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Collaring the Saber-Tooth

Page 16

by Trinity Blacio

  “All of you need that. Good- night, soon you’ll have it.” He swung around and walked through the house. Dee had been right, Maya was at the cave.

  Warden was waiting for him. Both of them would help her face those demons and start to put those memories away where they belonged.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maya stared up at the walls, the scent of her family all around the small chamber. She needed to say goodbye to them and move on with her life. Her men needed a wife and they were vital for her lost soul.

  In the last twenty-four hours each of them had brought a little light into her own personal darkness and for that alone she would give them anything they needed.

  “I was waiting for you.” Turtle sneered behind her, and she jumped to face him.

  With his arm around Banela’s neck, and a gun pointed at her head, Turtle eyed her. “You were supposed to be mine. That’s what he promised me. I delivered the gifts and he was supposed to wrap you up for me, but no. You just had to hook up with three of his enemies, but I refuse to let you go and now you will be mine.” Sweat beaded his pointy head, his nose already starting to form a pig snout.

  She snorted and easily regretted it. His stench filled the small cave almost making her lose her stomach. “Do you really think I’m going anywhere with you? You must be snorting some of that crap you sell. Let her go. Turtle this is between you and me.”

  “Stall him, Tesuss is moving in behind you and we’re coming in the front.” Akaos said. She should have known they would be close and that she was never alone.

  “Tell me, how did you get the clothes and personal things to smell just like my family? They’ve been gone for so long now, but yet the smell is still so fresh.” She moved to the left trying to get out of the way, when her men stormed the man.

  The fat pig laughed. “You really don’t know, do you? All of your family is not dead. Randolph just wanted you to think that so you wouldn’t be searching for them, but it didn’t matter. You still searched for him. You destroyed so many of his properties. That one time in Maine, you almost got to your sisters. If you would have been there an hour earlier, you would have part of your family with you now. But alias, Randolph escaped with his cargo.”

  The room started to spin and Maya stumbled and gave Turtle the opening he needed. But her cat was already pushing forward as her men materialized around her and took Turtle to the ground.

  Franko and Drake latched onto their mate when Akaos swung her away from Turtle. “You have hurt our woman for the last time.” Akaos sank his fangs into the man, tearing at his neck, drinking.

  She turned away with tears filling her eyes. Her sisters were alive and Randolph had them, all these years. How could she have not known? Maya was the oldest, it was her job to take care of her sisters and brothers, but she’d failed.

  Stalking over the pile of clothes that belong to her family, Maya closed out the screams behind her and pulled out the sweater from the top of the pile of clothes. The cat took a deep breath imprinting every aspect of her sister’s scent. As long as there was a chance that part of her family was alive, Maya would never stop searching for them.

  Screw Randolph, her men could hunt him. All she wanted was to hold her sisters and brothers.

  Warm hands slid through her fur, Warden and Tesuss. “Shift for us Maya. We need to hold you. Your orak needs you in his arms.”

  Slowly, she turned her big head and stared at Akaos, who stood with his feet apart, his eyes a bright orange and his fists clenched at his side. “We’ll find them, but first I need you now.” Akaos’ voice dropped low almost to a snarl.

  Bones popped as Maya calmly made her way to him. With Franko and Drake gone, she was alone with them. Completely changed, she stopped in front of him with her head down staring at the floor.

  “I failed them, Akaos. It was my job to protect them, to save them and I didn’t even know they were alive. What if I fail the three of you?” She looked up into his face, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I could never live with myself if I hurt you as I did them.”

  Picking her up by the waist, Akaos lifted her high above him. “You failed no one and there will be times when all of us make mistakes. We’re not perfect and we don’t want you to be. How could you have known they were alive, Little Cat? Randolph made sure you thought your family was dead. He’s good at what he does, but he will slip up and when that happens, we’ll be there for him.” Akaos brought her down just enough to kiss her lips softly.

  “I’m dirty and need to clean up. You took your plug out, Maya. Go with Warden and Tesuss. They’ll prepare you for tonight.” Akaos placed her away from him and disappeared from the room.

  “Where is he going?” She stared up at Warden and then at Tesuss as they moved to her side.

  “He goes to face Janek, but he will return. Come, we need to prepare you. Tonight you will learn what it really is like to submit to your Masters.” She smiled as clothes covered her body before they stepped out of the cave and out into the starry night.

  “Tesuss, Warden, I need to start looking for my family. I can’t leave them with him any longer. We’re going to have to stay here for a while.” She stopped and looked at them. “Our bonding makes it possible for me to breathe your air, to live on the planet, doesn’t it? Do I have three hearts now?”

  Both of them laughed and yanked her forward. “No, your body is not made for three hearts, hence one of the reasons why we insist you feed from us. Our blood allows you to live on our world. Maya we’ll start the search tomorrow, but for tonight you will submit to us.”

  All three of them stepped into the main room and her daughter ran to her hugging her. “Is it true my aunts and uncles are alive?”

  She held onto her daughter tightly. “Yes, and we have to find them.” Maya looked around the room at her family and some of the town’s people.

  “I can’t ask you to join me. I don’t know where this journey will take me and I couldn’t stand to lose any of you. So why don’t you all go back to the house in Detroit. You can work from there.”

  Lacey snarled and stepped in front of her. “If you think for one minute any of us are leaving, you are nuts. We are a family and if this bastard has your sisters, all of us will help to free them. Who knows maybe this man has more of our kind than we first thought.” Lacey looked down at the floor, then back up at her. “Do you think my Alice could be alive?”

  Maya reached and pulled Lacey into a hug with her and Dee. “I don’t know, Lacey, but we’ll never stop searching and destroying his warehouses and homes. Just never give up hope, none of you. Now, if you excuse me, my men are going to take me to a fight.” She turned with her hands on her hips.

  “Our orak should not be facing this man alone. He needs us there with them for support.” Maya grinned when she felt all of her family get up and surround them.

  Warden laughed and glanced at Tesuss who shrugged. “It’s not written that we can’t be there, but if we go, you know the rules.” Warden glanced at the other females. “I’m afraid the only one of you that can come is Dee. She has our blood in her veins and won’t be affected by the planet. The rest of you wouldn’t survive.”

  Dee fidgeted next to her, but raised her chin. “I’ll go, but if one man touches me, I’m killing him.”

  Warden snarled. “If one man touches you, we’ll kill him. Come, it’s about to start. Be prepared Dee, we are not like you see here.”

  She nodded and all four of them joined hands and disappeared from the room to land in an arena surrounded by hundreds.

  “Wow, this place is amazing. Mom look at the walls with all those gems.” She crossed her arms over her breasts. “But being naked this is really uncomfortable.”

  “Shh, here they come.” Warden said and nodded towards the center of the ring.

  Akaos stood in the ring, his wings spread out, The only thing on his body was some kind of black pants. He slowly turned his head and zeroed in on her.

  She lifted her chin. “I was n
ot going to let you do this alone. I love you, Akaos, be careful please.”

  “I love you too.” Was all he said, disconnecting their link as the other man attacked.

  “Do not worry Maya, my grandson is a fierce warrior. No one has ever beaten him in the last two thousand years,” a man said behind her. She turned to smile at him, but was shocked by what she saw.

  On his lap, was what she presumed was Akaos grandmother. Even though both of them appeared to be her age, it was still a shock to see them locked together and him speaking to her while they were fucking.

  She jerked around at the same time Dee did. “Mom?”

  “Don’t ask,” she said and peeked up at Tesuss who was laughing his ass off.

  “You were told we are a very sexual society. Some men will only allow their females here if she is willing to stay on his lap.” Warden leaned over Tesuss and stared into her eyes. “But since your daughter is here with us, I’ll let this slide for this time. Watch,” Warden stated.

  The crowd rose and stomped their feet as Akaos decked Janek causing him to fall back onto his ass. At once the man took to the air and tried to aim for Akaos head, but missed.

  She leaned over to Tesuss. “How do you know who wins and what are they dueling over?” Maya sucked in her breath when Akaos went down to one knee when Janek’s left foot caught him off guard, slicing at his shoulder with his claws.

  “One will have to call the other off of him and Akaos is dueling for your honor. Janek is demanding to inspect you. It is his right as an elder, but many elders never push this right. This Janek has been a thorn to Akaos for a long time.”

  Dee grabbed onto her arm and leaned over her to stare at Tesuss. “Inspect? What the hell are you talking about?”

  Tesuss’s head bobbed forward when Akaos grandfather swatted both him and Warden on their heads. “You didn’t inform her of what is to come if he loses? What is wrong with you?”

  “I want to go home now. No one is going to touch me ever again unless I want them too.” She snarled and drew others attention around her.

  At once Warden and Tesuss grabbed onto her, holding her.

  “We can’t leave. They won’t let us leave now that we are here. I’m sorry Maya, but don’t worry, my grandson will not lose.”

  She took a deep breath. “So this asshole will be allowed to fuck me? Against my wishes?” Tears filled her eyes and her body shook. “I can’t. That is rape.”

  Her cat shoved to the front and she shifted, shoving off her men with her back feet, and ran away. Shouts and cussing could be heard behind her, but she didn’t care. Her daughter followed her as they weaved out of the way of the men who tried to capture them.

  “Stop! Don’t move.” Akaos said and froze her body, making it impossible to do anything. She screamed. Dee tried to push her and swatted at anyone who came next to her.

  “Easy Dee, it’s me Warden. No one is going to hurt your Mom. Akaos has won the fight. We can go now. Go to Tesuss, Dee. He’ll take you home.” Dee snarled, but didn’t move away from her.

  It took everything in her to shift, but she did. “Go Dee, I’ll be right behind you. They don’t lie that is one thing I know.”

  Her daughter shifted and glared at both of them. “You promised not to hurt her, but you did. She better be home a minute after I get there.” Dee helped her stand and hugged her. “I’m scared Mom.

  She ran her hands up and down her daughter’s back. Men watched and waited all around them. “No one will ever touch me again in a wrong way. I’m sorry Dee, but I promised myself long ago I’d die before I let that happen. If something happens, you have family. I love you, but I have to trust my men. If I don’t, I have nothing.”

  Releasing her daughter was the hardest thing she had ever done in her life, but she did it. Maya meant what she said. No man would ever touch her against her wishes again.

  Turning, Dee took Tesuss’ hand and disappeared.

  “Come, I’m afraid you have caused a disturbance and we have no choice. You will have to be punished before we leave.” Warden lifted her up over his shoulder, but she said nothing, trusting him, but inside she screamed.

  * * * *

  Akaos stood in the middle of arena and watched Warden carry an unmoving Maya to him. He could hear her screams inside her head, but she was determined to trust them even though she was scared out of her mind.

  He was so proud of her and furious that once more he was being made an example of. Even though Janek had given in, his family unit were ordering the punishment, which was their right.

  Sitting in the chair provided to him, Warden laid Maya onto his lap and knelt next to her head. He whispered to her, running his fingers through her hair.

  “Get on with it. I want twenty whacks on that ass for causing such a disturbance.” Janek’s weru, Seth demanded a foot away from him.

  Before the last word was out of his mouth, his father Eldon latched onto his neck and lifted him off the ground. “Do not push, my son. You have made your point, but if you look around you will see the disgust on everyone’s faces. Only you cannot sense the fright their meru suffers at the hand of your kith. You are lucky we do not ban you, so don’t force the issue.”

  It was very rare to ban or strip a kith, but it had been done before. Akaos rubbed his hand over Maya’s round globes. His gaze turned to Tesuss and nodded.

  Tesuss sat down and cradled the guitar in his arms. It was the one thing Tesuss loved from Earth. Each of them had written a few simple words down needing to say them to their meru as they waited to find her.

  Warden began to sing, shocking her as did the slap that came down on her ass.

  “Endless days, hours, seconds

  “Time had no meaning

  I was weak, ready to give up all

  I couldn’t see you until you were in front of me smiling

  A heart warm as the sun, my sun.”

  Warden bent down and kissed away her tears as Tesuss continued his part in the song and brought down four more swats to her ass.

  “Danger, adventure I sought to ease the ache in my hearts

  Only till you appeared before my eyes did I believe you were meant to be ours.

  The moons and stars never shown so bright the love I have for you.

  I am at peace now;

  The adventure now is to see how hot I can make you our sun.”

  Akaos rubbed her butt cheek and slid two fingers down into her pussy. He held them there while he sang his part and finished her punishment.

  “Together we become one unit, one kith

  Nine hearts beat in contentment with our love.

  My passion and love was once buried in my dreams

  My soul waiting for yours

  With strong arms, three hearts, each of us come to you baring all

  We promise unconditional love, unbridled passion, but most important our lives

  Because without you, our sun, there would be no men, no warriors, no hearts beating only empty shells.”

  With the last of her punishment done, he slowly lifted her and stood her in front of him, brushing the tears away. “I’m proud of you, my Little Cat. Give me a hug and go with Warden and Tesuss. I’ll be right behind you.”

  She flung her arms around him and squeezed tight. “I love you, I’m sorry,” Maya cried.

  “Oh baby, stop. You’re going to make yourself sick. We all know this upset you and if I could have stopped it, I would have. It won’t happen again.” He gently pried her off of him and brushed the tears away again. “No more tears. Now go home and wait for me.”

  Warden and Tesuss each took a hand and left.

  Akaos stood and stretched before them, and then turned his full attention on the Doyens. “Our kith will always be there if a need arises, but until I can be assured that this won’t happen again, we will be making our home on Earth. I will not have my meru subjected to jealousy and petty quarrels. These Earth women have been hurt and worn down. Let it be known now that anyone who finds the
ir meru on this planet will have to take special care.”

  He turned to glare at Janek.

  “You ever cross my path again, you or your kith, I won’t hesitate to kill you. We have been taught from birth to protect our woman, but you have hurt mine for the last time. You have been warned.” With that Akaos left to their rooms, gathered their things and transported them to Earth.

  Suddenly, he knew he was no longer alone.

  “What do you want, Grandfather?” He stuffed more of their things into the bag and sent it to Tesuss as they prepared their woman for tonight.

  “You know you don’t have to leave here. Janek and his kith have been put on warning. One more threat and they are gone. This is your home and the men look to you for guidance.” He leaned against the wall as his three fathers joined them and the oldest know Cometedge, Talhrn.

  He bowed to the man who waved his hand at him. “Stop, you have done more for our men than I. Your grandfather is right though, you are needed here, all of you,” Talhrn stated.

  “I’m honored, but right now our meru needs us on her planet. My mistake was in taking her away from it. We have now learned that her family, thought long dead, might still be alive. Not only her family, but others as well are being kept prisoner by this Randolph Arrow. My mate believes he is using them somehow to open the doors.”

  Talhrn frowned and started to pace back and forth. “It’s good that there could be more women that could be our merus, but the threat of these men opening the gates anytime it pleases them is troublesome. You are right about helping your loved one. Would you mind some of myhelp?”

  His grandfather hid his grin behind his hand, but not before he caught it. “I would gladly accept your help. You and your kith can stay with us. I have a feeling we are only seeing a small portion of what this man has done. And rest assured, we are not leaving for good. We will visit here often, but right now it is best we settle in one place for Maya. She needs a steady place to call home. She’s traveled enough and has helped many, now she needs to rest a little.”


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