough to call me Sora.” His mother looked at him. “What is the word I’m looking for Anguar?”

  Akaos smiled. “Mother,you must remember here on Earth I’m called, Akaos.”

  She shook her head. “We named you Anguar and I will not call you something else.”

  Maya grinned. “Why do I have the feeling your mother runs the household?”

  “Because I let her think she does. I am Jericho, Anguar’s father” The man who had accosted her earlier moved behind his wife, his gaze held hers.

  “I am truly sorry, but Anguar is the first to find his meru, his mate, and I wanted to make sure it was true.”

  Akaos stepped to her other side, his one hand twined with hers as he squeezed it.

  Her small body shook a little, but she smiled at both Warden and Akaos as they pressed against her, comforting her again. “I can understand the need to protect, but asking is the considerate thing to do. Did you find anything interesting while you were in there?” Her attention was once more on Akaos father.

  “Maya, hurry up. We have to get going!” Lacey yelled from the main compound and Maya smiled at him. “Sorry, but she has this little quirk about being on time.”

  “I heard that! Somebody has to, as you always have to be late!” Lacey strolled back into the private yard smiling. “We’re all waiting. I swear, it’s like a convoy out there. Anthony has at least ten limos filled with people. Glad your jet is big.”

  They all laughed and headed towards the cars which were all lined up. Lacey wasn’t kidding.

  “Don’t think I don’t know she did that on purpose. You just wanted to get away from my father.” He swatted her behind, but she ignored him.

  “Lacey will you show my parents to our limo. We need a moment with Maya?” Akaos swept her up and moved to one of the park benches, sitting. Warden stood in front of them watching and guarding.

  “Are you going to tell me what you have been trying to hide so hard from us? Nothing you say is going to make any difference, Maya.” He tugged on her braid to get her attention.

  She squirmed on his lap and glanced up at the sky. For a few minutes nothing was said. He looked at Warden who was frowning at Maya.

  “For a long time, I never knew the name of the person responsible for the murder of my family. When I found out who he was, everything came back. The nightmares started again, and for years I trusted no one, not even my sisters.” Maya looked at him, and then at Warden, tears swam in her eyes.

  “I saw your memories of Randolph, how you met him. How you were drawn to him and believe he would be perfect for your world, but what you didn’t see was how he was related to me.”

  Akaos played back all of his memories of Randolph in his head, the taste of his blood…He hissed. “He’s your family?”

  A single tear slipped down her cheek. “He was my uncle at one time. He’s not anymore, not after what he did.” She tried to get up, but he held on to her.

  “Don’t run away, Maya.” He leaned his forehead against hers.

  “So I am to blame for your family’s death after all. If I wouldn’t have promised, or shown him glimpses of our world, none of this would have happened. He lied to me. There are no words that I can say that can make up for this. I can only stand beside you, share my family, and pray you will forgive me one day for all the wrong I have done.”

  Maya grabbed hold of his hair. “Don’t! I mean it, Anguar. This is all on Randolph, or what my father use to call him: Koti. Come, we need to get going.”

  She jumped off his lap and took his hand and Wardens. “Koti was the oldest of e
ight boys and two girls. It was his responsibility to secure the pride that week. He knew what he was doing.”

  She stopped in front of the limo and stared up at the night sky. “That is why it’s so important that I’m there when he is caught. I want him to see me when he falls. Knowing our family will live on without him.”

  He slid his hand around the back of her small neck and rubbed, while he leaned down to capture her lips with his. It was a simple kiss, but powerful. Their lips heated a degree and small current spread through her body. Tiny, mini-orgasms rattled her body as Akaos held onto her.

  “Anguar,” she whispered and touched her lips when he broke the kiss.

  Smiling, Akaos nodded to the limo. “A taste of what is to come.”

  Warden winked at her and grinned. “Just imagine the three of us.”

  Maya didn’t say anything as she slid into the limo.

  Behind them, Warden stiffened and snarled turning in a complete three sixty. Akaos lifted his head and scanned the area. Both of them knew someone watched.

  So there was a traitor here, another thing they would have to deal with when they returned. For now he turned back to the car and followed their beauty inside.

  Every time she said his name, in his language, his blood heated. Soon, she would be ready for them, but first, Maya would have to be told, and shown his world. His gaze met his father’s across the limo and he nodded to him in understanding.

  Warden sat on the other side of their mate and acknowledged his father. It had taken everything in him to pull Warden off his father after his father had attacked Maya. Even though his father held no grudges, he knew Warden wasn’t out of the woods yet and wouldn’t be till all four of them, He, Warden, Tesuss and Maya bonded as a family unit.

  He’d tried earlier to contact Tesuss, but still there was no connection. It was as if he’d disappeared and that in itself was worrying. If he didn’t hear from him soon, Akaos would have no choice, but to go back to their planet for a few hours to check on him.

  His mother’s smile was sympathetic to him. She too had been introduced to his kind so long ago. Would Maya accept and still want them after she learned what they were and what she would have to endure? So far she has only gotten a small taste of their control.

  “Stop worrying, Anguar.” Maya nudged him. “I’m sure whatever you have to show me, I’ll be fine. I’m not a wilting flower. I’ve seen things that might even shock you, so you might as well show me what you’ve got.”

  “Now is not the time, soon, but now we must concentrate on the issue at hand.” Akaos smiled and turned to his father.

  “How many times have portals appeared on our world?” He asked his father, while Maya reached down and grabbed onto a backpack he hadn’t noticed until now.

  Maya pulled out a worn sketch pad a long with a pencil and flipped through the pages, when he stopped her at one picture. “Who is that?”

  The picture was done in pencil, but the lines and the facial expression was exactly as he remembered the man.

  “That is Randolph or Koti. I’ve drawn every single man I can remember from that time. Each time I remember something new, I make sure I write it down.” Maya looked up at him. “He has my father’s eyes.”

  He gently took the notebook from her. “Maya this isn’t the Randolph I changed. This is a fledgling. Randolph used this man often. He would have him pretend to be him, making it look like Randolph was in two places at once. He used him a number of times to scare his opponents. You obviously didn’t dig deeper into my memories or you would have seen the real man.”

  Maya turned fully around in her seat. Her back now leaned against Warden and frowned up at him. “I don’t understand. This is the man that was in my home tonight, Akaos. He carried the same blood as me. My cat recognized him.”

  Akaos turned his attention to his father. “You know what this means?” His father nodded and the limo stopped.

  “Caurla, stay with our son. I’ll meet you later.” Opening the limo door, his father’s gaze met his. “Your brothers will have to stay here now. Inform them of what has happened. I will inform the rest of the Cometedge.”

  His father, Jericho, stepped outside and almost instantly a doorway opened for him. Next to him, Maya leaned over and watched his father disappear along with the doorway.

  “Now that is cool, but why do I get the feeling something major is wrong? Care to explain?” She turned her dark eyes on him.

  Once more the limo started towards the airport. “I know for a fact your Uncle, this man…” He held up the sketch. “Is dead, Maya. I personally killed him over fifty years ago thinking it was Randolph.”

  Maya sat back against the seat, stunned for a second, but once more turned towards him. “So Koti is dead. I can live with that, but I still don’t understand. Why is this Randolph using his form? How it is even possible for him to look and smell like my Uncle?”

  Akaos once more flipped through the pictures of the men that she remembered and stopped at one. “This is Randolph’s true form. As for him looking like your uncle, there can only be one explanation.” He nodded to Warden who embraced her from behind.

  He scooted away from Maya. At the same time his body transformed, into the man in the sketch pad before her.

  The snap of bones crunching and fur replaced her skin he knew he’d scared their mate. “No, Maya it’s me.” He shifted back to his human form that she recognized, all the while he tried to help Warden hold onto their out of control woman. Her large paws tried to rip into them, but only managed to hurt herself.

  “Hold onto her Akaos, Warden she’s bleeding!” His mother shouted as the limo stopped. They managed to wrestle the smaller version of her cat to the ground. Her roars rattled the windows.

  He leaned down and whispered into her ear. “On our world, it is a child’s game to shift into someone else’s form.” They held on tight to her, exposing them to her. “Please, Maya look into my mind and see me. We would never hurt our woman.”

  “If she is this strong now, imagine her strength when she is full brought over.” Warden looked at him and he nodded.

  “We’ll have our hands full, that’s for sure, but she is worth it. Come back to us Maya.”

  Chapter Eight

  Everything inside her froze the instant the man who claimed to be one of her mates transformed to the image of the man who’d raped her so long ago. The screams of her mother and sisters echoed in her head, the shouts of men fighting all around, the ripping of flesh and the smell of blood hit her at once.

  “Maya, snap out of it!” Akaos’s voice broke through the memories and she slowly took in her surroundings, cringing. Her body ached as she shifted back to her human form.

  Maya was on the floor of the limo. Her clothes were ripped as was the seat next to her. Tears filled her eyes making everything blurry for a minute. It’d been decades since her last attack.

  Warden held on to her legs, while Akaos gripped her arms tight.

  “Please, tell me I didn’t hurt your mom or you?” A single tear rolled down her cheek and she looked behind Akaos’s to his mom.

  “Akaos, you and Warden get off the poor girl. She’s fine now. And no, you didn’t hurt any of us, but I’m afraid you scratched your arms up pretty badly before they could stop you. You should have him heal you,” Caurla said.

  “I’m fine…” Her words died on her lips when Maya’s gaze met Akaos’s. “You can change your total appearance. Can all of you do this? How do I tell who we are hunting? How can I trust…?” She swallowed and slowly rose off the floor of the limo.

  She took Warden’s hand and he helped her back up to the seat, but as soon as they sat next to her, she flinched. Her body ached, but Maya kept her focus on the two men, or whatever they were, next to her. Who was to say he wasn’t the one who raped her and killed her family so long ago.

  Akaos took her hand into his as did Warden. “Wouldn’t your cat recognize me as your attacker? You can search my mind, my Cat de mica. Neith
er of us hurt you. If we had been there no one would have touched you or your family. You’re our wife, the keeper of our hearts.” Each of them took an arm and placed kisses where the scratches had been.

  “You healed me?” Slowly, Maya started to relax and noticed they were moving and that the limo hadn’t stopped just because of her fit.

  “I’m not about to let my woman suffer when I can heal her, and you are ours, Maya. We might be from different worlds, but as we fully bond, you will realize that nothing, and I mean nothing, is more important to us than you.”

  He reached up and cupped her cheek. His thumb brushing against her skin, warming her, further relaxing her.

  “My son is right. Once a Cometedge starts the bonding process, there is no going back. Even if the world around them is crumbling, their only concern will be you.” Caurla took the hand Akaos released when he sat beside her. He rested his hand on her knee. Warden had his arm behind her. His attention missed nothing, the way she moved, their surroundings. All the while he protected not only her, but Akaos.

  “That’s what you call yourselves, Cometedge?” she asked.

  “Only the men, the Gate Keepers are called this. My husband’s family comes from an all-male society. The only females on their world are the ones that are bonded to the men and all of those are from other worlds. The men must search for their Kith, their, mates or meru. That is their word for mate-wife.” She patted her leg and sat back.

  “So I take it this isn’t your natural form?” she asked.

  He kissed the top of her head. “No. When the time is right I’ll show you, but we’re arriving at the airport. Are you okay? Do you still trust us?” He lifted her and placed her onto his lap.

  “Before we leave this car I need to know I have your trust, Maya.”

  She sat in this man’s lap, but didn’t know what he looked like or what he was, but inside Maya knew instantly she could trust him.


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