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The Tale of Genji- A Visual Companion

Page 37

by Melissa McCormick

  170–71, 203

  marriage: ceremonies and rituals, 142; divorce or dissolution

  Kashiwagi (The Oak Tree , Genji), 164–67

  of, 146, 147, 194; extramarital liaisons, 51, 166; Fujiwara

  Katsura River or region, 94–95, 127, 138

  regency and, 154; Genji and ideology of, 15, 115, 143, 155, 195;

  katsura trees, 94–95

  and lineal concerns, 195–96; as political arrangement, 16,

  kemari (football), 158–59

  26, 50–51, 54, 74, 142, 154–55, 166, 190, 195–96; resistance to

  kerria (yamabuki) fl owers, 118

  or rejection of, 143–44, 146, 150, 179, 195–96, 210, 218, 234;

  Kiritsubo Consort ( Genji character), 26, 74

  status anxiety and rivalry within polygynous, 146–47, 151,

  Kiritsubo Emperor ( Genji character), 91; depiction of, 138;

  158, 179, 219

  as Genji’s father, 26–27, 50, 67, 95; social status conveyed

  “The Masked Warrior King” bugaku dance (Ryōō), 182

  through depiction of, 26–27

  Matsukaze (Wind in the Pines , Genji), 92–95

  Kiritsubo (The Lady of the Paulownia-Courtyard Chambers ,

  military themes, 122–23

  Genji), 24–27

  Minamoto lineage, 4

  Kōbai or Ben no Shōshō ( Genji character), 126, 151, 194–95, 198

  Minamoto no Taka’akira, 70

  Kōbai (Red Plum , Genji), 192–95

  Minister of the Left, 15, 26, 54, 58, 59, 142

  Kochō (Butterfl ies , Genji), 116–19

  Minister of the Right, 54–55, 63, 70

  Kogimi ( Genji character), 30, 35, 87, 195

  Minori (Rites of the Sacred Law , Genji), 180–83

  Kojijū ( Genji character), 159, 166, 167

  Miotsukushi (Channel Markers , Genji), 76–79

  Kokiden Consort ( Genji character), 26, 51, 54, 58, 63, 70, 90, 154

  mistfl owers (fujibakama), 94, 107, 135, 142–43

  Kokinshū, 123

  Mistfl owers (Fujibakama, Genji), 140–43

  Kōkō, Emperor, 139

  Misty Moon, Lady of the (Oborozukiyo) ( Genji character),

  Koremitsu ( Genji character), 39, 42, 79, 110

  54–55, 63, 154

  Kosaishō ( Genji character), 230–31

  Mitsunobu, Tosa, 10, 11, 118, 191, ix; Chinese painting

  koto, 94–95, 114–15, 130–31, 162, 174–75, 202, 203; kin (Chinese infl uences on, 11, 20n35; and conventions of courtly

  koto), 70, 114; plectrums for biwa, 70, 202–3

  narrative painting, 26, 195; covers for individual bound

  Kumoinokari ( Genji character), 154–55, 179

  chapters, 12, 13–14, 118, 155; distinctive style of, 10, 11, 130,

  230–31; fabric and clothing depicted by, 86; and the Painting

  The Lady at Akashi (Akashi, Genji), 72–75

  Bureau, 10–15; and picture manuals as guide, 12; Portrait

  The Lady at the Villa of Scattering Blossoms (Hanachirusato,

  Sketch of Sanjonishi Sanetaka, 7; reputation and status of, Genji), 64–67

  10, 12–13; screen painting and, 21n42; and “small scrolls”

  Lady of the Evening Faces (Yūgao, Genji), 36–39

  (ko-e) innovation, 21n42

  The Lady of the Paulownia-Courtyard Chambers (Kiritsubo,

  Miyuki (An Imperial Excursion , Genji), 136–39

  Genji), 24–27

  A Molted Cicada Shell (Utsusemi, Genji), 32–35

  Lake Biwa, 1, 17

  Momiji no ga (An Imperial Celebration of Autumn Foliage ,

  Leaves of Wild Ginger (Aoi, Genji), 9, 56–59

  Genji), 48–51

  lectures, Genji scholarship, 5–7, 15, 19n13, 20n25

  moon, 66, 102, 202–3; as inspiration for Murasaki’s Genji, 5, 17;

  Lesser Captain ( Genji character), 198–99

  as symbol of enlightenment, 203

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  morning glory, 218–19

  paper streamers (gohei), 39

  Mostow, Joshua, 195

  parasols, 83

  motherhood, 99

  “peeking through the fence” voyeurism (kaimami), 34–35, 42,

  mourning. see grief and mourning

  134–35, 158–59, 199, 202–3, 215, 219, 222

  Murasaki ( Genji character): abduction of, 15, 42; adoption of

  perspective: visual emphasis and, 10, 179

  Akashi girl, 98–99, 106, 114–15, 150, 154, 162, 170–71, 183; as

  The Picture Contest (Mitsunobu), 12

  child, 42; death of, 182–83; Genji as devoted to, 74; Genji’s

  pigments, 10–11, 26, 28, 30, 71

  mourning and grief for, 186; Genji’s neglect of, 115; illness

  Pillow Book (Sei Shōnagon), 98, 179

  and death of, 162, 182–83, 186; religious piety of, 162–63, 182–

  pine trees, 90, 95, 98, 114–15, 150, 154–55; as emblem of Sue clan,

  83; resemblance to Fujitsubo Consort, 42–43, 51; and rivals for

  46; entwined with wisteria, 82–83, 155; pines of Sumiyoshi,

  Genji’s aff ection, 102–3, 115, 158; spring associated with, 114


  Murasaki Shikibu, author of Genji, 1–2, 7, 66, 90, 111, 134; and

  plectrums, 70, 202–3

  defense of fi ction, 123; as divinely inspired, 18n9

  plum tree or plum blossoms, 114–15, 150–51, 187, 191, 194–95, 198

  music, 210–11. see also specifi c instruments

  poetry. see also specifi c forms: court poetry contests, 91; Myōeiji temple, 1, 5

  poem-pictures (uta-e), 206; social status of poets, 8; zekku

  composition, 94

  Naishi ( Genji character), 51, 103

  poverty, 46–47

  Nakamikado Nobumasu, 21n52

  Practicing Calligraphy (Tenarai, Genji), 232–35

  Nakanoin Michihide, 12

  provenance of Harvard album, 1–3

  Nakanokimi ( Genji character), 203, 210–11, 214–15, 222; as

  “psychological perspective,” 10

  interchangeable with her sister Oigimi, 215; Kaoru and,

  purifi cation rituals, 39, 58, 62–63, 187–88

  218–19; marriage to Niou, 218–19

  Nareki ( Genji character), 199

  radiance: and Buddhist monarchs, 4, 83, 95, 150; as descriptor

  narrative modes, 1–2

  for Genji characters, 51, 170, 179; ennaru (seductive glow), 150

  narrative painting: conventions, 26; “psychological

  “rainy night appraisal,” 30

  perspective” and visual emphasis, 10

  Red Plum (Kōbai, Genji), 192–95

  New Wisteria Leaves (Kanroji Motonaga), 13

  reed pipe mouth organ (shō), 50, 175, 210

  Nijō villa, 162

  Reikeiden Lady, 66

  Niou, Prince ( Genji character), 187; as desirable match, 194–95,

  Reizei Emperor ( Genji character): as absent presence, 128–29;

  210–11; f ragrance as character trait, 190; as Hikoboshi

  aff ection and respect for Genji, 94–95, 138–39, 142, 155, 175,

  fi gure, 211; Kaoru as rival of, 190, 202, 206–7, 218; marriage

  190; and the contest of illustrations, 90–91; as Genji’s

  to Rokunokimi, 219; similarities to Genji, 195; Ukifune and,

  son, 51, 79, 90, 95, 139; prophecy concerning, 78–79;

  222, 226–27, 230, 234, 235; voyeurism and, 222

  Tamakazura’s daughter as consort of, 199

Niou miya (The Fragrant Prince , Genji), 188–91

  renga (linked verse), 5, 19n16; Genji and tradition of, 7–8; Noguchi Takeshi, 30

  Hiroaki and, 7–8, 19n16

  nonduality, 4, 203

  replacement paintings, 230–31

  nostalgia, 66, 130, 195

  “retired emperor” status (daijō tennō), 4, 27, 155

  Nowaki (An Autumn Tempest , Genji), 12, 132–35

  retouched paintings, 238

  Rites of the Sacred Law (Minori, Genji), 180–83

  The Oak Tree (Kashiwagi, Genji), 164–67

  Rokujō estate (Rokujōin), 106–7, 175; Akashi Empress at, 230;

  oak trees (kashiwagi), 166–67, 207

  fi shing pavilions of, 126; as pseudo-imperial palace, 107, 119;

  Oborozukiyo, Lady of the Misty Moon ( Genji character),

  as residence of Third Princess, 158, 170; Yūgiri as inheritor

  54–55, 63, 154

  of, 190

  Ochiba, Second Princess ( Genji character), 166–67, 178–79, 190

  Rokujō Lady ( Genji character), 58–59; as mother of Umetsubo


  cial visits (gyōkō), 95

  Consort, 90, 106; and spirit possession, 38–39, 59, 62–63, 162

  Oigimi ( Genji character), 203, 206–7, 210–11, 214–15, 218–19

  Rokunokimi ( Genji character), 190, 218–19

  the Ōmi daughter ( Genji character), 127

  A Ruined Villa of Tangled Gardens (Yomogiu, Genji), 80–83

  Ōmiya, Princess, 50, 59, 142, 154

  orange trees or blossoms (tachbana), 46–47, 66–67, 130


  ower (Suetsumuhana, Genji), 44–47

  Otome (Maidens of the Dance , Genji), 104–7

  Saishō ( Genji character), 199

  Ōuchi Yoshioki, 5, 122

  Sakaki (A Branch of Sacred Evergreen , Genji), 60–63

  sakaki trees, 62–64

  Painting Bureau, 10–15

  Sanbōe (The Three Jewels), 187

  pampas grass (susuki), 62

  Sanjonishi Sanetaka, 3, 6–8, 12; calligraphy of, 9; portrait of, 7

  paper: backing papers, 5, 6, 6, 19nn18–19; borders, 9; Chinese

  The Sarashina Diary, 18

  dragon, 8; shikishi (colored), 6, 8–9

  Sawarabi (Early Fiddlehead Greens , Genji), 212–15

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  screens, folding (byōbu): album paintings mounted on, 6, 19n18, suicide, 211, 227, 230

  19n20; as furnishing or architectural element, 34, 35, 130, 151

  Suma (Exile to Suma , Genji), 68–71

  scrolls, 2–3, 3; ko-e (small scrolls), 21n42

  Sumiyoshi Gukei, handscroll by, 14

  seasons. see specifi c

  Sumiyoshi Shrine and deities, 74, 78–79, 91, 162, 199

  Sei Shōnagon, 66, 98, 179

  summer: birds of, 66; fl owers of, 127, 163, 231; green bamboo

  Sekiya (The Barrier Gate , Genji), 84–87

  associated with, 130; Hanachirusato associated with, 106;

  sexual aggression, 15, 142, 223

  Sweet Flag Festival, 123; Tamakazura associated with, 127,

  Shiigamoto (At the Foot of the Oak Tree , Genji), 204–7


  Shoots of Wisteria Leaves (Fuji no uraba, Genji), 152–55

  The Sutra on the names of the Buddhas (Butsumyō kyō), 186–87

  shō (reed pipe mouth organ), 50

  Sutras: dedication of Lotus Sutra by Murasaki, 182; The Sutra on Shōshō no kimi, 166

  the names of the Buddhas (Butsumyō kyō), 186–87

  “shrine in the fi elds” (nonomiya), 62–63

  Suzaku Emperor ( Genji character), 27, 58, 63, 155; as “mountain

  sixth daughter of Minister of the Right (Oborozukiyo), 54–55,

  emperor,” 170; as Retired Emperor, 78, 155, 166, 167, 170, 175

  63, 154

  Suzaku ( Genji character), 27, 50, 54, 63, 123, 158

  size (visual emphasis) and narrative importance, 10

  Suzumushi (Bell Crickets , Genji), 172–75

  “slope of meeting” (ausaka), 86

  Sweet Flag Festival (tango no sechie), 123

  snow, 46–47, 102–3, 190–91, 206, 235

  Sochinomiya (Prince Hotaru) ( Genji character), 123, 143, 146,

  Taifu ( Genji character), 199

  150–51, 158, 194

  Taifu no Myōbu ( Genji character), 46

  Sōgi, 8

  Takeda Hirohiko, 95

  Sōseki, 5–6, 7, 17, 19n15, 19n16

  Takekawa (Bamboo River , Genji), 196–99

  sound. see auditory landscape

  The Tale of Genji Album (1510): audience for, 3, 13, 47; “built-up sparrows, 42

  pictures” (tsukuri-e) technique in, 11; coordination of

  spatial relationships: interiority and, 10

  project, 3, 6–10; diaries and documentation of creation

  spirit possession, 39, 62–63, 146, 147, 162–63, 178

  process, 3, 7, 21n44, 21nn44–45; Mitsunobu as artist of,

  Spirit Summoner (Maboroshi, Genji), 184–87

  10–14; patronage and commission of, 3, 5–6, 20n21;

  spontaneity, 91, 123

  provenance of, 1; relationship of text and illustration in,

  spring: Akashi girl associated with, 106, 114, 150; birds of, 151;

  11, 62, 70–71, 82–83, 98, 191; replaced paintings in, 230–31;

  and cherry blossoms, 118–19, 134; fl owers of, 54, 118, 215;

  selection of scenes for illustration, 12, 15–17, 34, 238

  and green plants as gifts or off erings, 158, 214; Murasaki

  The Tale of Genji (Murasaki Shikibu): as Buddhist narrative,

  associated with, 106–7, 114, 118–19, 134, 182; plum as symbol

  4–5, 16–17, 18n9, 83, 187–88, 239; composition and commis-

  of, 114, 150, 151, 187; Third Princess associated with, 158

  sion of, 17; handbooks, 7; narrative structure of, 1–2; as

  springs (izumi), 30

  novel, 1–2; popularity of, 1, 3–4; as protest literature, 18n8

  stars, 210–11

  Tamakazura ( Genji character), 123; as daughter of Yūgao and

  status, social: adoption and, 98–99, 154; artistic conventions

  Tō no Chūjo, 110–11, 127; daughters of, 147, 198–99; Genji’s

  for depicting aristocracy, 10, 26, 85–86; calligraphy as

  cruelty to, 111, 119, 123, 135; Genji’s sexual infatuation with,

  inscription of, 9–10; civil offi

  cials (sokutai), 78; clothing

  123, 127, 130–31, 135; hidden identity of, 110–11, 138, 142–43,

  and representation of, 99, 166; commoners and court

  146–47; marriage to Higekuro, 146–47, 179; at Rokujōin

  marriages, 154; and extramarital liasons, 30–31, 39; as fate,

  estate, 111, 119, 127

  30–31; food and prestige, 127; and incense f ragrances,

  Tamakazura (Lovely Garland , Genji), 108–11

  190; insult and, 154; marriage as political transaction, 16,

  Tanabata festival, 19n17, 211

  26, 50–51, 54, 74, 142, 154–55, 166, 190, 195–96; nouveau

  Tawaraya Sōtatsu, 71

  riche among the governing class, 223; orphanhood or

  temple-origin tales (engi-e), 111

  widowhood and diminished, 39, 87, 166, 167; of poets, 8;

  temples or shrines, 1, 5, 219, 234; architecture of, 75, 110–11;

  “rainy night appraisal” of middle rank women, 30; sexual

  gates to, 78; “shrine in the fi elds” (nonomiya), 62–63;
r />   dalliances and, 30, 54, 222; tō no chūjō (middle captain)

  Sumiyoshi Shrine and deities, 74, 78–79, 91, 162, 199;

  rank, 94; and tropes in narrative painting, 218–19

  temple-origin tales (engi-e), 111

  storms, 74, 78–79, 91, 134–35, 146

  Tenarai (Practicing Calligraphy , Genji), 232–35

  Sue Hiroaki: as Governor of Hyōgō, 5, 19nn15–16; inscription

  Tendai Buddhism, 4, 202

  of Album backing papers by, 5–6; as patron of 1510

  A Thin Veil of Clouds (Usugumo, Genji), 96–99

  Genji Album, 8, 18–19nn11–12, 47; as scholar and copyist

  Third Princess, Princess Initiate ( Genji character): Buddhist

  of Azuma Kagami, 5

  vows taken by, 165, 170, 173–74; cat as symbolic of, 159;

  Sue Saburō (Okinari): as patron of 1510 Genji Album, 1, 5–8,

  Genji’s marriage to, 158–59, 174; Kashiwagi and, 158–59,

  7–8, 47

  166–67, 170, 174–75, 199, 203; as mother of Kaoru, 165, 170,

  Suetsumuhana ( Genji character), 46–47, 82–83, 87, 127

  190, 203

  Suetsumuhana (Saffl

  ower , Genji), 44–47

  The Three Jewels (Sanbōe), 187

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  Tokonatsu (Wild Pinks , Genji), 124–27

  Waves of the Blue Sea (Seigaiha), 50

  Tō no Chūjō ( Genji character): as Aoi’s brother, 50; as father of

  widows or widowhood, 39, 87, 166, 167, 198

  Tamazakura, 110–11, 131, 138, 179; as Genji’s f riend and rival,

  Wild Pinks (Tokonatsu, Genji), 124–27

  38, 46, 50–51, 54, 90, 126–27

  Wind in the Pines (Matsukaze, Genji), 92–95

  Tosa Mitsuoki, 16–17

  winter: Akashi Lady associated with, 99, 106, 114, 151; plum

  traces or tracks (ato), 206–7

  trees and endurance of, 151, 191; snow or ice as images,

  translation, ix

  46–47, 102–3, 190–91, 206, 235

  The Transverse Flute (Yokobue, Genji), 168–71

  wisteria, 190; as emblem of Fujiwara house, 55, 103, 154–55;

  Trees Encoiled in Vines of Ivy (Yadoriki, Genji), 216–19

  entwined with pine, 82–83, 155; fujigoromo (lavender robes)

  associated with, 142; mourning robes as wisteria robes, 142;

  Uji region, 202

  Murasaki and, 103, 118

  Ukifune (Boat Cast Adrift , Genji), 224–27

  wordplay, 142–43, 155, 171, 206; in conversation, 203; double


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