The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set Page 41

by Rosie Sams

  “Wait! Sheriff! I swear to you. I am an innocent man. Nicola was one of my closest friends. I swear, I would never do anything to harm her, not in a million years! I came here to check on her. I wanted to see how she was making out, settling into her new dressing room. I came to see if she needed anything. When I walked in, I found her like this, just like Eleanor did.”

  Eleanor, who had managed to pull herself together slightly, had joined the group in the dressing room and took offense at Jamison’s words. “What do you mean, Jamison? Bringing my name into it as though I had something to do with this terrible tragedy! I was simply walking by and saw her door open a crack. Wondering what a real star’s dressing room would look like, I took a peek. This is the ghastly sight I saw!”

  “Eleanor, please. I wasn’t trying to accuse you of anything. I was simply stating the fact that I am no more guilty of this crime than you are. It was by chance that both of us stumbled upon this horrific scene.” Jamison took an elaborate bow towards Eleanor, asking for her forgiveness. “Sheriff Hennessey, I challenge you to find proof of my involvement in this crime. Nicola was obviously pushed into her vanity, and I swear to you that my fingerprints will not be present on either the table or the mirror nor anything else for that matter.”

  Looking around, Alvin could see that Nicola had been pushed into her mirror. It was broken, as were a number of the lights that framed the mirror. The rest were no longer lit and the way they framed the broken glass told a very different tale of stardom. The actress had been preening herself, preparing for her performance, but now the final curtain had been called.

  The floor was scattered with broken glass, items of makeup, and the table that had collapsed under Nicola Wilder’s weight. Alvin knew that he would have quite the job ahead of him trying to find any clues in the clutter, but luckily, he was always up for a challenge.

  “Jamison, as sheriff of this town, that’s my duty. If I don’t find your fingerprints, then I will definitely find those of the person responsible for this crime.” Though he said that he knew it was unlikely. The killer would have pushed her head, and that was one place they couldn’t get fingerprints from. Maybe they could get DNA, but if it was Shepherd then his DNA could be on her anyway, as could anyone else’s who was in the play.

  Alvin bit back a sigh. This didn’t look good for Leslie. She had a motive, she had shouted that she would kill the woman, and she knew the layout of the place well. After all, that was her dressing room just hours before. At least she was at home and well away from the crime scene. With that, he stepped aside and made a call to police headquarters to report the crime and call for back-up from his deputies and the coroner. It was time to investigate the scene.

  Turning to Melody, Jamison wore a worried look on his face. “So, how is dear Leslie doing? She was rather upset the last time I saw her.”

  Melody looked the man over with a scowl. His concern didn’t seem genuine. After all that she had heard about him, combined with the current situation that she had just found him in, she wasn’t willing to trust him and give him the satisfaction of an answer, so she continued to stare.

  “Look, I know you saw what went on here this afternoon out on stage, but I swear that I was truly developing real feelings for the girl. She was kind and sweet, and we had a lot in common, believe it or not. We were really starting to get along well. It’s a difficult situation though. I’m only in town for a short time, and Nicola and I have worked together for so long. When she showed up here it brought back a lot of old feelings. She really has a pull on me. Plus, she is an amazing actress and could have added a lot of value to the production. You know how it is, right?”

  Melody shook her head. She had no idea how someone could be so heartless. Watching Jamison, she thought she caught the faintest hint of a smile cross his lips.

  “I saw Leslie back here this afternoon, you know. I walked past the door just as she lunged at Nicola. She seemed to be filled with rage. It’s a good thing that you stopped her when you did, things could have gotten very ugly. Well actually, I suppose things did end up getting very ugly.” He looked around the murder scene and put a finger up to his lips as he thought. Then he spoke slowly and deliberately. “I certainly hope Leslie didn’t come back here to finish the job she started.”

  “Leslie would never!” Melody finally spoke, appalled at this man’s accusation.

  “No, no. Of course, she wouldn’t! It was just a silly thought. I never should have spoken it aloud. I feel terribly guilty now.” The look on his face didn’t show any sign of the guilt that he spoke of.

  Melody was sure that this man had never felt a moment of remorse in his life, and although she knew that Leslie wasn’t capable of committing such a crime, she couldn’t help but feel that she should head back and check on her. Just to make sure everything was ok. Turning her back on Jamison, Melody headed over to Alvin and told him of her plan.

  “That’s a good idea, Mel. I think its best if you and Smudge head back to Leslie’s, make sure she is safe and fill her in on what’s been going on around here. I’m going to start questioning the cast and crew and see what information they have to share, and the deputies should be here momentarily to start collecting evidence and dusting for prints.”

  “Leslie’s prints will be all over the room, it was hers until…”

  “I know,” Alvin said. “Look, we both know Leslie didn’t do this, but I may have to question her. A lot of people saw her reaction.”

  Melody nodded. “I will go see her.”

  Alvin smiled. She could see he wanted to hug her, but he had his sheriff’s head on and knew it would be inappropriate. Instead, he reached down and squeezed her hand. It was a small gesture, one that no one could see, but it meant the world to her.

  “Go,” she said. “Go prove she’s innocent.”

  Alvin nodded and walked off.

  Melody sighed and looked around. It looked as though Alvin and the Port Warren Police Force would have a busy day ahead of them, so Melody gladly accepted this opportunity to sneak away and find out how Leslie was feeling.

  Heading back to Leslie’s house for the second time that day, Melody was making a chronographic list of all of the day’s events in her head. She wanted to keep track of who said and did what and in what order. She knew that being organized and efficient was the best way to figure out who committed a crime and would make catching them, that much easier.

  It didn’t take her long to arrive at Leslie’s place, but immediately after getting out of the car, she could sense that something was wrong. “Something feels different, eh Smudge?” She looked down at the little bulldog who barked back her agreement. The house was quiet and unusually dark. The pair made their way up the front steps and opened the front door. Stepping inside, the house seemed even more quiet than it looked from the outside and doing a quick sweep of the entire place, it quickly became clear that Leslie was nowhere to be found.

  Chapter One Hundred

  “This is really strange, Smudge. Where could Leslie have gone?”

  Smudge lowered her front end down and covered her eyes with her paws. It was her latest trick, to take a bow, and it certainly summed up how Melody was feeling.

  “I know, it’s not like her to wander off like this, especially after the rough day that she has had.” Smudge jumped up, spun around, and then sat, cocking her head to one side, as if to say that she too had no idea where the girl could have gone.

  Pulling out her cell phone, Melody hit Leslie’s number on speed dial. The call went straight to voicemail. Melody shook her head, Leslie always had her phone on and picked up her calls right away. Calling back a second time, it went directly to voicemail again. This time she left a message, asking her friend to call her back as soon as she got the message.

  Unsure of what to do next, but knowing that she needed to do something to try and find Leslie as quickly as possible, Melody called Kerry. She let out a sigh of relief when Kerry picked up on the second ring.

; “Hey, Mel!” Kerry’s cheery voice rang through the line. “How is everything?”

  “Listen, Kerry,” Melody’s voice was straight to the point. “Something has happened down at the theater. Something terrible. I took Leslie home this afternoon and just came back to check on her, but she’s missing. I need your help.”

  “Oh, my god!” Kerry's voice was filled with concern. “Bradford and I are on our way. Just hang tight, Mel, we will be there in a few minutes.”

  When Kerry and Bradford arrived, Melody filled them in on all of the day’s events starting from Jamison’s kicking Leslie out of the production and Leslie’s near attack on Nicola, right down to the very end, where Nicola’s body was found dead on her dressing room floor, just a short time ago.

  “I feel like all of this is my fault,” Melody berated herself. “I should never have left her alone today. I should have been there with her to comfort her while she slept and to talk to her when she woke up. In fact, I never should have allowed her to be a part of the play in the first place. I should have done everything in my power to try and stop her.”

  “Hey, listen, Mel,” Kerry offered some consolation. “None of this is your fault, whatsoever. Your words would never have made a difference. Leslie was in love, and those feelings trump everything else, even rational thought! I know as much first hand.” She smiled and looked over at Bradford, who returned her gaze with a wink. “She needed to see for herself how much of a cad Jamison was for her to believe that it wouldn’t work out between them. Nothing that any of us could have said or done would have stopped her.”

  Melody knew her friend was right. Leslie had fallen head-over-heels for Jamison and was so star-struck by his production that no amount of convincing from anyone else would have changed her mind. But that didn’t change the fact that Leslie needed them now. So where was she?

  “Thanks,” Melody said. Though logically, she already knew what Kerry had told her, it was nice to hear someone else say it.

  “You don’t think…?” Kerry asked.

  “No, I don’t,” Melody said. “Maybe she was mad enough to hit her earlier, but even then, not hard enough to kill her. I think it’s more likely that weasel, Jamison.

  “I don’t know,” Bradford said. “From what I’ve heard, he would have too much to lose. She has backed him a lot in the past, and I think she still does.”

  “Well, maybe we should let the sheriff investigate, for once,” Melody said with a smile. “Let’s go find our friend.”

  They all nodded, and Smudge jumped up and down on the spot barking happily.

  “I think it’s best if we split up,” Bradford said. “We can cover more ground that way. I’ll head south towards Main Street and you girls, stick together, and head towards the Decadently Delicious. I’ll loop around and meet you there, in say, a half an hour? And keep your phones on, just in case!”

  “That sounds like the perfect plan, honey. Be safe, and I’ll see you soon.” Kerry leaned in for a kiss, and the two shared a private moment, looking into each other's eyes.

  Smudge, with something of a smile on her face, looked up at Melody, and she laughed back at the dog. Watching the couple, though, the realization came to Melody that there was a lot more between them than what she had previously thought.

  Waving goodbye to Bradford, the two girls headed up the street in the direction of the pastry shop. Smudge was sniffing the pavement and wanted to go in the other direction, she wanted to follow Bradford.

  “No, girl, come with us, we have to find Leslie,”

  Smudge gave a whine and a bark and then turned and ran in front of them, sniffing for clues, just ahead of them. “You and Bradford seem to be doing really well, Kerry.”

  “Oh, he is such a wonderful guy. I know that he came with a bit of a bad track record, but he is really proving to me that people can change for the better. I’m really in love with him.” Her eyes took on a dreamy, faraway look as she spoke of him and Melody realized that things were pretty serious between the pair. Kerry was actually considering a future with this man. It made her happy that at least one of her friends had found true love. Maybe Jamison was able to change as well? Maybe there was still a chance for Leslie and him?

  The girls had walked up and down the town, through the quaint little side streets and even down by the waterfront, but there was still no sign of Leslie. They had made their way to the bakery and Melody pulled out her keys, unlocked the door and let them inside. They had just sat down with tea and scones to discuss what to do next when the front door chimes rang. It was Bradford, and by his side was a distraught looking Leslie.

  Both Kerry and Melody jumped to their feet and ran to the girl.

  “Oh, sweetie, are you ok?” Melody now realized that Smudge had smelt which direction Leslie had gone. They should have let the little dog lead them right to her. She would remember in the future, and she leaned down and rubbed Smudge’s head. “Sorry, girl,” she whispered. Smudge sighed in delight at the love she was receiving.

  “What happened to you? Where were you?”

  “Well, I woke up and decided to go for a long walk to try and clear my head,” Leslie explained. “I was fine, there’s no need to worry. While I was walking, Bradford found me. He said that all of you were out looking for me. That’s when he filled me in on what happened at the theater. What happened to Nicola. It’s terrible. I mean, I just can’t believe it.” She shook her head solemnly.

  Melody put her arm protectively around the girl’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Leslie. I am going to do everything in my power to keep you safe until Alvin can get to the bottom of this case.”

  Smudge ran around Leslie’s feet barking, proving that she would do the same.

  Looking from one to the other, Leslie smiled. “Thanks, guys, I really appreciate it, but I don’t think any of that is going to be necessary. I know who the murderer is. I’ve already solved the case.”

  Chapter One Hundred One

  With the police investigation in full swing in the back of the theater, Jamison decided that it was best not to waste any more time. After all, the show must go on. He had gathered up all of the cast and crew for the second meeting that day. Everyone was in a buzz about what had happened and why the police were there. The rumors were flying.

  “Settle down, please! Everyone! Quiet!” Jamison called out his orders, and eventually the stage became silent. All eyes were on him, waiting for an explanation.

  “As some of you may already be aware, there has been a horrific accident backstage today. Nicola Wilder was found dead in her dressing room.”

  There were gasps and whispers in response to this information.

  “Now, there is no need to worry. It seems as though it was an isolated event, and the Port Warren Police Force has everything under control. They just ask for our cooperation. If anyone has any information or has witnessed anything at all, please let the deputies know. We all know that there were some hurt feelings this afternoon and some of us became a bit upset, just be sure that the sheriff is aware of everything that went on.” With his speech complete and all of the formalities out of the way, Jamison was ready to get down to work.

  “Now, as for the production, the play will still be taking place. Since we currently lack a leading lady, I would like to promote Eleanor to the starring role. So far, she has been putting in a lot of hard work, and I think she can handle the demands that this part requires.”

  Eleanor nodded her agreement and smiled broadly. She was absolutely thrilled. Her high-school drama days were definitely paying off now, and a chance at being on the stage in the Big Apple may actually become a reality.

  “Jamison!” The man turned at hearing his name called from the back of the theater. It was Melody and her dog, and they were making their way down to the front of the stage.

  “Smudge is here, Jamison. We talked it over and gave it some thought and decided that despite all that has happened, Smudge should still be in the play. We made a commitment to both you
and the whole production, and we would like to honor it.”

  “Oh, well, that's a pleasant surprise! After our conversation earlier, I wasn’t expecting to see either of you again. This is fantastic news!” He clapped his hands together. “Thank you, Melody, the last thing I need right now is another pesky complication right before opening night!”

  A few days passed and practice went on as usual, as did Alvin’s investigation into the suspicious death of Nicola Wilder. Jamison had been to him and asked if Leslie was being charged. Alvin had to tell him that although she had a motive there was no evidence to prove she committed the crime.

  “Then perhaps it was Eleanor Kincaid,” Jamison said. “After all, she now has the leading role in the play. That is surely a motive for murder!”

  Alvin had smiled politely and said that he would look into it. Eleanor was certainly a pushy woman, but she didn’t know she would get the part before the murder… did she? Alvin didn’t know, and so he decided to ask around. This was one difficult case, for there seemed to be no evidence. Surely, the murderer would have some blood splatter on their clothes. All he had to do was work out whose room to search.

  The evening of the show’s opening night was lovely and warm. It was the perfect evening for the people of Port Warren to be out and about, which most of them were. The theater was packed, with standing room only. It was a full house. Melody took Smudge backstage while Alvin waited in the audience. As she walked down the corridor, Smudge barked at one of the doors.

  “What is it, girl?” Melody asked.

  Just at that moment, Jamison came out of the room.

  Melody scowled at the director and laughed a little. “I guess you heard him,” she said to Smudge. “Hurry along, girl, I want to get back in the audience to watch the show.

  Smudge barked and then trotted along with her.


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