Unwanted Inheritance

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Unwanted Inheritance Page 5

by K. Forest

  “Who the hell is that?” Pixie takes out a thirty-eight-special revolver from her bag.

  “Put that gun away.” I demand. “It’s my brother.”

  I’m actually glad he showed up, but I need him quiet so as not to endanger Lia. Angelo gets out, gives a thumbs up to the guys in the van, and waltzes over towards us with his hand in his jacket pocket. “Well, well, dear brother. I didn’t know you were into the kinky pixie elf types. Are you taking them both on? You surprise me at times, Sonny.” He whistles his approval of my companion of the moment. “In all seriousness, I know you love taking long motorcycle rides, but why not just bang Miss Leoni in the restroom back at the club?” asks Angelo, never taking his eyes off Pixie.

  Krista takes her earphones out and places them aggressively on the hood. While marching toward Angelo, she points at him. “I don’t give a flying leopard spot who you are. I will shoot you and let you bleed out along with your brother!”

  Van doors spring open as Angelo flashes his hands up and takes a few steps back, looking at me for guidance. Guns are being pulled out by the guys in the van. This whole night has escalated into a ridiculous situation. Turning toward the van, I hold up my hand, assuring them I have the situation under control.

  “One minute until start, Krista,” Lia states over the headphones.

  “Krista, you are needed on the earpiece. She just checked in with one minute to go. Your attention is needed there. I promise we won’t do anything to compromise Lia.” I say emphatically, looking over at Angelo.

  Huffing, she continues to wave the gun at him. “Fine, you are free for the moment. If I hear one peep, Angelo, I’m scalping your Patrick Swayze hair.” She yells at him. Interesting that she knew his name. Seconds later, she makes contact with Lia telling her she’s all set on her end. “Is that ant of a dick there?” asks Krista.

  “Yeah, he just tongue gestured me. He’s so gross.” I hear Lia say.

  Angelo walks next to me with his arms folded against his chest. Leaning in, he examines the computers. Pixie gives him the evil eye. He retaliates with a zip lips movement and wiggling his eyebrows. She flips him the bird. God, they are perfect for each other.

  He looks at me in silence. Whispering in my ear, Angelo questions whether I understand Lia is racing in an illegal race. Nodding quickly a yes, I look back at the computers. Observing and listening to the way Lia and Pixie converse is fascinating. They interweave each other, often finishing each other’s sentences. I notice that Lia was consistently maintaining a two hundred and seventy-three kilometers per hour pace for most of the two-mile duration. Knowing that pace is not only physically exhausting but emotionally as well, this woman was a superpower. The sun is now up, and first light is already glimmering against the chrome on the car.

  “Holy Bat Girl, you smoked that piece of lard. Now get your ass back here,” shouts Krista.

  Lia is silent for a moment, and then I hear her let out a whoosh of air. “God, that felt good! See you in a few.”

  Pixie gives a little dance of satisfaction and starts cleaning up the equipment. Angelo takes it upon himself to help her. “Here you go, Pixie, let me help you with this stuff.” He grabs the stuff and starts walking to the trunk of her car.

  “Stop calling me Pixie! It is not my name, and for your information, I will never ever need your help!” she yaps at him.

  Shaking my head, I take out my cell phone and notice Mateo sent a text. Sorry, he volunteered to check on you, please forgive me. I would have come myself, but Josie would have my nuts.

  I text back. Keeping your nuts are priority, no worries. Angelo has met his match with a pixie girl. I’m still trying to close the deal with Miss Leoni.

  He texts back: Pixie girl, you mean Krista? She’s ok. Just make sure she doesn’t’t shoot Angelo. Still haven’t closed the deal? Losing your touch.

  I text back, Asshole!

  Of course, Mateo knows everyone in the area. Looking at the time, I realize it’s coming on five a.m. Placing the phone back in my jeans, I rub my face. Minutes later, Lia bullets into the parking lot and parks abruptly next to us. Getting off, she takes her jacket and throws it at Krista.

  “All right, you’re up! I’ll check in with you tonight,” she says to Krista. “Text me when you get home.”

  Pixie mounts the bike and pulls on Lia’s helmet. Blowing a kiss to Lia and flipping the finger at Angelo, she shouts, “Arrivederci!” Flying out of the parking lot, she disappears like fairy dust.

  “Well, that was entertaining.” Angelo says.

  “If you taunt her, she will latch on until you tap out,” warns Lia.

  “I enjoy ruffling her pink tips.” Angelo laughs.

  She looks at me, rolling her eyes from what he just said. “Are you coming with me, or you going with him?” She asks, pointing to Angelo who is standing by with a grin.

  Angelo steps over and leans in, giving me a side nudge as he whispers, “Make sure you leave your phone on and answer all texts.” Backing away, he feels my wrist to assure himself that I’m wearing my watch. Smacking my cheek lightly, he then asks me in a loud voice making sure Lia hears him, “You got enough condoms?”

  I give him a quick jab on his shoulder. “Get out of here, see you tomorrow.”

  He gives me a cheeky smile, laughs, and walks away towards the van. Once he converses with my tail, he’s off in his Porsche.

  Chapter 5

  “Time to go, playboy. I’m driving this time.” Lia states. It’s refreshing that she is multidimensional, more than most women I meet.

  Still steaming a little from my encounter with her pixie friend, I frown in distaste. “If you are going to call me something, at least be original about it.”

  “I don’t know. When Krista called you that, I believe she got it spot on,” she says with a slight smirk.

  Shaking my head in total disagreement, I deny it. “Well, it’s definitely a fictional statement. It’s a much more appropriate description when applied to either of my brothers. I like my women one at a time.” I state with a lazy smile.

  Still smiling at my response, she starts pulling out. “I take it you have admirers,” she nods towards the van as we pass. “Will they be joining us?”

  Until I receive more information regarding her illegal racing, I’m not going to give her any answers. “How long have you been illegally racing?” I ask. Blunt and to the point, leaving her to either answer truthfully or ignore me.

  Forty-five minutes later, I notice we are heading towards the hotel. Exhilaration swirls through my body. I need to switch tactics to salvage this escapade. “Miss Leoni, I appreciate the ride back; however, I don’t stay in the hotel itself.” As we pull into the entrance of the hotel, I direct her to the private driveway toward the boathouse. “Park in front of the boathouse.”

  I notice Angelo hasn’t returned yet. Determined to keep her with me, I reach for her long braid and give it a gentle tug. Stretching my fingers to her neck, I start massaging lightly. Her shoulders relax as she slows down.

  Trying to keep her composure, she lets out a long sigh. “Mr. Ferrari, I believe I have mentioned a raincheck.” Not convincingly, her attempts to stay professional are failing miserably.

  Leaning to her ear, I start to nibble down her neck, tickling her with my breath. Goosebumps of pleasure appear on her skin. I watch as she ducks her head to take in the building. “Are you kidding me this is your boathouse? It’s magnificent!”

  I know she is playing for time, still deciding whether to stay or leave. Her body is betraying her, which brings satisfaction bubbling through my veins.

  “Thank you, I designed it.”

  Looking at me in astonishment, she puts the car in park. Taking the initiative, I turn the car off and take the keys. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I exit and briskly walk to the driver’s side door. Attempting to relax her, I make an unexpected bowing gesture. “Miss Leoni, I’m prepared for that raincheck this morning.”

  Hesitant, she remains sitting, still
not sure. Knowing she feels mutual sexual attraction, I wait patiently, unaffected by her attempts to control the chemistry. Eventually she puts her hand to mine. That strong handshake earlier at the club has turned delicate and dainty. Giving her a quick squeeze of assurance, we begin walking to the front entrance.

  She starts some rambling questions as we get closer to distract herself. “Does your whole family live here? Why don’t you stay in the hotel?” She stops abruptly at the front step, “Why aren’t you answering any of my questions?” She huskily asks.

  Grinning, I grab her braid again, holding her firmly knowing she responds positively to this gesture. Bending down, my lips gently graze hers. Adding pressure for her to open, my tongue is begging for entrance.

  Finally, she relinquishes and opens up, and our tongues begin the mating ritual. Desire erupts through my body, and I’m tempted to take her right here. Chances of an audience are too high, so reluctantly I break our connection. Noticing her eyes are still closed, I watch as she inhales deeply, slowly opening them. Her eyes are reflecting the same need and desire as mine.

  “I’ve been racing for about two years to reimburse a horrible loan my brother made,” she says quietly while looking at me expectantly. I place my hands on her shoulders to still her.

  Opening the door, I reward her with answers in return. “My parents have an apartment on the top floor of the hotel. I share the boathouse with my two brothers.” Holding the door for her, she walks in. I watch her inspect her surroundings. “Would you like a night cap or something to eat before we head upstairs?”

  “I’ll take some sparkling water if you have any,” she answers absentmindedly, still absorbing the scenery outside the windows. I grab a bottle of Berg mineral water and two glasses as I gesture to the stairs. “My room is on the top floor.” She turns on her heels and proceeds to sashay up the stairs.

  Opening the door to the bedroom, she moves through the room and sits on the bed having peeled off her jacket and red camisole. I devour her with my eyes as she sits looking bodacious in her red lace bra and her unbuttoned black leather pants. She begins to undo her braid. “Leave it, it will be useful later,” I say hoarsely. Drinks are already forgotten.

  Lia smiles and reaches her hands behind her back to undo her bra. Devouring her with my eyes, I slowly walk toward her, unbuttoning my shirt until I stand in front of her. She reaches up to take the shirt off me, immediately followed by unzipping my pants. I quickly step out of them, and she reaches out to slip off my remaining black boxer briefs. Reaching out, I stroke my thumbs across her nipples, pondering how I want to take her first. Leaning back on her arms, she holds up one leg getting my attention.

  “I need help getting out of these.” I oblige, unzipping her boots and getting them off. Next come her leather pants. Before she can decide what the next step is, I grab her ankles and thrust them apart, opening her wide. She lets out a little sound of shocked pleasure. Lowering myself down, I start kissing and nibbling the inside of her calves. The sensation makes her squirm with anticipation. Taking my time, I acquaint myself with her body.

  Hints of coconut combined with her natural sexual scents assail me, making me even more turgid. My tongue continues a slow journey upward. Reaching my destination, I blow a hot breath along with a satisfying hum of vibration right on her center. “Oh my god, wasn’t expecting that,” she moans in a husky voice. Lightly biting the fabric and snapping her panties, I give her another shock of pleasure as she arches her hips under my touch.

  I quickly tear off the wisp of lace. Lifting her legs to my shoulders, I lower myself down between her legs, whispering, “I’m ready to collect that raincheck now, Miss Leoni.”

  “GOOD AFTERNOON, MR. Ferrari. Sleep well?” My eyes start to focus and see Lia leaning on her side with her head resting on her hand. My sheet slid down during the night, and I sleepily watch as Lia does a slow inspection of my body. My instincts were correct about Lia. She is a firecracker. I reach for her hair that had come undone at some point. Twisting the silky dark hair around my hand, I slowly bring her down to my lips. Reaching for her hips, I quickly bring her to sit on my lap. Starting to nibble on her neck, I hear her suck in her breath. “Santos, I really need to go.”

  Ignoring her, I give a little tickle under her arm. “Why, you have another race?”

  Squirming on top of me, shaking her head side to side, she gives me her answer.

  “First, I need my way with you in the shower. I’m going to enjoy cleaning every part of your firecracker body, then we can discuss your need to leave.”

  Eyes glazed, she turns to stand up. Before she can mutter anymore protests, I quickly scoop her over my shoulders, swatting her butt and marching into the shower.

  An hour later, I put a hand through my wet hair as I make my way down the stairs. Reaching the living room, I see Angelo playing FIFA on the Xbox with Sam.

  “How’s our sunshine doing today? Did your little illegal racer finish you in record time?” Nothing like Angelo and his attitude first thing.

  “Very funny, Angie. Did you have fun stroking off alone last night?”

  Sam spits out a laugh.

  Opening the refrigerator, I turn and notice Angelo giving both of us the finger. I pour some orange juice and opt for a banana while I wait for Lia. A few minutes later, she appears all refreshed and glowing. Handing her an orange juice, she takes it greedily.

  “We can head over to the hotel for something to eat if you’re hungry. Just need to get my phone upstairs,” I say to her.

  Winking at me, she takes my half-eaten banana and sways over to watch the guys play.

  “All right girls, Lia and I are heading over to the hotel to dine. Catch you later.” I tell them minutes later. Looking over to Lia, I notice her satisfied smile has been replaced by a puzzled frown. She looks at me and gives me a brief illusion of her former smile.

  Concerned, I reach over to take her hand. “What’s wrong?” I ask her. She gives me a broader fake smile, stands on her tip toes to reach my lips, and gives me a quick kiss. “I really have to go; I’ll take a raincheck on breakfast. Walk me out.” Grabbing my hand and directing me to the door, she says goodbye to the guys who respond nonchalantly. Reaching her car, she swiftly turns, throwing her arms around my neck. “Thanks for cashing in your raincheck. I had an amazing and very satisfying time,” she says, looking into my eyes.

  She drops her head, and I sense she wanted to say more but then decided against it. She starts to pull away, but I hold her tighter. “I’m not sure what just happened in there or what those bozos said to you but let me clarify: whatever Angelo said, please ignore him. He often gets diarrhea of the mouth.”

  When she looks up at me in amazement, I knew I had hit the nail on the head. God damn Angelo and his mouth. “I can imagine in some format he told you to back off given your racing ties, am I close?”

  She attempts to break my hold, and this time I allow her. “Santos, he’s right. You shouldn’t get mixed up with me. Hell, I shouldn’t even be in it, but I am. This was great, the best raincheck ever, but that’s all it’s going to be.”

  Smiling at her, I agree that it was the best raincheck. She’s been a carefree surprise that I look forward continuing with until it fizzes naturally. “Let’s make a deal that we will continue whatever this is between us until we decide that it’s over—not Angelo or anyone else.”

  Shaking her head in disagreement, she argues, “Santos, your family name is very powerful here, and I don’t want to be the cause of a rift between you and Angelo.”

  A summer fling with no strings is all what I wanted. Silently, I curse my last name and plot my revenge against Angelo for ruining a great thing. For now, I need to put this fire out quickly. “Lia, please, I really want to see you again. Nothing between you and me will cause any problems with my family. Answer me honestly, if Angelo hadn’t said anything would you have been willing to spend more time with me?”

  Her eyes reach mine, and she doesn’t need to a
nswer. I can tell what she’s thinking.

  “That is a start. You leave Angelo to me. Now, you said you are racing to pay back a loan. Who are you paying back, and how much debt do you have left?”

  Contemplating her response, she chews her bottom lip with her teeth. The gesture is sexy as hell. Knowing the Ferrari name is powerful, she knows that having a Ferrari as a friend rather than a foe would be beneficial. However, her stubbornness and pride are trying to persuade her to keep far away from me. I’m sure in her mind she is also determining the consequences of yet again owing someone something.

  Finally, she replies, “I’ve already paid off hundred thousand dollars. I have one hundred thousand left. Once that is complete, I need to negotiate buying back shares to fifty-one percent of Lion Whiskey.” She leans against her auto for support and looks at me to measure my response.

  I am surprised at the large sum of money owed. That can only mean she is really in deep debt to someone powerful. “Who do you owe Lia?” I ask her quietly. Having spent years observing my father and uncle in business from afar, I knew it’s never the what, it’s always about the who.

  Slowly the story spills out of Lia. “His name is Giulio Garza Jr., the only son of the owner of Garza Winery. Len and I were in the beginning stages of Lion Whiskey. Len was in charge of the financing. During that time, he got diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I don’t know if it was the medication he was on or if he was just feeling defeated, but one night he went to a strip club and got drunk. That’s when he was approached and swindled by Garza.”

  Satisfied that she confided in me, even if it is the short version, I pull her gently into another embrace. Getting her loan paid off is the simple part. Getting her detached from Garza might be a little more complicated. “Last question, why do you switch off with Krista on the bike?” I asked more out of curiosity than a need to know.

  She replies without hesitation, adding a simple shrug to her shoulders. “To hide my identity from him and others. To keep the Leoni name legit. Garza doesn’t yet know I’m the one racing. No one does. He has always suggested other ways I could personally pay off the debt. He’s a pig of a man.”


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