Unwanted Inheritance

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Unwanted Inheritance Page 7

by K. Forest

  She opens a door and proceeds down the marble staircase. The first room we enter is set up as a laboratory. “In this room, we test numerous samples for moisture, weight, foreign materials, and damaged grain. The most important test we do is the organoleptic analysis, which is the smell test. Smelling the grain for mold is important to detect a bad batch. So far we have been fortunate to never have one.” She smiles proudly as she leads us to a set of wide, green, metal double doors “We only have two mash bills running at the moment. Each consist of combinations of corn; rye; molten barley; and, of course, a secret Leoni ingredient. It’s time consuming, but we wash a total of three times. The first time, we drain, while the next two times, we use the same water. Being in the basement, we are able to keep it a little cooler thus adding more consistency, compared to other more up-to-date distilleries.”

  We enter the last room, called the Still Room. “Another reason that makes the Lion Whiskey process unique is that our fermenting is made out of Quercus frainetto, commonly known as Hungarian oak tree or, if you will, Italian oak. Eventually, we will restore the barn, so we can keep more wells.” She remains quiet for a few moments, allowing us to digest all her information. Mateo walks over to inspect the wooden wells.

  I take the opportunity to walk closer to her, mischievously grabbing her braid and giving it a slight tug. Leaning in, I give her ear a gentle little bite.

  “Mr. Ferrari, please behave,” she whispers, swatting me while looking to make sure Mateo didn’t witness my advances. Of course, he did, but it’s his job to pretend he doesn’t see anything. He’s leaning down, shaking his head, and rubbing the fermenting wood.

  Lia takes a step away from me and gathers herself. “Do either of you have any questions for me?”

  Smiling, I tell her that I have a question. “Is this the room where you use the Bung Flogger method?” As expected, her eyes go wide, and heat blushes her cheeks.

  Pretending not to have heard me, she walks over to the other side of the room where there is a second entrance to stairs. “Well, this completes the tour, gentlemen. We prepared sampling stations upstairs for you.”

  I seize this as an opportunity to have a moment with her. “Mateo, please head upstairs. We will follow in a few moments. I need to speak to Miss Leoni alone for a minute.” I hand him the folder, and he heads up without a word, leaving Lia frozen in place. “Miss Leoni, we don’t have much time, so it’s going to be hard and fast. And to be clear, this is not a raincheck.”

  Stalking towards her, I notice her body instantly tenses in sexual reaction. I reach for her, grabbing her head with one arm and hips with the other. I slowly walk her up against one of the stone walls, then swiftly turn her around. “Put your hands up against the wall.” I tell her hoarsely.

  As I slide the hem of dress to her waist, I can feel heat of her sex wafting off her. Desire is gripping her and slams through me as my hips buck against her, letting her know how badly I want her.

  One hand descends to the middle of her braid and tugs tightly, while my other hand presses against her core. Her moans and desire intensify. “I really love your lingerie choices.” I mutter out loud to myself.

  “I enjoy when you rip them off of me,” she murmurs, turning her head to me give me a sensual look.

  Bending down, I give her a wet, open kiss; our tongues dueling with each other. With a quick tear, I once again easily rip off her panties and put them in my jacket pocket. Giving her braid one last hard tug, I unbuckle my belt and undo my trousers. She lets her head fall back against my chest with a satisfying moan as I spread her slowly from behind, penetrating her swiftly.

  “Remind me again if this is the room the Bung Flogger method is performed in.” I whisper.

  A short time later, I head upstairs to track down Mateo and Len, letting Lia clean up and put herself back together with composure. A large round wooden table and ten chairs are placed in the middle of the room where we are sampling their whiskey. Two smaller tables are to the side that display sampling bottles and empty glasses, waiting for attention.

  Len is looking out the window in deep thought, while Mateo is casually sitting at the large table. He looks at me and smiles, shaking his head. Raising my eyebrows, I let him know now is not the time to get into this. It’s all business right now. I nod my head towards Len, and Mateo shrugs his shoulders.

  “Mr. Leoni, I believe Mateo briefed you on our proposal. It would, as you know, secure Lion Whiskey financially while protecting your sister and you going forward. I will never insult her riding capabilities, as she’s one hell of a rider. However, the crowd she has indulged in while pursuing the sport is extremely dangerous.”

  Len suddenly snaps away from the window, pointing at me. “You son of a bitch, you are just as an evil as the Garzas. To be clear, I wasn’t aware she was racing. The story she told me was that she had secured a loan with a bank suggested by one of her colleagues.”

  Picking up the folder, I walk towards him. “Len, I’m the devil who will protect you and your sister while keeping your business legit.”

  His outburst cost him most of his energy. His frail body seems to deflate right in front of me.

  Handing him the folder, I press on, knowing if Lia returns too soon our talks will end immediately. “You will be receiving the paperwork for phase one of the proposal. Once that is signed, completed, and returned, we will continue with the merger.”

  Len looks up from the folder with cloudy eyes and says in a reedy, serious voice. “This is going to end whatever you two have once Lia finds out about this arrangement. I won’t keep this from her.”

  I acknowledge the information. “I suggest you be honest with her, as will I. But we should also make her see the sense of this deal. Mr. Leoni, to clarify, any personal relationship I might have with your sister has absolutely nothing to do with you.” This piss ant will not dictate my physical involvement with his sister. “I have every confidence that you will make the right choice, Mr. Leoni. If not for yourself, then for your sister’s sake.”

  At that second, I hear the sounds of Lia’s heels echoing behind me. I turn and see she’s composed but has a questioning look as she observes all three of us. “What right choice does my brother have to make, Mr. Ferrari?”

  Before I can answer her question, her brother walks over to Lia and hands her the folder. “Mr. Ferrari was kind of enough to give me information on experimental Parkinson treatments in New York City.” He gives me a defeated look, knowing I’m the better evil to choose, and walks back to the window.

  Lia flips through the pages, absorbs the information quickly, and then looks up at me.

  “My mother is an honorary board of director at the New York hospital. I told your brother she could set up an appointment for you both to meet with the research doctors.” She is clearly stunned by my invitation.

  Walking over to me, she gives me a light peck on the cheek. “Thank you. I don’t know how we can ever repay you.” Taking a deep breath, she directs me to sit. “Shall we continue? We will start with the original Lion whiskey, which is ninety proof. The second sample, which you are familiar with, is the Lioness. The third is from my grandfather’s private collection of which there are very few barrels left. You are among a very privileged few to experience it.”

  Len excuses himself midway through the tasting, not being able to endure the remaining social tour while digesting the information he had been presented with earlier. Half an hour later, Lia walks us out, giving both Mateo and I small favor boxes of whiskey.

  “Miss Leoni, thank you for the tour. Your knowledge was very stimulating.” I say, giving her an intense look. “I look forward receiving a quote proposal for the limited-edition copyrights to sell at our Ferrari hotel here in Italy and eventually at our United States brands.”

  “We will put something together by next week that is mutually beneficial for both parties, Mr. Ferrari.” She looks between both Mateo and me. “Gentlemen, thank you again for taking time from your busy sc
hedule.” She says, giving me a quick glance then looking away. Mateo gets into the car and shuts the door. I walk over to her and give her lips a slow perusal. As usual, I can feel the sparks between us.

  Walking slightly past her, I point to the barn and grin. “I know an architect who could help transform that pile of rubble into something magnificent.” I repeat her words regarding my boathouse. “Oh and, Miss Leoni, don’t forget I’m looking forward collecting my brunch raincheck this Saturday.”

  As we pull out onto the road, Mateo immediately starts in on me. “You know her brother is right. She is going to freak out once she finds out what you’re up to.”

  Most of the time, this honesty is a quality that makes Mateo’s company so enjoyable. He’s to the point with facts. No patronizing or tell me that I shouldn’t do something.

  Shrugging, I simply tell him. “Say something I don’t know, but I’m only trying to protect her. Eventually, she will see reason, and if not, well, it’ll be fun while it lasts.” Personally, I hope this fling will last at least until I go back to Vegas. I’m liking her mind as well as her body.

  I quickly type Lia a text. Meet me Saturday 10:00 a.m. on your sexy machine at Krieg Bakery. I have a surprise for you.

  I turn to Mateo saying, “How about calling Josephine and telling her there will be dinner and boating at my place tonight?”

  Agreeing with the idea, he gives her a quick call to let her know he will drop me off and pick her up after work.

  Pulling into the driveway, I see two familiar females that look more like they should be at Comic-Con rather than loitering in front of my residence.

  Mateo whistles. “Shit, they both look like angry little she-devils. They must have balls of steel showing up here.”

  Just as he finishes his comment, I see Germano walk over to them with a silver tray which holds some kind of refreshing beverage. Got to hand it to Germano for taking his job seriously. I’m hoping his presence defuses their temperamental attacks.

  “Oh good,” Mateo chuckles. “You have back up. I’m out of here. Going to go pick up Josie and be back for dinner.” He gives me a shit grin.

  “Traitor asshole.” I say getting out of the car.

  Chapter 7

  Reluctantly, I get out of Mateo’s car and walk to where they are waiting. I take a stance a few feet away from them, waiting for them to explain why they showed up at my home.

  They stand unified, probably ready to defend their wants. I try to take them as seriously as I can with their ridiculous hair colors, multiple ear piercings, and tattoos. If I ever have a daughter, there’s no way I will allow her to express herself like that. Germano is beyond himself with what to do with the females. I can’t help laughing to myself because he’s so out of his element.

  Standing before the two girls, I let them stew long enough that they begin to fidget. I break the silence. “Ladies, an email before midnight was part of the terms, not loitering on my property.”

  Germano speaks up quickly before they can answer me. “Sir Santos, can I offer you a drink while you meet with your guests?”

  Still keeping my eyes zeroed on the she-devils, I answer him. “No, thank you. Mateo and Josephine will be joining me for a BBQ on the terrace at 19:00. If you could make preparations that would be wonderful, Germano.” He gives me a sharp nod and walks away.

  “Wow, I never met a real live butler before. He is a spitting image of one like on tv.” Indigo is tickled with the thought.

  It’s been a delightful day, and I would like to end it on a good note. “You have one minute to explain why you are here.”

  Krista gives Indigo a sharp look.

  “Fine, I’ll wait near the car, but I get the last say.” Indigo says, stomping off.

  Indigo’s around the same age as my sister Bianca but much rougher and tougher from years on her own. Shifting my head back to Krista, my patience slowly dwindles. She holds up a printed copy of what I sent Indigo. Flapping it in the air, she asks, “What is your play with Indigo? She’s been through a lot, and if you are using her for some sick joke, so help me god. I don’t care if you are a Ferrari!” Her voice elevates as she enunciates her words.

  Raising my hand, I stop her before she speaks further. I call Indigo back to us. She skips over, then gives me a solider salute. I take a deep breath. God damn, they are a handful already, and we haven’t even begun our partnership. Looking at Indigo, I point to the paperwork. She may be a teenager, but she will only understand and react rationally if she is treated like an adult. “Every bit of information on these documents is fact and true. We go into this arrangement by always telling each other the truth, no bullshit. You finish your needed community service hours, and, from time to time, I will need you for your computer expertise on assignments that I only provide you! Stay out of trouble, meaning...no pirate sites at all, end of story. Maria, be conscious of what is being presented to you. I am not going to make another offer, and I know for a fact that you would not make this amount of money I am offering from anyone else. I want the community service done, so I don’t waste my money with you being thrown back into jail or worse.” I can’t be any clearer, and I’m done with the conversation. I just want to go inside to change, unwind, and relax before Mateo and Josie arrive.

  “Ladies, I’m finished with this discussion. Those are the terms, take them or leave them. You still have until midnight to decide either way.” I say goodbye and begin to walk away when Indigo grabs my arm.

  “Fine! We accept. We will have the documents sent to you before midnight Mr. Ferrari.” They both make their way to Krista’s auto in silence.

  “Indigo, your first assignment will arrive at midnight.” I give her my best Cheshire Cat smile, and in return, she scowls back at me.

  After an hour of sketching some design concepts for the Leoni’s barn, I make my way to the terrace to lay on a chaise lounge. One of my favorite things to do is listen to all of the lake’s sounds. When I can’t play music on the piano, this is second best. Mateo and Josephine will be arriving soon. So, I continue laying with my eyes closed, absorbing all the sounds making music around me.

  I must have fallen asleep because I am awoken from my dream daze when I feel wetness on my face.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty.” Josephine plants her two kisses on each of my cheeks. Then, she lays her body on the chaise next to me with a huge sigh. “What a day from hell. I had to tend to three obnoxious cows because Julian called in sick.” I look at her in question, and she answers without looking. “Three obnoxious cows, Santos, means three perms. I haven’t done perms since my exam days.”

  Seconds later, I hear Mateo and Germano conversing while walking towards us. I stand up to greet him as he hands me a beer. “Ah, come on, Josie, I’ve told you numerous times, stop assaulting Sonny. You left lipstick all over on his cheeks again.”

  I’ve endured years of her flirtatious assaults. I partake from time to time to make Mateo boil with her ridiculous antics only because I know they are both so head over heels in love. Years of catching them both giving each other loving glances prove there’s no change with them.

  “She may be having second thoughts, Mateo; you better watch out.” I give him a sly smile, rubbing my cheek and walking over to Germano. I hear Mateo disagree before he jumps on her, kissing her whole face. She shrieks at the advances.

  Ignoring them and letting them have their moment, I greet Germano. “Thank you for arranging the BBQ items, greatly appreciated. I didn’t feel like enduring a crowded restaurant tonight.”

  He gives me a knowing smile of my quiet ways. “It was my pleasure, Sir Santos. Enjoy your relaxing evening with your friends. I believe Sir Angelo and Sam return this weekend.” Raising his eyebrows, he walks away. Mateo and Josephine yell thank you and goodbye to him.

  “Santos, I emailed a list of items that you will be in charge of for the ceremony. I figured if you are in charge they will get done.” Josephine gives Mateo a knowing look. He stands behind her, shaking
his head and mouthing ‘I am sorry.’

  “Not a problem, I’ll make sure all items are checked off.”

  Later, after we’ve enjoyed our BBQ and visit, I say to them. “It was nice to be just the three of us tonight, like old times.”

  Josephine air kisses my cheeks this time and hugs me as they prepare to leave. “Yes, it certainly was.” She turns to her fiancé. “Mateo, take me home now and ravish me.”

  “Yes, love,” he laughs. “Head to the car; I’m right behind you.” After she left, he asks me. “Need help cleaning up?”

  “I got it all, don’t worry about it. Go home and ravish your woman.”

  “By the way, what happened with the she-devils? All okay?”

  Rubbing my face, I give him the lowdown on them and tell him I’ll be emailing him some other open items later this weekend. We say our goodbyes, and he heads off to join Josephine in the car.

  I don’t want to leave the kitchen area a mess until the staff came in the morning, so I turn on some music for background noise to make my chore more enjoyable. Once satisfied with my work, I pour myself a half glass of Lion Whiskey and head upstairs to continue working on my projects.


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