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Unwanted Inheritance

Page 10

by K. Forest

  “Angie, it’s go time.” I say into the mic. As much as I hate Garza and want to say something back, I turn my head forward and prepare for launch. Placing my stomach flush to the fuel tank, elbows out, I focus on the flashlight.

  “Stay in the zone. You want to be the first out when the girl turns the flashlight on. Remember, the first launch in traction is key to winning. You can do this.” Angelo lectures back to me.

  It’s show time. Providing launch power to my rear wheel as the flashlight lights up, I surge off the line with a screech. I keep my boots down for the first few feet in order to keep the bike stable, while at the same time, I focus on the tachometer. Quickly, I drop the clutch and open the throttle. Angelo is right. The first few feet of traction are key. The traction speed increases with a quick flip of the wrist to throttle off allowing a second gear slam. The RPMs instantly go up and dropping it instantly bringing power back slightly. Just like in life, the one who is first out of the gate with the most traction wins.

  “You’re leading Garza and controlling the race, Sonny.” I hear Angelo saying. “You are coming up to the first turn. Stay low, and slightly shift your ass back in the seat. Keep up the speed.” His even-toned voice sings through the speaker.

  I am now in complete avatar state as I approach the first turn. Scanning what’s up ahead, I shift back a fraction into my seat and lean into the first corner. My reflexes have adapted to the speed and voluntarily move as one with the half ton machine. I clear the first turn and straighten out accelerating on the straightaway.

  “You are coming up to the most difficult turns on this road, Sonny. I want your knees touching the ground on each curve. I want to see the metal on your knee pads at the end of the race. And don’t brake.” Angelo commands once again.

  I feel like it is my conscious speaking as I hear my twin project each move I should make. I feel the exhilaration as I do exactly what Angelo says.

  “Trust it, brother, keep tight. You’re doing great. No way Garza can keep the pace.” He says.

  I clear the sixth turn just shifting with instinct. Leaning into each turn, I feel my knee slightly grazing the pavement.

  “You have three more turns, and then it’s straight to the line.” Angelo’s voice bellows with satisfaction. I lean into the last curve, hitting the pavement with a grand finale of sparks jousting in all directions.

  I slap it down the straightaway like a missile. Crossing the finish line, I feel a rush of adrenaline, a high like no other I’ve experienced. I down shift so that now I’m just coasting with my arms out feeling the energy. I place my hands back on the bars and head back to the finish line. I never looked to see where Garza was during the race.

  Seconds later, he roars past the finish line and past me. Stopping his bike, he lifts his helmet and spits toward my bike. Then, abruptly, he turns the bike in the direction of the meet up destination.

  It’s going to give me an insane amount of pleasure showing him my face.

  A few days later, as Angelo and I are driving in his Porsche to pick up some last-minute items on Josie’s wedding list, Angelo insists on blasting some AC/DC. With the top down and the suffocating heat of the summer sun beating down on me, I decide he is exacting a not-so-subtle punishment for race night’s escapade. He’s been scarce and intentionally avoiding me. I’ve let him have his space, which gave me quiet time to work.

  Wearily, I lay back on the headrest trying to block out both the music and Angelo singing to it. Closing my eyes, I replay the race against Garza. At the meet up after the race when I took off my helmet, the expression on his face was priceless. It had only taken Garza a moment to realize it was me and not Angelo who had beaten him. With an angry snarl, Garza threw his helmet to the ground. Gesturing for one of his men to come forward, he was handed the papers on the bet. Taking them, Garza threw the papers at my feet, spit on them, and stalked off. While he had angrily recognized defeat, I also recognized I had made a bitter and dangerous enemy. Still, it was worthwhile to keep Lia safe and get Lion Whiskey Distilleries back in the right hands.

  Besides, the race had been exhilarating. The adrenaline that flew through my veins was like nothing else I had ever experienced. I better understood what drew Lia and Angelo to the sport. Perhaps in another lifetime, I could actually see myself as a high-octane adrenaline junkie.

  Chapter 10

  The small ceremony venue that Mateo and Josephine had booked ended up getting flooded out because of a rusty pipe that burst. Being the best man, I took it upon myself and arranged for their nuptials to coincide with the planned birthday and family weekend celebrations. The first evening of that weekend, Mateo and Josephine recited their vows at sunset overlooking Lake Como.

  Watching the love they have for each other has me once again briefly wondering if I would ever have that kind of forever love. I know my father said I’m destined for a beautiful creature, however, I’m just not ready for that commitment. For now, I plan to enjoy my time with the fiery Miss Leoni until summer is over. After the small intimate cocktail party with a beautiful wedding cake, they were off on their planned honeymoon.

  My and Angelo’s “surprise” birthday party weekend celebration amped up the following morning. My uncle blocked the hotel for the entire weekend of the festivities. Under the supervision of Dafne, Germano and his staff outdid themselves. The ambiance, music, food, and fireworks added up to entertainment for all. I found myself enjoying the weekend as only family and close friends had been invited. As a birthday gift, Lia favored us with a few cases of Lion whiskey that brought high reviews from the guests.

  I had included Lia in the invite, and as I had assumed, she fit in with everyone. She blended well with all the different personalities. I noticed my mother giving her curious looks. I was quite sure she was wondering what our status was. Shockingly, even Angelo was extremely pleasant to her, not giving his usual bantering sarcasm. All the girls got along well and conversed like old sorority sisters. Bianca took Maria under her wing and filled her in on the boarding school. This will be Bianca’s senior year, so she’s taken it upon herself to be Maria’s big sister at school.

  My mother possessed a fake smile all weekend, wandering from guest to guest. She was dressed like a classic fashionista as she indulged herself in her family. New diamonds glowed from her earlobes, which I am sure were a gift from father as he had made himself scarce most of the weekend. My uncle, who was usually accompanied by younger women, was noticeably flying solo.

  We participated in all the activities of volleyball, croquet, bocce ball, and wakeboarding. Evenings were spent sitting around the fireplace on the terrace telling jokes, reminiscing, and drinking. The real entertainment for me was watching the sparring that was going on between Angelo and Krista. One of the nights as Lia and I were heading up to the hotel, we passed Krista’s car with the sounds of sex echoing. We bubbled up in laughter, not caring that they could hear us.

  Overall, it was a great weekend with family and friends celebrating the Ferrari brothers’ birthdays. Father would up sporadically over the weekend. He caught up with me and inquired about some of my new investments but showed no real interest in any of my answers. We talked but not with any particular depth. His children knew he loved them, but business always took precedence. Social functions, unless they had to do with business, were a waste of his time.

  This particular weekend, he seemed even more preoccupied and distant than usual. Avoidance seemed to be my best route so as not to spoil my fun. My parents stayed a week, then left for Vegas along with Bianca. Predictably before they left, my mother had taken Maria under her wing and went with both girls to shop for school supplies and arranged for all items be sent to the school. Maria’s huge dark eyes wore a deer-in-the-headlights look most of the time. It was obvious she still couldn’t believe all that was happening to her in such a short period of time. Being part of and accepted by a large, exuberant, and well-off family seemed almost too much for her to accept.

  The big ne
ws that took everyone by surprise was Claudette and Tony deciding to extend their stay another two weeks. It was a bombshell for my mother as she had always considered Claudette my girl. But, since it was still in the family, she accepted it graciously. Avoiding any chance encounter with my mother kept me from answering any questions she had about Lia.

  And I hadn’t yet had the chance to talk to Tony or Claudette alone to find out just what was going on with the two of them. Changes were definitely on the horizon. My uncle decided to stay for the remainder of the summer and plans on returning with Angelo and I to Vegas in a couple of months.

  After things have settled some, Claudette somehow manages to talk the three of us brothers into taking her to Florence for a couple of days. She insisted there was plenty to see, even though she’s dragged us there many times before. Being an art history major, she tours museums seriously, explaining the brushwork and compositions of each paintings. I also find it fascinating studying the foreground and foreshortening of the paintings. Angelo and Tony on the other hand are acting like little boys comparing their junk to the Michelangelo’s statue of David. They keep sending vulgar photos to Mateo who is still on his honeymoon.

  “Unbelievable, you are all grown men! Start acting like it or just leave. It’s obvious you do not appreciate art. It’s very unattractive to say the least.” Claudette says in exasperation, walking away disgusted.

  “Come on Claudette, wait up! We will be serious.” Tony pleads, pointing to Sam and Angelo to shut them up.

  I have to wonder about that; it’s peculiar for Tony to worry about her feelings. Usually, he would be the first to bail for a smoke and meet up with us later. Instead, he is on her heels and begins to ask her questions.

  She takes a deep breath, shakes her head, then proceeds to point to a painting and explain it in depth. Tony is now hanging on to her every word, asking her specific questions.

  The last evening in Florence, the guys disappear and leave me and Claudette having dinner together at a quaint cafe outside. As we are sitting together, I receive a text. A quick glance down confirms my intuition that it is Lia but noticing the word ‘asshole’ in the preview puts me on edge. Dread settles in my stomach as I realize there are a shitload of texts waiting for me from Lia. Squeezing my phone, I close my eyes and give myself a moment. I glance up and thank god Claudette is still on her phone and hasn’t not yet noticed my unease. Taking a deep breath, I finally open the message.

  What a self-absorbed, power-hungry, trust fund asshole!

  I can’t believe I fell for your shit!

  Major asshole!

  By the way, WE ARE 100% DONE!

  It appears my time with Miss Leoni has finally come to an end. All my rainchecks have been cashed in. I suddenly remember a saying Germano often repeated, “By gaming, we lose both our time and treasure.”

  I had played out many scenarios in my head of how I was going to break the news of the deal to Lia, but I hadn’t yet managed to do it. But Lia’s half-correct, I was absorbed, just in her body not myself. We’ve been humping like rabbits, and I’ve been enjoying our chemistry. The time just never seemed right to discuss the new arrangements I implemented, and now she’s found out through someone else.

  “Why are you biting your lower lip, Sonny? Did the guys text you? Is everything okay?” asked Claudette, concern written on her face. I partially fill her in on my whiskey distillery negotiations behind Lia’s back, leaving Garza and the bike race out of the explanation.

  She reacts predictably and lays into me. “I expect that kind of behavior from Tony or Angelo but not from you!” She goes on, “What were you thinking, Sonny?”

  “I know it was a dick move on my part. It’s not like I meant her any harm.” I defend. “Lia is a consummate businessperson though, and I disrespected her by going behind her back. I just still don’t believe I could have made things work out without doing what I did.” I look to Claudette, hoping she’ll understand why I did it.

  “Well, I wouldn’t text back. Call her make to it right.” Claudette advises, giving me a matter-of-fact look. I ask her to order me a cappuccino as I stand up from the table.

  Putting my sunglasses on, I start walking towards the center of the piazza. The sun is starting to go down, making the surroundings blinding. Sweet talking Lia is out of the question. I will not insult her or myself any further. She is a strong, feminist woman who hates to be pushed around by a man. She likes to handle things on her own terms, to be an equal partner on all fronts. I did the opposite, like her brother, like Garza Jr. In many ways, I realize I’m no better. With hesitation, I man up and dial.

  “What part of we are one hundred percent done did you not understand?” She answers coolly.

  Instinctively, I decide that I should speak in the more formal manner that had first caught her attention. “Miss Leoni, greetings from Florence. Before you hang up, please hear me out. First, I’m in total agreement with you that I’m an asshole for insulting your intelligence and for going behind your back. Secondly, I truly was only looking out for you and your brother.” Knowing my time was extremely limited, I give her only seconds to grasp my apology before continuing in calm tone. “Please let me explain the rest of my plan. You and Len will still be in full control. Just think of me as a silent board member.”

  I hear her huff of a laugh on the other end. “Mr. Ferrari, let me remind you that you just apologized for insulting me.” She says, her voice dry with anger.

  Her feisty spirt is seeping back into her voice. I quickly continue my appeal. “I’ll sign over two percent of the business back to you, which would make you and Len majority shareholders once again. I truly believe in Lion Whiskey. You and your brother have turned out a superb product. I believe in you, Lia.”

  Her silence taunts me as I wait for her response. I know we are done personally, but I have hopes in having a civil professional relationship in the future.

  “‘We decide when it’s over, not Angelo or anyone else. Nothing between you and me will cause a problem.’ Those were your words, words that we both agreed on. You lied, Santos; something between us caused a problem.” She snaps out.

  “I repeat Lia, I believe in the product and you. I have fifty-one shares now; I will keep forty-nine percent and give you the two percent you need to have fifty-one percent.” Clenching my eyes together in hopes she will agree.

  “Fine. Sign over the two percent shares back to us. This is a business relationship nothing more than that, Mr. Ferrari.” She states with finality.

  There she is; my feisty, spirited girl is back. “Miss Leoni, you have yourself a deal. Once I return, I will have the contract sent over for your approval.” It’s my last plea for her to favor me in a positive way again.

  “Fine, goodbye.” I hear her breathing, so I know she hasn’t hung up yet. She’s hoping for a response, I can sense it in her voice.

  “Miss Leoni, I’ll miss collecting on our rain checks.” I whisper into the phone before hanging up.

  I walk back to Claudette, having mixed feelings. I am somewhat relieved that everything is now in the open with Lia, but I am also disappointed that I won’t be seeing her again anytime soon, as I enjoyed our encounters. She was beautiful, smart, witty, and sexy as all hell. Perhaps we can be friends with benefits again at some point in the future.

  Claudette had taken it upon herself ordering me a whiskey. “You knew this wouldn’t end well, didn’t you?” I ask her, smiling because she knows me too well.

  “Oh, sit down my sulking boy. Of course, it wasn’t going to work out. If she was the one, it would have worked out, but I don’t think she’s the one for you. I have to go to the ladies’ room, so sip up, and when I return, we will go for a walk, and you can fill me in. Maybe we can find a piano for you to play.” She winks at me, knowing that playing is one of the ways I center myself.

  “Well, well, isn’t Angelo Ferrari far away from Lake Como?” Slowly sipping my whiskey, I look up to see a stalky, older, bald guy addressing
me. “Surprised to see you with your brother’s girl. Sharing within the family, huh? Ah, to each his own.” He’s wearing an obnoxious, bright red silk shirt with the top buttons undone, revealing multiple gold chains and a white hairy chest. Tight black pants, suede loafers, and dark sunglasses finish the outfit. He reminds me of a caricature of a 1970s ostentatious pimp. Taking it upon himself to sit down without an invite, he crosses his legs and to proceeds to light a cigar. His accent is definitely not Italian, leaning more to Spanish. “I’m glad I bumped into you. Kind of like destiny, yeah?” he continues.

  Clearly, he has mistaken me for Angelo, and I’m not yet ready to correct him. I leave my sunglasses on even though the sun has gone down. I’m still wearing my blazer which hides my lack of tattoos. Now I am curious as to what he wants, so I stay silent and let him continue, fully aware of the three men circling the perimeter and watching us. “Please tell your father that we appreciate his gift. We’ve been busy and haven’t been able to send a written thank you, but we will,” he gives me a tight-lipped, menacing smile.

  “Excuse me, but you’re sitting in my seat.” I hear a returned and agitated Claudette say.

  Looking up, I see her hand on her hip and one of her heels beating out a staccato beat as she stares down the bald guy.

  The Spaniard stands up and gives her a perverted head-to-toe glance. Turning back to me he says, “Good talk, Angelo. Yeah?”

  I see Claudette ready to correct him, “He’s—”

  Grabbing her hand, I squeeze and hope she takes the hint to keep quiet.

  The man nods to both of us and left, his men joining him as he walked off.

  Later, as soon as the guys returned from wherever they had gone, Claudette sings like a canary. She makes her agitation known. The guy creeped her out both with his pimped-out look and by mistaking me for Angelo and disrespecting her. Tony, Angelo, and Sam share a silent exchange.

  Tony turns back to Claudette. “There’s nothing to worry about.”


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