Unwanted Inheritance

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Unwanted Inheritance Page 6

by K. Forest

  I bend down, bringing her in for a deep, long kiss and blending orange, banana, and toothpaste together. Breaking away, I ask her for her cell phone. Looking at me, still a bit unsure, she reaches in her purse and hands it to me. I put in my info, text myself with her phone, and then I hand it back. Reaching down to give her a final quick kiss, I gallantly open her car door. “Miss Leoni, I look forward collecting my raincheck on brunch.” I can’t resist swatting her bum as she goes to sit in the car.

  Once she is gone, I turn and walk toward the house. Anger immediately soars through my body once I’m inside. Grabbing an orange from the counter, I whip it across the room, hitting Angelo in the head.

  “Hey! What the hell are you doing, Sonny?” yells Angelo as the first orange hits him.

  Picking up another one, I repeat the assault against him, hitting his side and back.

  “Stop! Are you trying to kill me? You just screwed up my game!” He’s lucky that I don’t have a pellet gun handy. I could only hope the oranges left welt marks.

  “You’re such a pain in my ass!” I yell back at him. “Thin ice, Angie, you’re on really thin ice with me.” Throwing one more orange at him for good measure, I return to my room, feeling the need to distance myself in order not to choke him. I change into more appropriate clothes for a nice, long motorcycle ride. That will give me time to cool off and to think about Lia’s dilemma.

  Hours later, my calm is restored. I begin the routine task of washing the bike before storing her back into the garage. Just the thought of putting her in dirty generates anxiety. The first time I laid my eyes on her, she was neglected and a disgraced mess of a bike. Given her age, she was a lucky find. After many hours of slaving and laboring over her and fresh black paint, my BMW R75/5 looks brand new. Being the first motorcycle I ever bought and restored, it’s the most sentimental. God, I keep reminding myself about getting too sentimental about anything.

  Hearing my phone ring, I glance to see who is calling before answering. It’s GF returning a call I placed to him at a petroleum stop during my ride. “Hey, GF, thanks for returning my call.”

  “My pleasure, Santos. How are you guys settling in? I’m assured Germano had everything in order.”

  Knowing full well that Germano reports regularly to him, I assure him. “All is well here. I do have some things that I would like to go over with you, possibly next week. I’ll send you an agenda with open items before the conference call.”

  “Very well, but Santos try to relax a little. You won’t have time to rest once you start work.”

  “Sleep is for the weak.” I state.

  “I’m free on Thursday. Could we set it up for 13:00 Italy time?”

  We continue catching up, and a few minutes later, we say our goodbyes.

  Finishing the last spot with wax, I hear footsteps coming towards me. My body stiffens automatically, hoping it’s not Angelo. I’m not quite ready for him yet even though I have calmed down considerably.

  Looking up, I see Mateo. “Hey Sonny, feel better after the ride? Sam filled me in. Be gentle with Angelo. He’s just looking out for you. I know the crowd your girl is in; nothing you want to get caught up in.”

  Not wanting to snap at Mateo, I squeeze my eyes closed for a few seconds before speaking. Standing up from my motorcycle, I ask him, “Who’s Giulio Garza Jr.? And no bullshit that he’s just in the winery business.”

  Lighting his cigarette, Mateo takes a long drag giving him time to answer my question. “The guy is a piece of shit. Your girl owes him money, and if she doesn’t pay, I’m sure he’ll use her as final payment. Her brother is a weak-assed rat letting her take on Garza alone.”

  Standing up, I grip the rag in my hand so tightly my arm muscles flex. I surmise he must have gotten some of that information from Angelo and the rest from local rumors.

  Mateo takes another long drag, blowing circles of smoke out of his nose and mouth. “What do you want to do about it, Santos? I know you well enough to know that you’re not going to let this go. I’m with you however you want to play this out. Just as long it doesn’t interfere with the wedding, or Josie will have both of our heads.”

  This finally brought a smile to my face. I agree the full wrath of Josephine is definitely not recommended. The girl lit a guy’s car on fire after he groped her friend’s butt outside a club one time. Mateo had a hell of a time fixing that mess. That girl is tough as nails. Mateo definitely met his soulmate.

  Some of my plans for Lia had already been formalized on the ride. “I need you to set up a tour for us next Friday afternoon at Lion Whiskey Distilleries. In the meantime, I need every piece of information on every Garza family member. I also need more information on Len Leoni. I want to know everything, from their shitting schedule to the vitamins that they take every day. My first hire need is a computer hacker, someone not tied to my family’s business. I need them under the radar, so that they can be trusted.”

  Mateo takes one last drag, and he throws the discarded cigarette on the ground before grinding it in the dirt with his boot. “Yeah?” Mateo seems a bit reluctant. “I can already think of one of the best in the business, but you are not going to like who you will have to go through.”

  “Who?” I ask.

  “Remember the one you called Pixie last night? Well, the street buzz is that she is friends with one of the best. She is often in contact with someone who goes by the name of Indigo. Word is she is scrupulous.”

  “Okay, find out what you can about this Indigo person as soon as possible, along with the other information I asked for. Please.”

  “Sounds like you are planting seeds in Italy. Are you still planning on returning to Las Vegas? You know what and who you sound like, Santos? Or should I call you, Don Santos?” he asks with a matter-of-fact expression.

  I don’t return his smile. I know I sounded like my father, but I don’t bother acknowledging the statement.

  Taking that as a sign of dismissal, he starts to leave. "I’ll keep you updated on what we find and text you with confirmation on the tour.” Mateo states professionally.

  Chapter 6

  Like most early summer mornings, I finish my two-mile swim by treading water. Morning swims are a form of meditation for me. On this particular morning, I soak in the scenery. The lake reflects a clear mirror image of the shoreline. Towers of some of the majestic icons of architecture are reflected, along with gently swaying trees. I absorb everything, bringing my body and mind together in harmony.

  The past several days were very productive. GF and I had a great meeting, and all my suggestions were approved and my requests accepted. Mateo, as promised, had followed through with collecting an enormous amount of information regarding the Garza family. Sifting through the details allowed me to complete the plan I formulated to help get Lia out of debt.

  This afternoon, we have a tour set up to visit Lion Whiskey Distillery. The best part of my week was I hadn’t had to endure Angelo’s ugly face and sarcastic remarks. He and Sam had taken off to Milan for the week. God only knows what kind of shenanigans they have been involved in. Before the afternoon tour with the Leonis, I need to finish tying up one loose end, so I end my swim and make my way into the boathouse to clean up.

  Walking towards the garage later, I send Mateo a quick text telling him the time to meet me at the hotel, so we can drive together to the distillery. I’ve blown him off the last few days and feel a bit guilty for ignoring him and Josie’s wedding plans. Starting up my red Ducati, I pull out of the garage, passing Germano and giving him a quick wave. Since it was still early in the morning, there is no one on the road, enabling me to cruise faster than usual. Minutes later, I arrive in the middle of town.

  Backing into a parking space in front of my favorite bakery, I notice the familiar car I was looking for parked just a few spots away, exactly where Mateo said it would be. Carrying my helmet, I walked past Krieg Bakery and continue two doors down to a new-age internet cafe. Going to the counter, I order my usual a coffee l
atte, along with a buttered jam roll.

  Casually walking to the table in the corner, I join the two gals I made this trip for. Lia’s friend, the blonde-haired, pink-tipped pixie, was sitting next to another girl with long blue hair. Both were feverishly typing into their computers. Thumping my helmet on the table to get their attention, I smile and say, “Good morning, Pixie. How are you this lovely morning? I thought you would still be working at your parents’ bakery at this time of the day.”

  Pixie’s head shoots up as though an alien had just sprung up in front of her. If Pixie’s eyes could really kill, they would have done me in on the spot. “What the hell are you doing here?” She spits out.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” I ask Pixie, while looking at the other woman. Laying on what I believe is my most charming smile, I look at her expectantly.

  “No need to be introduced, Mr. Santos Ferrari,” says Indigo. “You probably shouldn’t be riding your red Ducati if you want anonymity.”

  Reaching out my hand to shake hers, I say, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person Indigo, or should I say Maria.”

  Looking at me in surprise, Indigo decides to ignore my outstretched hand as she looks back to her computer saying. “I can’t say the same. However, I am wondering how you found out my name. That is something not generally known too many.”

  Krista is looking between us as though she was at a tennis match, trying to catch up with our conversation. She stands up abruptly, her face turning the shade of her hair tips. I continue nibbling on my breakfast, leaning back in the chair with one leg up on my knee. This is turning into quite the amusing breakfast.

  “Why are you here, Playboy, besides harassing us?” Krista asks, looking at me as if she’s ready to pounce.

  I hold up my free hand, waving it in a gesture of peace. “Easy, Pixie. I’m here for the free wi-fi, just like you!” I say jokingly.

  “Fine, you said your hellos. Now, feel free to scurry along,” she says, flapping her arms towards me trying to shoo me away from them.

  Ignoring her for the time being, I turn instead to Indigo. “I am actually here to offer your friend Indigo a rather lucrative job for a few months. You would work for me exclusively. Nothing illegal, just help with collecting information that others might find difficult to procure. Apparently, word on the street is that you are one of the best and actually have a code of honor towards those who use your services. I would also expect you to make sure my computer and those of my close colleagues cannot be hacked. You would check in with me regularly and always answer my calls. You would need to pay off your community hours by volunteering at the Krieg Bakery while in my employment. Also, I expect you to stay out of trouble along with your complete loyalty. Only to me!” I emphasize the last part. “For this, you would be very well compensated. Much more generously than the occasional jobs you accept.”

  I let that sink in while I turn back to Krista, whose jaw is hanging open and ready to lay into me. Holding up my hand in a placating gesture, I quickly say, “Just hear me out, Krista. I know you don’t trust me, but your friend Lia does. I really would like Indigo to work for me, and you can act as a sort of guardian to her in order to assuage your distrust of me. I would also pay you well for this service.” Taking a sip of my latte, I see both girls trying to wrap their brains around what was just offered.

  Indigo has finally stopped typing, instead studying me with distrust, yet I see a glimmer of interest in her face. Krista has managed to shut her jaw and is looking back and forth between us. I give them both the time they need to digest everything. If Mateo is correct about Indigo, I will reap the benefits of having a computer brainiac at my disposal without having to use any of my father’s people. Having someone that I can trust at my fingertips when I’m in the States will be priceless.

  Indigo’s face is betraying her age, making her look years older than she is. The mask of makeup she is wearing doesn’t help, along living the life of an orphan on the streets. In another few years, it will catch up with her. Her record showed she’s been bounced around all over the country.

  “So, what’s it going to be?” I ask. “A sizable amount of money for just a few months, or waiting around for the occasional job offer?” Finishing up my last bite, I stand up, winding up this little meeting. “I’ll expect your answer by midnight tonight.” Pulling my cell phone out of my pocket, I email her the documents that need to be signed to make it final. Hearing a ping from her computer confirms she received it. “I just sent you the legal job documents to be signed. I look forward hearing from you, Indigo. If you are as intelligent as I think you are, you will make the right decision.”

  Turning to Krista and her stunned face, I say, “Pleasure seeing you this morning. I am looking forward to working with you.” Knowing it will definitely irritate her even more, I wink at her as I pick up my helmet and saunter out of the cafe towards my Ducati.

  SITTING IN THE PASSENGER seat of Mateo’s G-Wagon, we head towards Lion Whiskey Distillery. Between Lia’s fine whiskey and the heat we stir up between us, Italy should prove to be a lot more interesting than I had anticipated. Strangely, I am also looking forward to helping Lia ease her burdens.

  Breaking out of my thoughts, I hear Mateo ask me something. “How did your early meeting go?” He asks, still cautious after our last conversation the other day.

  Thinking of how I left both gals in complete shock at the internet cafe still makes me smile. The astonishment on both their faces when they realized I knew Indigo’s real name was priceless. Even the social workers didn’t have that. He really came through with spot-on intel. “Mateo, you really delivered the key information that I believe sealed the deal. The girl will no doubt be a handful, but I think she’s solid enough for what I need. Hopefully, she’s the genius they say she is. By the way, I included Krista in the package at the last minute. I know the two together might create some mayhem, but my gut sense told me that having Krista for an ally rather than a foe would work out better. We should be receiving the paperwork for the job offer later tonight.”

  “Ahh, our sweet, thoughtful Sonny has returned.” Mateo jokes, breaking any awkward feelings between us.

  “Shut up, or I’ll make you Indigo’s guardian.” I threaten with a chuckle.

  He shakes his head. “Hell no, no brats for me. I told Josie the same thing. Marriage, but no kids.” The remaining drive is spent carrying on as old friends. We talk about his upcoming nuptials to Josephine, football, and just razzing each other.

  “Shit, Sonny! This place is going to need a lot of work. It’s completely dilapidated.” Mateo says in disgust as we drive through the open gate to the entrance of the distillery.

  The gate’s hinges hang off and are clearly rusted. Security seems non-existent which would leave any asshole free to enter any time of the day or night. The grounds look as though they had once boasted manicured gardens, but they are now overrun with weeds. Bushes and vines have grown alongside garden beds that were left to survive on their own. Shutters hang at angles, the peeling paint showing their neglect. Statues and fountains that once dominated the lawns with their beauty now stand as defeated, broken, and weathered sentinels. The gigantic stone barn, with its partially intact roof, looks like it will collapse with the next windy, thunderstorm.

  I recall there were no landscaping expenses or outside estate repairs on the ledger I reviewed earlier. I just was not expecting such total neglect. They must be spending all their funds on only product development. Worry starts to unfold at what the inside must look like and has me hoping they aren’t giving many tours. If I wasn’t already aquatinted with Lia, I would have had Mateo turn around and not waste our time looking at an aged, dilapidated distillery.

  “I can’t imagine them giving tours. Damn, at least their product is amazing.” Mateo states, mirroring my exact thoughts. While silently agreeing with him, I’m also realizing that this would definitely give my proposal the upper hand I need.

Reaching for the folder I had put together beforehand; we exit the vehicle. Walking towards the oversized double door entrance, one of the doors fly open. I see the lady of the estate herself is watching us approach her business. She’s wearing a short-sleeved, light weight knit dress that accents her every curve along with a pair of black stilettos. I felt myself harden. She has my favorite feature, her long black hair, once again in its signature, glossy braid. She stands proudly waiting and ready to welcome us.

  “Welcome to Lion Whiskey Distillery, gentleman. Please excuse the grounds’ appearance as our groundskeeper is presently on holiday.” Lia says dryly.

  Ushering both of us in, I can sense she is anticipating selling the Ferrari family quite a lot of premium whiskey to use in their hospitality venues. While I am all about being professional, I’m finding it difficult to not stare at her tightly muscled butt. It makes it difficult to think about anything other than backing her up against the wall and feeling myself in her.

  Halting in the foyer to take in my surroundings, I’m stunned to see it’s anything but dilapidated. It is elegantly restored and tastefully decorated. The floor is a large mosaic of a huge male lion surrounded by a garden of abundantly bright flowers. The detail is beyond exquisite. Looking up to the ceiling, it’s accompanied by a gigantic crystal chandelier glittering against the light that’s streaming in through the oval stain glass windows. Wood and gold compliment the opulent decorations as finishing details. While my style is usually more aligned with Frank Lloyd Wright, modern and minimal, this design fits the mansion well. Like the Ferrari Grand Hotel, it’s a timeless architectural jewel.

  Looking over to Mateo, he seems as mesmerized as I am. Lia begins to speak once again, bringing our attention back to the tour. “My brother will join us for the tasting at the end of the tour. Our first stop will be at the Grain Grading Room.” She starts walking briskly out of the entrance hall through a corridor. Holding real estate on the walls are many historical paintings in ostentatious but fitting frames. Lia begins telling us the history of how her grandfather had been a professor of chemistry. He started dabbling in whiskey as a hobby. He did quite a bit of reading on distilleries and the different techniques used in Scotland. Sadly, life took a turn for him when his wife became ill. After her death, he gave up his hobby and immersed himself in many long hours at the local university teaching and researching. Decades later, he suddenly resumed his interest in whiskey making. Len, who is also a professor of chemistry, volunteered to move from Milan to help their grandfather in the making of the world’s finest whiskey. Together they ventured to make a Leoni dream become a reality.


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