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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 106

by Rosie Sams

  The smile slipped off Josh’s face and he nodded. “I’m with you, there is no way that Tracy could have murdered someone. I will help you as much as I can but why don’t I introduce you to her boss?”

  Melody and Lola followed him across to a corner office where an immaculately dressed man sat behind a big oak desk. He was in his mid-40s with short, spiky dark hair and a practiced smile.

  “Hello, ladies, I’m Davis Sawyer, is there a property I can interest you in?” A big smile crossed his face and it seemed genuine, but there was something about him that was a little too slick. It was almost as if this was all a façade and Melody got the feeling he wasn’t as warm and genuine as Josh.

  Josh quickly explained the situation and poured them all a coffee while offering them a seat. At the same time, Davis sat back and said nothing.

  “How is Tracy?” Josh asked as he sat down himself.

  “She was in shock last night and I haven’t seen her since,” Melody said. “I just don’t believe that she did this and any information I can get from you will help.”

  Lola kicked Melody softly on the ankle and Melody coughed and nodded her head to let her know that she understood. She had promised not to get involved.

  “I agree with you totally,” Josh said. “Tracy is a kind and gentle person; she would never do anything like this. She cares for everything and life to her is sacred. This must be some awful mistake.”

  Davis was shaking his head. “The naivety of youth,” he said. “Josh, you are a lovely boy but the world is a little bit more cutthroat than that. Tracy was desperate. She needed a big sale before the end of the year or she knew that I would have to let her go… as a result of that who knows what she might do. I’ve seen this business turn friends into enemies and in the heat of the moment when the sale is on the line, well, people get carried away.”

  Lola asked a few more questions. It seemed that Tracy’s biggest fault was that she tended to lose things and that she could be too nice. That meant that she didn’t have the killer instinct to go for the sale when needed. In many ways that confirmed Melody’s suspicions. Tracy couldn’t do this. However, she was shocked at how quick Davis was to believe the worst about her.

  As they left the realtors they discussed the information they had got. Why was Davis acting like that? Lola theorized that the man wanted Tracy to fail, wanted her to be guilty. Melody tended to agree with her and the little yip that Smudge gave was an agreement too. The only thing they couldn’t decide was what his motive would be to accuse Tracy.

  “What now?” Lola asked as she reversed off the driveway.

  “Why don’t we go to the station?” Melody said.

  Lola raised her eyebrows. “Aren’t you supposed to be keeping out of this investigation?”

  “It’s coffee break time, and I can nip in to see my husband.”

  Lola laughed and Smudge snorted. “I agree, Smudge, Alvin is never going to believe that.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Seventy-Nine

  Melody, Lola, and Smudge all met Alvin in his office.

  “Well, this is an honor,” Alvin said as he scooped Smudge into his arms and placed a kiss on his wife’s cheek. “How was breakfast?”

  “It was great,” Lola said.

  “And you just popped in to see me?” Alvin asked.

  “We’ve been talking about Lola’s hope of adopting a pup down the line,” Melody said, biting her cheek just a little and hoping that Lola wouldn’t contradict her. “We got carried away, so we thought we would go to that little restaurant near the shelter for some lunch. Of course, we were passing by, so we thought we would just nip in and say hello.”

  “Hmmm, I believe you,” Alvin said and he winked as he sat back down in his chair.

  “You’re welcome to come if you want to?” Melody asked the question.

  “I wish I could, I can spare a few minutes but that is all.”

  “While we’re here,” Lola said, “I wonder if I might have a few minutes with Tracy.”

  Alvin cocked one eyebrow and looked from Lola to Melody. It was obvious that he suspected something was going on.

  “She helped me out when I was looking for somewhere to stay,” Lola said. “I thought with my unique perspective on having been accused of murder… I might be able to help her out in return.”

  Alvin nodded and buzzed for Wilbur to come through. “I guess you’re right, it won’t hurt for you to have a quick chat with her.”

  Wilbur popped his head around the door. “Yes, boss?”

  “Show Miss Ramsey to the cells and let her visit with Tracy for a while.”

  Once Lola had gone, Melody could see that Alvin was waiting for her to mention the case. She was determined not to do it even though it was killing her to keep quiet. She really wanted to find out if he had any more evidence or information, but she knew if she asked that he would know she was still looking into it.

  “I’ve been thinking more about names,” Melody said, “what about you?”

  “I don’t think You’s a very good one. However, I guess it could be for either a little girl or a little boy,” he said raising his eyebrow.

  Melody couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Oh, you are such a joker.”

  For the next 15 to 20 minutes they discussed names. Alvin liked Rose, which Melody liked a little too but she also liked Lucy and Alice. For boys, she liked Andrew, and Marvin and Alvin liked Josh and Lucas. Lola came back into the room and they were laughing about how their preferences seemed to change every day and how they rarely picked the same names.

  “If we ever agree on a name then we know it’s the perfect one,” Alvin said.

  “I want to thank you for giving me the time to talk to her,” Lola said as she sat down next to Melody.

  “Anytime,” Alvin said. “Don’t worry, you two, me and my department will be putting all the pieces together and we will make sure that the right person goes down for this crime.”

  “Okay, we should let you get on with it then,” Melody said and she struggled to her feet.

  Alvin kissed both Melody and Smudge before wishing them all a nice day.

  Once they were back in the car Melody tried to ease her aching back. She was pleased it was cooler now, being this pregnant in the summer must be a nightmare. As she adjusted her position, she was eager to know what if anything that Lola had uncovered.

  “It was well worth the visit,” Lola said. “I think we might have another suspect!”

  “What did you find out? Quick, tell me I have to know,” Melody said as she buckled herself into the seatbelt. That simple task was getting harder every day. She made sure that the lap belt was under her baby bump but she could swear that if she got much bigger that it wouldn’t reach.

  Lola chuckled. “I never realized how much fun this was going to be and it’s exciting too.”

  “Stop teasing!”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Well, Tracy revealed to me that Davis has wanted her gone for some time now. It’s not because of her poor performance, even though that has slipped over the last couple of months; he wanted her gone before that. He’s trying to open up a place on his team for a friend’s son. A lady friend!”

  “You think it gives him a motive for murder?”

  Lola nodded. “Tracy didn’t, but I think Josh is right in his opinion that she’s much too nice.” Lola took in a big breath and Melody watched her as she was processing the information. “He’s not the sort of person that I take to,” Lola said. “I’ve seen his type before. They are manipulative and focused and when they want something they go for it ruthlessly. I wouldn’t put it past him.”

  Smudge whined.

  “Smudge didn’t like the smell of him,” Lola said

  “I didn’t like him either and I tend to agree. What I can’t work out is what was Bonnie Dowling’s part in this conspiracy?”

  Lola turned the key and started the engine. “Why don’t we pay her a visit and find out?”

  Chapter Two Hundred

  Melody, Lola, and Smudge all made a quick visit to Decadently Delicious. Leslie and Kerry, Melody’s two partners, were both delighted to see them and concerned with Melody.

  “What are you doing here?” Leslie asked as she finished serving a customer. “We are getting along fine, you don’t need to keep checking up on us, you need to rest. Everything is under control. The orders are all done and ready and the shop is stocked and in tip-top condition. Why are you on your feet and not resting?

  At this, Kerry started laughing and Melody and Lola joined in while Smudge enjoyed a butter cookie behind the counter from Kerry.

  “What is it?” Leslie asked.

  “You sounded just like Kerry when she’s had one too many coffees,” Melody said. “And I’m not checking up on you. One of my neighbors has just had a bereavement and I wanted to take something to her when I go to visit.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Leslie said. “Now you’re here, how are you doing?”

  Melody smiled. Just a day ago she had been stir crazy, was it wrong that a murder and mystery had her suddenly feeling so relaxed? “I’m doing just fine and Lola’s looking after me.”

  Smudge gave a little yip and came running out from under the counter doing a spin in front of Melody before sitting on her back legs and waving her paws in the air.

  “You are too, Smudge.”

  Melody and the ladies took a few minutes to catch up.

  Before too long they were leaving the bakery with a Victoria Sponge Cake beautifully wrapped in a white box. Lola drove them back to Bonnie Dowling’s house and pulled up outside. For a moment they sat in the car.

  “Are you sure about this?” Lola asked.

  Melody nodded. “If we want to get to the bottom of it we have to ask the hard questions.”

  “I just feel a bit bad, imposing at a time like this.” Smudge had leaped onto Lola’s knee and she was gently stroking her between the ears. The little Frenchie grumbled and groaned showing her appreciation.

  “We’re not going to grill her. I just want to see how she’s coping. I came here on the night of her husband’s death and there was something about her attitude that just didn’t sit right with me. I just want to observe and see how she’s doing now… besides, I’m a neighbor, it would be only right for me to come down and visit.”

  Lola nodded her agreement and got out of the car much quicker than Melody could. It was a good thing she had Lola with her, if anything were to go wrong, she certainly couldn’t move out of the way quickly. However, she wasn’t expecting Bonnie to be a threat. This really was just a fact-finding mission.

  As they stepped away from the curb the door opened and Bonnie said her goodbyes to three of what must be her friends. Before she could close the door she spotted the new visitors and put a smile on her face.

  Melody couldn’t help but think that the smile looked false; however, under the circumstances that was to be expected.

  Holding the cake out in front of her they walked up to the door.

  “Bonnie, I hope you can accept my sincerest condolences,” she said as she passed the cake over.

  Bonnie took it with one hand and patted at her eyes with the other. Melody didn’t miss the fact that her eyes looked dry.

  As Bonnie invited them in Smudge was pulling on her lead to try and get to her.

  “If there is anything I can do, please ask,” Melody said as they sat down at the kitchen table.”

  “That is very kind of you,” Bonnie said as she quickly poured them all a cup of coffee and cut them a slice of cake. Once they were served, she sat down at the table and put her head in her hands.

  To Melody, it all looked overdramatic and she tried to envision how she would feel. A shiver ran down her spine, that was something she didn’t even want to think about.

  “All I want is justice,” Bonnie said. “As soon as that awful Tracy woman is charged with the murder I will feel so much better. Now, I just need to sell this place as quickly as I can. I want to get away from all the bad memories and start my life again.”

  Standing up she scooped up the coffee cups and took them back to the counter and then leaned against it with her hands down by her side. Melody had noticed that Smudge had been sniffing around Bonnie’s chair all the time they were here. Now, she went across to Bonnie and sniffed and licked at her hands.

  “Oh,” Bonnie said with a shriek. “What is it doing?”

  Melody and Lola shared a look.

  “I think she just wants to offer some comfort,” Melody said, but she noticed that Smudge was more interested in Bonnie’s hands than in giving comfort. Once more, the little bulldog was standing on her back legs and trying to sniff at Bonnie’s fingers.

  “I think I better wash my hands, I don’t think that’s very hygienic,” Bonnie said and instead of using the sink, she left the room to do just that.

  “If you remember,” Melody whispered, “Smudge was interested in Tracy’s hands during our tea together.”

  Lola stiffened, as she stared at Smudge.

  “What is it?” Melody asked.

  “I still find this so weird,” Lola said. “You’re the only person I’ve told about it and I’m still not sure if it’s all in my head or if it’s real! I guess when the IED went off… I had a pretty horrific injury… but why would it make me hear dog’s speaking?”

  “I don’t know,” Melody said, “but everything you told me that Smudge has said to you is exactly what I would imagine she would say. So, either you can hear her, or you are so in tune with what she is thinking that your mind is maybe putting her body language into words to make it easier for you to understand. Either way, it’s always been useful information.”

  Lola nodded. “What I heard, was Smudge telling me that she is onto something.”

  “Tell her to sniff around,” Melody said.

  Lola did just that but Melody was surprised when Smudge wagged her tail, spun in a circle and gave a little yip. However, she stayed rooted to the spot.

  Bonnie came back into the kitchen and they could see that she was sucking on a sweet. She threw the wrapper into the waste and then came and sat down at the table.

  Smudge was instantly back trying to lick her hand and was even jumping up as if she wanted to look at her face.

  “This is most unacceptable,” Bonnie said. “I think it’s time that you should leave.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Melody said. “I don’t know what’s got into her. As I said before, if there’s anything I can do to help you know where I live.”

  Melody, Lola, and Smudge left the house. Melody could see that Lola was listening to the dog and she waited to hear what was being said.

  “It’s a little confusing, but Smudge is saying, ‘two ladies, sticky sweet smell’.”

  Melody climbed into the car and struggled with her seatbelt while Lola attached Smudge’s harness to the belt in the back. By the time Lola got into the car and fitted her own belt, Melody was still puffing and huffing trying to get hers fixed.

  Lola let out a little giggle and Melody wanted to be mad but she couldn’t and she started giggling herself.

  “You don’t know how difficult it is being this size,” Melody said.

  “I can imagine it must be awkward, but not much longer now. I bet you are so excited.”

  Melody clicked the belt into place and let out a huge sigh. “I hope not, and yes, I am, but a little frightened too. Things are going to change so much.” Then it came to her and she began to feel excited. “If you remember, Smudge was interested in Tracy’s hands too.”

  “Yes, she was, Tracy was sucking those hard candies. Maybe that’s a clue, but how does it fit into all of this?”

  Melody shook her head and felt her excitement drain away. “The sweets that Tracy had could be from anywhere. The ones Bonnie had could be different but now that I think about it they both have a slight lemon smell. However, I doubt that they are anything that can be tied back to anyone; after all, they are just candies.�

  “Yep, they’re interesting but not exactly a smoking gun,” Lola said as she put the car into gear and pulled away from the sidewalk. “This gets us no closer to helping Tracy or to cracking this case. It looks like we're back to square one.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Eighty-One

  The next morning, Alvin kissed Melody goodbye and left for the station. There was still no extra news, and Tracy was still the number one suspect. Alvin had tried to soften the blow but Melody didn’t like the way it felt to her. There was a part of her that believed she was letting Tracy down, but what could she do?

  It was hard to even get from one side of the room to the other, so there was no chance of her doing any investigating. Alvin had already walked Smudge and the little bulldog was curled up on her knee as she tried to read a magazine. It was all about baking and she was hoping to find some new recipes. Perhaps, she could even try one or two of them out. However, she found herself skipping backward and forwards, and nothing took her fancy. She picked up her phone, there were no messages. Maybe she should call Kerry and Leslie at the bakery and see how they were doing? Only she knew she couldn’t. They had talked yesterday and she had seen them yesterday, nothing was going to have changed in such a short time.

  Throwing her phone down she relaxed back against the sofa. Smudge wheedled her way onto her lap and rolled upside down. With her little legs waving in the air and her little pink tongue sticking out through her purply colored lips there was nothing cuter. Melody rubbed her tummy for a few minutes, but even that didn’t help too much and now her back ached from sitting down.

  “You fancy a walk?”

  Smudge had jumped off her knee and was racing towards where her lead hung. The little Frenchie was spinning in circles and barking excitedly.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Melody knew that the exercise would do her good and hopefully, it would take her mind off the long wait until she had their child and the possibility that she was letting Tracy down.


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