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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 73

by Rosie Sams

  “Here she is, my lovely girlfriend. Melody and Alvin, I present the one and only Ms. Claudia Conway.” Sam made a swooping motion with his hand before holding it out to Claudia. She slipped her hand inside it and took her place beside him.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I know we met briefly before and Sam has told me so much about your bakery, and your delicious cupcakes. I myself, haven’t had the chance to try one yet.” Claudia seemed mildly perturbed about that fact, as evident by the sideways glare she shot Sam as she said it.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” Melody said, and she knew she was rambling for the once pretty woman was now stunning. “This is Alvin Hennessey. He’s my fiancé and the sheriff of Port Warren. The sweet pup scampering up and down the aisles is my baby, Smudge. As for the cupcakes, you and Sam are welcome to come by the shop anytime, or I can bring a few by when I drop off the next round of cookies for Rockford.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Claudia… oh, is that... is that The Resplendent Rockford himself?” Alvin pointed him out as the man gracefully moved up the center aisle.

  Melody turned and saw the man, who practically floated. Melody smiled as she watched Alvin’s eyes light up at the sight of his magical idol.

  Rockford, however, stopped at the row in which Clive had been hunting down Smudge. Clive ceased the hunt immediately and raced toward the end of the row, where Rockford stood impatiently.

  “Stop messing with that damn dog,” he said. He held his chin high as he looked down his nose at Clive. The group walked closer toward where they stood. For as graceful as Rockford had appeared when he first entered the room, upon closer examination, Melody could see his face was twisted with agitation. Hers was also twisted by the way the “resplendent” one spoke about Smudge, but before she could open her mouth, Clive interjected.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, a man of extraordinary talent and awe, The Resplendent Rockford!” Clive introduced him using what Melody presumed to be a pre-approved script. He also encouraged them to applaud, which the group did awkwardly since it wasn’t showtime.

  “Sir, this is Melody Marshall, the woman responsible for baking those wonderful rainbow cookies you so love.” He suddenly realized his hands, once filled with the box of cookies she had delivered earlier, were now empty. Frantically, his eyes searched the immediate area. He spotted them on a seat in an aisle behind him and sighed, relieved.

  “Yes, lovely. Thank you.” Rockford was curt at best. Clearly, his mind was on more pressing business than meeting the local baker. “Clive, can you tell me why Thelma Ford has decided to catch a cold tonight of all nights? Didn’t you tell her she’s forbidden to do so, as I instructed? I can’t have her sniveling up on stage while I bestow my craft upon the world.”

  “Yes, sir. I think you mean sniffling, but yes, I told her she is not permitted to have anything distract her from her performances whatsoever–including illness, maiming, and/or death.”

  “She is impossible to work with in her current state. You will need to find a suitable replacement immediately. We’ve only got two hours, so stop messing about and find a solution! Make me feel confident that I’m paying you for a reason. You do understand that others would kill for this position, don’t you?”

  “Sir, I assure you that I understand the value of my position, but I’m sure she will be fine with a little rest.”

  “Absolutely not. I can’t have Thelma vanishing into the netherworld, then sneezing, revealing she’s simply behind one of the curtains. And, what if she has a hacking fit while handling the weapons? I will not allow her to endanger my career, nor my life! She’s fired. Find a replacement now.”

  “I could do it!” Claudia said quickly to The Resplendent Rockford. “I’d be happy to step in. I even have some experience.”

  Rockford surveyed her appearance. Melody suspected he noticed that same showgirl vibe about Claudia that Melody did.

  “Size 6?” he asked. “Vegas or Atlantic City?”

  “Yes, and yes, Atlantic City, but I’m hoping to one day hit the big time.” By “big time” she meant Las Vegas. The Resplendent Rockford lifted a finger in the air and rotated it in a circular motion. Understanding his direction, Claudia slowly turned in her place so he could examine her fully.

  “Smile,” he said, to which Claudia obediently revealed a dazzling one filled with two rows of pearly whites. “She’s acceptable. Clive, take her to the back and get her into Thelma’s costume. We don’t have a moment to waste.”

  Sam pulled Claudia quickly back toward him. “Sweetie, he plans on sawing you in half. I’m not sure this is a good idea. You’ve never done this before, and you have less than two hours to practice.” He kept his voice low, but not low enough.

  “And I promise to glue her back together again.” The Resplendent Rockford’s voice dripped with sarcasm. His body language was aloof. “I’m a professional. There’s nothing to fear, dear–and who knows, if you are a smashing success, I’ll take you all the way to Vegas–in one piece, not two.”

  There, he’d dangled the carrot Claudia needed to throw caution to the wind and snatch her big break. She yanked her arm away from Sam. “This is the chance for me to get back in the spotlight, again. He’s famous, and if this works out, I will have the opportunity to tour with him, and not just sit here in this hick town with you. It could be a major step in my career, Sam. I’m doing this with or without your support.” It was obvious that Claudia was impractically planning her future at lightning speed based on this one appearance.

  “Never mind, I’ll do it myself. Come, dear.” The Resplendent Rockford extended his hand toward Claudia, inviting her to take a chance.

  Melody felt like she was watching the woman make a deal with the devil. Suddenly, she didn’t feel so happy about the show.

  Claudia slipped her hand in his, sealing the deal. Together, they walked down the aisle toward the backstage door. Sam chased after her. “Claudia, wait! Let’s talk about this!”

  Clive frowned but then turned it upside down for Melody, Alvin, and Smudge. “Well, then, shall we continue the tour?” He appeared a bit calmer now that the Thelma Ford issue seemed to have resolved itself. “I have a promise to keep.”

  Smudge pawed at Melody’s leg and whined. “Sorry, guys, Smudge needs to go outside a moment. You two go on, we’ll catch up.” She gave Alvin a quick kiss on his cheek.

  “You sure, Mel? We can wait a few minutes,” he said.

  “Yes, go on and learn the mysteries of the universe behind the scenes. We’ll just be a minute.” Smudge whined again and pawed at Melody’s foot with more urgency. Melody leashed her and led her outside.

  As they turned down an alley next to the theater, Melody spotted a dark male figure hiding in the shadows of the theater’s facade. He was dressed in black from head to toe, including a black fedora with a blood red ribbon around the crown. It matched the blood red liner that peeked out from the black cape that dramatically covered one shoulder.

  Smudge pulled her closer to the man, and she gasped at what she saw.

  Chapter One Hundred Ninety-One

  The man, leaning against the wall, raised his fingertips to his lips as if he was kissing them. Slowly, he pulled them away, revealing a cigarette. Then, he flicked his thumb against his index finger, and a small flame appeared. He lit the cigarette, filling the air around him with the scent of clove.

  Impressed by the trick, Melody grinned. “Are you with the show?” she asked.

  “Am I with the show?” the mysterious man asked, repeating her question. His tone held a note of resentment. “I am Wayne Arlen.” He introduced himself, but sounded as if Melody should recognize his name. When she didn’t, he continued. “Rockford is nothing but a hack. I taught him everything he knows, and he's since stolen the better parts of my acts.” A look of sadness crossed the man’s face, but was gone almost as quickly. Melody realized he was mid-fifties, much older than Rockford. “To think, he started at my feet, and now he's the
biggest name in the business.” Wayne scowled at the thought of Rockford’s undeserved notoriety. “The irony is that he pulled off the biggest trick of all, fooling everyone into believing he’s a shining star.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that your apprentice disappointed you. At least, that’s how it sounds,” she said. “I had a similar issue recently, so I can appreciate the frustration. My business partner attempted to change my vision while I was out of town. She didn’t consider consulting me first...”

  Wayne cut her off abruptly. “That is hardly the same thing. I should have known better than to expect you, a commoner, to understand the celebrity realm of magic in which we exist.” With a wave of his hand, the cigarette disappeared. He grabbed his cloak, pulled it around him with a flourish, and stormed off back toward the theater’s side entrance.

  “Why are all these magicians so dramatic, Smudge?” Melody asked. Smudge huffed in agreement. “I bet we can expect some trouble from him tonight.”

  Melody and Smudge headed back inside. She saw Alvin and Clive talking near the stage. “How was the tour, you two? Did you get some quality time with your hero? Did you get to pull a rabbit out of a hat?”

  Alvin laughed at her magical humor.

  “Very cute, but rabbits and top hats are so last year. Just wait until you see the contraptions this guy has! The props are amazing! This is going to be a huge production,” Alvin said. His hands were very animated as he spoke.

  “Well, while you were looking at props, I got to see some real magic out in the alley.”

  “What do you mean?” Clive asked, curiously. “The Resplendent One is still prepping Claudia in the back. He’s the only one sanctioned to do magic in this area, at this time.” Alvin nodded supportively of Clive, as if he was familiar with the rules of magicians. Melody wasn’t even sure if what Clive said was true.

  “Smudge and I met Wayne Arlen. He said he taught Rockford everything he knows.”

  “The Resplendent Rockford.” Clive and Alvin corrected her in unison.

  “You saw Wayne Arlen?” Alvin looked as if he was about to faint. “Melody, Wayne Arlen is like the Babe Ruth of magic. He’s a megastar!” Alvin bounced on the balls of his feet. “And you got to meet him? Did you shake his hand? Shake my hand! I want to touch the hand that touched Wayne Arlen’s hand. Oh my, I’m going to marry the hand that touched Wayne Arlen’s!”

  “Goodness, Alvin! Calm down! I didn’t shake his hand, but he did this really cool trick with a cigarette…” Melody started to tell Alvin the trick, but Clive cut her off.

  “Yeah, that old parlor trick where he makes the cigarette appear and then flicks his finger to spark a flame, and lights it.” Clive was unimpressed. “Wayne Arlen is a washed-up has-been. He's bitter because Rockford completely surpassed him. I better notify security that he’s on the premises. I don’t want him screwing up this night for Rockford.”

  “The Resplendent Rockford,” Melody and Alvin corrected him. Smudge barked.

  “You are a bad influence,” Clive teased Melody. She found his humor refreshing compared to his normal, stressed state of mind. “I need to get backstage and get a few things ready before the show. You two enjoy tonight, and thanks again for bringing the cookies. While he seemed less than appreciative, he does adore them.”

  “Thank you, Clive. I realize he’s focused on his big night.” Melody, then, turned to Alvin and said, “We better get Smudge home so we can get back here in time for the show.”

  As Alvin and Melody headed up the center aisle with Smudge, they noticed Rockford and Claudia walk onto the stage.

  “Hey, let’s stick around for a few more minutes. Maybe we’ll get a sneak peek of tonight’s show.” Alvin was bouncing on his feet as he pulled Melody into a shadowy alcove to watch. Smudge settled herself down at their feet.

  They talked quietly while they watched Rockford and his new assistant practice. She was wearing a skimpy magician's assistant costume that fit her like a glove. Instead of solid material, she had clusters of sequins strategically covering certain areas of her body. They glittered under the lights. Her shoes were modest, nude high heels with a strap across the ankle. Melody noticed how she pointed her toes with each step across the stage and smiled at an audience that had yet to arrive.

  “Port Warren has never seen anything like this,” Alvin said.

  “I'm just a little worried about this Wayne Arlen guy. Why is he even here if not to cause some trouble?”

  “Maybe he wants to scoop some of Rockford's new acts? He’s created a lot of great tricks of his own.”

  “Maybe. I hope nothing bad happens. He seemed really insulted that I didn’t know who he was.”

  “He just doesn’t know that you don’t know who any of them are. You should have told him if he was a cupcake, you’d know everything about him.” They both laughed.

  Up on the stage, The Resplendent Rockford led Claudia from one set up to another, until they paused at a long box that sat upon a metal cart. It resembled an ancient coffin.

  “This isn’t right. None of this should be here.” Rockford glanced at the clutter around the long box. The box itself was pitch black with gold carvings on all sides.

  Melody stoically presumed the carvings were intended to make the box appear more mystical, but in reality, they meant absolutely nothing.

  “I need someone to clear this space, Clive. Clive! Hurry it up. I want to rehearse the Slaughtering Sarcophagus at least once before the show, and all this crap around the box needs to be moved! CLIVE!”

  Instead of the sound of Clive dutifully running on stage as expected, a hacking cough echoed from the wings of the stage. It grew louder and louder until a hunched figure stood on the stage with them.

  Chapter One Hundred Ninety-Two

  “You!” Thelma said with a low hiss, followed by a hacking cough. Her normally straight, slim figure was hunched from the aches and pains of the flu. Weakly, she staggered closer to Rockford and Claudia; her bony finger pointed directly at her new nemesis. Her other hand clenched a wad of tissues. Her nose was raw from blowing it. “Remove that costume at once! That’s mine!”

  “Now, listen here, Thelma. You are a very sick woman. You need to rest.” Clive stood in front of Thelma to prevent her from getting any closer to The Resplendent Rockford, and possibly infecting him. Under his breath, he said, “I’m trying to help you here. Get well, so I can try to keep you in the act.”

  Thelma continued to glare at Claudia over Clive’s shoulder. “Move, Clive. I’m warning you. Don’t make me get physical. I’ve worked too hard and too long for that degrading piece of… to be tossed aside over a simple cold.”

  Melody was worried, it wasn’t a simple cold. The woman looked as if she was knocking on Death’s door.

  “He owes me my shot!” By him, she meant Rockford, who stood behind Claudia looking quite smug.

  “Perhaps you should get an antibiotic shot, Thelma,” Clive said. Melody couldn’t tell if he was being snarky or helpful. Did his comment have some kind of hidden meaning? she wondered.

  Rockford stood tall and appeared to loom over her. “Actually, it’s time you disappear. Run along now. You’re dis-easing my set.” He moved his hands through the air as if he would make her magically disappear right then.

  “I don’t care if I’m sick or not. This is my night, too! I can still do all the tricks with you.” As sick as she was, she managed to shove Clive out of her way, and closed the distance between her and the magician.

  Clive looked hurt that Thelma disregarded his presence.

  “Rocky. Don’t you even think about cutting me out of this show. It’s just as much my show as it is yours.” Turning from him she faced Claudia. “Now, take the dress off before I rip it off you!”

  “Rocky?” Melody and Alvin mouthed the nickname quietly, in unison. Clive visibly shuddered.

  “Absolutely not! You will spoil the entire performance, and I will not have you and your infested presence ruining everything.” Rockford
sneered at her as he raised his hands in the air dramatically. He thrust his palm out as if he was conjuring an invisible force field. Don’t come any closer!”

  Thelma sneezed right through them, wetting Claudia’s face in the process.

  “I didn’t switch loyalties only to be tossed aside. I’m the best assistant in the business, and you know it.” She then gave Claudia the once over and said, “And obviously the prettiest!”

  Claudia gasped at the insult.

  “Claudia is more than ready to fill your shoes, and she’s so much prettier than you. She has a better figure, a better smile, and she’s lighter than you–she doesn’t slow the Spinning Wheel of Death!”

  “Oh, wow, the Spinning Wheel of Death! That’s the act in which Rockford throws daggers at Thelma as she spins on a big wheel,” Alvin explained quietly as they huddled in the shadows. “I hope we see that in tonight’s show.”

  Melody slapped his arm, and said, “This scene may be better than tonight’s show. Now, shush, I’m trying to hear.”

  The gloves were off. Thelma, in a fit of rage, started to cough on each of the props, deliberately. Then to make matters worse, she coughed on her hands, and tipped parts of the set over.

  Claudia moved quickly behind Rockford. “Oh, Resplendent One, I can take a step back. If Thelma really wants to….”

  “You will do no such thing! This act needs to go off without a hitch.” Then he turned to Thelma, who was mid-tantrum. “You are finished! I’ll make sure you never work another show in Port Warren or anywhere else for that matter - and you can forget about Vegas.”


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