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Dragon Chains

Page 7

by Becca Brayden

  Instead of putting her down, as she requested, Ryker turned to the others. “Leave us.”

  Katy didn’t watch them leave, mesmerized by Ryker’s commanding presence. His eyes flashed with something elemental. Possessive. He was in alpha mode, and her body reacted instinctively, her mind a deep pool of need. Her nipples hardened, and her body buzzed with electricity.

  There was no avoiding it. She still had nothing on but panties and bra. She couldn’t hide her reaction any more than he could hide his. He kissed her. Hard.

  By the time he let her up for air, she was breathless and dizzy. He set her down only to walk her back toward the wall. He wrapped his hands around the backs of her thighs and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. His hard shaft pressed against her, straining through his suit.

  With one hand he reached down and ripped through her panties like they were cotton candy, his need fueling her own. She let out a cry as he unzipped his pants, and with one hard stroke, he filled her. Out of nowhere an orgasm ripped through her. She screamed his name, but he just filled her again and again, pushed through her orgasm and demanded more. Took her against the wall, on the floor. Her voice grew hoarse from screaming his name, which only served to make him redouble his efforts.

  His voice, unnaturally deep and guttural, finally penetrated the fog. “Mine.”

  When they were spent, he dressed, wrapped her in a blanket she hadn’t noticed was in the room, and walked with her securely in his arms out the door. She buried her head in his shoulder, too embarrassed to look at anyone as he carried her to the door.

  “Signore Draquonir, you have not made your selections.”

  Ryker looked down at his mate and shrugged. “Send one of everything, in every color.”

  The manager gasped. “One of everything we have? Accessories as well?”

  Ryker adjusted Katy in his arms and turned back to the door. On his way out he confirmed, “Everything. You will know what she likes when she wears it.”


  Katy: you better get here soon. please answer me

  Katy: this is a nightmare, i’m so sorry. please don’t hate me.

  * * *

  Ryker’s Yacht:

  Katy fastened the halter top of her red dress, her cheeks sun-kissed and glowing. They’d spent the whole day on Ryker’s yacht, diving and playing with the dolphins. She’d had such a wonderful time, only the setting of the sun and growling in her stomach could make her come in.

  Ryker had stayed by her side the whole day, ignoring phone calls and rearranging his schedule. He’d been considerate and asked her questions about her childhood, listening intently to the answers. Trying to be Emily was becoming harder and harder. She found herself slipping time and again, coaxed into relaxing her guard by Ryker’s charm and good humor.

  Ryker came up behind her, tugged playfully on the ends of her hair. “Ready for dinner? I believe the chef has made something special for us tonight.”

  Katy turned toward him, placed one hand on his chest. They’d made love several more times, and the guilt was crushing her, but she couldn’t resist him. Her heart ached. Emily should be arriving the next evening. This was her last night with Ryker. She needed to tell him the truth. Needed to talk to Emily. “Dinner sounds lovely.”

  Placing her arm in his, she allowed him to escort her to the elegant formal dining area. Candles and soft music greeted them. Ryker seated her at the end of the table, then joined her. The chef immediately came out, along with several uniformed servers. All day long, whatever she’d wanted, they had been right there, waiting on her. She felt like a princess.

  “If the signorina is ready, we will start with the first course.”

  She nodded. The smells wafting from the covered platters were mouthwatering. She had a good appetite and made no apologies for it. They shared a bottle of hundred-year-old wine. When Katy protested, Ryker just laughed and filled her glass again. Course after course was served. Sweet and spicy hors d'oeuvres followed by succulent fruits, tender meats, and the freshest vegetables. Dessert was just as amazing, with a freshly made cup of gelato.

  At last she could eat no more. Drink no more. The day had been absolutely magical.

  “Mia Regina, I have something for you.”

  “No, no more.” She laughed softly. “Please don’t ask me to eat another bite.”

  Ryker took out a small ring box and opened the lid.

  Inside was a huge black diamond ring. Katy swallowed. “What is this?”

  “This belonged to my mother years ago. It has been handed down for many years. I would like you to accept it.” He slipped the diamond onto her ring finger as a dozen strangers came out with rows upon rows of wedding bands.

  “What’s happening, Ryker?”

  “Over these past few days, I have discovered that I want you to have this ring, this symbol of the Draquonir line. You have captured my heart. It would mean a great deal to me if you were to wear my family ring.” He waved at the jewelers standing in front of them. “Please, you must select a setting. Choose one that speaks to you.”

  Katy looked at the settings, her eyes drawn to a stunning piece that would offset the large black diamond beautifully. Unable to resist, she reached out with a trembling hand and traced the line of sparkling white diamonds with a fingertip. A tear leaked down her face. She couldn’t do this. Could not choose a ring that would be worn by her sister.

  She knew which setting Emily would like, a bold, contemporary piece that was sophisticated and geometric in design. Katy preferred the more traditional setting, the design reminded her of a priceless antique, something that a lady would have worn in centuries past. Holding in a sigh, she lifted her hand from the setting and folded both hands neatly behind her back to make sure she did not give in to temptation again. “I-I’m sorry. I can’t do this right now. You must excuse me.”

  Katy didn’t wait for an answer. She left the dining room and ran the whole way back to the luxurious room she’d been given.

  She soaked her pillow with tears. Life was so unfair. She was a horrible person. She’d fallen in love with her sister’s fiancé. He was irresistible. Sexy. Perfect.

  When Ryker knocked quietly, she did not respond. The door opened on silent hinges and he came in. She turned away to hide her tear-streaked face, refusing to look at him. “I’m sorry, Ryker. The rings were beautiful. I guess I’m just tired.”

  He crawled onto the bed and pulled her body backward, into the curve of his heat. His arm came to rest around her waist and he kissed the back of her head. “I understand, Mia Regina. Trust me. Everything will be well. At the party, I will introduce you to everyone as my future wife, but the wedding will not be held until you are ready. I give you my word. Nothing matters to me but your happiness.”

  Katy sobbed at his words. How was it possible to fall even more in love with a man she already knew she could not keep? She should know better. Resist him.

  His heat soaked into her body, addictive as any drug. The soothing strength of him at her back made her feel cherished, adored, protected. The tenderness of his lips in her hair made her want things she should not want.

  She wanted to roll over, kiss him and let him make her forget the rest of the world existed. She wanted to tell him the truth. She wanted him to say the things he was saying to her, to Katy, and mean them. She wanted all those things, even though it meant betraying her sister.

  The party he spoke of was a ball. Emily had entered it into her schedule as ‘Royal Ball’, so that’s how the event came up on Katy’s calendar. So, she had to be Emily for one more night. Pretend to be his queen, his fiancée, his love, while in reality she was an imposter, lying to them all.

  How had she gotten herself into this?

  Emily. That’s how. And right there, soaking up the warmth and tenderness of the man who could never be hers, Katy made a vow to herself. Never again. Never. Life or death, emergencies be damned, she was never going to pretend to be her twin sister ever, ever, EVER

  It hurt too damn much.

  He held her for the rest of the night. Near dawn, emotionally exhausted, she drifted into an uneasy asleep.


  Katy: this isn’t funny anymore. i’m worried. are you ok?

  Katy: omg please answer me so i know you aren’t dead, ok?

  * * *

  Katy looked at herself in the full-length mirror and did not recognize the woman staring back at her. She looked like a fairy-tale princess.

  Or villain.

  Either way, she was stunning, and Katy never saw herself as stunning.

  The long black dress Ryker had sent to her hugged every curve as if it had been custom-made. The shimmering material was something she did not recognize, but the soft black gown clung to her like silk, glittered like diamond dust. The dress hugged her shoulders and arms, dipping to a sexy valley between her breasts. Not so much that she was afraid she would fall out of the dress, but definitely enough to feel like a goddess. Ryker had even sent shoes to match with heels just high enough to complement the dress, but not so high she would be cursing his name within the hour.

  The servants he’d sent to help her get ready were lovely women who apparently did not speak a word of English. They poked and prodded and helped her into the gown. They’d applied her makeup with a professional touch and styled her hair in a corona atop her head that she never would have dared on her own. They’d left several minutes earlier, and now she didn’t know what to do with herself.

  A soft knock startled her, and she turned at the sound.

  “Come in.”

  Ryker stepped into her room, and her heart skipped a beat. His black suit hugged every muscle, the black shirt beneath made of the same material as her gown. All she could manage was to do was stare. And blush.

  And want.

  Damn him and damn Emily and damn this whole mess. I’ve fallen in love with him and one hundred percent betrayed my sister. I’m a worm. A villain in a fancy dress.

  Her heart didn’t care.

  “Mia Regina, I have brought you a gift.”

  Mia Regina. My queen. She’d looked the phrase up after that first night and now wished she hadn’t. She wanted to be his queen. Wanted to keep him for herself. “But I didn’t—”

  “Hush.” He placed a warm finger over her lips, and it took every ounce of self-control not to suck his finger into her mouth and start something. “These were my mother’s, her mother’s before her. For generations.” He opened a velvet box he’d been carrying under his arm.

  Katy gasped. “But—” Oh…wow. There had to be a genuine fortune in diamonds and gemstones in the box. They were too much. “They’re too expensive, Ryker. What if I lose an earring?”

  He chuckled as if that were funny. “It would please me to see you wear them tonight.”

  “I’m not kidding. What if the chain breaks on the necklace? I can’t. I just can’t.”

  Ryker lifted a stunning black diamond pendant from the box and walked behind her. He lifted the necklace over her head from behind, and she shivered as the cool metal settled between the valley of her breasts. The huge, rare black diamond, shaped like a teardrop, was surrounded with at least two dozen sparkling, flawless white diamonds. He leaned forward and kissed her bare shoulder as he fastened it in place. “You are mine, Mia Regina, and you will allow me to honor you tonight.”

  He nibbled on the side of her neck as he wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her close. His gaze locked onto hers in the mirror. Held.

  With a groan, she finally closed her eyes and leaned into him, tilted her head to give him better access. Tomorrow this dream will be over. Emily will be here. I’ll have to give him up. I’ll have to confess everything and hope she can salvage something from the mess I’ve made. Hope she can forgive me.

  Because tonight? God. Tonight, I want to be his queen. I want him to look at me like he is now, always, like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world. Like I’m the only woman who exists. Like he loves me.

  Ryker pulled her in closer. Whispered nonsense into her ear. Nibbled on her neck. Her heart both melted and shattered in turns.

  Tomorrow. Tomorrow she would confess the truth to him and watch his gaze turn to hate. But not yet. Not. Yet. She opened her eyes to stare once more at the image of them together in the mirror and could not look away. This was her fantasy come to life, staring back at her from the smooth glass. “All right. If it means that much to you, how can I refuse?”

  “Excellent.” He kissed her shoulder one more time before returning to the box and lifting a pair of matching black and white diamond teardrop earrings. As she fastened them in place, he brought her the ring. The setting she’d refused to choose but had desperately wanted was there, perfectly highlighting the large center stone.

  “How did you…?” Her voice trailed off as he slid the ring onto her finger. Of course, it fit perfectly.

  “I pay attention.”

  She stared at the ring as tears gathered in her eyes. This wasn’t right. This ring was Emily’s. He belonged to her sister, not her.

  Not. Katy.

  Emily. Emily. Emily.

  If she told Ryker the truth now, he would hate them both. Emily and Katy had both lied to him. Tried to trick him. He would demand Emily pay back the advance, and their mother would be kicked out of rehab.

  Katy squared her shoulders. So be it. She would work three jobs if she had to. She couldn’t keep up the charade. Things were too intimate. Too personal. Too much falling in love and not enough pragmatic distance from her sister’s business partner.

  “I don’t deserve this, Ryker. You don’t understand. I have to tell you—”

  “Hush.” He placed his finger over her lips again. “Not now. Do you hear that?”

  She listened closely and realized music was drifting through the hallway outside her room. Beautiful, haunting music. And the soft rumble of many voices.

  “Our guests have arrived. The party has begun. Nothing would please me more than having you on my arm. Please, Mia Regina. Give me this night.”

  She loved him. Heart and soul. Head to toe. Every cell in her body ached to give him anything he wanted. “Yes.”

  His smile could have melted an iceberg. He turned from her and snapped the lid closed on the velvet box before she could make out the final piece that lay inside. She wanted to know what was in the box, what he hadn’t given her. But she was beyond spoiled already and didn’t dare ask. She was already playing the villain; no need to make things worse.

  He held out his arm, and she wrapped her hand around his elbow, allowing him to escort her from her bedroom toward the party. Vector stood just outside her room.

  Ryker handed the black box to him. “When the time is right.”

  “Of course.”

  Vector walked away without a backward glance, leaving Ryker and Katy alone in the hallway. The music was louder now, clearly a waltz, and it sounded as if Ryker had an entire orchestra inside.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Not even close.”

  Her honest response made him throw back his head and laugh. The sound made her entire body tingle with longing. She wanted to hear that sound again. A thousand times.

  “You are very intelligent. I have enemies here tonight. Stay close to me. Do not go anywhere without one of the Guardians. Do you understand?”

  “No. What enemies? And why invite them to a party?”

  All levity gone, he turned her in his arms and lifted one hand to caress her cheek. “I do not fear my enemies. I only fear losing you. I will explain later. Just know you mean everything to me. Everything. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She understood all too well, for she felt the same way. She just could not lie to the man she was falling in love with for another minute. Her eyes burned at the thought of losing him. Of hurting him. Leaving him behind and going back home. Never seeing him again. But she couldn’t do this anymore. She would find a way to make things r
ight with her mother. “Ryker, I have to tell you—”

  His lips crushed hers before she could complete the sentence, his kiss stealing her breath. Her will. Her very soul from her body. When he finally released her, they were both fighting for control. “You promised me tonight.”

  “Yes.” For one night she wanted to be his queen, the gorgeous, mysterious woman by his side. She wanted him to look at her like he’d never get enough. A few more hours would change nothing. The truth was coming for both of them. If he wanted the dream to go on for one more night, she would play along. She could deny him nothing. Didn’t want to deny either of them this last night together. “Yes. I promise. Tonight, I am yours.”

  He kissed her once more, softly this time, then turned them toward the din coming from the grand entrance of the palazzo. When they reached the top of the long, winding staircase, Ryker stopped and surveyed the room, Katy with him.

  Hundreds of people mingled below. Beautiful ball gowns, dazzling jewelry, and women so stunningly beautiful Katy was sure they had all walked straight off a fashion runway. They were tall, the women lithe and elegant, the men shockingly handsome in designer suits and shoes that looked like fine Italian leather. No one in the room looked a day older than Ryker or herself. And not one person in the room looked less than royal. Katy had never seen such a thing in her life, not even in the movies.

  Ryker placed his hand at the small of her back and led her, slowly, carefully down the winding stairway, his touch a burning brand at her back.

  With every step, the room quieted more as head after head turned in their direction. By the time they reached the first landing, even the orchestra stopped playing and literally every eye in the room was on her.

  Not Ryker. Her.

  Her hand clenched, unseen in the crook of Ryker’s elbow. Her throat tightened. Was she having a wardrobe malfunction? Had she grown horns? What was with these people? Was she so far below Ryker’s class that they would not accept her among them? No, not her. Emily. Emily. Emily.


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