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Juanty's Hope

Page 6

by T C Underwood

  "You look stunning this evening."

  "Thank you," she blushed and bit her bottom lip.

  Those lips, he thought. The gesture caused his manhood to strain against his zipper. Shit, hold it down, boy.

  He quickly switched gears. "Are you hungry?”

  “Famished.” She gave him a look through hooded eyes.

  Hell. I’m not going to make it through this dinner if she doesn’t stop it.

  "Okay, beautiful, I know you're a successful business owner, and you're gorgeous. I also know you have this amazing ability to make a man want to fall to his knees and worship every step you take just by sucking on that bottom lip, not to mention the mind-blowing sex, and all of this before I even know your last name. So, tell me. Who is Juanty?"

  She sat back in her chair and rested her glass of water on the table.

  "Well, there's really not much to know. I'm from South Alabama. My parents are deceased. I have three beautiful sisters, whom I cherish, but at times, are the bane of my existence."

  "Any children?"

  Juanty was taken aback by the question and tears began to formulate. Her mouth twisted, and her gold eyes seemed to flicker.

  "Hi. I'm Charlise. Are you two ready to order?"the young server asked. He was tall with light brown skin. He had a long, curly weave that was to die for, and falsies long enough to slap his customers when he blinked. He was not in full drag, but a dress and the right heels would have finished the ensemble.

  "Um…Yes. I will have the porterhouse steak, extremely rare, and your caesar salad," Juanty ordered, looking down at the menu.

  "I'll have the same, please." The server smiled at Johnathon, ignoring Juanty, and walked away.

  Juanty felt a pang of jealousy and wanted to snatch the server’s eyeballs out, but decided that may be too much on their first real date.

  "Wow. A man who likes his meat rare like me. I've died and gone to heaven."

  Johnathon let out a boisterous laugh. "Well, heaven for me was the other night with you. I've been eating my meat rare since I was a little boy. It's how my mother prepared her meat."

  "Is your mother still living?"

  "Oh, yes. She lives not too far from here. I would like for you to meet her one day.” Johnathon coughed, embarrassed at the mere mention of meeting his mother so soon. What was he thinking? “I mean, what I'm trying to say is, I really enjoyed the time we spent together the other night. I am really into you. I can't explain it, and I don't care to. Something is going on between us, and I would like nothing more than to explore what is happening between us. You are quite bewitching, Juanty."

  She could feel the puddle forming between her legs. She could no longer fight what was happening with this human than if she had on boxing gloves and had trained with Apollo Creed. She promised herself she would keep her composure when he showed up, but all that seemed to go to hell in a hay basket. She was nervous, and could not stop herself from smiling. Even a simple gesture like saying hello had her head grinning like a Cheshire cat. She wanted so badly to run because she knew this gorgeous specimen deserved more than a life of secrecy and complication. There is no way a man like him could accept a savage. She was an animal, and once he found out, he would be the one doing the running. And he would find out. There were no two ways about it.

  Hell, she almost shifted while they were making love. There is no way she could keep a secret like that from him forever. Her sisters were right. It would never work.

  Forget her sisters. What do they know? None of them has a mate yet. So how can they know what’s best for her? She brushed off the negative thoughts in order to focus on the man sitting in front of her. For the moment, she would live in the here and now. She could at least enjoy dinner and his company.

  “Did I offend you?” He noticed she was in deep thought.

  "On the contrary. You’re quite the charmer."

  "Just honest," he said.

  She shifted in her seat to adjust her wet panties.

  "Honestly, beautiful, I would like us to share a lot more moments like the other night together."

  She didn’t know what to say. "Johnathon. I, um …I think you're a really great guy, and under different circumstances, I would take you up on your offer, but I really …"

  "Here you are.” The flamboyant server set down the plates. “Is there anything else I can get you?” He stared at Johnathon like he wanted to pour him in a glass and drink him like lemonade.I don’t blame him. This man was fine as cat hair, Juanty reasoned.

  "Is there anything else you need, sweetheart?"Johnathon’s focus was on her. He leaned in, and he flashed that six-million-dollar smile of his.

  "No, thank you, lover. I have everything I need right here at this table."

  Johnathon held his position and locked into her as if everything in the room had disappeared, including the server.

  “Humph, must be nice,” Charlise said as he switched away.

  Johnathon’s smile faded, and seriousness replaced it. “There is something I need to tell you before we move any further.”

  Oh, here we go, she thought. She braced herself for the worst.

  “I have a beautiful, but feisty ten-month-old daughter named Olivia.” His smile was back, and she could see the pride in his eyes. Her eyes, on the other hand, held shock. She wasn’t expecting him to say that. A daughter. How would she feel about his daughter after experiencing such a tragic ending with her own? Her stomach did a flip, and her hands started shaking. Her left arm became numb, and her breathing was shallow.

  “Whoa, beautiful. It’s OK. I am not asking you to start breastfeeding or anything; I just wanted you to know. She is the most important thing in my life, and I need to know you are okay with that. That’s all.”

  “No, it’s not that. I think having a child to love and raise is a wonderful thing. It’s just that, I had a daughter, too. I lost her a long time ago. She was just a baby.” She took another breath and swiped at the tear that fell. Johnathon was at her side before the next one could fall.

  “I am so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “It’s OK. It was a long time ago. I am dealing with it.” He pulled an empty chair from the table next to theirs and sat beside her. He retrieved the napkin from the table and dried the tears that now freely flowed.

  “You don’t have to deal with it alone anymore.”

  “I would love to meet your daughter,” she said.

  He sat back and was relieved. "Let's eat and enjoy this beautiful meal. I will take you to my home, and then to ecstasy. Are you okay with that, beautiful?"


  The two arrived at Johnathon's home, and Juanty could hardly wait to meet Olivia. Her initial reaction to learning about Johnathon’s daughter was replaced with anxious anticipation. Getting out of the truck, she could see the man had taste. The large, ranch-style home was a dark-colored brick and had a massive wraparound porch that was immaculate. Taking her hand, he led her up the stairs to the front door.

  "Baby, I have never brought a woman to my home to meet my daughter. I'm bringing you now. I choose to trust you because you captured my heart at first sight. If you have no intentions of becoming a permanent fixture in my world, and I yours, please tell me now. A child is a huge responsibility for someone, and I do not want her to love you the way I intend to, if you're not all in."

  Juanty stood frozen, realizing that this man had no clue what he was getting himself or his small baby into. How could she do this to him? He had a right to know what she is, but surely, he would never let a wild animal near his child, although she could never harm anyone or anything close to Johnathon's heart.

  “Hey, are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you. I mean, I don't plan to propose tonight or anything, I’m just letting you know my intentions. I never hold back my feelings, and I’m honest to a fault."

  "Johnathon, I need to tell you something about who I am. I'm not what you think. I'm …"

  Johnathon interrupted. "Juanty, you're not a murderer,
are you?"

  Juanty froze as a vision of the dirty cop's penis in her hand came to mind. She didn’t kill him or anything. She was generous that night, but in the past, she had murdered for survival, food, and justice. She cared for Johnathon. She could not believe how fast her feelings were growing for this man. Could she trust him with the truth?

  "I …"

  The door opened, saving her from the lie she was probably going to tell.

  "Dada, Dada!" The most precious little girl launched at her father and out of reach of the beautiful woman holding her.

  "What's wrong with Daddy's girl?"

  Juanty was immediately taken with the small child's beauty. She had soft, black coils, untamed, and all over her head. Her chocolate skin was smooth like her father’s, and her big, dark brown eyes were full of tears. She was the chunkiest little ball of beauty, and Juanty's face lit up when she grabbed her father's neck.

  He turned to Juanty with concern etched into his wrinkled forehead. "I'm not sure what's wrong with her. She's usually happy and ready to play once I'm home. Let's go inside, shall we?"

  They entered the house, and for some reason, Juanty felt uneasy around the pretty stranger standing off to the side. Who was she to Johnathon?

  "I'm not sure why she's so fussy today. She doesn’t have much of an appetite. Maybe it's her tummy. She doesn’t take well to strangers, either. Maybe that’s it." The woman glanced at Juanty as she spoke.

  Johnathon gave Sye the side-eye. "This is Sye. She is Olivia's nanny and a dear friend of the family. She has been here since Rachel’s death and has been a great help to Livy and me. Sye, this is my, um…"he hesitated, not knowing how to introduce his date. They were not an actual couple, but if he had his way, they would be soon.

  Juanty let him sweat for a second, and then let him off the hook. "Nice to meet you, Sye. I’m Juanty." She stuck out her hand, but the woman ignored the gesture and turned to Johnathon.

  "Let me take her, John. It's time for her bath." She reached for Olivia, but Johnathon held onto her.

  "No worries, Sye. I will get her ready for bed tonight. Are you okay little one?”He asked. He touched her forehead to check for a fever.

  "John, you know I love taking care of Olivia," she said. She was wearing cookie cutter booty shorts and a tank top that exposed her bulging breasts. The hairs on the back of Juanty’s neck stood up, and a chill crept through her body. Something wasn’t right with this woman.

  "Yes, I do. However, I wanted to spend some time with her and let her and Juanty get acquainted." Sye's gaze towards Juanty was cold.

  "Besides, didn’t you tell me you were hanging out tonight with the girls?" Johnathon suggested with a wink. Olivia rubbed her tears and rested her head on her father’s shoulder.

  "Let me get my keys and get out of your way then."

  "It was a pleasure meeting you, Sye." Juanty stifled a laugh and managed to keep a civil tongue.

  "Oh, yes. What was your name again? Was it Hauntee? Haunted, or something like that, right?"

  Johnathon’s eyes narrowed. "Sye, please be respectful to my guest." Johnathon couldn't believe Sye's behavior. She had always been a good friend and was respectful to him and his visitors.

  "Let me get my keys and get out of your way." She stomped off down the hallway like a teenager who had just gotten her phone taken away.

  "Okay, that was awkward. Is there something going on between you two?"

  Johnathon stepped closer and kissed her lightly on the lips. "I’m trying to get something going on with you."

  She could feel the humidity rising. "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

  Johnathon wrapped his hand around her waist and tightened his grip.

  "It's definitely you."

  "Dada, Dada-da," Olivia cooed.

  "Can I hold her?" Juanty had not cared for a child since that fateful night Elizabeth Woods took away her baby. She took special care not to bond with them because they reminded her of what motherhood could have been like. Olivia was different. There was something familiar and comforting about her.

  "Well, she seems to be okay now, but let me warn you. It takes Olivia a while to warm up to people she's not familiar with." Juanty extended her arms, and Olivia leaned into them.

  "Well, I guess she just made me a liar. Pumpkin, you are making Daddy look bad." He let out a thunderous laugh, then watched in amazement as Olivia laid her head on Juanty's shoulder. "Please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

  "Coffee would be nice." She refocused on Olivia, who attempted to put her fingers in Juanty’s mouth. "Aren't you the cutest little thing?" Olivia grinned, exposing two tiny teeth at the bottom. As if that wasn’t cute enough, all the sweet juice in her mouth dribbled down her chin, onto her bib that read ‘daddy’s angel’.

  While the two proceeded to play patty cake, Johnathon poured coffee into two mugs, placed them on a tray, and brought it, along with a bottle of formula to the living room.

  "I know she has a handsome father, but I never imagined how beautiful Olivia would be."

  "Actually, she looks a lot like her mother," he admitted. "I loved her dearly, and to be honest, there has never been a woman in my life before her or since that could hold a candle to her beauty, until now."

  Juanty blushed at the compliment. She took the bottle from Johnathon's hand. Placing the nipple in Olivia's mouth, she sat back and relaxed, allowing Olivia to be a big girl and feed herself.

  "Thank you, Johnathon. I'm flattered."

  "I'm just telling the truth." Johnathon sat down next to Juanty.

  The heat between the two was combustible, and as afraid as Juanty was to share herself with a human again, she was more afraid to walk away without knowing where things could lead with him.

  "Black lace," Juanty whispered.

  "Excuse me?" Johnathon looked as if she had just turned a magic trick.

  "I said I'm wearing a black lace panty and bra set."

  Johnathon's eyes widened. "How on earth could you possibly know I was thinking that?"

  "I can read your mind," Juanty said quietly.

  "Who are you, Juanty? First, you blow my mind in bed, or rather, on the carpet in your office, and now you are blowing my mind and heart out of the water. I feel like I should be scared. Instead, I'm totally intrigued and find myself wanting more." Johnathon looked at his precious little one and realized she had fallen asleep. “My daughter even likes you.” He took her from Juanty's arms and stood. "I will be right back. Help yourself to the microwave if your coffee is cold."

  Juanty watched the two exit and took a sip of her coffee. Damn, even his coffee is good as hell, she thought. What else can this man do?

  Sye walked in and stood in front of Juanty. “I’m sorry for my attitude earlier. It’s been a long day, and it’s that time of the month. You know how that can be. Sye looked off, and Juanty didn’t get the feeling that her apology was sincere.

  “No problem, Sye.”

  “Maybe I will see you around.” She grabbed her keys and left the house without another word.

  Moments later, Johnathon strutted in with gray jogging pants and a black t-shirt. He was quiet with an intent look on his face.

  "What's on your mind?"

  "You should know. You're the mind reader, right?" Johnathon sat down next to this chocolate beauty and leaned in, covering his mouth with hers. She eagerly accepted his advance by adding her tongue to the mix. The kiss increased in intensity, and he grabbed her hair, deepening the assault on her lips.

  Juanty's head began to swoon, and sweat formed above her top lip. "Johnathon," she whispered.

  "I want you to say my name just like that when I sink myself deep inside of you."

  He reached for the zipper on her strapless jumper and gently pulled, revealing the black lace bra she had mentioned earlier. He wasted no time licking the cleavage between her B-cup globes. She gasped and arched her back, giving him better access to what he was exploring. He took the hint and reach
ed his hand inside of the black lace, holding onto the mound that fit perfectly in his hand. Her nipple was hard, and he flicked it with his tongue before drawing it into his mouth. The sensation drove her wild. The urge to shift at his touch was becoming habitual. She squirmed at his ministrations.

  "Are you okay, beautiful?"

  A nod and a sigh were all she could get out. The sounds of her breathless passion had him harder than Chinese arithmetic. He had to taste her.

  He stood and grabbed her legs, forcing her to lay back in the process. He yanked down her jumper, taking the tiny black panty with it. Before she could prepare for what was about to happen, his tongue lapped up the slippery mess that had formed at her center. It did not take long for her body to respond.

  "I'm cum-cum-Cumming," she croaked, and Johnathon was ready, holding onto her hips, pinning her as she gushed.

  "Let me have it, Jay," he said softly. Then he savagely took in her essence, leaving her spent once she was done. He, on the other hand, was just beginning.

  She looked up at the man who was stealing her heart. Her irises were as gold as King Tut’s tomb. He was oblivious as to how bright and golden they had shone. His eyes were closed, and focus overwhelmed his handsome features. He settled himself at her core, and with one smooth stroke, he was deep inside of her. She was so far gone, she had not noticed when he relieved himself of his pants and underwear and covered himself with a condom. She closed her eyes and flooded her mind with the feelings of lovemaking, contentment, and the possibility with a man who made her dizzy with hope.

  Chapter Seven

  When Johnathon felt the soft folds of Juanty’s flesh, the temperature rose several degrees. Sweat dripped as he tried to fight the sensation to release inside of her. This had never happened to him before. In fact, he prided himself on being able to sustain until he thoroughly satisfied his lover each and every time, but this woman was different, very different. The moment he entered her, it was as if his power, control, and sanity were sucked to the tip of his penis, threatening to spill over into her body without permission. Her walls were silky wet, but strong, and squeezed him with the ferociousness of a python. He knew he was in trouble, but as addictive as it seemed, it was damn sure worth the risk.


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