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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 95

by Rosie Sams

  “It’s good to see you too, Melody.” Bending down he pulled Smudge into his arms where she lay upside down so he could rub her belly. “And you too, little Smudge. I’ve missed our morning cuddles.”

  It was only then that Melody noticed the man standing next to Jake. Though obviously a military type, he was a leaner build than Jake, with red hair and a light face covered in freckles.

  “I wanted to introduce you to Colin here.” Jake pointed to his associate.

  “Good morning, ma’am,” Colin said. Then his cheeks flushed a bright red as he noticed that Kerry and Leslie stood behind the counter. This was aided by Kerry giving a loud harrumph to let him know she was there. “Ma’ams, forgive me, please, ladies.”

  Melody bit back a chuckle. It was obvious the man who was in his late 20s was a little shy around the ladies. “There’s no need to apologize, Colin, any friend of Jake’s is always welcome here. Now, what can we do for you?”

  “Well, ma’am, I’m organizing a Memorial Day lunch for the veterans. For the ones who are a little down on their luck, and I was hoping that you could provide us with some cakes and sweet treats for the meal.”

  Melody nodded; this was just the sort of thing that she loved to do and she knew that her two partners would love it too. “What did you have in mind?”

  Colin’s mouth dropped open. “I… I… I’m sorry, I have no idea. That must seem terribly disorganized to you and I’m ashamed to admit it.”

  At his side, Jake let out a big guffaw of laughter and then patted Colin on the back. “I’m so sorry, Col, I should’ve told you, these lovely ladies will sort out exactly what you need.” Jake winked at Melody. “Picking cakes is not exactly our forte.”

  “He’s right, Colin. All you need to tell me is how many people you are expecting, if you have any special dietary requirements and when you want them by.”

  Colin’s cheeks colored again and he looked down at his feet. “I guess we ought to discuss the budget first. As much as I want to do the best that I can, they didn’t give me a lot of money. So, if you can…”

  Melody held up her hand and looked at her two partners; they both nodded their agreement. “Don’t say another word, this is on the house. It is the least we can do to pay back the veterans for their heroic efforts.”

  Melody noticed that even though Jake was still cuddling Smudge a big smile came on his face.

  Colin’s mouth dropped open. “I don’t know how to thank you and I want you to know that I didn’t expect this. Jake told me what fabulous ladies you were but there must be something I can give you.”

  “There’s no need for that at all,” Kerry said as she joined in the conversation. Melody was surprised she had managed to stay quiet for so long, but she was pleased that her two partners were so happy to help out a good cause.

  Soon all the arrangements were made. The Memorial Day lunch was on the 24th, the Sunday before Memorial Day. Colin filled them in on what was needed and after he left they all took a quick break and shared a coffee with Jake.

  Since their last meeting, he had been working for the VA and he was getting on great. With his service dog, a golden retriever called Isabelle, his life had totally changed. When he finally left, Smudge gave a little whine before retiring to her bed in Melody’s office. It warmed Melody’s heart how the little dog had helped Jake and how much his life had changed.

  Leslie was needed in the back room to prepare a batch of muffins, while Kerry managed the shop. Melody took it on herself to wonder how many sweets and desserts she could make and shade in the red, white, and blue. The planning was always hers and it was something she loved. So, taking out her trusty note pad she retired to her office and began to plan for the Memorial Day lunch. It was just two weeks away, they had plenty of time, after all, what could go wrong?

  Chapter Two Hundred Fifty

  The day of the luncheon arrived and Melody, Leslie, Kerry, and Smudge all arrived at the VA Hall with a van full of sweet treats and desserts. Melody had had many discussions with Colin and he thought that Smudge would be a welcome visitor. Many of the veterans were suffering from PTSD; they were simply no longer used to social contact and he thought that the little dog would help bring them out of themselves. So, while Kerry and Leslie set up the table Melody looked around the hall.

  Tables and chairs were already out and a few people had already arrived. She spotted Jake to one side but he was talking to a tall and thin young woman with long black hair. Jake didn’t see her. Melody would catch up with him later, but for now, she found a nice spot near the door and put down Smudge’s bed. Throwing the Frenchie a butter cookie, she left her there and began bringing in the desserts.

  There were cakes, trifles, crepes, cookies, strawberry cheesecake covered in strawberry sauce, and muffins, all of them decorated in the red, white, and blue. The hall looked wonderful, bedecked with flags and bunting. The tables were covered in alternating red, white, and blue cloths and the smell from the kitchen was already making her stomach rumble. As she carried in the last tray of muffins the sound of raised voices pulled her gaze. Looking over, she could see the woman talking to Jake was shouting. Jake reached out in a gesture of comfort and the woman darted back as if he had struck her and then burst into tears.

  Melody put the muffins on the nearest table and walked over. Feeling a touch on her leg, she looked down to see that Smudge had joined her too. “Are you all right?” Melody asked as Smudge sat in front of the young woman’s legs.

  The tears continued. Melody could see that the woman was too slim. There was a nervousness about her, an agitation, it was almost as if she couldn’t stay still.

  “If there’s anything I can do to help, I’m a good listener. You just let me know.” Melody gave her a smile, but the woman kept her head down. At her feet, Smudge sat and stared up at the distressed woman with her big amber eyes. “Why don’t you come and join me for a muffin?” Melody asked, hoping that this would give the woman an excuse to come and talk to her. After all, a lot of problems may not always be solved with a sweet treat, but sometimes they are made easier.

  The woman raised her head so quickly that Melody feared for her neck. Cold grey eyes stared back from an angular face that could have been pretty if it wasn’t distorted with anger.

  “Why are you asking me so many questions? What do you think you know about me?”

  “Lola, Lola,” Jake’s voice was calm and soothing. “Melody is simply offering you help. She’s a good person, and if she sees someone in distress she always wants to help.”

  “What is she doing here?” Lola snapped so harshly that it caused Smudge to jump back a little.

  “She’s just helping set up for the luncheon,” Jake said and he flashed Melody an encouraging smile.

  “I don’t mean you any harm,” Melody said. “Come on, let’s go somewhere quiet and talk.” Gently she reached out towards Lola but the woman flinched away shying from Melody’s hand as if it was some form of weapon. Before Melody could say anymore she turned and fled across the hall.

  “I’m so sorry, Jake,” Melody said. How she hated that she had upset the young woman.

  “Don’t worry, Melody, Lola is struggling with her reintegration. Don’t let this upset you.” With that, Jake leaned down and tickled Smudge under her chin before retreating after Lola.

  “Jake,” Melody called, but he was already gone. Part of her wanted to follow, to see if she could help Lola, but maybe this was out of her league. Maybe the woman needed a bit of peace and quiet.

  Smudge whined, and she looked down to see the little Frenchie at her feet waggling her butt so much that she was hardly staying still. Reaching down Melody rubbed between her ears causing the dog to groan with delight.

  “Oh, you like that don’t you my little girl. Don’t worry, it wasn’t your fault. Now, we’d better get these desserts set up before everyone arrives.”

  Taking one last look at where Lola had disappeared, Melody set off to help Kerry and Leslie prepare for
the luncheon.

  Chapter Two Hundred Fifty-One

  Melody and her partners got all the desserts ready and finally had a moment to stop and rest. Kerry had managed to rustle up three coffees and Leslie and Melody smiled as Kerry takes her first sip like an addict.

  “Oh. I needed that so much,” Kerry said with a sigh. It looked like the coffee would keep her quiet for a few minutes.

  “I can see it will be a busy day,” Leslie said.

  Melody nodded, but she was watching the veterans come in. A lot of them stopped and greeted Smudge. The Frenchie was making the most of it. Her little tail never stopped and she rolled over accepting belly rubs from anyone willing.

  “She is such a diva,” Leslie said as she caught Melody’s glance.

  “She seems to know what people need,” Melody replied but then her thoughts turned to Lola. She had not seen the girl return and it worried her that she was suffering. Maybe Smudge should have another go at working her magic. Only it would have to be later. Everyone was now seated and Melody could see that Colin was woefully understaffed. Hiram Green had only one person with him and with just the three of them, it would take forever to serve the meals. With a nod to her friends, they left the desserts and went to help serve the main course.

  The food looked amazing and each table had ticked off what they wanted on a list. Chicken wings, grilled pork chops, bacon and cheddar corn, broccoli, and potatoes of all varieties were on the menu. Kerry and Leslie helped with the serving and Melody helped in delivering the meals to the tables. Picking up a tray of plates she glanced at the door. Where was Smudge? Her bed was empty and for a moment Melody felt her heart leap. Then, as she weaved her way through the tables, she spotted the little bulldog on the knee of one of the veterans. It looked like Smudge had made a friend.

  Once the meals were all served, the girls were surprised to be invited to join the veterans at one of the tables. They took a quick break and as Melody nibbled at her chicken wings, she listened to the veterans sharing stories. Though some of them were tinged with sadness the mood was upbeat. They were sharing memories of camaraderie, of solidarity, and of pride. Today was a time to celebrate and they were making the most of it.

  Melody spotted Lola and part of her wanted to go see if she could talk to the girl, but just as she was about to, she spotted the Port Warren sheriff come in through the door. She felt a sudden surge of warmth and pride as she admired her handsome husband all dressed up in his best uniform. He knew she would be here and had neglected to say that he was attending and obviously in an official capacity.

  Alvin found her eyes easily across the crowded room and gave her a wink. Melody felt another flush of warmth. How had she ever resisted that man? She remembered a time when Alvin had been her best but most annoying customer. Always finding an excuse to come into the bakery. It was amazing that he wasn’t the size of a house.

  Colin stood up as Alvin sat down next to him. Tapping his knife on his glass the crowd silenced. “I hope you all enjoyed that wonderful meal. It was supplied by our very own Hiram Green of the Happy Frog restaurant. Soon you will be treated to a selection of delicious desserts supplied by Melody, Kerry, and Leslie of Decadently Delicious, but first a quick word from our sheriff.”

  Alvin stood and Melody was filled with pride, and as the crowd stayed silent, Smudge let out an excited little yip. Alvin laughed. “Well, that’s one of my favorite girls, the other one is Melody. Am I a lucky man?”

  Roars of yes went up around the room.

  “It’s my pleasure to talk to you all today. I want to thank you for your service and let you know that myself and the rest of the Port Warren police force are behind you all the way. If you ever need anything give us a call.”

  As Alvin continued to talk, Colin came over and gave Melody the list of who wanted what in desserts. Pulling her eyes away from her man, Melody and her friends retired to the dessert table and quietly began to prepare the desserts. At times she tried to listen in but it was too hard. However, she could see by the faces and the occasional burst of laughter that Alvin’s speech was going down well.

  Applause signaled that Alvin had finished and Melody began to deliver desserts to the tables, along with Leslie, while Kerry continued to prepare.

  As Melody weaved through the tables, Alvin came up to find her with Smudge cuddled in his arms. Stealing a quick kiss from her cheek he gave her a big smile.

  “You will get hair all over your uniform,” Melody said with a laugh.

  “Smudge would never leave hair on me,” Alvin said, looking down at the little Frenchie with adoration. “I would love to stick around, but I can see you’re busy and I have to get back. I can’t wait to see you both tonight.” With another kiss, he handed Smudge back to the waiting veteran and was gone before Melody could say another word.

  As she watched him walk away, she couldn’t help but smile. Since the little French Bulldog had come into her life things had got better and better. Now they were a family; her, Alvin, Smudge, and the little one on the way.

  Smudge gave a little yip, and Melody realized she had been standing staring after Alvin. Giving the Frenchie a rub between her ears, Melody went back to handing out the desserts.

  As Melody weaved back and forth she noticed Colin working the room. He was visiting all the tables and making sure that no one was left out. Jake was doing the same. However, he seemed to spend longer talking at each table and it was obvious that a lot of the men knew him well.

  At last, the desserts were all served and Melody, Kerry, and Leslie all relaxed and helped themselves to a little bit of trifle. As if by magic, Smudge appeared and sat in front of them. Melody reached down and handed the Frenchie a strawberry. It was one of her favorites.

  “We still need to talk about patterns for your nursery,” Kerry said as they finally began to relax.

  “I think we have a bit of time.” Melody laughter and winked at Leslie.

  “You will be surprised at how fast it goes. Time just flies by and you know how we're always busy. Before you know it, your baby will be here and you won’t have a nursery; what will you do then?”

  Leslie had started to giggle and Melody was about to join in when she noticed a heated discussion across the room.

  There was a Gulf War veteran, Elliott Hodge, standing over Colin. The man had been drinking heavily for most of the meal and Melody had heard a few grumbles from people at his table. Elliott was probably in his mid-50s, a big bear of a man with a scraggly beard and huge arms. Though his eyes were red and his nose was bulbous and veined, both showed that he was no stranger to alcohol

  It was obvious, that Colin was trying to guide Elliott out of the room, hoping to avoid a scene. For a moment Melody wondered why Colin was guiding him to the back door. That took him further through the room than if they had gone out the front. Still, he must have his reasons. As they got halfway, Elliott was trying to get back to someone at one of the tables. Though it looked as if Colin was going to succeed, Elliott was not to be beaten. For a moment he relaxed and walked with Colin, but then he moved surprisingly quickly. Darting forward, he ran around the table and back to where they had come from.

  Melody was wishing that Alvin hadn’t left. The sheriff would’ve handled the situation easily. She searched the room for help and saw Jake and Lola get up from one of the other tables.

  Elliott had arrived at his destination and he grabbed hold of an older veteran and pulled him to his feet. “Don’t you call me a cheat.”

  Melody recognized the man as Marcus Redfield. She had been told he was a Vietnam veteran and he looked to be a fit and wiry man in his mid-60s. His grey hair was neat and his blue eyes sharp but there was something about him as if he was holding back.

  “I say it as I see it,” Marcus shouted back. “You robbed me of my pension and now I have nothing.”

  As Melody started to cross the room, Elliott drew back his fist. He was going to hit Marcus. Melody let out a shout, but it was too late.

nbsp; Chapter Two Hundred Fifty-Two

  Though she had no idea what she was going to do, Melody ran towards the fighting men. By the time she got there, Colin had hold of Elliott and Jake was standing between Elliott and Marcus.

  The two men were still arguing and grumbling, but Jake managed to lead Marcus away. With her heart in her throat Melody thought about approaching Lola. However, the woman’s face was flushed and her eyes were furtive. This altercation had brought back memories, and Melody knew that now was not the right time. Feeling a scratch on her leg Melody looked down to see Smudge. Scooping the bulldog into her arms she was about to turn away, but something held her there.

  It was the way that Elliott was looking at Lola. There was a salacious glint to his eyes, so Melody started to move forward for she knew what was going to happen.

  “Hey, la… lo lo, la Lola. Want to be my cherry cola?” Elliott reached out and brushed his fingers across Lola’s cheek.

  For a moment Lola went very still. It was as if time had stopped, but then her eyes widened. Fueled by fear and adrenaline she punched Elliott on the jaw. The scraggy man was pushed back, his face instantly red as he recovered and leaped at Lola.

  “You little…”

  Lola stepped aside and he flew past. Turning, he tried to grab her but Lola slapped him this time, her nails drawing a bloody line across his cheek.

  Colin stepped between them and held up his hands. Elliott took one look at Lola and shook his head. “That crazy chick wants locking up,” Elliott said as Colin took him by the arm and led him away.

  Lola just stood there as if frozen in time. Melody realized that the room was deadly quiet, but now, as things returned to normal, the buzz of voices returned. There was only Lola who seemed unable to move. Before Melody could approach her, Jake returned. Slowly, gently, he stood in front of her and Melody could hear his voice, calm and relaxed as he told her all was fine. At last, her eyes seemed to focus on him and she shook her head as if waking from a dream. Melody watched as she followed Jake across the room and into a quiet corner. There, Jake was obviously speaking softly but his worry was written across his face. Melody wondered if maybe she could help, but the last thing she wanted to do was make things worse.


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