The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 33

by Rosie Sams

  Trevor wrapped his free arm around his wife’s shoulders and gave her a resounding kiss, with Leo and Mariel pinned between them, laughing and cheering, “Merry Christmas!”

  Early the next morning, Sheila appeared at the bakery, their first customer of the day. She had a serious look on her face, and said that she didn’t want coffee or a pastry. She had business to discuss.

  “What is it?” Melody asked. Leslie peeked from behind the kitchen door, but didn’t join the two of them.

  “I hope that business recovers at the nail salon once it comes out that Wayne Truman was poisoning the well,” Sheila said, “but I can’t count on it, and, honestly, I’m done with doing nothing but nails. I have been afraid of cutting people’s hair because of the work that I do at the pet shop. I’ve been afraid that people will think that I’m going to do a bad job, or that my salon is dirty. But this whole situation proves that people will think whatever they feel like thinking, no matter what I do. Since that’s the case, I’ve decided to sell the nail salon and start up Sheila’s People and Pet Grooming.”

  “That’s wonderful! When is my and Smudge’s first appointment?” Melody asked.

  “I hoped you would say that! The day after Christmas is my first appointment,” Sheila said. “As you suggested, I’m going to start from my house first. A friend of mine said that she would sell me a good used salon chair and a mirror, and I already have my professional kit. All I need to do is track down a decent trimming table for dogs, and I should be ready. I’m going to start small until I can sell the salon business.”

  “Why not stay in the same location?” Melody asked. “On Main Street?”

  “I did think about that,” Sheila said. “But I took a serious look at my finances, and decided that someone else could pay the rent on Main Street. I also want to cut ties with the place, because I don’t believe that people will return to it if I’m still in charge. There will always be people who believe the rumors were true.”

  “But they might go back if someone else is running the place,” Melody said. “That’s sad but probably true.”

  “Don’t let it worry you.” Sheila smiled. “I think I can turn a profit on selling the place. I’ve already contacted a couple of the salon owners who were stealing my business and suggested that the other one was interested, and to make me an offer before the other one bids.”

  Melody chuckled.

  “And I have other good news,” Sheila said. “Trevor and Carole Archer came to me to ask me about the business, and have decided to look into becoming my partners.”

  “Really?” Melody said. “I didn’t think they…well, never mind.”

  “They do have some savings,” Sheila said. “Carole was just panicking, thinking that she would never get another job. But of course, she already has three different firms asking about hiring her. It turns out that all the other lawyers in the area knew how bad Bill was at handling his money, and knew that she was the one who was keeping his business profitable. She’s going to get a big raise, no matter which one she chooses.”

  “That is great,” Melody said.

  “I just thought you should know,” Sheila said. “I’m going to go slow, and I’m going to take Carole’s advice about the business side of things, but it’s actually going to happen. And I want you to be my first customer.”

  “I will be,” Melody promised.

  Sheila left, and Leslie came out of the kitchen, saying, “Oh, Kerry’s going to be sad she missed hearing that.” Kerry was off for a couple of days, which, after all her night shifts, she fully deserved.

  “I’m sure you’ll tell her all about it.” Melody winked.

  “You and Smudge, boss, you always manage to get the job done.”

  “Just practice from being a bakery owner, Leslie. No matter how big the job, you always get it done. But I think things are going to turn out for the best.”

  “They will,” Leslie said. “A Merry Christmas for all, thanks to Decadently Delicious.”

  “And Smudge.” Melody bent down and scooped the delighted Frenchie into her arms for kisses and cuddles.

  Chapter Seventy-Four

  Christmas morning arrived with a puff of white flakes before dawn that Melody only saw because she and Smudge were out for their early walk. Melody happily greeted the other dog owners who were out early, but didn’t stop to talk. It was still pretty chilly.

  Going back inside, she puttered around in the kitchen, as usual finding it impossible to either sleep in or go back to sleep once she was up. Once a baker, always a baker. She curled up to the smell of her favorite chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, a cup of coffee, and a good book.

  A knock came at the door. Al had come over early, since he had to work the afternoon shift. The sheriff’s office, like many places, didn’t have the holidays off. Melody gave him a kiss and thanked him for his work keeping Port Warren safe, and Al actually blushed a little! She gave him his present, which was a gold and enamel pin of a golden retriever wearing a badge and a sheriff’s wide-brimmed hat, with the words ALWAYS across the top, and FAITHFUL across the bottom.

  Al grinned from ear to ear. “If I could wear this on my uniform every day, I would. I bet they’ll let me wear it when I go on school visits, though. I might even use it the next time I have to run for re-election!”

  Melody laughed, pleased that he was so pleased with the pin. He seemed like a little kid with it, pinning it onto his flannel shirt and strutting around the living room with it, pretending to look out the windows and drink coffee, but really just showing off.

  “And my present?” Melody asked archly.

  First Al pretended that he’d forgotten to get her anything. Then he took a stick of gum out of his pocket and tried to offer it to her.

  Then he said, “Oh, look, what’s that on Smudge’s collar?”

  Melody frowned at her puppy, who was sitting on the end of the couch, watching Al’s antics. She had a folded piece of paper tucked under her collar. Melody drew it out. It was a folded envelope.

  She opened it and gasped.

  Inside was a computer printout of two tickets to Paris, scheduled for the day after the bakery would close for three weeks.

  “Smudge and I have been planning,” Al said. “We got everything lined up. She was the one who knew where the good hotels were, of course. She insists upon coming along with us, though. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Melody laughed with delight. “Oh, Al. This is perfect. Thank you.”

  Al cleared his throat, then pointed upward. He was holding a plastic sprig of mistletoe in his other hand over his head. Melody giggled, then stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around him for a kiss.

  As they finished Smudge jumped up and barked. Al scooped her up and gave her a kiss, he then pulled a little parcel out of his pocket and put her on the floor with her own gift.

  Smudge tore open the wrapping to find a squeaky magnifying glass. Squeaking it with delight she picked it up and paraded around the room.

  “It’s great, she loves it,” Melody said.

  “Now she can search out even more clues, only, let’s hope there isn’t another murder for a while. Happy Christmas.”

  “Happy Christmas, Al, Happy Christmas, Smudge.”

  “Woof, woof!” Squeak, squeak, squeak.

  The Beating after the Ball

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter Seventy-Five

  The small town of Port Warren had experienced too much excitement over the past few months. Many a mysterious event had left Melody Marshall exhausted and ready for a much needed vacation. Luckily for her, Sheriff Al had whisked her away for a dream holiday. After spending the most amazing few weeks basking in the European paradise of Paris, Melody was finally home, ready and eager to get back to the daily tasks at her bakery, Decadently Delicious.

  The time away had left her feeling relaxed and renewed and she found herself filled with a new appeti
te to start working again. Standing outside of her bakery, Melody smiled at the joyful memories from the last few weeks and opened up the doors. Kerry and Leslie poked their heads up from behind the counter, in response to the sound of the door chimes to see Melody happily swing through the front door. They were busy working, but their faces lit up at the sight of their friend and boss.

  "We missed you so much!" Leslie said, running from her work station and leaving a cloud of flour in her wake. She threw her arms around Melody in an excited greeting. Kerry wasn’t far behind, but she had the foresight to wipe her hands on her apron before giving Melody a big hug.

  "I missed you too, girls!" Melody hugged them back, laughing at the unexpectedly enthusiastic welcome she had just received. “It feels like forever since I last saw you!” She stepped back and looked around her bakery. Everything was clean and ready for the day. Her two assistants had done an excellent job at keeping the shop in the pristine condition she insisted on. All of the display cases were abundantly filled with a delicious assortment of baked goods and pastries. Pies and dessert squares lined the shelves and the sight of them, combined with the smell of baking wafting up from the kitchen, was making Melody's mouth water.

  Just at that moment the sound of excited barking came from the back room. “Smudge,” Melody called and ran through to her office to find her best companion at the door. The little blue and white French bulldog ran around and around in circles until Melody lifted her into her arms. Smudge wriggled in her hands, snuggling into her neck and placing kisses against her ears.

  “She’s missed you, but she’s been as good as gold,” Kerry said.

  “Of course, she has.” Melody put Smudge down and the little dog rubbed against her ankles. “I’ve missed you too,” Melody said as they went back into the shop.

  "Oh, my! What do we have here?" Melody pointed at an unfamiliar dessert that sat prominently, front and center, in the display. The small round cookies, enrobed in dark chocolate and sprinkled generously with coconut flakes looked absolutely delicious.

  "Those are new! I’ve been trying out some recipes!" Kerry said, smiling brightly. "Go on, try some!" Kerry reached into the display and grabbed the tray of cookies, proudly offering them to her boss. “I just know you’re going to love them!”

  Melody didn't have to be asked twice. She quickly grabbed one of the cookies and took a generous bite. It melted in her mouth and did a happy dance on her tongue.

  "Oh, my! They’re delicious!" Her words were barely audible. With her mouth still full from the previous bite she took another. "We’re definitely adding these to our menu! Great job ladies."

  "I’m so glad you like them!” Kerry was pleased to have gotten Melody’s approval on the new addition. “But enough bakery talk, we are dying to hear about your trip! Tell us all about Paris!" Kerry and Leslie were leaning excitedly over the counter towards Melody in anticipation.

  “It was absolutely wonderful!" Melody exclaimed, not able to hide the glow in her eyes. "All of the lights, the sights, and the sounds! The whole atmosphere was so romantic! And the Eiffel Tower! It was beautiful! I’m definitely going back there one day. It was so magical, just like in a movie.”

  The two girls oohed and ahhed and leaned on the counter looking transfixed as she told them all about it.

  “Al was a real gent, he treated me like a princess the entire trip. I can't even describe how wonderful it was. I’ll have to show you the pictures." Melody closed her eyes and let the memories flow back again. She took a long moment to enjoy the way they made her feel, then, being the diligent worker she was, she turned around to examine the calendar on the wall behind her.

  “Enough about me! It's time to get to work!" she said smiling. "Do we have any news about the Port Warren Winter Ball?"

  "Oh, yes!" Leslie cried out. "I almost forgot. We’ve got a huge order for cakes and pastries! Everyone at the ball will be eating our treats! It does mean we've got a lot of work to do!"

  "That's fantastic news." Melody was pleased that her bakery would be showcasing their deserts for all of the town to sample. "A big order is great for business, plus, I can’t wait to start baking again. I might as well jump right back in to work with a big event."

  "Talking about the ball," Leslie continued, "are you girls planning on coming? What am I going to wear or how should I do my hair? I haven't got a clue —help!”

  “We will, and of course, we are going, it’s going to be the biggest event of the season!” Melody said and felt a moment of dreamy romanticism wrap her in its warm glow. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to spend the evening dancing with Alvin.”

  “What are you going to wear?” Kerry asked.

  Melody grinned. “I bought my dress in Paris! How often can you say that? It’s absolutely gorgeous, you girls are going to love it!”

  “Do tell,” Leslie said.

  “Well, it’s a floor-length, golden, sequin-embellished gown. It has a high neckline and a low, open back! I can’t wait to wear it, it’s by far the most fabulous dress I’ve ever owned!”

  “Wow! Sounds like you’re prepared” Kerry said happily. “I just picked up my dress too and I’m just dying to put it on! It’s such a special occasion I thought I’d splurge and buy something really nice! So I went into the city and found something perfect.”

  “Do tell,” Leslie and Melody said at the same time and then giggled at each other.

  “It’s a lovely navy blue, satin dress. It has a Bardot style neckline and I think it will look perfect with my hair pulled up and long, sparkling chandelier earrings.” Kerry lifted her hair up as she spoke and gave a dramatic little twirl, giggling like a schoolgirl as she did so.

  “Hmm..” Leslie laughed at Kerry’s display. “It’s unlike you to get all dolled up like that, Kerry, is there something you want to tell us?” She laughed but tried to keep her face serious through her friendly interrogation.

  “Nothing more than is necessary,” Kerry teased as she looked slyly from one friend to the other.

  “Oh, come on, now you have to tell us!” Melody insisted this time. The trio were giddy, like teenagers planning a trip to the high school dance.

  “All right, all right!” Kerry threw her arms up in mock exasperation. “There's no keeping a secret from you two detectives! I guess this year’s Winter Ball is going to be a bit different for me. A bit more special. For the first time ever, I have a ‘plus one’.” Her smile was beaming as she revealed her surprise and there was a dreamy, far-away look in her eyes.

  “That’s amazing!” Leslie clasped her hands. “Don’t hold back now! Tell us who the lucky man is!”

  “It’s Bradford. Bradford Smedley.” She pictured his handsome face and smiled involuntarily.

  “But… Smedley?” Leslie said in a worried tone of voice, trying to catch Melody’s eye. “I thought you mentioned before that Hudson Lowe had invited you? You said he nervously stuttered and stammered his way through the proposal, right?”

  “No way!” this time Melody injected. “Don’t tell me Alvin’s deputy has an eye on you! He might be a bit clumsy but he’s a good deputy and such a sweet man.”

  “He’s not really my type,” Kerry replied, shaking her head grimly, “and as I said, I’ve already agreed to go with Bradford.”

  “I thought he was dating that Amelia girl?” Melody said worriedly. “You know… the Reeds’ daughter, the pretty, blonde one.”

  “Actually, they split up just before Christmas and Bradford asked me if I’d like to go with him.”

  “I don’t know, Kerry,” there was hesitation in Melody’s voice. “There were a lot of rumors going around about him cheating on Amelia. I don’t know if he’s the type that can be trusted. I don’t want to gossip but he seems like the unsavory type and he looks a bit dangerous. Plus, we have all seen his bad temper, first hand.”

  “That’s not true,” Kerry said with a huff.

  It was clear she was now becoming a bit upse
t. Melody could see she had hoped her friends would be excited at her good news and was feeling the disappointment from their disapproval.

  “Those are all just rumors. I’ve gotten to know him really well. You see, we’ve been dating for just over two weeks now and though he might seem to be a little rough around the edges, he’s truly very sweet. He has another side, you know, one that he doesn’t often show out in public. He’s gentle and caring and I know I can trust him. Besides, it’s not like he’s ever murdered anyone.” She chuckled, her good nature returning.

  “At least not that we know of,” Leslie added laughing, helping to lighten the mood again.

  “Look,” Melody put a kind hand on Kerry’s shoulder, “I don’t want you to misunderstand me and I’m not saying this to upset you. I want to believe that Bradford is a great guy, but I can’t help worrying about you. A bad temper is not something you want to play with and rumors of deceit are hard to ignore. I want you to be happy, but I need you to promise me that you’ll be careful.”

  “Melody,” Kerry put her hand over Melody’s, “I know that you want the best for both Leslie and me,” she said nodding towards the other girl, “but I can assure you, I’m safe. I know how to take care of myself and if anything happens, I’ll let you know, but for now, I need you to relax and focus on how much of a good time we are all going to have at the ball.”

  When she finished, Kerry picked up the tray she’d put on the chair near the counter earlier and took the list for today’s bakery order. “Now, are you girls planning on helping me, or do I need to bake all these cookies myself?” Smiling, she turned to them and they followed her back into the kitchen and got to work.


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