The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 34

by Rosie Sams

  Smudge yipped her approval and they all laughed as they got down to the day’s work.

  Chapter Seventy-Six

  The long-awaited-for day of Port Warren’s Winter Ball had finally arrived. The entire town was buzzing for the evening’s events and Melody and the girls had closed up shop early to get home and get ready. All of the baked goods had been delivered to the hall earlier that day and were ready to satisfy the appetites of all of the Ball’s hungry attendants.

  After an hour of prepping, Melody had just finished perfecting her hair and make-up. She was a vision of beauty. As she carefully slid the zipper up the side of her slinky gold gown, she spun around in front of the mirror in a graceful and flamboyant display.

  “Well? What do you think? Not too shabby if I do say so myself! No one would guess that I’m a humble baker by day!” She laughed and Smudge looked up at her from the floor where she had been watching all of the primping and priming. Jumping to her furry little feet, the French bulldog yipped out her approval, wagging her stumpy little tail.

  “I knew you’d agree, Smudge,” Melody giggled, reaching down to give the dog a loving pat. “I can always count on you!”

  Just then, there was a light rap at the door, signaling someone’s arrival. Giving herself one final check in the mirror, Melody made her way to the door with little Smudge following along close behind.

  Opening the door she couldn’t hold back a grin that stretched from cheek to cheek. “Well, don’t you look sharp” she said, taking in the handsome man standing in the doorway in front of her.

  Alvin had arrived to escort her to the Winter Ball. His tuxedo was pressed perfectly and fit him like a glove. It showed off his muscular physique to perfection. Beneath it, his black dress shoes were expertly polished and shone like a mirror. This was the first time Melody had seen him all dressed up in something other than casual clothes or his sheriff's uniform and she quickly decided that it was definitely a sight she could become accustomed to.

  “Hey, Melody,” Al said with a sniffle. “You look absolutely beauti…” his words were cut short by a loud sneeze.

  “Oh, no!” Melody cried. “Alvin, are you sick?

  He shook his head. “Noooo.” The word came out nasally.

  “You sound terrible and you’re so pale.” Upon closer inspection, Melody could tell that the handsome man standing in front of her was not well at all. “Come inside and sit down. Let me make you a tea. It will do wonders for your cold.” Taking his hand she led the poor, sick man into the living room and sat him down on the couch.

  “I felt fine this morning,” he said, sinking back into the cushions. “I don’t know why this had to happen tonight of all nights.”

  Looking Al over, she could easily see that the effects of his illness were wearing on him. His eyes were red and watery and his skin was pale, almost grey, except around his nose where it was bright red and painful looking. Knowing just the right thing to do to help, Melody quickly whipped up a steaming, hot ginger tea with a slice of lemon and a drop of honey and brought it to Alvin who looked up at her and sniffled with appreciation.

  “Al, you must be feeling terrible. The cold that has been going around this winter has been a doozy. Everyone I know who has caught it has said as much. Is there anything else I can get for you? Anything I can do for you?” Melody’s concern was evident in her voice. She hated to see the man that she cared for feeling his worst.

  “Thanks, Mel, but I’m ok. This tea is just the thing I needed.” He tried to smile bravely at her while taking a sip.

  As much as she had been looking forward to attending the Winter Ball, Melody knew that Alvin would be much better off if he stayed at home. “I think it’s best if we stay in tonight, Alvin. You’re too sick for a night out on the town. You need to stay in and rest and let me take care of you.”

  He was shaking his head.

  “That’s the only way you’re going to get better. The town needs their star sheriff in tip-top shape.” Melody’s nurturing instincts were kicking into high gear as she gently stroked the hair off of his forehead which was starting to bead up with sweat.

  “Aw, Mel,” Alvin smiled at her and sniffed. “You’re so sweet, and as much as I would like a night in with you all to myself, we have been looking forward to the Winter Ball all year. Plus, you look absolutely stunning this evening. I want all of Port Warren to see what a catch I’ve got.” With his mind made up, Sheriff Alvin staggered to his feet, using almost all of his energy to get into an upright position. “We are going to make this a night to remember, cold or no cold!”

  Melody shook her head, knowing that there was no changing Al’s mind once it was made up. She wrapped her arm around his waist, in a gesture that was part hug and part physical support. Smiling up at him she promised that they would just make a quick appearance and not have to stay long at all. “One quick dance and a quick hello to all of our friends and then we can head straight home and you can get some rest, I promise.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Mel. I’ll be just fine. We can dance the night away, just like we’ve been planning, the only difference is you’ll be the one in the lead!”

  They both chuckled at this and made their way out the door. Just before they left Al handed Smudge a butter cookie. The little dog took it and ran to her bed, tucking into it as they left.

  Chapter Seventy-Seven

  The Winter Ball was being held at the largest and most extravagant venue that Port Warren had to offer. The large hall was located down on the waterfront and was usually reserved for events being held by the richest and most famous residents of the town. Celebrity weddings had taken place there, and it had even appeared in a few Hollywood movies. A sweeping, open arm staircase led up to the grand front entrance and there were valets on hand to assist with parking, allowing the guests to get inside as quickly as possible to where all of the excitement was happening.

  The lights inside were dazzling and sparkled like moonlight on freshly fallen snow. The entire venue was decorated like a beautiful winter wonderland and Melody’s breath was taken away as she and Alvin walked inside. All of the townsfolk were there, dressed in their finest. Everyone was smiling and laughing and couples moved in each other's arms across the dancefloor. The atmosphere was even more perfect than Melody could have imagined it.

  Off to the side Melody saw the town librarian, Gloria Fitzsimmons, waving enthusiastically and gesturing the couple over. By her side stood Quincy Atkinson, a photographer for the local newspaper. His camera hung around his neck, ready to snap any exciting shots to include in the next day’s news. The two smiled at them, welcomingly, as Melody and Alvin approached.

  “Isn’t it just stunning?” Gloria said. “It’s surely the most magnificent Winter Ball that Port Warren has held yet. The whole place is decorated just like something out of the pages of a magazine.”

  “Or out of a dream.” Melody sighed, still overwhelmed by the beauty of the room surrounding them.

  Her trance was broken as Alvin let out a loud sneeze followed by a sniffle.

  "Bless you, Sheriff!" Quincy politely said, pulling a tissue out of his pocket and offering it to the sick man. "You’re not sounding too well. It seems as though the cold that's going around has got its hold on you."

  "My goodness, Alvin, you really aren't looking too well," Gloria added. "Are you sure you should be out and about with such a nasty bug? Maybe it's best for you to go home and get some rest?"

  "No, no, I'm fine. It's just a little sniffle. Besides, nothing could keep me away from an evening like this one… especially when I have a date as lovely as this." He smiled and winked at Melody, causing her cheeks to turn the color of fresh summer roses.

  Just then the band started up a slow, romantic tune. Quincy and Gloria waved their goodbyes as they quickly made their way out to dance, not wanting to miss such a lovely tune.

  "May I?" Melody had promised to lead, so she gently took Alvin’s arm and led him out to join the mingling dancers. It s
eemed as if most of the town had joined them on the floor. Couples swayed along to the gentle music. The soft lighting flickered overhead and looking up into Alvin's face, Melody realized just how lucky she was to be dancing in the arms of the man she loved. Despite Alvin's pesky cold, the night was turning out more perfectly than she could ever have imagined.

  No sooner had the band completed their song, than Alvin broke out into a fit of uncontrollable coughing.

  "Oh, Al! You sound terrible. I think your cold is getting worse.”

  He shook his head but the coughing didn’t stop.

  Melody handed him a lozenge. “If you’re not careful, this could turn into something much worse. Why don't we head home, where you can put your feet up and relax. You'll feel so much better after some rest." Melody's concern was evident in her voice.

  Al, sniffling and sneezing, was finally defeated. Being up on his feet, twirling around had done nothing to help him feel any better, in fact, quite the opposite. The congestion in his head was making him feel woozy and his chest was heavy from all the coughing he had been doing. He began to nod in agreement but it appeared as though he wouldn't get the chance to go home just yet. All of a sudden, loud, angered voices rang out from the far end of the hall.

  Standing on her tip-toes, Melody peered over the crowd of well-dressed people, all of whom were looking in the same direction. What was going on, she wondered, as she searched for the source of the commotion?

  Making her way through the groups of people, Melody was sure that she recognized one of the voices. It was getting increasingly loud the closer she got. Finally breaking through the sea of people, Melody saw her friend, Kerry, with her date, Bradford, and another, unfamiliar woman. The three were in a heated argument, which was seemingly being led by the newcomer.

  "I don't know who you think you are," the woman was addressing Kerry in an angry tone, "but this here is my man. Bradford and I have been dating in Boston for some time and he has absolutely no right to be stepping out with another woman." She huffed, blowing a loose strand of strawberry blonde hair out of her face in a frustrated gesture.

  Before things had the chance to get out of control, Alvin stepped forward, clearing his throat. "I think we all just need to take a minute and calm down." It was evident from his tone of voice that he had dealt with his fair share of sticky situations, such as this one, and he was well trained to do so. Being tall, broad and commanding got people’s attention.

  "Sheriff Hennessey," Bradford said in a voice that tried to hide his discomfort. "I assure you, everything is fine here. There’s nothing at all to worry about." His gaze moved uncomfortably from one woman to the other with none of the certainty that his words spoke of.

  "Are you the town sheriff?" The stranger took a step forward to introduce herself. "Well, my name is Miranda St. George and Bradford here, is my boyfriend. I even have the pictures to prove it." Reaching into her purse Miranda pulled out her cell phone, quickly opened up her digital photo album, and sure enough managed to produce pictures of the happy-looking couple. As she scrolled through the gallery, different shots popped on the screen of the pair posing in front of some of Boston's most famous landmarks. They were arm-in-arm, smiling for the camera. And on each one, was an undeniable time-stamp, proving Bradford was in this woman's company just a week prior.

  After making sure that everyone who had gathered, especially Kerry, had seen the proof, Miranda turned off her phone and tossed it back into her handbag with a satisfied smirk.

  The appearance of this woman, combined with the proof from the pictures was far too much for Kerry to handle. Melody could see her distress and knew that her friend’s mind was swirling and her stomach was no doubt churning. The betrayal was clear on her face. Not only had she been completely humiliated in front of all these people, but her heart had been broken by a man whom she truly cared for.

  "Bradford Smedley," Kerry's voice was almost a whisper. The rage that was bubbling up inside her was being held in, but only just.

  "Listen, Kerry. I promise you, I can explain. I swear. It's over between Miranda and me. I only have eyes for you now."

  Kerry shook her head vehemently. As if to shake out the lies. "Oh, Please! Don't give me that rubbish. I should have paid more attention to the rumors going around about you. You’re nothing but a liar and a cheat, just like everyone tried to tell me. I can’t believe I actually trusted you. It's over between us, Bradford." And with that she took her drink and tossed it, angrily, in his face.

  Bradford stood there, stunned. The remains of a gin and tonic dripping down his nose and onto his expensive suit.

  Turning away from the scene, Kerry took a deep, trembling breath. Melody rushed over, and was right there beside her, to offer comfort.

  “Oh, Kerry. I’m so sorry.” Putting an arm around her shoulder, Melody gave her a comforting squeeze. “Are you all right? I can’t imagine how you must be feeling right now.”

  Kerry turned to her friend, tears barely held back in her eyes. “Thanks, Mel. I’m ok, but I just need some time alone. Time to try and process what just happened.” And with her head down, Kerry walked swiftly away and left the Winter Ball.

  Melody watched her leave, her heart breaking for the pain that she knew her friend must be feeling.

  Turning back to the group, the first thing Melody noticed was the grin of satisfaction on Miranda St. George’s face. Disgusted with the whole scene and scenario, she turned to Bradford. “How dare you treat my friend this way,” were the only words she could muster. “I knew you were trouble, that all of the rumors I have ever heard about you are true. You are an awful person and I don’t want to see you anywhere near Kerry or myself ever again.”

  Stuttering and stumbling over his words, Bradford tried to come up with an excuse, but Melody wanted to hear none of it. It was obvious he was embarrassed and could see no way to rectify the situation. After a last look around, Bradford turned and left.

  Moments later, grinning from ear to ear and looking mightily amused with the situation, Miranda St. George gave a flamboyant flip of her hair, turned on her heels and followed in his wake.

  Watching them leave, Miranda sighed. What an evening this has turned out to be. She shook her head at the events that had transpired and wondered how she could help Kerry. Should she go after her? No, she knew her friend just needed a little time alone. She would be there when Kerry was ready to talk. For now she had another priority.

  Stepping over to her, Alvin placed his arm around her delicate, bare shoulders. “Are you…,” his attempt at consolation was cut short by a sneeze that racked his body and left him sniffling. It looked as if he was getting worse and she just wanted to get him home now.

  “Aw, Al, I’m ok. I just can’t help but feel sorry for Kerry. She must be terribly upset right now. I can’t imagine experiencing such double-crossing by the man you love.” She stopped and looked him up and down. How did she get him to go home? Then it came to her. “You’re the one who isn’t feeling ok. You're sounding worse by the minute. After all that’s happened tonight, I’m no longer in the mood to party. Let’s go back to my place, I’ll make you a hot, lemon tea and you can finally get the rest you need. How does that sound?”

  “Absolutely perfect,” Al responded, finishing his words with a cough and a sniff.

  Chapter Seventy-Eight

  Although getting all dolled up is always fun on occasion, there was nothing like coming home, changing into a pair of cozy yoga pants and a sweatshirt and pulling your hair back into a messy ponytail.

  Melody smiled to herself and reflected on this notion. Especially after a night like tonight, she thought.

  Smudge was curled up comfortably in her lap, enjoying the scratches she was receiving and Alvin was finally asleep on the couch beside her.

  When they had arrived home, Melody had made them both a cup of steaming tea and pulled out some decadent little cakes she had brought home from the bakery earlier that day. After their late-night snack, Al had
finally lost the fight and succumbed to his cold-induced sleep. Melody sat, looking around her living room, contemplating snuggling in and dozing off herself. She was exhausted from the evening's escapades but try as she might, she just wasn't able to relax. Her thoughts kept turning to her friend, who had just suffered a public betrayal and must be absolutely heart broken.

  Not able to endure the thought any longer, she hopped to her feet. She may not be able to make the situation right, but she could at least offer some company and an ear to listen in Kerry's time of need. Reaching down, she tucked the blanket up around Al and gave him a gentle kiss on the brow, careful not to wake him. Grabbing Smudge’s leash she quietly called for the snoozing pup who quickly roused at the prospect of an evening walk.

  Attaching the leash to her collar, and grabbing a jacket, Melody and Smudge were out the door and down the street.

  "C'mon girl," Melody urged the dog who was happily sniffing each post and tree that they came across. "Kerry needs us, we should hurry!" The night was a pleasant one and if it were under any other circumstances, it would have been perfect for a leisurely stroll. Tonight, however, there were more pressing matters to attend to. Melody was concerned for her friend and couldn't wait to get to her and console her in her time of need.

  “We are on an important mission, Smudge, Kerry’s had a bad night, we need to get to her quickly!”

  Looking up, the dog seemingly understood Melody’s plea and forged on ahead, her little legs moving as swiftly as possible, leading the way to Kerry’s house.

  Pulling Melody up the front steps, Smudge sat at the door and waited patiently, wagging her tail, while Melody rang the bell. The house was dark and quiet and all of the curtains were drawn. After waiting a few moments with no reply, Melody gave a light rap on the door. Still nothing stirred inside. “Maybe she’s already asleep, Smudge,” Melody pondered but she felt that if she knew Kerry at all, she definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep, not after a night like tonight.


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