Book Read Free

Angel Girl

Page 1

by Christine Michelle

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Author’s Note

  MC World Books

  Part One

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Part Two

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Bonus Chapters

  Bonus Chapter One

  Bonus Chapter Two

  Bonus Chapter Three

  Bonus Chapter Four


  Dancing With Danger

  The Other Princess

  Redemption Weather

  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

  The Infinite Something

  The Infinite Beat


  About the Author

  Copyright © 2017 Christine M. Butler / Christine Michelle

  All rights reserved.

  Scanning, uploading, copying, and/or any distribution of this book, either electronically or otherwise, is illegal and punishable by law without express written permission from the publisher.

  Help support authors you love by only purchasing legitimate copies of their work through trusted sources.

  Any similarities to persons, organizations, or places written about within these pages is purely coincidental, as this is a work of fiction.

  Editor: Bella Hickman & Delilah Hickman

  Kobo Version


  For all the ladies out there who love MC books, but wonder what it would be like to sit in the driver’s seat!

  Author’s Note

  While I write books, I am also an avid reader. I enjoy most of the MC books I’ve read over the years, but one thing has stuck out to me while reading them. The girl almost always needs to be saved by the big, bad bikers. Now, I’m not knocking some super sexy alpha-male action. I’m just saying, what about the girls who can save themselves?

  So, that got me thinking… Then I started writing…

  I hope you enjoy having the MC world flipped a little upside down. I had a fun time writing all the quirky girls who make up S.H.E. as well as the still very alpha males who happen to be lucky enough to land themselves in their company.

  I had originally planned on writing a novella (would have been #3.5 in the series) titled, Sweet Angel. It was the continuation of Angel and Sweet’s story as you will see bits and pieces that would have connected Angel Girl and Sweet Angel through Keys and JoJo’s books. The problem is, I hate doing that to readers. I hate making you wait to find out what happens when I can put it all together at once. So, I held this book back from when I originally planned to publish in order to re-work it to fit all of the content from Angel Girl and Sweet Angel (including bonus material) into one book! Hopefully, it works out better this way from a reader’s perspective. It will definitely be nicer on the book-buying budget! And we all know that’s the most important thing, because you can never have too many books! ☺

  I also wanted to take a moment to address a theme you will see repeated often in my MC books (Aces High and SHE). Flawed characters. I am a firm believer in relatable characters, and that means relatable even in the face of a reader possibly hating them (even if only momentarily). As human beings we are all capable of making mistakes, rushing to judgments, and miscommunicating our intentions or our words. Sometimes, those things are to our own detriment. The same can be said for the characters I create. They are meant to learn, grow, and take you on that journey with them. Hopefully, their journeys resonate with you that much more because you get to see their flawed sides as well as the bright and shiny. We don’t all get an easy road to our happily ever after, and neither will most of my characters. It will be an entertaining ride to get there though.



  PS – Don’t miss the bonus chapters in Sweet’s point of view at the end of the book!

  MC World Books

  S.H.E. Books



  Aces High - Dakotas

  Dancing With Danger

  Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot

  Aces High – Cedar Falls

  Redemption Weather

  Aces High - Charleston

  The Other Princess

  Part One

  *historical notes source

  Chapter 1

  I barreled through our clubhouse door, immediately on edge because of the three foreign bikes in our parking lot. Foreign – as in they didn’t belong to any of our members.

  “It’s about time you got here,” our security specialist Avery “Legs” Michaelson called out to me. Her ash blond hair in its usual high ponytail swung back and forth as she made her way over to me. “Tash has them in the back office,” she stated evenly as her piercing sapphire eyes took in my somewhat waterlogged appearance.

  “Tash has who in there?” I asked wearily.

  Legs stared at me for a moment with one hand on slender hips that topped off shapely legs that seemed to go on forever. “Didn’t you get your texts?”

  I laughed. “Funny story,” I continued on with a chuckle while Legs rolled her eyes at me.

  “What happened to your phone this time?”

  “Well, it took a bit of a tumble right into a massive boulder, cracking the safety case, which would have been otherwise waterproof. Then it slid, in damn near slow motion, right into the deepest freakin’ part of the creek.” I pointed down at my still damp jeans. “I was thigh deep in that freezing ass water, and I still had to dig for it.” I tossed the water-damaged device on the bar in front of her and watched as more liquid sloshed out of the damn thing as it connected with the hardwood.

  Legs frowned at the wasted piece of electronics. “I can’t believe you rode back here wet like that, especially in March.” She visibly shivered at the thought, and honestly she wasn’t wrong. I should have just left the damn phone there to rot. “Maybe you should take stock in these things. You alone would guarantee they never go out of business.”

  I ignored the comment since I heard it often enough. “So, who exactly do we have waiting in the office?” I tipped my head back towards the place in question, not willing to admit I’d been reading on my phone again when I dropped it. I might have had a small obsession with romance books. It was probably because I was what my friend Tash liked to call, “forever alone”. Tash was a jerk like that. I was only alone because every time I tried to be with someone, it backfired on me. Books were a safe getaway for me though, not that I’d admit that to the rest of the biker club I ran.

  Legs shrugged. “Some motorcycle club or other came to make nice so they can move into our territory. They don’t run girls. We did prelims on them this morning, but we’re still waiting on more info. Call came in a few hours ago about the requested meet and greet.”

  “All right, I guess I better go save Tash then.”

  We had buried another MC who tried to take over our territory not long ago. The fact that there was yet another here, requesting to meet with us before they set up shop, let me know we’d earned at least a modicum of respect for our annihilation of the Winter’s Renegades MC. Still, I had a strange feeling brewing in my gut for
some reason, and one thing that never failed me was my instinct.

  Three men sat in a row, backs to me as I entered the office. One of them was cocked sort of to the side, but I still couldn’t see much of him because of the baseball cap he had pulled low across his eyes. The way he sat hunched in on himself toward the corner with the wall to his back said he was the one to watch. My best friend Tash, who was Vice President of our Sierra High Evermore MC, sat across the desk from them. Standing in the corner was our other security officer, Sara, otherwise known as Keys for her lightning fast abilities with the information systems. The older man in the group turned and grinned at me. “You must be this Angel Girl we’ve been hearing so much about.” His gruff voice rang out with authority. “If you were trying to make us sweat sweetheart,” he was getting himself riled up now, so I cut him off.

  “Apologies on the wait time you endured.” I nearly rolled my eyes at my own words, because I sure as fuck didn’t believe in apologizing for making a man wait on me to get back to deal with him - particularly a man who couldn’t make an appointment more than a couple hours in advance. Then again, I hadn’t even known about the couple hours notice, so fuck him altogether. “I was out of cell range, and not aware of the meeting until a few minutes ago. This is generally why meetings of this nature should be scheduled well in advance, and not the same day you want them to happen.” I smiled sweetly at the man whose face was turning red with the effort to restrain his very obvious anger. “Contrary to popular belief we aren’t mind readers so we can’t be here for something we know nothing about.” I winked at him as I maneuvered around the desk, giving the three men a wide berth as I went. While I made sure to keep space between us I also made sure my movements were nonchalant, and self-assured all at once. “Cell reception sucks here in Southern Appalachia. It’s why MCs don’t last long when they try to move in. It’s also why last minute notice means you have to wait.” I added in a clipped tone.

  The older gentleman sat stock still, fingers clenched tightly to the armrests of the leather chair he occupied, his red face still bleeding out his frustration for all to see as the silvering hair that fell around his jawline only added to the contrast between the colors highlighting this man’s emotions. I would expect better of an MC president, a status his patch indicated. Peety, or so his Kutte said, didn’t seem to have a poker face to speak of. I also didn’t miss the significance of his top rocker announcing they were from the Aces High MC. I did manage to contain my surprise at being forced to deal with the very club that I ran from as a teenaged girl though.

  The man beside the president was a bit younger and sporting the Vice President rocker along with a very cool, laid back demeanor. The road name on his Kutte was Spike. I took him in as he watched me with brown eyes that peered out with all the frostiness possible in a look. It’s odd that I’d always associated brown eyes with warmth, but there didn’t seem to be any of that in Spike’s chocolaty depths. Instead he tipped his head to me in acknowledgement. I turned my focus on the third man, who was somewhat huddled in on himself still, arm over the portion of his Kutte that would give me any clue as to who he was, ball cap pulled down, only exposing wisps of dark brown hair curling around the cap. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was taking a nap. Fact was, I did know better though. This man was the true danger in the room, even after a quick second evaluation of the three of them. He gave off an air of aloofness, seeing as how he appeared to be napping, but every muscle in his obviously chiseled body was pulled taught and ready for a fight. Interesting.

  The older man finally reigned in his temper and managed to pop off his next statement with some cordiality to it. “I’m Peety, this here is my VP – Spike.” He pointed to the third guy then, but failed to introduce him. “He’s the VP of the mother chapter for our club.” No name given yet for Mister Hide and Seek. Now, I was really intrigued, because I was intimately aware of the mother chapter, and this man was too young to be the VP unless something had happened to force one of the older guys out of the position they previously held.

  “Well, you seem to know who we are already, so what is it that you think we can do for you today?”

  “This is a courtesy visit. We bought the old Wayfair Warehouse out on 76. We’re planning to turn it into a clubhouse for our new chapter. We have a few local boys and a couple who are wanting to return closer to home so it’s time to get a new chapter started.”

  “And we fit into that equation how?” I asked simply, still giving nothing away.

  “Well, I don’t think we have any competing interests so really this is just a courtesy call to say hello and let you know our intentions. We won’t be steppin’ on your toes and hope you won’t dance all over ours, sweet thang.”

  I rolled my eyes because apparently the boys got to step while the girls danced. “You run girls?” I asked while eyeing the third man’s Kutte again. He had shifted a bit, and I could now see his bottom rocker. Holy crap on a cracker, he was definitely from my father’s chapter of the Aces High MC. The VP when I left had been Tuck though, and he was much older, and not in the best of shape last I saw him. I still managed to keep my face blank. Hopefully, this guy was semi-new blood. Although, I wasn’t sure why new blood would be promoted to VP unless the club had shaken up its members a bit since I’d been gone.

  “No, ma’am,” Spike drawled.

  “I’m too young to be a ma’am,” I sneered. “Run weapons? Drugs?” I knew my father’s club ran both at one time. That could mean trouble for our area if their violent dealings went down here.

  “No offense sweetheart, but our business dealings are just that. Club business. We don’t go telling anyone about our setup and you really don’t need to know. We’ve checked. Let’s just say, we don’t have any common businesses with yours.” Peety offered up his words as if they were gospel, and not to be disputed.

  “Well, Peety,” I intoned a bit caustically. “It is absolutely our business if you’re tracking illegal shit through our town and it causes problems, incites violence, and brings in more unknown criminal elements. That shit can be unpredictable at best. We run our club businesses on the more, well mostly, legitimate side of things. If violence and general idiocy run off our paying customers where will that leave us?”

  For the first time, the third man in the meeting with us finally looked up, and I was left dumbfounded staring into a very familiar set of emerald colored eyes. “Well, Jamie, I’m pretty sure you know all too well what our MC gets up to, and you also know we handle out shit, Sugar.”

  Both Tash and Keys went on alert when the man used my real name instead of my road name. The funny thing was, Peety and Spike both looked just as surprised, which meant this wasn’t some kind of weird set up. They obviously didn’t know Jamie Murdock was Angel Girl before they walked in to this meeting.

  “Jamie?” Peety questioned. “They said her name was Angel, or Angel Girl. Whatever.”

  “Her road name, I’m sure. This one here is definitely Jamie though.” The sly bastard had the nerve to wink at me then before Spike spoke up.

  “You wanna fill us in, brother?” Spike asked as his hand lingered on the piece tucked into his waistband where he must have had another weapon he failed to put away in the lock box outside. I was going to have to have a talk with the girls about frisking, and taking weapons before we sat down to meetings in future.

  “She just happens to be my betrothed,” he snickered out as if it were a joke he was letting everyone in on and not the entire reason I’d up and walked, no, ran away from my life years ago. Well, it hadn’t been the only reason, but at the very least a large symptom of the overall disease.

  I swallowed the sick feeling that was now bubbling up in my stomach and sneered. “I’m not your anything, Scott.” I purposely used his real name to even the playing field a bit.

  “Betrothed?” Both Peety and Keys muttered at the same time. Peety took it a step further, and glared over at Scott “Sweet” Marks before asking, “Who in th
e hell is she?”

  “You’re looking at Ghost’s long, lost wayward daughter, and the woman who was promised to me seven years ago. That is Jamie Fucking Murdock.”

  “Holy fuck!” Tash hissed out, speaking for the first time since I’d entered the room.

  “Welp,” I tossed out nonchalantly. “I’d say this meeting is just about over for today.”

  Peety had the audacity to chuckle at my pronouncement. “Nah, lil’ princess, I’d say we’re just getting started.”

  With zero hesitation I pulled my Glock 19 and aimed it at the most dangerous man in the room, Sweet, before any of the guys even registered what was happening. That’s what they got for underestimating a motorcycle club run by women. “You’re all leaving, right now. This gun is the least of your worries too. Believe that. We can tie you up as tight as we did Winter’s Renegades, or you can be gone within five minutes and we’ll think about leaving some scraps for you to rebuild on.”

  “You threatening your own daddy’s club, girly?” Peety’s face was once again the color of a lobster.

  “Nope, I’m giving you guys the advantage the Winter’s Renegades never had. Nothing personal, it’s all about protecting our businesses.” I walked back around the desk, gun still trained on Sweet until he gave the smallest of nods, then I slowly lowered mine knowing Keys and Tash had me covered. “We settled here in unclaimed territory in the mountains so we could do our thing and not have to worry about petty bullshit with other clubs. I know why Winter’s Renegades wanted in here, and we shut them down before they could follow through.” The three men were openly curious about that comment. “What I’m wondering now though, is why your club chose this place? I know my dad made an error in judgment with regards to my particular situation, but I never thought he’d trade in flesh.”


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