The Dragon Slayer

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The Dragon Slayer Page 14

by D L Colon

  The innkeeper nods and proceeds to lead Glaycol to his room. Once there the innkeeper leaves and goes to feed Zodiac, then comes back to bring a bowl of food to Glaycol, who eats quickly and just as quickly falls asleep.

  A couple of hours later Glaycol wakes up. He’s still tired but rested enough to continue riding, so he gets out of bed, washes his face and teeth then gathers his stuff. He goes down to leave and on the way he notices the innkeeper is waiting for him. The innkeeper tells him that he already fed his horse and has been keeping a watch on him. Glaycol nods and puts his hood back on as he walks out of the inn. As he walks out, Zodiac is waiting for him. Glaycol loosens the tie and mounts him, riding away as fast as they had arrived.

  Reaching the Elven Kingdom and Glaycol heads straight to Vlamarine’s house. He leaves Zodiac in the stables, knowing that she is not there, and walks through the city. He sees the people celebrating and he wonders if the coronation has happened. As he thinks about this, Glaycol keeps walking, evading drunk people along the way. When he sees Ethan and Jasorian, he joins them as they walk toward the castle. They notice Glaycol and they exchange words. Glaycol tells them what happened and he asks how their mission went. Jasorian looks at Ethan then answers, “It was boring. All we had to do was kill some goblins that were terrorizing the Elven kids.”

  Glaycol nods and they keep walking for a moment before he asks, “What’s the celebration for?”

  Ethan answers with a smile, “Tricia’s coronation was today. She announced that the king died and they have been celebrating ever since.”

  Glaycol looks at Jasorian and says, “I’m surprised you’re not somewhere drinking.”

  Jasorian smiles and responds, “Why would I drink outside when I can do it in the castle with better wine than the cheap stuff you find in the inns?”

  Glaycol chuckles and says, “That’s true my friend. Let’s hurry up, I can’t wait to see Vlamarine. I have some news to share with her and you two.”

  They walk a little faster the rest of the way to the castle, finding that people are blocking the gate as they celebrate. Glaycol curses under his breath, but Ethan directs them through another path for them to take to enter the castle without being seen. They enter and there are guards waiting for them. Upon seeing Ethan, they tell him, “Follow us, your majesty.”

  Ethan looks at Glaycol and Jasorian, surprised, but he follows them as they keep walking. When they reach the throne room, they find Tricia is waiting for them with Vlamarine and Pandora. Glaycol, upon seeing Vlamarine, goes to her and kisses her deeply. As he pulls her to his side, Tricia clears her throat and everyone moves to stand in front of her as she says, “Glaycol Master, Vlamarine Stone, Pandora, Ethan Iron Born, and Jasorian Jondariun, you all have done all I have asked you to help with my Kingdom. If you could have one thing granted from me, what would you ask?”

  Glaycol steps forward and says, “All I ask is what you already know. I need you to lend me your support when the time comes to fight the Dragon Empire.”

  Tricia nods and responds, “You already have my support, Glaycol Master.”

  Vlamarine goes next, “Your majesty, I want you to grant me your permission to leave the Kingdom and help my husband, Glaycol Master, on his quest to get rid of the Dragon Empire.”

  Tricia nods and answers, “I will not hold you here against your will. Follow your heart and remember that this is still your home.”

  Ethan goes next, “Your majesty, I don’t ask for anything because I have all I want. But, as you already know, I am heading where Glaycol is headed when he leaves.”

  Tricia simply nods and Jasorian says, “Your majesty, all I want is your best wine for me to drink.”

  Tricia laughs and says, “I know you have been trying to get your hands on this so I will grant you this. This is Possession Rum. This is the most expensive rum in my Kingdom and in the Istagar Continent. Those who drink it will not drink anything else for the rest of their lives and if they don’t drink it they will look like they are possessed while looking for another drink. Knowing you, this will not have any effect on you.”

  Jasorian nods and Pandora looks at Tricia, “Your Majesty, I ask for the impossible, and that is to find love again.”

  Tricia, with a sad look, tells her, “Pandora, that’s not something I can give you an answer to, but I can tell you that there is someone out there for you. You being a Succubus will make no difference to this person, but only time will grant you that blessing. I’m not a god.”

  They all turn to leave when Glaycol turns around and says, “I have something to say to all of you. I am Glaycol Master of the Black Flame. I am the only heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Tagglar, and Vlamarine Stone, I want us to marry before we leave for the capital tomorrow morning.”

  Vlamarine, with tears in her eyes, responds, “I would love to, but you already know that.”

  Tricia looks at them both and says, “Give me a few hours and I will have everything prepared for you both here and I will do the honors.”

  They all nod and leave the Throne room.

  Chapter 26

  It's been a few hours since they left the Castle when Glaycol remembers that he doesn't have any fine clothing to wear for the wedding so now he must search for somebody who can do this in a short amount of time. Jasorian, Pandora, and Vlamarine must also find acceptable clothing.

  For Vlamarine it is easy to find clothing for a wedding and Ethan already has appropriate attire since he is a Prince. Glaycol is searching through the city when he comes across a clothing shop. He decides to enter and see if they have what's he's looking for.

  Glaycol enters the room and feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Out of habit he puts his hand on his sword as he walks cautiously through the door. He continues walking while trying to find the threat that is in the room when he suddenly hears a feminine voice, “Can I help you, sir?”

  In that instant Glaycol’s instincts scream at him and he knows she is the threat. He pulls out his sword quicker than he ever has and swings it, decapitating her. Glaycol watches as the body changes into a monster called copycat. He starts to run and jumps over the counter; copycats always leave their victims alive to feed from for as long as they need to keep the appearance of the person they are impersonating.

  Glaycol enters the room behind the counter and sees a female bound and gagged. She tries to free herself, but she can’t so Glaycol cuts the ropes biding her. She runs out of the room, thinking Glaycol is the monster that bound her in another’s appearance. Once she is out of the room she finds the body of the copycat. She comes back and looks at Glaycol in shock, and says, “Excuse my distrust. I thought you were the monster that bound me to that chair, but now I see it lying dead in the middle of the shop. I am Yennefer.”

  Glaycol nods and tells her, “I am Glaycol Master and it’s no problem. It is understandable in your situation. Sorry for the change of subject, but I came here looking for wedding attire for myself.”

  Yennefer smiles and replies, “Sure, it’s better that way. It keeps my mind off what just happened. When do you need this attire ready?”

  Glaycol takes a deep breath and answers, “My wedding is tonight. It wasn’t in my plans, but it needs to happen tonight. Do you have anything that would fit me?”

  Yennefer looks at Glaycol she says, “We are tight on time, and no there’s nothing in this place that would fit your physique, but if I can get your sizes I can make something for you as a reward for your help. Stand here, please.”

  Yennefer points to a circle in front of a mirror and Glaycol goes and stands in it. Once he does he feels magic surge around his body, not in an invasive way, and she isn’t looking at him. Instead she is writing on a piece of paper. Once she is done, the magic stops and she looks at Glaycol, “Perfect. I have everything I need. Is there a specific color you want me to use?”

  Glaycol nods and says, “Red and black.”

  She smiles. “No better colors chosen by the Dragon Slayer. I need y
ou to wait for me here.”

  Glaycols nods, “Thanks. I’ll wait here.”

  Yennefer leaves the room, leaving Glaycol waiting. Once she is gone he sits and waits. He feels magic being used and a few minutes later she comes out with Glaycol’s attire. Glaycol says his thanks to her and places a gold dracone on her table. Yennefer fights him, telling him that this is the least she could do to repay him for her life, but he tells her, “None that work for the money that will bring the food to their table should go unpaid for their work. You have done more than I asked for, and for that you have earned this gold dracone. Thank you, Yennefer, and have a good night.”

  Yennefer, seeing that Glaycol will not take the money says, “I understand, Glaycol, and thanks for being considerate of my work. You have a splendid night, Glaycol Master, and whoever it is you’re about to marry is a lucky girl.”

  Glaycols smiles and responds, “I am the lucky one because I have her.”

  Glaycol gathers his stuff and leaves for the castle. On the way he found everyone and they had all found everything too. Once they reach the castle they are each taken to a separate room where they take time to shower and put on their outfits. As is the custom, Glaycol must be the first one in the Throne room so after he is dressed he leaves his armor and weapons behind and he walks toward the Throne room. A few seconds after he gets there everyone else, except for Vlamarine, arrives and each one of them comment on how different he looks.

  When the time comes, Glaycol can’t wait for Vlamarine to appear and after a few minutes of silence, Vlamarine comes in, wearing a dress of white with shades of red in it. In that moment Glaycol is mesmerized by her as she walks his way. Upon seeing the change in him, she smiles brightly. Tricia goes over the words, Glaycol and Vlamarine exchange their vows, and Tricia brings in a set of rings, which she had made for them weeks ago. Right after the ceremony Glaycol carries Vlamarine to his room and once he opens the door, he tells her, “Vlamarine Stone, you are the special one I needed in my life.”

  .” Vlamarine, with tears in her eyes, says, “Glaycol Master, I know it hasn’t been long since we met, but I must confess that I love you.” Words catch in Glaycol’s throat and he is at a loss for a reply. Vlamarine places a finger on his lips and tells him, “Don’t say anything. Take your time, the words will come. I know you can’t speak them yet, but when you are ready I’ll be waiting

  Glaycol kisses Vlamarine deeply and tells her, “Tonight I will make love to you. Tomorrow we will ride for the capital.”

  Chapter 27

  Morning has come and Glaycol wakes up before Vlamarine. As he stands up he stares at her, remembering the amazing things they did the night before. He wishes he could just stay with her, but he knows that they need to leave. Things have started to move the way he had planned and now he needs to make his move and serve a big blow to the Dragon Empire. Without the King they lose any domination they hold over the Queen and Glaycol will make sure that they lose their leverage.

  Glaycol cleans up and starts to put on his armor when Vlamarine wakes up. Glaycol looks at her and smiles, “Good morning sleepy beauty, had a good sleep?"

  Vlamarine blushed but she grins, “Last night was the best night of my life. I want to live those types of nights for the rest of my life. Glaycol, I want to live with you away from the world, somewhere nobody will bother us.”

  Glaycol looks out the window and tells her, “Sadly, I must hold my end of my inheritance. I must go home and become a prince, something I never knew I was until very recently, and I must read a letter my mother and father left behind.”

  Vlamarine nods and they continue getting dressed. Once they are fully dressed they exit the room, and walk toward the gate, where Ethan, Jasorian, Pandora and Tricia are waiting for them. Once they are there Tricia says to all of them, “Be careful out there. The Capital is completely different than any other city you have come across.”

  Glaycol nods and tells them, “I know. I have been there a few times, so I know my way around the city. Let's go. We need to leave now because it will take at least four or five days to get there.”

  Tricia gives Vlamarine and Pandora a horse of their own and Glaycol rides with Vlamarine to her house so he can get Zodiac. When he gets Zodiac, they ride hard out of the city.

  Next five days

  The first two days were easy since Glaycol is used to riding and sleeping out in the forest, eating whatever he hunts, but he knows that some of his companions have only done this as a training for a day or two.

  Glaycol has done this for months at a time and he is used to this kind of life, but he has to consider their fatigued state. If they are fatigued Glaycol won’t have the people needed for the rescue mission. Considering this, he makes changes in his plans to reach their destination in three days, tops. After the third day he starts to make stops at inns to eat and sleep, but in the mornings they ride out at first light, and hunt for their food on the way.

  Vlamarine will take this day to learn more about Glaycol, plus learn some survival skills out in the wilderness. He has even used her bow to hunt, and she has learned a lot from him. She may be a master of her craft, but he is on another level. He didn’t need to practice with her bow. From the moment he got it he knew how to use it and the best way to bring out its performance, which is something she struggles doing. But Glaycol has taken the time to show her how to do it and now she can do it without any problems. Everyone else has learned something during the days out there and, like Glaycol, are prepared to live anywhere out there. Glaycol is a battle-made warrior and once he becomes a prince the life he now lives will be part of the past he leaves behind.

  The next few days pass quickly and they have made it to the capital, but instead of heading straight inside, Glaycol guides the group to a cabin not far from the Capitol.

  Once they are inside the cabin, they see that it is well-kept and even has a small stable to hold a few horses. Glaycol helps them take their horses into the stable. After they get finished at the stable they go inside the cabin and are greatly surprised that Glaycol owns this small place close to the capital. Glaycol smiles and tells them how he acquired this cabin. “The owner of the cabin had some serious monster problems around the house and no matter what he did, the monster would arrive three days later. He was at the end of this rope. He was a nobleman so he put this properly for sale, but the condition was that whoever could take care of the monster would get to keep the house without having to pay for it and he would keep the house clean no matter how many years passed. I decided that I needed a place to crash during my trips to the capital so I talked to him and he didn’t believe me so he asked me to take him with me to take care of the problem. Once I got to the house through his direction I found out that he had a serious problem. He had some Krios. Krios are monsters that hunt humans in separate places but they are often lead by Brakas, which is a type of Goblin made to lead other, weaker, species. The noble saw the Krios for the first time and couldn’t believe how hungry they were for human meat. The moment they saw us they started attacking me, so of course I killed each one of them and then I went to the nest and killed the Brakas and the remaining Krios. Upon seeing my skills, the noble wanted me to work for him but I turned him down. My passion is monsters and that hasn’t changed, but we kept in contact, talking about monsters around the area, and true to his word he gave me the cabin, and he has kept it clean since then.” Glaycol pauses and looks outside for a moment before he looks back at everyone and says, “Well, it’s time to sleep. The cabin has a few bedrooms, so choose a room for the night, because tomorrow it’s time to get to work.”

  Everyone went to a different room, leaving the bigger one to Glaycol and Vlamarine. Glaycol and Vlamarine showered together before heading to bed and making slow, sweet love before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 28

  The next morning everyone wakes and eats then listens as Glaycol tells them what’s going to happen. “The situation is simple. I don’t know the
location of the King, but if I were to keep him under my control, I would use a secluded place in the castle and have it heavily guarded. This poses two problems.” Glaycol stops and looks at all of them. When he sees no one has any intention of interrupting him he continues, “Number one is that no one from the castle must know our intention. The second problem is, by doing this, the guard will have no choice but to attack to kill because if they know that we are going to rescue the King they will try to stop us. If they help us Hyglarur will come to us faster and will kill a large group of people. Since that’s not the intention, fighting the guard will create commotion and panic, which will make the guard fight to kill. People will watch the fights and they will alert Hyglarur. That will force Hyglarur to follow us while we escape with the King. Any questions?”

  Pandora asks, “What do you want us to do about the guards, kill them?”

  Glaycol shakes his head and answers, “I want you to knock them unconscious. If that doesn’t work, make them unable to fight, but don’t kill them. They are the ones who will joins us when the time comes.”

  Everyone nods their agreement then they gather their armor and weapons and Glaycol hands each one of them a cape.

  “Cover yourself. When the time comes you will break down into groups of two, Ethan and Vlamarine will be one of the groups and Jasorian will be with Pandora. I will be by myself and it will take a lot of the attention from me to you. While the guards fight you four I will be going to the destination and you will know when to run away.”

  Everyone puts their cape on and make their way to the capital. They are able to enter the city without any problems, the guards were going to stop them, but Glaycol showed them the emblem of the Hunter Guild and they didn’t bother checking them out. Glaycol, evading the group of people in the market area, guides them through the alleys that the nobles and regular people wouldn't go through. The alley where the thieves roam, the female street performers, and families who have lost everything. Seeing the insignia of the Hunter Guild on Glaycol’s cape made most of the passage uneventful except for a few thieves trying to pose as drunks.


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