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Billionaire's Forced Love

Page 12

by Eilish Rose

  Few minutes passed and nobody said any word. Then she continued again, “in exchange for her freedom, he demanded me to spend time with him. When I refused, he forced himself on me. He rap…rape…ra—” this was impossible for her to complete and Jasper hugged her tight. She cried her heart out. Her loud sobs echoed in the room. She thrashed in his hold but he didn’t her go. He rocked her in his arms and rubbed her arm to calm her down. It was struggle for him. After some time, she calmed down a bit, and just cried in his hold.

  “I can’t even say sorry, Kara. Because this sorry can’t make anything better. I wish I could have been there for you and Amelia. I wish we had better relationship these years, so you had someone to lean on,” Jasper had no idea what he should say.

  “After three days, he went out, and I seized that chance to get ourselves out. I tried to open the car door to get back, but it was locked. We didn’t waste much time and walked hurriedly towards the road. It was already dark, and luckily, we got lift from an elderly woman. She didn’t ask many questions, but I knew she was suspicious of our state. We both were in dirty clothes, and dishevelled state screamed a lot. I asked her to drop us a mile before our house, and we walked all the way to the home.”

  “And no one asked you anything when you entered the home? Not even the security at the door?”

  “No, I didn’t ask them to open the door. My and Amelia’s fingerprints, and voice recognition were enough to open it. Nobody knew when we entered. No one knows what happened in those days. And now I’m scared Jasper,” she looked at him pleadingly. She bit her lip to stop the trembling.

  Jasper tugged her lip free, “you don’t have to be scared, Kara. I won’t let him harm you and Amelia further. Right now, all I wanted is to go to him and beat him mercilessly, and then I feel like putting thousand bullets every inch of his body. That man is not my brother. He’ll get the punishment for his sins. And I promise this,” he spoke with strong and determined voice. Then, he placed a kiss on her forehead while caressing her cheek with his thumb.

  “Come here,” he pulled her closer and they sat there in the dim light listening to each other’s breathing.

  “What would happen now? And who was the man in the car?” she asked the questions.

  “The man who was killed in the car was some sort of thug, this has lead us nowhere. Aaron is working on this. Right now, I can’t act impulsively. A plan, a strategy of some sort is needed because right now I’m beginning to feel that this is deep. Way too much deep. Whatever is in front of us is just the tip of the iceberg. We don’t know what is hidden underneath. Because the way he had orchestrated everything is not one man job. Many people are involved in this. First I have to get those videos and pictures, and then—” he trailed off when he realized something.

  “Shit, Kara. If he took the pictures and videos of Amelia, it is possible he has photos of many other girls from the school or whatever the place he took those from.” Jasper’s imagination was running wild and he knew every possibility could be true in that moment. He was getting anxious, and he ran his hands though his hair and rubbed his face restlessly. Kara’s heartbeat as getting rapid every second because of his assumption.

  Kara, took his hands and squeezed them gently. They both looked at each other. Jasper shook his head slightly and leaned forward and hugged her nth time today. He nuzzled her neck, and her smell calmed him down a bit.

  Jasper couldn’t fathom what her state of mind was. He sure did see much brutality in battle field, but this was beyond comprehending. The difference was the enemies in the battle field didn’t wear any mask, and he had no feelings for them except for hostility, but in this war zone he loved ones were going to be hurt. He heart pained for his brother for a moment. After all, they shared a lifetime together. But he, then, hardened himself. He had to be strong for his wife and his sister. Brother or not, he was a criminal. So he had to pay.

  “Kara, can I say something?” he asked.

  She hummed in response.

  Jasper straightened, and looked in her enchanting green eyes, “I know this is hard on you. Don’t get me wrong, but if feel like having a counseling, you can say. This trauma can be dangerous for you and the baby.”

  “Jasper, I don’t have the guts to do this. I can’t bare my soul in front of any stranger. I thought about this but I couldn’t.”

  “I know a psychiatrist, he is a friendly man. More a grandpa personality. You’d be comfortable with him. And I trust that man,” she looked at him puzzled. “I never had any appointment, but a friend of mine took help from him. And this worked fine for him as he is fine now.”

  “Oh—” she had no idea what to say.

  “Let’s rest Kara.” He laid them on the bed, and she placed her head on his chest, above his heart.

  “Will this get messier?” she asked in a low tone.

  “Yes, Kara. There will me mess because there is no clean way to handle this. One thing is sure, I won’t let anything happen to both of you. Stop worrying, my love. Leave your worries to me.” He tightened his hold, and made her look at him. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Sleep,” he said and embraced her in his arms. Tomorrow, a battle was going to start.


  Kara turned a bit when she felt cold, in her sleepiness she was trying to find the warmth she felt in her husband’s arms. Then her hand brushed with his body and she snuggled closer. But it felt little odd as if he was not lying but sitting on the bed. She opened her eyes a little to look, and indeed he was sitting on the bed typing something on his laptop.

  Jasper turned towards Kara and smiled before brushing her hair away from her face, “sleep Kara, it is just 5 in the morning. I have two court hearings today, so I need to finish these reports.” He said still looking at her.

  She nodded and closed her eyes, but sleep was miles away from her. And then she felt a wave of nausea. She threw back the covers and ran to the bathroom. Jasper also put aside his work and went behind his wife. She was puking her guts out, and he held her hair while rubbing her back soothingly. This time her nausea was much stronger than before, and she felt her energy draining.

  “I’m fine Jasper. You can go back to your work,” she said when she remembered that he was working.

  “Work can wait. My wife’s health is more important,” he helped her with her toothbrush.

  She smiled at him, and took brush from his hand, and nudged him out of the bathroom, “I can manage from here. Thank you.” She said in her usual soft tone.

  He smiled at her and went back to his bed.

  Kara came out and sat beside him, covering her body with the blanket. They sat in the silence. Jasper typed on the laptop and she looked at him while thinking about the last night. She didn’t know what was going on his mind, and she wanted know what he thought about everything now.

  With one hand, Jasper pulled her closer, their bodies touched. And then, he resumed his work. With a silly smile she rested her head on his shoulder and locked her arm with his.

  This silence was so much comfortable and they both cherished this unspoken feeling.

  “You’ve appointment at12, and I’ll try to clear my schedule by then. Roger will drive you to the clinic, and I’ll meet you there.” He said.

  “It is okay, Jasper. You don’t have to worry about this. You’ve already skipped so much work because of me. I’ll be fine. And today I’m planning to go to meet mom and dad. Mom will go with me,” she didn’t want to put more responsibility on Jasper as he had already done so much for her.

  He sighed, and looked at her, “Kara, stop pushing me away, especially after last night.” She tensed a little when he mentioned this. “I want to be there for you, and I’m not stable this moment because it is so much to digest. I don’t want to take any chance,” he said exasperatedly.

  “I didn’t tell you to be over-protective, and this makes me uncomfortable because sometimes I can’t help but compare every behavior with his. At this moment, the
over-protectiveness makes me edgy,” she voiced her fears.

  Jasper mentally cursed himself and made her look at him, “I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to scare you. Okay, you can go today without me. But I’ll be with you next time,”

  “Okay,” she nodded and bit her lower lip as she was feeling things when he said ‘love’.

  Jasper eyed her lips and he gulped. He leaned down slowly and his hot breath on her lips made her shiver. He was about to touch her lips when a knock on their door jolted them apart.

  Jasper coughed a little as his throat was dry, and Kara blushed a little. Her body always betrayed her whenever he was around.

  “Come in,” Jasper ordered the person who knocked and ruined their moment.

  Mrs. Hudson came in with the food tray. Jasper completely forgot that he asked her to bring food when Kara was in bathroom.

  Greeting the couple, Mrs. Hudson placed the tray on the table and left the room smiling at them.

  Jasper helped Kara with food. She took a bite of omelet and chewed for a moment, “thank you,” she said and bit her lip when she gulped the food.

  He smiled and freed her lip with his thumb from her teeth assault, ”stop teasing me like that, and also only I’ve the right to bite those lips,” he said huskily.

  Kara’s face flushed scarlet and she turned away from him in embarrassment. She heard his laughter, and ducked her face away from his gaze.

  “Jasper, could you please drop me off at my parents? I think I should reach there at seven, because only then I can meet dad and Amelia otherwise they’ll leave for office and school.”

  “Yeah sure, be ready by six thirty.”


  Jasper dropped her off at her parents and then left for this office. Kara sensed something was not right the moment she entered the house. Her mother tried to make the environment light but a nagging feeling couldn’t just go away. Amelia also acted a bit weird; her usual bubbly persona was dull today. She wanted to stay at home to spend some time with Kara but didn’t get permission to bunk her school.

  “Mom, why I’m feeling that something is wrong,” Kara finally asked her mother while sipping tea in patio.

  “Nothing is wrong, honey. Why did you feel so?”

  “It’s just that you are behaving bit strange, and dad just walked away after 10 minutes when I came here. And now you are spoiling me with these cookies and tea. You do this only when there is something that could bother me.”

  “Actually, William came yesterday.”

  Kara’s hand stilled when she heard her mother. Of all possibilities, she never imagined this.

  “Why?” she managed to say this after few seconds.

  “He is trying to get to know the years he has forgotten. And he knows you both were engaged.” Martha said cautiously. Kara’s heart started ponding quickly. She had no idea where this conversation was going.

  “What did he want?” she finally asked.

  “Through the Internet he got to know so much, and he knows about your pregnancy. He came here and expressed his wish to be the part of baby’s life.”

  The cup which Kara was holding fell down and broke into many pieces. Painful memories assaulted her mind, and sweat broke on her forehead. Her eyes watered. Martha rushed to her daughter before grabbing her shoulders.

  Kara gathered remaining strength before asking the most dreading question, “what did you say to him?”

  Martha bent down and hugged her daughter, “this is not our decision but Jasper and yours. And if you asked what I believe, I would say Jasper is a nice man, and he cares about you. He can be a good husband and a father.”

  Her mother’s confidence in Jasper moved her, and happy tears escaped her eyes.

  “Thanks mom. I needed to hear this.”

  “It is almost 11; we should go for your appointment,” Martha patted her daughter’s back, and then kissed her head.

  Chapter 22

  After her appointment, Kara didn’t feel like going to home. Roger picked her up from the clinic, and she requested him to take her to the nearest park in the city. She sat there and watched the kids playing while their parents were there keeping an eye on them. She needed this time, especially after she got to know what William was trying to do.

  Suddenly, her gaze fell on a little girl who was sitting in her dad’s lap while her mother was feeding her. This scene made her smile a bit as she imagined herself and Jasper doing the same thing. And this didn’t feel awkward, at all. She placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently.

  Kara got up as she had this sudden urge to meet Jasper, and tell him. She requested Roger to take her to Black Enterprises. During whole ride, she was excited to see her husband, and a bit of nervousness was also there.

  When she reached the building, she almost ordered Roger to take her home, but a little part in her heart stopped her. Girl at reception desk politely pointed her to twenty second floor, where Jasper’s office was, after she told her that she was her boss’s wife.

  “How the hell did you not know he was lying all along to keep us distracted?” Jasper shouted at his associate for screwing up a case.

  Everyone on the floor was quiet as it was not normal for their boss to yell at anybody. He usually kept quiet, and it was enough to intimidate anyone with his hypnotizing eyes.

  “Sorry Mr. Black, however I did background check on him, and his story was believable.” Larry Parker, Jasper’s associate replied.

  “Looks can be deceiving, Mr. Parker. And you little slip up is now going to cost us this case,” he spoke through clenched teeth, authority dripping his voice.

  There was a ping, and everyone turned to see who this stupid person was to come on this floor at this time when everyone knew Jasper was in pissed mood.

  Jasper turned with glaring eyes, but his expressions softened when he saw Kara there. Then a shock was visible on his face which he quickly masked before anyone could notice, but Kara noticed this.

  She was bit nervous as everyone was staring at her, and Jasper didn’t waste another second, he walked towards her, and stood in front of her. They looked at each other for a moment.

  “Hi,” she blushed, as the man standing in front of her was not just her husband but a CEO of one of the top law firms in the country.

  “Hi,” he also replied with a knowing smirk on his face, and Kara diverted her eyes from him.

  “Come on,” he encircled her waist her led her towards his office but before that he stopped, “Mr. Parker, you’ve three days time to find something for me.” Larry was dumbfounded as he didn’t expect his boss to give him a chance.

  “And don’t make me regret that,” he added and went to his office with Kara.

  Jasper locked the door and then he hugged Kara. He needed this after a rough day in the court. He was about to go home after his yelling session in the office as he wanted to be with Kara.

  Yesterday’s events were still fresh in his mind, and he was having a hard time to digest the truth, and he was restraining himself from killing William. He had to act maturely and sensibly because this situation was way too much twisted. Even his first case was not that twisted as he knew who was the culprit all along, he just had to gather the evidence and prove it before the jury.

  But this was personal, and his loved ones were going to hurt. And by loved ones he didn’t mean William.

  “Are you okay, Jasper?” Kara asked when he didn’t let her go.

  “I’m now.”

  He broke the hug and tucked her hair behind her ear before placing a long kiss on her cheek. He then made her sit on the sofa, and sat beside her.

  “How was the meeting with your parents and appointment?” he asked.

  “Meeting was…um… fine, I guess,” she shrugged not meeting his eyes, and Jasper knew she was hiding something, but didn’t probe for the answers.

  “And appointment?”

  “It was fine as well. Baby is fine.” She smiled at

  “Why were you in bad mood when I came?” she asked.

  “Just a screw up in the case. I had to yell at them for reminding them to be extra careful next time,” he chuckled when he remembered the shocks on his employees faces.

  “So, you were not actually mad, but pretending,” she stated with wide eyes, “everyone was scared of you! Your eyes were making them squirm.”

  He laughed, “no, I was mad, extremely mad because this slip up could cost us this case. But I also knew mistakes happen. But that doesn’t mean they have to know what I think of this. Otherwise they’ll become bit careless.”

  “Oh!” she was stunned. She was now realizing that being a boss was hard, but she also thanked the God that in her line of business, she didn’t have to be like this because she could never pull off cold boss stance.

  “Did you have your lunch?” Jasper asked.

  “Um… no. And you?”

  “I didn’t get chance,” he sighed.

  “Let’s go out then,” he got up, and tried to pull her up as well, but Kara didn’t budge.

  “No Jasper. I don’t want to go anywhere. Can we order food here?” she asked looking adorably cute.

  “Yes. We can do that,” he sat down as well, and took his phone out to place the order.


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