The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 40

by Rosie Sams

  “Leslie, I’m sorry to have to say this,” Jamison spoke loudly for all to hear but kept his eyes averted to the ground. “I just don’t think you have it in you.” He shook his head but still refused to look the girl in the eyes. “You’re not hitting your marks, your lines are off, and honestly, you just don’t have the experience that I need for a production of this caliber.”

  Melody couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Leslie had been doing a fantastic job, and even an amateur like Melody could recognize that.

  It was obvious that the words that Jamison had spoken cut through Leslie like a knife. Her eyes began to well up with tears, and her lip began to quiver. It took all of her self-restraint to keep from crying right there in front of everyone. Taking a deep breath to steady herself she spoke. “Jamison, I promise you, this play means everything to me. I will do better. I will practice harder, and I will be the best leading lady that you have ever cast.” She tried to force a smile but Jamison’s next words dashed any hope that was left in her.

  “No, Leslie. I don’t think you understand. There isn’t enough time left for you to improve to the level that I need you to. I’ve already invested more than enough time trying to get you to where you need to be for this production, but it’s too late now. I can’t afford any more time.”

  No sooner were his words spoken than Nicola Wilder appeared from the shadows of the stage.

  "Perhaps I can offer you a solution to your little problem, Mr. Shephard?"

  "Ms. Wilder. What impeccable timing!" Jamison declared. "I do believe you are just the solution I need. Everyone, this is Nicola Wilder, one of the greatest actresses to ever grace the stages of New York. Effective immediately, she will now play the leading role in this production. Perhaps you can all take some notes from an expert such as herself. "

  Chapter Ninety-Six

  " Wait! Please, Jamison. Just give me a minute to speak to you in private. I'm sure we can work this through," Leslie shouted.

  Jamison was hearing none of it. He had already turned his back to Leslie and was walking away.

  "Perhaps you didn't hear him, but he said he didn't have any more time to waste with you," Nicola spat her words out vehemently, before following Jamison as he walked away. "I think it's about time that you collected your things and left,” she called out over her shoulder with a smirk.

  Melody couldn't believe the scene that was unfolding before her eyes. Poor Leslie was all she could think. Springing to her feet, she rushed down the theater steps all the way to the stage and gathered her broken friend into her arms. "Oh, Leslie. It's going to be ok. I promise." Leslie let out a quiet sob into Melody’s shoulder.

  “This is absolutely ridiculous!” Sam Barnett, the stage set artist stood up and crossed his arms. “This is a local production, and the main part should be played by one of our local ladies. If you’re not going to respect this town and its people then I’m done.” He called out after Jamison. He threw down a paint-splattered rag in a show of protest.

  Smudge started barking and growling as well, proving that she shared the same sentiment, and poor Leslie continued to cry in Melody’s arms.

  “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have put a lot of time and energy into this production,” Eleanor Kincaid shouted out from the back. “I am not about to quit now just because someone else wasn’t putting in the required effort and couldn’t do the job up to the director’s standards.”

  These words hit home with Leslie, and she straightened up. Wiping the tears from her eyes and taking a deep breath and clearing her throat for attention, she turned to the rest of the group. “Eleanor is completely right, guys,” she sighed. “Just because I wasn’t up to par, it doesn’t mean that the rest of you should have to pay the price. You have all worked so hard and are doing such a great job. I just know that the play will be a big success with Nicola Wilder as your new leading lady. Please, don’t let my failure bring this entire production down. Keep doing a great job, and I will be here to cheer you all on, on opening night.” Leslie hung her head feeling defeated and embarrassed and walked backstage with Melody and Smudge to gather up her things.

  “Oh, Melody.” Leslie shook her head. “I really thought that I was doing a great job. I spent all of my spare time practicing and was exactly on point at every rehearsal. Jamison was always praising me, he never let on that I wasn’t up to his standards. In fact, he never had any negative comments for me whatsoever. I just don’t understand.”

  Melody tried to say something, and then she saw the truth dawn in her friend’s eyes.

  “It’s all that Nicola’s fault. If it weren’t for her showing up here and butting in where she doesn’t belong, then I would still be the leading lady. I’d still be a part of this play.” Entering the dressing room, the two ladies began gathering up Leslie’s belongings.

  “Hey, Les, was there anything else going on between you and Jamison? I mean anything more than just a professional relationship?” Melody couldn’t hold back her question any longer. Ever since she had seen the two kissing in the back of the theater, it had been at the forefront of her mind.

  Leslie looked at Melody and sighed. “I thought there was more between us, but I guess I was wrong. Let’s just say that we shared more than a few ‘special moments’ both before and after I got the part. Do you think he was just using me? I feel so stupid.” She zipped up her duffle bag and slouched down on the chair at the vanity table, her head in her hands.

  “No.” Melody put a hand on her friend’s shoulder to stop her. “None of this is your fault, Leslie. You have to believe that.” Crouching down in front of her to maintain eye contact, Melody shared all of the information that she had found out from her conversation with Bradford. “Listen, this isn’t the first time that this scumbag has done something like this. It seems that he regularly takes advantage of young women before being pulled back in by Nicola. None of this is your fault, and I think it’s best if you just move on from here and put this whole ordeal behind you.”

  “I don’t know, Mel. I mean… I really thought there was something between Jamison and me. I really believe that he saw me as his leading lady, both on the stage and off. He said so numerous times. Why would he make something like that up?”

  “What’s this I hear about you being a leading lady?” Nicola Wilder laughed, walking into the dressing room and into the pair’s private conversation at the most inopportune moment. “You think you could actually be someone’s leading lady? Let alone the leading lady on stage? Please! Stop wasting everyone’s time. You are just an amateur, and you shouldn't even be allowed to watch a play, let alone be in one.”

  After going through everything that she had this past afternoon, Leslie’s emotions were running high. Nicola’s comments were the final straw for her. At this moment, her anger got the best of her, and she charged at the woman. Arms flying, teeth bared, Leslie went at her with all that she had.

  “I will kill you for this,” she screamed as she flew across the space between them.

  Fortunately for everyone, Melody managed to grab her as she ran past, and with considerable effort, restrained her and prevented her from doing any harm. Smudge, who had been watching and listening with concern as all of the events unfolded, began to growl. It seemed that she didn’t care for Nicola all that much either, and was considering joining Leslie in her attack.

  “C’mon, Leslie. Let’s go. Let's try to leave with a little bit of our dignity intact.” Melody took the girl by the arm and started pulling her out of the room, leaving Nicola behind looking appalled. Leslie struggled only a moment longer and then gave in to her good senses. Attacking Nicola would be satisfying, but in the long run, it would accomplish nothing.

  Smudge trotted along at their heels, but she wasn’t quite ready to leave yet either. Stopping in the middle of the floor, she turned and glared at Nicola and without a second thought, squatted and relieved herself on the dressing room rug.

  Melody gave the other woman a l
ook of disgust and made no effort to clean up the mess that Smudge had made. Snapping her fingers for Smudge to follow, the trio left, feeling somewhat satisfied at the outcome of their unexpected encounter.

  Chapter Ninety-Seven

  The entire theater was in chaos after Jamison’s words were spoken to Leslie. No one could believe what they had heard. Leslie had been doing a great job as far as anyone could tell and deserved her role as the leading lady. Much more than some stranger who had just set foot on their stage for the first time that afternoon. Opening day was quickly approaching, and with only a few rehearsals left before the curtain was lifted for all of Port Warren to watch, it was hard to believe that a newcomer could step in and be up to par, with so little time left.

  The only one who seemed unaffected by the whole affair was Eleanor Kincaid. In her mind, her past drama training had made her an expert, and she had always questioned everyone else’s abilities except her own. Wanting to ensure that her skills were up to Jamison’s standards and looking for further compliments to boost her ego, she set off backstage to look for him.

  Knocking on his office door, she heard him call out and entered without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Hello, Jamison. I just wanted to come back here and let you know that I think you made a very wise decision today. Leslie is a nice girl, but in my professional opinion, I think she should stick to baking. Acting isn’t for everyone, as you well know. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to get up in front of an audience and pour your heart and soul into a performance. I’m just pleased that you think I’m doing such a good job.”

  “Yes, yes.” Jamison waved his hand distractedly at Eleanor. He was obviously distraught. “You’re doing a fabulous job. Keep up the good work.” Eleanor noticed that he hadn’t really been paying much attention at all to what she had been saying. Jamison was reading a letter that sat in his lap, and it held most of his thought. She could see that he was scrutinizing it over and over.

  Perturbed that the director wasn’t focusing more of his attention on her, she cleared her throat. “What’s that you’re looking at? It looks like it must be an important document of some sort.” She was fishing for information.

  “Hmm?” He looked up at her. “Oh, this? It’s nothing really. Just a letter.”

  “Well, Jamison, it must be more than ‘just a letter.’ You haven’t looked away from it since I walked into the room.”

  Sighing, Jamison put the letter on his desk and folded it up. “It’s a letter from a New York production company. They are offering me a deal that I can’t refuse. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of, the chance I’ve always been hoping for.” His voice was low, and he hung his head as he spoke.

  “Well, that sounds like fantastic news! Congratulations, Jamison! Perhaps when you’re casting for it, you can keep me in mind?”

  “Yes, of course, Eleanor,” Jamison replied, sounding sad.

  “But I don’t understand why you look so upset. This is the chance of a lifetime, you should be absolutely glowing.”

  “Oh, Eleanor, you don’t understand. I have some loose ends that I need to tie up, and accepting this offer comes at a price. A very high price.”

  Eleanor looked at the distraught man. “I’m sure no matter what the price, it will be worth it.”

  Jamison hung his head even further. It was obvious something was very wrong.

  Chapter Ninety-Eight

  The drive through town to Leslie's house was a somber and quiet one. Although she didn't live far from the theater, everyone's mind was racing from the day’s events, and it seemed to take forever to finally pull into her driveway. After seemingly hitting every red light along the way, the two girls, along with the faithful Smudge, had finally got her home.

  "C'mon, Les. I think you should lay down and get some rest.”

  Leslie didn’t move.

  “It's been a stressful day, and a nice nap will be just the thing to clear your mind and calm your nerves. Dealing with the likes of Nicola Wilder can sure take a lot out of a person."

  Leslie nodded. She looked exhausted and worn down. She quickly agreed to Melody’s suggestion.

  Tucking Leslie into bed, Melody and Smudge sat with her until she fell asleep. When her gentle snoring started Melody turned to the pup, “Let’s go, Smudge,” she whispered. “She’s off in dreamland now, and I think we should head down to the station and fill Alvin in on everything that's been going on.”

  Smudge quietly wagged her tail and gently hopped off the bed, careful not to wake their sleeping friend. The little dog followed Melody out of the house and back into the car.

  The one place where Melody was always sure to find Alvin was at the Port Warren Police Department. Being the town sheriff definitely had its perks, especially when it came to getting free coffee and donuts. However, it was a busy job that kept Al occupied, even in his spare time.

  Pulling up to the grey, stone building, Melody spotted Al standing outside, chatting to a few of his deputies. Waving, Melody and Smudge hopped out of the car and ran over to say hello.

  “Hey, guys! What a nice surprise having you both show up and meet me at work like this!” Alvin was pleased to see them and gave Melody a big hug in greeting. Smudge wagged her tail excitedly and yipped at the sheriff, asking him for some attention too. “Don’t worry, Smudge, I haven’t forgotten about you!”

  Bending over, he gave the pup a good rub and reached into his pocket to find one of the treats that he always kept there.

  “Alvin, you will never believe the day that we have had,” Melody started. She just couldn’t hold back any longer. “It was just awful, and I feel so terrible for Leslie. That Jamison Shepherd is an appalling man and his partner, Nicola Wilder, is no better.”

  Alvin could see that Melody was distraught, and he put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her. “What happened, Mel? Tell me all of the details, starting right at the very beginning.”

  Melody took a deep breath and then recounted the afternoon’s events for the sheriff from start to finish. “His treatment of her was so revolting, Al. Poor Leslie has been pouring her heart and soul into this production, and he has the nerve to tell her she’s no good… right in front of everyone! The entire cast and crew! Leslie was mortified, as anyone would have been. And then, having that arrogant Nicola Wilder swoop in and take over like she owned the place! It was just too much. She said some really hurtful things to Leslie. It took all of my strength to hold her back. I think if I hadn't, Leslie might have given her a good wallop. Part of me thinks I should have let her.”

  Smudge yipped in agreement.

  “Hearing all of the rumors that Bradford shared with us, I knew that Jamison didn’t seem like the nicest guy, but I never expected him to be this bad. Leslie must be heartbroken right now. I’m going to head down to the theater and see if I can’t “find” some kind of health code violation. I’ll shut the whole operation down. That will teach Mr. Shepherd to mess with one of our friends. I’ll have him packing his bags and wishing that he never set foot in Port Warren. That’ll teach him.” Alvin was beginning to get worked up. Hearing of all the wrongdoings that had just taken place was starting to make his blood boil.

  “I don’t think that's the answer, Al.” Melody was trying to calm him down. “But I do hope that awful Nicola will get called back for a part in New York and leave Jamison high and dry. That would be a vindication.”

  “Is Smudge still going to be a part of the play?” Alvin looked at the pup, waiting for a response. She looked up at both Melody and Alvin and barked.

  “I was planning on taking her out of the production all together but on second thought, keeping her in may be a good idea. It will give me the chance to see just what's going on at the theater. Plus, I’ll be able to keep an eye on Jamison and make sure that he doesn’t lead Leslie on again… or get into any other trouble for that matter.”

  Smudge wagged her tail, giving her consent.

  “Actually, that sounds like a
great idea. Why don’t we head down there now and we can let Jamison know that he doesn’t have to look for another dog. It will give me the chance to take a little look around.” The sheriff was always looking for an investigation.

  Taking Alvin’s cruiser back down to the theatre, neither of them expected the scene that they were about to witness. The sheriff had barely put his car in park when they were both startled by a blood-curdling scream. Seconds later, Eleanor Kincaid, still in costume, came running out of the front doors.

  “Oh, my god!” she screamed again.

  “Eleanor, what’s the matter? What’s happened? Take a deep breath and tell us what’s going on.” Melody tried to calm the woman down, but it was no use.

  “Nicola Wilder is dead!” The shriek that came out of Eleanor’s mouth was deafening. “I just found her, lying dead in her dressing room. Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!”

  Alvin’s training kicked in as second nature, and he ran inside to quickly assess the situation. Melody and Smudge were only steps behind. They made their way past the stage and through the back hallways to the dressing room. Throwing open the door, they found Jamison, leaning over the actress’s lifeless body.

  Chapter Ninety-Nine

  Running to Nicola, Alvin pushed the director out of the way. Expertly feeling for a pulse, he shook his head gravely.

  “Nothing. She’s gone.”

  Grieving for only a moment, Alvin swiftly turned on Jamison. He pulled out his handcuffs. “Jamison Shepherd, you are under arrest. Anything that you say or do…”


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