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The Bakers and Bulldogs Mysteries Collection: 20 Book Box Set

Page 108

by Rosie Sams

  “Yes, ma’am. I need yourself and Mr. Josh Cranston to accompany me to the station and answer some questions about your husband’s death.”

  The color left her face and she stood up a little straighter. After a delay of a few seconds, her hand raised to her eyes and she pretended to sob.

  It didn’t fool Wilbur one little bit. “Would you call Mr. Cranston or should I come in and get him?”

  “Josh!” she yelled.

  Josh strolled into the kitchen his shirt unbuttoned and untucked from his pants and a glass of wine in one hand. When he spotted Wilbur he tried to put the glass down quickly and tuck in his shirt. It was too little and too late.

  “Mr. Cranston, if you and Mrs. Dowling would accompany me to the station I have a few questions to ask you.”

  For a moment, Wilbur thought that he would argue and his mouth opened as if to protest. However, Wilbur stood tall and kept a neutral expression on his face and at last, Josh nodded and came towards him. Smudge was harnessed in the front seat, and Wilbur felt pleased to put the conniving couple in the back.

  When they arrived at the station, Wilbur had them put in separate interview rooms, then he sent Alvin a text to let him know how things were going and to wish them both the best. For now, he was going to let the two lovebirds stew a little.

  Lola stood outside the animal shelter, she had been here for over half an hour and so far, she hadn’t plucked up the courage to go inside. Since her injury and her ability to hear animals talking she had avoided most animals until she met Smudge. With Melody’s help, she had come to terms with her gift. Whether it was real or a form of mental illness she still wasn’t sure and she wasn’t prepared to share it with anyone other than Melody. However, it no longer scared her and she had to admit that it had been useful.

  For some time, Melody had been trying to persuade her to come to the shelter. They might’ve even done so today if it hadn’t been for investigating the case. Lola had to admit that the thrill of putting the pieces together was the most useful she had felt since she had to retire from the military. Losing the people in her unit had been horrendous, her injury had been traumatic and difficult to recover from, but the hardest thing had been losing who she was. When she was retired on medical grounds she felt as if her life was over and that was when the animal voices had started.

  Though she had been told that physically she was fine, and she always hoped that she could restart a career in the military, realistically she knew it had never been possible. Part of her had believed that was why she heard the voices. That she wasn’t really hearing the voices of animals, but that it was a desperate attempt by her mind to make her feel… something… she guessed useful.

  It was no use, she may as well go in and see what was there.

  Lola opened the door and walked into an animal lover’s dream. There was a small reception area with seating and receptionist and behind that, she could see cages holding cats and small animals and behind that the kennels.

  “Hello, can I help you?” a woman with wild red hair and Apple red glasses said. “My name is Courtney, and I’m the director of the shelter.”

  Lola opened her mouth to speak but suddenly the words wouldn’t come and she turned as if to leave.

  Courtney ran around the counter and stood in front of her alone and noticed that her Port Warren animal shelter purple T-shirt was covered in dog hairs. There was something about that that made her know that this woman wouldn’t judge her. That all she was interested in was seeing that the animals under her care would be given the best chance in life.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been meaning to come here for so long and I keep… I keep putting it off,” Lola said and felt very inadequate.

  “Don’t feel bad, it is a big responsibility adopting an animal and I wouldn’t let you take one if I didn’t think you were right for it. When you sit down, we’ll have a cup of coffee and discuss what you’re thinking?”

  Lola nodded and Courtney led her to one of the chairs and grabbed two coffees at the machine before returning to sit next to her.

  “My name is Lola Ramsey and Melody Hennessey suggested I came to see you. We were actually going to come and see you herself but I believe Melody is quite busy today.”

  “I imagine she’s very busy at the moment, she must be close to her due date,” Courtney said as she sipped the hot coffee.

  “A few weeks away,” Lola said, “however, the baby had other ideas.”

  “Oh, my Lord, is she having a baby now?” Courtney asked.

  Lola nodded.

  “Well, if Melody recommended you, I’m sure you will be perfect… Is it a dog you are looking for?”

  Lola nodded and then quickly explained that she was a military veteran who had been retired on medical grounds and that she had thought about getting a service dog at first. However, she decided that she didn’t need a service dog but a companion might help her with her PTSD. She also told her how she had fallen in love with Smudge and she knew that French bulldogs would be few and far between in rescue, but if there was a possibility of one, she would love to see it first.

  “We very rarely get Frenchie’s in,” Courtney said but then her face broke into a big smile. “But I think someone is smiling down on you today, Lola, for just a week ago we rescued a little dog that isn’t doing well in the kennels. Would you like to see her?”

  Lola felt her excitement mounting, something about this just felt right and she knew that Melody would be so proud of her if she actually found herself a dog. “I’d love to,” Lola said.

  “Before I can take you to see her I do have to say that she is going to take a fair bit of work. She has been badly treated and is very thin. She will need a lot of tender loving and caring to bring her back to the confident and healthy dog that she can be. Is that something you feel able to take on?”

  Lola felt something stir inside of her. It was as if this dog had been through what she had been through and somehow she felt that it was meant to be. Fighting back tears she nodded her head.

  “I get a good feeling about you and her,” Courtney said. “Follow me.”

  Chapter Two Hundred Eighty-Five

  Wilbur had left Josh and Bonnie in separate interview rooms for over an hour before he went in to talk to them. Despite his boyish and charismatic good looks, Josh had been surprisingly hard to break. It seemed that he was so used to everyone liking him and accepting him that he expected to always get his own way. Bonnie had been a different story altogether.

  Wilbur had entered the interview room with Smudge on her lead and the bulldog had instantly started sniffing.

  It unnerved Bonnie and Wilbur could see that she had been sweating and worrying about why she was here. She was showing all the signs of a guilty conscience and he hoped that if he pushed the right way that she would break.

  “Mrs. Dowling, you do realize that there is nothing you can hide from others,” Wilbur said and then he sat down at the chair dropping a folder on the table in front of her.

  “What you mean?” Bonnie asked as she rubbed her eyes with one hand.

  Wilbur looked at Smudge and let his eyes rest on her for a few moments. “This dog is highly trained to sniff out evidence and she found something very interesting on you, in your house, on Josh, and at his office. Now, the time has come for you to make a decision. If you admit to what you did, then perhaps I can speak to the DA and he will go easy on you. However, if I speak to Josh and he gives me his side of the story first… then the DA will no doubt believe him. What you have to do is decide where does that leave you?”

  Smudge sat staring at Bonnie and he could see that the woman felt as if the little dog could see right through her. He expected to have to apply quite a bit more pressure and was most surprised when she dropped her hand to the table.

  “I’ll tell you everything,” she said. “I met Josh when I popped into the realtors one day to give Tracy a message. There had been problems with my marriage for years and Scott had run up massive de
bts. That was why we were having to sell the house and even then it was doubtful he would pay them off. There was something about Josh and I fell for him instantly.”

  Wilbur listened as she explained how she had started in an affair and how Scott wanted to get the listing off Tracy. Bonnie had been getting more and more desperate, knowing that there was no way out from under the debt that she was in and that she would not be able to leave her husband for his violent nature would not allow it. Josh had then suggested that they take out two birds with one stone. That they would kill her husband and blame it on Tracy. That way, they could get the insurance money and still sell the house and they could start up again somewhere else. Maybe they would have enough for him to start his own realtor's office.

  When she had completed her statement Wilbur got it typed up and her to sign it. All in all, it had been a good say, and even though Josh tried to deny it, in the end even he had broken.

  Wilbur had one more job before he could pick up Leslie and take her to visit Melody and Alvin at the hospital. He had to take Smudge home and see that she was fed.

  There he hated leaving her, but she seemed quite happy curled up in her little basket with a squeaky frog toy.

  “Don’t worry, Smudge, they will be home soon,” Wilbur said as he closed and locked the door.

  Lola followed Courtney along the corridor past cage after cage holding a surprisingly happy-looking dog. At the end, they stopped and Courtney opened a cage door.

  Lola went around her and her heart broke at the sight that she saw. Curled up in the bed on the corner was a tiny, skinny, little French bulldog. Her ears were down, her tail tucked between her legs and she seemed to want to shrink into her blankets to get away from them.

  “Hey, little girl,” Lola said in her most soothing voice and was surprised when the puppy looked up. Slowly, Lola sat down on the floor and crossed her legs. “I understand exactly how you feel,” Lola continued. “You tell me all about it. You can trust me and we are going to be the best of friends. My name’s Lola, what’s yours?”

  “In her mind, Lola heard a tiny voice. “I don’t have one but I like Sassy Pants. I knew a nice lady once and she said I looked like a little Sassy Pants and she gave me a biscuit.”

  Lola chuckled. “Then Sassy Pants it is, or I think I like Sassy best,” Lola said. “It suits you because you truly are a beautiful little girl and once we get your confidence up, I think you can live up to that name. Now, trust me, life gets better from now on. I’ve been where you have. I know how hard it is to trust. But if you come with me we can look out for each other. What do you think of that?”

  Lola didn’t hear a reply but she felt warmth and the little puppy got up and came slowly across to her and curled up in her lap. Gently, slowly, Lola stroked her soft fur. It really was a beautiful rich combination of brown and grey that truly looked like it was lilac, but she could feel the puppy's bones through her skin. It made her feel sad and happy and protective all at once, and she knew that they were meant to be together.

  “I can’t believe that,” Courtney whispered from behind her. “No one has been able to approach her since she has been here. I thought it would take a long while before you could actually hold her. You two really were made for each other.”

  Before long, Lola had completed the paperwork, paid a fee, and bought a few things that she felt she needed for her new puppy, including some special biscuits.

  Courtney explained that they thought that Sassy was about 20 weeks old and that she had been found battered and starving on the side of the road. That she had been afraid of people and at first she cowered in the corner of the cage when anyone came in. Gradually, she got so she would just lie in her bed, but it had taken some time.

  Courtney was over the moon that the two of them got on and asked that Lola keep in touch with her and send lots of photos.

  Melody and Alvin had enjoyed a peaceful afternoon before the hospital would allow visitors. But they were delighted to see all their friends. Kerry and Leslie were there from the bakery with Kerry’s husband, Bradford, and Leslie’s boyfriend, Wilbur. And Lola arrived shortly after.

  Soon, everyone was introduced to the newest Hennessey and the room was full of exciting coos and oohs and ahhs as they all exclaimed that she was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen. Melody couldn’t agree more and Alvin was so proud that it was surprising that his smile didn’t split his face.

  “Did you ever agree on a name?” Kerry asked.

  Alvin’s chest seemed to puff out even more. “We did, we just looked at her and looked at each other and the perfect name came to us.”

  “What is it?” Kerry demanded and the ripple of laughter went around the room.

  “Charlotte Louise Hennessey,” Melody said.

  “That is beautiful and it really suits her,” Kerry said.

  “It does suit her,” Leslie agreed.

  “I’m so pleased that you managed to pick a name at last, boss,” Wilbur said with a grin on his face. “The boys at the station were betting you were going to call it baby for the first month,” he said with a grin.

  “Is there any news on the case?” Melody asked.

  Wilbur filled them in on what had happened and complemented Melody and Smudge for without their pushing them in the right direction it would’ve been very hard to prove what had happened.

  Soon, the visitors were all leaving and Melody, Alvin, and baby Charlotte were left alone. It would just be another couple of hours before Melody could leave the hospital and Lola promised to go back to their house and sit with Smudge.

  “I got the feeling Lola has something to tell us,” Melody said as the room cleared out.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Alvin said. “And I couldn’t be happier to have my three favorite girls in my house with me. You must feel great that not only have you brought this wonderful bundle of joy into the world but you got Tracy cleared and released.”

  Melody was so transfixed on baby Charlotte that she only heard half of what he said and when she looked up her eyes were all dreamy.

  “Is this the end of my crime-fighting wife?” Alvin asked.

  Melody couldn’t answer that, she also couldn’t wait to get home.

  Chapter Two Hundred Eighty-Six

  Melody and Alvin got home a few hours later. Lola had cooked them a casserole and after having another quick look at the baby, she excused herself and left them alone.

  For the next few days, Melody and Alvin just enjoyed settling in with their new family. Charlotte Louise had a good set of lungs and she was not afraid of using them. Though they were tired, they were finding parenthood amazing.

  Smudge had taken to the new baby and didn’t seem at all put out by her. On the fourth day, they were taking a gentle stroll around the block with Smudge and the stroller when Tracy ran out to them.

  “I don’t know if I should congratulate you or shower you in my gratitude,” Tracy said as she jumped out of the car. “I was just coming to see you, with a gift in a baby basket and I just want to thank you for believing in me.”

  “It was Smudge as much as me,” Melody said, “we can’t seem to ignore it when a case doesn’t feel right.”

  Tracy walked the few blocks back with them admiring Charlotte and constantly gushing out her thanks and gratitude. When they got back, she handed over a package that contained beautiful little baby clothes, one of which had a fabulous picture of a Frenchie on the front. There were booties and bonnets and much more than was necessary.

  “Tracy, thank you so much for this but you shouldn’t have,” Melody said as she turned over the beautiful items. However, she couldn’t wait to see Charlotte wearing some of them.

  “It was the least I could do, and I have this too.” She pulled another packet out of her pocket.

  Melody passed the package to Smudge and she opened it with wild abandon. She had learned some time ago what a present was and that it was for her. Inside was a soft toy police dog that squeaked when she bit it. Sm
udge spun in a circle and tossed the toy in the air before catching it and running away to her bed where she continued to squeak for the next few minutes.

  Almost as soon as Tracy had left Lola arrived.

  After she had cuddled Charlotte and told them that she thought that she looked even more beautiful already she told Melody she had a confession to make.

  “Do tell, I’m intrigued,” Melody said.

  “It might be better if I show you,” Lola said as she walked out of the kitchen and walked back in a few moments later with Sassy on a lead.

  As she introduced her to the dog, Lola was explaining to Sassy that they were friendly and that Smudge would understand her and that Melody would help her. Smudge approached Sassy gently and quietly and they sniffed each other. Within a few minutes, they were playing in the garden and Lola sat drinking coffee with Melody.

  Lola filled Melody in about her rescuing Sassy and how the pup had progressed since she had had her. She’d already put on some weight and her nerves were getting much much better. She was able to be around most people as long as Lola told her that they were safe beforehand.

  “I have another confession to make,” Lola said.

  “You’re leaving?” Melody said.

  Lola nodded. “I feel it is time to move on. I’m going to head down south. I have family and friends down there that I would like to reconnect with. I want you to know that without your help I would not feel up to doing it and I promise I will never forget you.”

  Melody and Lola hugged.

  “I will miss you,” Melody said. “Have you any idea what you might do?”

  “Not really,” Lola said and shrugged her shoulders. “However, I really enjoyed working with you and Smudge. Who knows, maybe Sassy and I can do a bit of investigating of our own.”

  “I think you will be amazing at it,” Melody said.


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