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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 103

by Rosie Sams

  “You should’ve told him who it was,” Richard Jeffries said as he dodged Smudge and leaped to his feet. With a face like thunder, he turned towards her and crossed the shop surprisingly quickly for such a large man.

  “Alvin, the murderer is Principal Richard Jeffries, he had Victor’s lighter in his pocket and he is now threatening me.”

  There was no answer on the phone but the sound of squealing tires and sirens was suddenly outside the shop. The noise was deafening, as Smudge’s barks and growls got louder to compete with the sirens. Before Richard could take another step Alvin raced through the door and grabbed him by the shoulder. Spinning him around.

  “You made a big mistake when you threatened my wife,” Alvin said as he slapped the cuffs on the man and then handed him to Wilbur who was just coming in the door behind him.

  Alvin ran to Melody and pulled her into his arms. It felt wonderful to fall into his strong and safe embrace and she leaned against him until they heard a little bark at their side and felt scratching on their legs. Pulling apart they chuckled as they looked down to see Smudge. Alvin scooped her into his arms and they shared a family cuddle.

  Wilbur was holding onto Jefferies. “What am I arresting him for?” Wilbur asked.

  Melody pointed to the lighter.

  “Ahh, I see,” Wilbur said.

  “The lighter proves nothing,” Jeffries claimed. “Many people have silver lighters and even if it would prove to be Victor’s who says he didn’t give it to me or I found it?”

  Melody could tell that he was rambling now, struggling to say anything to prove his innocence. It was something she had seen a lot and it made her feel good because she knew they were close. This case would be closed very soon.

  “All of that is true,” Alvin said. “However, no lighter was found on Victor’s body or around or in the pond.” He sauntered over to the lighter and taking an evidence bag picked it up and inspected it in front of him. Taking his time, he turned it over in his hands and then turned his gaze onto the principal.

  That gaze was enough to make Melody swoon but it had the opposite effect on the bad guys. It made them quake at the knees in a quite different way.

  “I find it rather strange that you have a lighter bearing Victor’s initials!” Alvin said.

  “I found it,” Jeffries said.

  “Where did you find it?” Melody asked.

  “It was on a table at the party.”

  “Really, because I saw him with it not long before I found him dead,” Melody said.

  Smudge gave a very self-satisfied little bark and sat down in front of Melody.

  Principal Jeffries seemed to crumble. “I only went to the pond to try to reason with Victor, just as Sandra had. There he was, just about to light a cigarette with that confounded lighter. I tried to reason with him, but the man’s demands left me fearful that I would be obligated to him and his whims for life. I only pushed him, I never meant to kill him… I didn’t even realize I had. I just pushed and he fell back into the water. As he fell, the lighter went up into the air and in a reflex I caught it. I only took it because I thought it would serve him right and make him see my side of things. He never went anywhere without that lighter and I intended to return it.”

  “You just confessed to murder,” Melody said.

  “No, I didn't know, I swear I didn’t mean to kill him.” Richard tried to reach out to Alvin but couldn’t with his hands cuffed. “You have to believe me, please!”

  “That one’s for the DA to decide,” Alvin said.

  Wilbur read him his rights and was about to lead him away, but there was another question that Melody wanted an answer to. “What about Kirsten?”

  A defeated Richard turned his eyes to her and shrugged. “Victor did alter her grades, however, from what I can gather she had nothing to do with it. I did like the Reids and we just wanted to keep it quiet. I guess I was still hoping to receive the donation for the school.”

  “What will happen to Kirsten?” Melody asked.

  “Now that Victor is gone, there is no proof that her grades were altered. I don’t think she needs to be brought into this, I think she suffered enough,” Richard said.

  Melody nodded, she was pleased that the girl would be left out of this. Somehow, she didn’t think the boost in her grades would make much difference. Hopefully, Kirsten’s parents would allow her to live the life she wanted and not force her to go to college.

  Wilbur led Jeffries away and Melody and Alvin were alone in the shop with Smudge. Melody pointed at the profiteroles on the floor and told Smudge to get them. After all, once again she had solved the crime and she deserved a treat to celebrate.

  The little dog gave a yip of delight before pouncing on the sweet treat.

  “Any more of those profiteroles?” Alvin asked.

  “Sorry, my love, Smudge just had the last of them.”

  Melody couldn’t help but chuckle at Alvin's sad face as he watched the bulldog lap up the last of the delicious treat.

  Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Two

  It was about a week later and Melody was working in the back of the shop. As usual, Smudge was curled up on her pink furry bed with a green squeaky frog. It would soon be closing time but Melody was trying out a new recipe for a party they had next week. The guests wanted something special and when they gave her the specifications it made Melody smile. It gave her an idea of a way to treat Alvin and that always made her happy.

  “How’s it coming along?” Leslie asked as she continued on her last batch of cookies.

  “I think they will be perfect,” Melody said.

  “That seems an awful lot of profiteroles for a test,” Kerry said as she came into the kitchen after serving a customer. “I think you’ve got a little bit carried away there, Melody.”

  Melody paused from cutting the profiteroles and held up her hand. “I think it’s the perfect amount of profiteroles for a test… and three double portions, don’t you?”

  Kerry let out a yelp of joy. “You are just the best boss ever, have I ever told you that, I need to tell you more often, don’t you just agree, Leslie, she is the best boss ever…”

  “Ker!” Leslie shouted to stop the flow of words. “I do agree.”

  “But I’m not your boss anymore,” Melody said, “remember we are partners. I wanted to treat Alvin, he’s been in a little sulk since Smudge ate all the profiteroles when he came to rescue me. I thought this new recipe would be just perfect as a treat for him, and if I’m going to treat him why shouldn’t I treat you two and your wonderful partners?”

  “Sounds great to me,” Leslie said. “You need any help?”

  “I can help too,” Kerry said. “Everything is put away and we’ll be closing in fifteen minutes.”

  “I’ve mixed up all the cream, why don't you start piping and I’ll work on the caramel sauce,” Melody said as she crossed to the stove.

  “This cream smells gorgeous,” Leslie said sneaking a little taste. “Is this rum?”

  “Rum!” Kerry said and then took a taste herself but not quite as sneakily. “Oh, my, it’s delicious.”

  Melody laughed at her two partners. “It’s a good job this batch is for us, with all those fingers going in the cream.”

  Leslie and Kerry looked suitably bashful as Melody worked on the caramel sauce.

  “Yes, it’s rum, for the Booths’ party next week. They wanted something a little special. When I asked about their favorites this seemed perfect. I’m going to save a few of them as a taster and the rest are all for us.

  The three partners worked together in silence. Kerry and Leslie made a good team as they filled the choux balls and placed them in four containers. Just as Melody finished the sauce the bell to the shop tinkled. Leslie was the one with her hands free so she went through while the other two ladies continued working.

  The smell of the caramel sauce over the rum was delightful. Melody was really pleased with the new recipe. She knew that Alvin was going to be buzzed by thi
s, and she couldn’t wait to share it with him. Once everything was done, they just had to wait for the sauce to cool before the lids could be fitted and they could take them home.

  “It’s Mr. and Mrs. Reid and Kirsten for you,” Leslie called.

  Melody felt a flutter of panic in her stomach. It was partly her fault that it had been found out about Kirsten’s grades irregularity. Even though the principal had said he wouldn’t release the information, it had somehow got out and Melody wondered just what the Reids wanted to say to her. Would they be angry? It didn’t matter, she had to face them and as she went to the door to the shop she noticed that Smudge was there before her. Good! It didn’t hurt to have a little bit of support.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Reid, Kirsten, how can I help you?” Melody asked putting on her brightest smile.

  It was Sandra that spoke, which surprised Melody a little bit. In the past, she had often deferred to her husband. Maybe this was a change for the good.

  “We wanted to thank you for your help,” Sandra said. “Oh, and please call us Sandra and Franklin. We are so relieved that the real killer was found, even if the death was an accident and we have an apology to make.” Her head dropped and she rung her hands together in front of her.

  “No, you have nothing to apologize for,” Melody said.

  Smudge had gone under the counter and was rubbing her head against Sandra’s leg offering her support.

  “Sandra is right,” Franklin said. “We not only owe you an apology, for we thought you and your husband were meddling… now we understand that you were simply following the leads and that nothing was personal. Most of all, we want you to know how sorry we are for the way we pushed Kirsten.”

  Kirsten was nodding her head and Melody realized now that she looked so much more relaxed. In the past, the girl had always appeared to be walking on eggshells. Her head was always bowed, her eyes furtive, and she kept away from her parents as much as possible. The Kirsten before them was a confident, happy teenager and it made Melody’s heart swell to see it.

  “We put too much pressure on our daughter,” Sandra said. “What we expected of her was what we wanted and not what she wanted. After speaking to yourself, Kirsten was able to open up to us and let us know it wasn’t her dream to go to college. We feel awful for what we put her through.”

  “No, Mom, you never meant it, you just didn’t understand,” Kirsten said. “It was partly my fault too, I should’ve told you I hated the thought of college. I should’ve told you what I really wanted to do.”

  “What do you want to do?” Melody asked.

  A big smile came over Kirsten’s face. “I want to be a mechanic and I’ve already got an apprenticeship organized. I just love working on engines and seeing how things work.”

  Melody had not expected that. She glanced at Kirsten’s parents and was surprised to see that their faces were full of pride.

  “That is wonderful,” Melody said. “I know you will make a fabulous mechanic and I hope you’ll be very happy.”

  “Thank you.” Kirsten blushed a little at the compliment.

  “For now,” Sandra said, “we are going away for a few weeks just to let things settle down. We just wanted to drop in and let you know that there are no hard feelings between us before we left. Once we come back, you must let Smudge come over and have a play date with Elvis.”

  At the mention of her name, Smudge spun in a circle and then gave a big yip.

  “I want to wish you all the best of luck,” Melody said as her fingers were drawn to her belly. “Family is so important.”

  “Yes, it is,” Franklin said as he put his arm around his daughter and wife and together, as a family, they left the shop.

  Melody watched them go and vowed that she and Alvin would always listen to whatever their own son or daughter wanted. They would not try to force their own views on them.

  Melody pulled into the drive to see that the lights were on and she could see Alvin working in the kitchen. She hoped he hadn’t planned anything for dessert. She picked up the packet of profiteroles before unhooking Smudge from her harness. The little bulldog jumped over her knees, out of the car and ran to the front door. There she gave a little bark.

  Alvin opened the door almost instantly and pulled the little Frenchie into a hug. Spinning her around he came down and kissed Melody on the cheek.

  “How are you today?” Alvin asked.

  “It was interesting,” Melody said thinking that she must tell him about the Reids before the night was through.

  “Oooh, what have you got there?” Alvin said as he took the package from her hands and peered inside. “Profiteroles, for me?”

  Melody laughed as she took Smudge from his arms and took her into the house. “Not even you could eat all that portion.”

  “Want to bet?” Alvin winked as he popped the box into the fridge.

  Together they finished off preparing the meal and then sat down. As always Alvin served Melody and then put Smudge’s bowl down for her before sitting down himself. Today, Alvin had made meatloaf and it was delicious. Melody loved to cook but she sure appreciated coming home to a delicious home-cooked meal.

  Together they ate and talked and Melody explained all about the Reids and their hopes for the future.

  “It will be great to have a female mechanic,” Alvin said. “I know that Joe’s Garage was hoping to take a lady on. This will be fabulous.

  Once they had eaten and the dishes were cleared away, Melody, Alvin, and Smudge all settled down on the sofa. It was lovely to just relax and talk and Melody snuggled up against Alvin’s shoulder, with Smudge laid across the both of them.

  “We must never do that with our kid,” Alvin said.

  “What?” Melody asked drowsily as she felt his hand drift to her belly and the promise it held there.

  Alvin’s hand covered hers. “We must never put too much pressure on our little princess,” Alvin said. “Never try to make them what we want them to be. We must encourage her…”

  “Or him,” Melody added quickly.

  “Or him, to do what they want to do, no matter what it is. We must let them be the person they want to be.”

  “I know,” Melody said, her other hand now on top of Alvin’s. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot. There are so many things I want our child to be and to do… but we will let them be themselves most of all. Whatever they do, be, or become we will love and support them, promise me.”

  “I promise,” he said before sneaking a kiss of her lips. “There is just one thing that they absolutely have to do.”

  “Alvin, we can’t say that…”

  “Oh, yes we can, they have to love dogs… or at least one dog.”

  Smudge stood up and kissed his cheek before giving her own yip of agreement.

  Melody could agree with that one, after all, who wouldn’t love Smudge?

  A Body, a Blade, and an Early Baby

  Bakers and Bulldog Mysteries


  Rosie Sams

  Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Three

  Melody sat down with a big huff of breath. The aching in her back was driving her crazy and she felt like a whale. Almost as soon as her bottom hit the sofa, Smudge, her blue-gray French bulldog appeared and sat in front of her.

  With a whine, Smudge laid her head on Melody’s knee.

  “I can’t help it, girl,” Melody said as she absentmindedly scratched the bulldog between her ears.

  In her normal cute and gorgeous way, Smudge grumbled and groaned as only a Frenchie can. It was a cross between a groan of pleasure and the funniest little froggy snore you had ever heard and it brought a smile to Melody’s lips. She tried to lean over and kiss Smudge on the head but the huge bulk of her belly wouldn’t let her. For a moment she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry; it seemed her emotions were all over the place at the minute.

  “I’m bored,” Melody said as she sat back and flicked a lock of red hair out of her eyes. Even though she knew she was supposed to be ta
king it easy, and she had only stopped work three days ago, already she was stir crazy. After all, she was only 36 weeks pregnant and the thought of another four weeks sitting at home doing nothing was driving her mad.

  Smudge jumped up onto the sofa and flopped over onto her back. With her paws in the air, her belly was ready for rubs, her pink tongue lolled out between her purple lips. It was a sight that melted Melody’s heart and she couldn’t help but accommodate the little pup.

  “What would I do without you?” she asked as she absentmindedly stroked Smudge’s soft belly.

  The problem was this could only distract her for so long. Alvin, her gorgeous and wonderful husband, and Port Warren’s amazing sheriff wouldn’t be home for hours. Her hand reached for her mobile. There it was sitting on the table beside her. All she had to do was pick it up and speed dial and she could check in on the bakery. It was something she had wanted to do all morning, for her business partners and friends, Leslie Mathers and Kerry Porter Smedley, hadn’t been in touch this morning.

  Of course, they would be okay. The girls were competent and knowledgeable and they would call her if there was a problem. Melody knew that they were probably just giving her time and space. The problem was, that was the last thing she needed. Melody had owned the bakery for years now. It was hard work, long hours, and she was always on her feet but she was used to it and it kept her fit. She had to admit that she was slightly annoyed that Alvin had insisted that she take her maternity leave now. After all, it could be another four weeks before she gave birth and baking wasn’t exactly hard work.

  Smudge kicked out her legs to remind Melody that she had stopped stroking her.

  “I’m not your personal slave,” Melody said with a giggle.

  Smudge jumped up and off the sofa, shaking herself as she ran to the door.

  Melody laughed. “Point taken, I guess I am your personal slave.” Melody got up to let Smudge out into the garden and then decided to take her for a walk instead. The fresh air and a gentle stroll would do them both good.


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