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Juanty's Hope

Page 9

by T C Underwood

  She let the water in the sink run long enough to get warm and grabbed the small towel from the towel rack Johnathon had left for her. She forced herself to stop obsessing over Johnathon long enough to get cleaned up and dressed. She didn't want to be too long, leaving Olivia alone for an extended period of time. She listened to the baby monitor for signs of stirring but heard nothing. She finished her ho bath and wrapped herself in a towel.

  Walking out of the bedroom, reaching for her dress, a thought slipped into her mind. What if Elizabeth started the fire?

  Chapter Ten

  Johnathon parked across the street from his place of business. He got out and stood motionless as he watched the commotion around the building he had built from the ground up. He was so proud of his business accomplishments, and to see it go up in flames was utterly heartbreaking. His boy Bryant met him as he crossed the street to assess the damages and search for someone, anyone who might be able to tell him what happened.

  “Thanks for coming, man.” Bryant grabbed his friend and locked him into an embrace, dapping him up.

  “Hey, man. I can’t even believe this shit. What have you heard?”Bryant looked pissed and hurt all at the same time.

  “Nothing. I am just getting here. Trying to find someone now.”

  “Well, I was just talking to Crack Head BoBo, and that fool told me he saw a little hogtie snooping around the place with something in her hand just before the place went up in flames. You know that clown see everything. He don’t miss shit.”

  Johnathon turned to his friend. “Where’s Bubo now?”

  “Man, how the hell am I supposed to know. After we talked, he took off. You know you can’t keep up with no crack head.”

  “Some help you are, Bryant. I will catch up with Bubo tomorrow and see if he can remember what the woman looks like.”

  “Yeah, cus the police sho can’t catch his ass. Peeeeerrrn!” Bryant motioned with his hands as if he was Usain Bolt at the 2016 Olympics.

  As the two walked towards the building that was now a shell of its former structure, an officer who favored that actor Arsenio Hall approached. He flashed his big teeth and asked, “Are you Mr. Reid?”

  “Yes, I am. What’s going on with the building? Is everything destroyed?”

  “Well, sir, you have a mess on your hands, I can tell you that. But we have not been able to get in there yet to assess the extent of the damages. I can tell you that the fire started near the gym area, but it looks like much of your office was left intact since the firefighters were able to respond so quickly. You may be able to save some of your files and stored information. I can’t let you in there right now, though, because we are pretty sure arson is to blame, so all this will be taped up as a crime scene for now. Once our crime scene unit gets in there in a few hours, you should be able to get in and get some stuff out if you need to.”

  “A crime scene? What the hell?” Bryant questioned. “Who would want to hurt a group of kids who are less than fortunate as it is? These kids use the rec center as a way to stay out of trouble. Johnathon is a hell of a mentor and keeps these kids from robbing y’all asses out here in these streets every five minutes. This shit is ridiculous.” He let out a frustrated breath.

  “We don’t know who at the moment, but I can tell you, we are pretty sure of the why.”

  “What do you mean, officer?” Johnathon raised an eyebrow and waited for the man’s response.

  “Well, what I can tell you is that there was a clear message spray painted on one of your vans parked in the back of the building that pretty much tells us this was a hate crime, given the offensive language. The perpetrator left a can of spray paint near the van. We are going to lift it for prints, but I wouldn’t bet on finding anything there. I can tell you we will do what we can to find out exactly what happened here tonight, and who is behind this mess.”

  “Well, since you can tell us every goddamn thing, can you tell us where this muthafucka is at so we can go kill his ass?” Bryant said agitatedly.

  “Calm down, B. We will get to the bottom of this.”

  “Nah, man. He getting on my nerves talking ’bout he can tell us every-damn-thing except what we wanna hear.”

  “Well, I can tell you this, “the cop interjected. Bryant threw his hands up in the air and walked away.

  Johnathon wiped his hand over his wavy hair. “Actually, officer, I think we are done here. I am going to walk around the building and take a look at the message. Maybe it can give me a clue as to who could have done this.”

  “Before you go, Mr. Reid, can you tell me if there is anyone you can think of who may want to cause harm to you or your business?”

  “You mean besides all the lunatic racists flooding our country that can’t stand to see a successful black man helping our children be successful? Nah, can’t think of anyone.”

  “Well, once you take a look, let me know if anything rings a bell.”

  Johnathon tuned out the officer's comment and walked sluggishly to the back of the building where Bryant stood near the vandalized van.

  “Man, would you come look at this shit?”

  Johnathon walked over and read the hate-filled garbage written in red spray paint alongside the vehicle.

  Leave that mangy nigger Juanty alone! Or you and that baby are dead!

  Johnathon stood frozen. Nausea filled his stomach. Disbelief filled his eyes. His heart pumped uncontrollably. He had no clue who could possibly even know that he had a new girlfriend, and immediately wondered what kind of shit Juanty was mixed up in. One thing was for sure. He could not live if anything happened to his little girl. She had already been sick for the past week or so, and did not seem to be getting better, and now someone was threatening to hurt her. He would kill anyone who tried to harm a hair on her little head. A thought hit him, and his knees almost buckled. Juanty was with his baby. Had he been mistaken? Could the woman who had captured his heart so quickly be involved in something that could bring harm to them? If so, how could she risk hurting his precious daughter? He tore himself away from his thoughts and took off running to his car.

  “Aye, man, what’s going on?” Bryant screamed.

  He ignored his friend’s voice. Instead, he unlocked the driver side door, hopped in, and pushed the ignition to start his car. He pulled off into oncoming traffic, nearly hitting a car and sped off into the direction of his home.


  Johnathon pulled into his driveway and barely remembered getting from his car to his front door. He opened it and was relieved when he saw Sye holding his baby and feeding her a bottle.

  “Is everything OK? She was a bit fussy when I got here. I decided to give her a bottle to try to calm her down. I am not sure why you left her here with that woman. I bet she did something to upset her, but she seems to be okay now.”

  Johnathon didn’t know why Sye’s comment about Juanty offended him, given the fact he wasn’t so sure he knew all there was to know about her. She could be involved in some shady dealings. Nevertheless, he was bothered by her brash comments.

  “What were they doing when you got here?”

  “Nothing major, it was just something weird about her demeanor, and she was in a hurry to get out of here. The baby was screaming at the top of her lungs, and she pretty much tossed her to me to get out of the house. I don’t think she likes Olivia much. Hey, why did you leave her here with her anyway?”

  “Her name is Juanty, and I had an emergency at the center.”

  “Oh, is everything OK?” Sye asked, standing up.

  “I’m not sure, but I plan to get to the bottom of it.”

  Syeshrugged and left the room. Johnathon went to the kitchen to retrieve some saltine crackers for his worsening upset stomach. Just as he was about to take a bite, his doorbell rang. He thought about the message on the van and rushed to his bedroom closet to get his weapon. Removing the safety, he walked to the baby’s room, and then to Sye’s. “Stay here, and do not come out.”

  “What is goin
g on?” Sye asked. Johnathon put his finger to his mouth to shush her. She complied. He closed the door and headed back to the living room. He stood to the side of the entrance. “Who is it?”

  “What is wrong with you, boy? Open the door!” He was relieved to hear the sound of his mother’s voice on the other side. He opened the door, and she did not hesitate to walk in.

  “Why haven’t I heard from you this morning? Your rec center is all over the news and you could not even call your own mother to let me know you were OK? Well, it’s good to know you are among the land of the living. If I wasn’t so glad to see you, I would whip your butt. Don’t think you too grown for a spanking, young man.”

  That was the first time he’d smiled since he had last seen Juanty. “Mom, I apologize. I’m okay. It has been a very long morning and a lot is going on. Can I get you something to drink?”

  The beautiful woman who had raised him from the time he was a little boy, approached the island and took a seat. “That building can be replaced, son. You cannot. I am so glad no one was in there. At least that is what the report said. No one was hurt, were they?”

  Other than my heart if Juanty had something to do with this? “No, ma’am. The place was closed, and the building was empty.”

  “Well, praise the Lord.” Melody was a beautiful woman who had not aged a day since Johnathon had known her. She was no more than a teenager herself when she found him, and still looked remarkably well for her age. She was tall with smooth, honey-kissed skin and could upstage any model on Tyra Banks’, America’s Next Top Model. She was curvaceous but dressed modestly in loose-fitting jeans and a t-shirt. She wore no makeup and definitely did not need it. Her long lashes went on forever, and she had a dimple in her left cheek. Johnathon loved Melody. If it was not for her, he did not know what his life would be like today. He wasn’t even sure he would have survived the incident that changed his life forever.

  “Son, what’s going on? I know you have had this major thing happen, but I know you, and the look on your face says you are hurting way beyond a burning building.”

  “Actually, mom, I’m exhausted. I did not get much sleep last night, and I would love to lay down and get a nap before Livy wakes up. She’s been under the weather, and I plan to spend the day making sure she is OK.”

  “I understand, son. You go on and get a nap. I plan to be right here when you wake up. If Livy is sick, I will stay and make sure both of you are okay.”

  “Mom, thank you. I love you for that, but Sye is here. Not to mention, I happen to be a very capable father.”

  “I know just how capable you are. I have watched you with that baby, and you are a wonderful father, but you know I never liked that girl you have all up in here with my grandbaby. She is snobby, and you know she wants you. She’s trying to get your money. She doesn’t care anything about that baby, the way she walks through here, swinging her hips and dressing half naked all the time.”

  “Okay, mom, that’s enough. Sye has actually been a big help, and she hasn’t tried once to jump your son’s bones.”

  The doorbell rang again, and Johnathon couldn’t believe it. This time, he kept his gun lodged in his waistband so he didn’t alarm his mother, and went to the front door, opening it.

  “Can I come in?” Juanty stood before him, looking as gorgeous as ever in blue jeans and a pink and white halter with the words “Thug Life” written across the front. She had a big presence about her that was a complete turn on to him. She was like a magnet to his groin, and it betrayed him yet again by trying to poke a hole through his sweats. He didn’t want to be turned on, because now he believed she could be dangerous. Well, he really didn’t know what to believe.

  He was no punk, and he did not want to allow some fucked-up-in-the-head racist arsonist to keep him from finally finding happiness. He needed answers. He needed to understand what all this was about before he made any final decisions. Damn, she was fine.

  Melody leaned forward and saw the stunning woman. “Well, are you going to let her in, or does she have to introduce herself from right there at the doorstep?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Juanty walked in and immediately noticed the woman sitting on the bar stool at the kitchen island. She was gorgeous, with imposing features. Her beauty would intrigue any man.

  “Juanty, this is my mother, Melody Omondi.”

  Juanty smiled, but couldn’t help but notice something was definitely different about this woman.

  “Nice to meet you, Ms. Omondi.”She stretched out her hand to join with Melody’s, and instinctively knew what was off. Melody was no human. A shifter’s senses were acute, and she could smell her animal’s pheromones. Not only was she an animal, but she was also of the same species as Juanty. She was Iluma.

  “The pleasure is all mine, young lady. How do you know my son?”

  “Umm, actually, we met at my place of business. I wasn’t feeling well. He noticed I was struggling and helped me get to my office. Your son is quite the gentleman. We’ve become very good friends, and I care for him very much.”

  “Wonderful. I’m sure you and I will have the opportunity to get to know each other better at some point.” She smiled.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Juanty turned to Johnathon to speak, but her mind was racing. Was Johnathon Ilumu? Of course not. She would have detected the same aura on him as she did with his mother. This must be how he was able to sustain while making love, but how? Does he know his mother is a shapeshifter? None of this made sense, but she knew she had to get to the bottom of it.

  “Actually, mother, Juanty is my girlfriend, and I need to speak with her about a personal matter. If you don’t mind, I promise to bring Livy over later if she’s feeling better.”

  “Well, I certainly know when I am not wanted. You two lovebirds go ahead and do what you do, and I will catch up with you later, son. Again, it was a pleasure meeting you, Juanty, and I am absolutely sure you and I will have much to talk about later.” Melody winked and spoke gingerly into Juanty’s mind.

  “We shall talk soon, my dear. Please do not speak a word of this to anyone.”

  Juanty gave a slight nod as the woman walked towards her son to give him a hug. Once she was gone, Juanty walked to the sofa and took a seat. Her mind revisited the moment of intense passion on that very sofa she had shared with this man who made her heart flutter. He really was her mate. She knew now that fate had a hand in their being together, but now hate was trying to tear them apart. Furthermore, there seemed to be nothing she could do about it until she caught up with Elizabeth. She sat silently for minutes, searching for the words to speak, when he abruptly cut into her thoughts.

  “Juanty, the arsonist who tried to burn down my building left a message that was highly offensive. The message involved you and threatened my daughter’s life if I do not stay away from you. I need to know what you know about this, and how you may be involved.”

  Anger surged through Juanty’s body. How dare this woman invade her life and attack it the moment she finds happiness. Was it not enough that she had made her previous life hell? She now had to destroy her current one, too. Self-pity began to surface, and she felt like a slave all over again. She felt inferior and helpless. How could she defeat this woman when she didn’t even know where to find her? She just reared her ugly head whenever she wanted to stir up trouble. She sat up straight and was determined to put her slave mentality in check.

  “Johnathon, I can explain.”

  “So you do know who is behind all of this?” Johnathon took a step back. He felt the air rush out of his lungs.

  “Yes, I do, but if you would—”

  Johnathon panicked. “You kept a secret you knew all along could put an innocent life in danger? I can’t believe I trusted you with my daughter. I made a huge mistake. I need to ask you to leave. Now!” His voice took a tone of anger, and he couldn’t even bear to look at her in her eyes.

  She could not believe the words Johnathon was speaking. He would not even give her a
chance to explain that she had only recently learned of her ex-master’s plans. Hell. This was not even about him or Olivia. This was about her and a past she neglected to erase hundreds of years ago. How could she explain all of this to him when she didn’t understand it all herself. How could she explain that she was not human? She could fix this, but not without exposing the secret that could harm not only her and her sisters, but could destroy their entire way of life. She caught her face in her hands and cried. Why was this happening again? This time, she knew she would not survive it. She wanted to tell him everything. Run into his arms and confess everything, but she couldn’t. He was right. She was a danger to him and Olivia.

  Defeated and overcome with grief, she stood and darted towards the door, bumping into it, knocking herself to the floor. Johnathon ran to her and gently helped her up, holding her in his arms.

  “Jay, what the hell? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am just afraid for my daughter.”

  She tried to calm herself. She took several breaths before speaking. “You’re right. Even though I had no idea what was happening until just recently, I put you two in a dangerous situation. I tried to walk away once I found out. I came over to break it off, but my feelings were too strong, and when you kissed me, the way you kissed me, I just couldn’t do it. I feel horrible. Please forgive me.”

  She used her strength to push him away before rushing out the door. She hopped in her black Range Rover and sped off. She knew what she had to do. This would be the last time she allowed herself to hope.


  “Girl, fuck him! He doesn’t know what he missing. You are a catch! I mean, you can put it on his ass real good and run fifty mph. Girl, please, you are the bomb dot com. Plus, and you are a sweetie pie. If he doesn’t see that, then forget his ass.” Pearl was heated. She knew Juanty cared deeply for him and would protect the people she cared about with her life. She was a keeper, and the fact that he didn’t trust her, pissed Pearl off.


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