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Page 8

by Cleo Fox

  My gaze goes to the figure sitting behind the desk, legs propped up on it and crossed at the heel. Darius rocks in the chair, book in hand.

  My cheeks grow hot. He's reading the sixth book in my Kendra Lovesteddar series. He's about half way through, which means he's almost to the first orgy scene of the series. It's the one that made readers take notice, and it blew up after that. I clear my throat. "What are you reading?"

  His brown eyes travel from the page to me. "Good morning. A series I found on the shelf. You have a lot of them. I never thought you liked these kinds of books. You were always into Stephen King or non-fiction books when we were younger. They're good, especially on days like this."

  I lick my lips. "I... I actually wrote those books. That's why they're the only ones in the genre on the shelf."

  He lowers his legs from the desk, and sits forward in the chair. "You wrote all those books?"

  I nod. "Yeah, for the most part. I still have to write the last book, but it hasn't happened. Micheal used to be my sounding board for it, he came up with a lot of the plot points. For some reason, I just can't come up with an ending I like. I know she has to pick one of them in the end, but deciding who is the hard part."

  Darius's gaze went back to the book. "I've heard writing endings, especially final ones, is hard for a lot of authors." He flips backward through the book. "So you wrote this part? His warm tongue swirled around my puckered hole. Heat spread throughout my body, I moved against him wanting more. Kyle stepped forward, standing over, Marcus's head. Grasping his shaft I brought the head of his cock to my lips..." he trails off, his gaze returning to mine.

  A scorching heat spreads throughout my body from my clit up to my face. Embarrassment and lust fighting to be the winning emotion in my body. I've never heard one of my sex scene be read aloud, and for him to be the one doing it. The horniess from moments before I came downstairs returns with a vengeance. I want nothing more than to crawl over the desk to kiss him and pull off his sweatpants and shirt.

  I swallow hard. "Yeah, I wrote that."

  A smile spreads across his face. "It kind of reminds me of that time it was just you, Titus, and I right after we confessed that we felt an attraction for each other, but didn't want to do anything until we knew how you felt about it, in Senior year, right before winter break."

  Now my clit aches as I recall the memory. Could I have based that scene off that moment, they were very similar. They'd asked for the three of us to hang out in the back room in the theater of the high school while they smoked. Lance and Navin had activities for clubs they were a part of. There weren't many times back then that we weren't together, but that was one of them.

  They confessed having an attraction to each other, and wanting to explore it, but it was important to them that I know and be okay with it before they did anything. They didn't want me to feel like they were cheating on me.

  I, of course, had no issue with it. I would never stop any of them from doing something they wanted to do. And after they kissed in front of me, I knew that I wouldn't mind it at all, it was as hot as hell.

  I nod. "Now that you bring it up, I can see the connection between the two. I probably was drawing from that subconsciously, and also for the scene that happens in chapter fourteen when her and four of the guys have an orgy."

  My clit begs to be touched.

  Darius stands from the desk and walks around it to lean against the front. We only stand a few feet apart. With the barrier gone, I find my desire grows tenfold. Fuck, what am I going to do if they don't want me?

  He place the book on the desk next to him. "I haven't gotten that far, but I do know you have an incredible talent for sex scenes. The one on one scenes have been very hot."

  I can't help, I take a quick glance at his crotch, and find a slight tent forming. I haven't forgotten how big he is.

  Summoning my courage, I take a step closer to him. "I'm glad you're enjoying my writing."

  His brown eyes glance at my lips. "If this snow keeps up, I'll have the series done in the next few days. Perhaps we can talk about it, and then you can get some ideas on how to finish it."

  Part of me feels as if I should have an aversion to the idea of him taking over a role Micheal once held in my life, but I find myself wanting and liking the idea a lot. I nod. "Sure. I would like that."

  Pushing off from the desk, he comes closer. My heart hammers as I peer up at his face.

  His fingers come up to linger under my chin. "Sugar, if you don't want this, you need to say something now. I don't know if I can hold myself back for very much longer."

  Reaching up, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me. "I want this," I whisper and kiss him.

  Chapter Twelve


  Oh lord. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her flush with me. My hard on presses into her stomach, as she stands on her toes. She feels so good, just like I remember.

  "Dar, do you-" Titus voice halts as he comes into the study.

  We break apart.

  He blinks at us from behind his black frames. Evie reaches out a hand toward him. "If you want, you can join us."

  The grin spreads across Titus's face so fast. He doesn't hesitate as he comes into the room. She keeps one hand touching me as her other wraps around the back of his neck. He leans down to meet her and kisses her.

  Fuck, I'm so fucking hard, and seeing them together only turns me on more.

  After a long moment between them she pulls back, her lust-filled blue and brown eyes going between us. "Are you guys still together?"

  Titus looks at me and nods, before bringing me in for a kiss. His passion fills me with so much want as our tongues touch. We smile at each other as he pulls away. It feels nice to be affectionate with each other in front of someone else.

  Titus looks to Evie. "We didn't want to make you or Lance and Navin uncomfortable by being affectionate with each other, so we save it for nighttime when we go to bed, or the morning if I wake up before him. Which apparently isn't often here."

  She frowns. "Don't be afraid to be yourselves in front of me, ever. And I don't think Lance or Navin would care. They didn't in the past, why would they now?"

  We look at each other again. I clear my throat. "Well, after you left, we didn't want to remind them of a time when you were around. So, we decided just to keep out PDA on the down-low in front of them, and as well as in front of the public eye. With reporters following us around all the time when we go out in cities and things, we also thought it would be better for fans to not know about us."

  Evie bit at her plump lower lip. "I'm sorry that because of me and other things, you felt you had to hide what you feel for each other. I never wished that for you guys."

  Titus lifts his hands and strokes her cheek. "Don't apologize, we made our own decesions. All that matters now is that we're together again."

  She leans into his touch and closes her eyes. "I really did miss all of you. I've pushed everything away for so long that I didn't realize how much until you showed up at my door. So much has happened, but I feel like this was supposed to happen. At least for a little while, to give us closure."

  A small frown pulls at my lips. What exactly does she mean by that. Does he plan to still leave in a week? Why? We're together, there's no reason for her to leave.

  My mind travels back to Harper and how she asked about him first, the fact that our cellphones had been messed with all those years ago so that we couldn't get a hould of her. I'm going to memorize her number, so that it can never be changed on us again without us noticing. And when if it comes out that Harper did something to her that made her leave that night, I'm going to strangle him with my bare hands, or at least take part in beating the shit out of him. I'm sure the others will all want to add in a punch or two.

  Titus frowns as well. "Why are you talking as if you're going to leave, again. I don't want you going anywhere, no matter what."

  Her gaze goes to the floor and she shakes her head. "
We'll see, I just don't want to be the reason-"

  "I need coffee, that's what I need." Lance's voice carries from the top of the stairs, before two sets of feet make their way down to our floor.

  Lance and Navin stop in front of the study when they notice us. Lance rubs sleepily at his brown eyes. "Good morning, why is everyone gathered in here?”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I can't help but get a sense of nostalgia as Lance and Navin stand in the doorway, and Titus and Darius. It reminds me of the dream I just had. During that trip we had sex everywhere in this place, including in here. It's strange, because the day we had sex in the study, there was also a blizzard outside.

  I smile at them. "Good morning. It's a blizzard outside."

  Lance and Navin's gazes go to the large window. Realization dawning on their faces as they also remember that time. A time when everything was so much simpler, and we were just in love and following our collective dream.

  In a flash, Lance is at my side. I turn to face him. He cups my face in his hands. "I have to say this before I go insane."

  My hand raises to his right hand, pressing it to my cheek. "What is it?" I stare into his brown eyes.

  "I love you. I've always loved you. I never stopped loving you all these years. You don't need to say it back, but I needed to tell you. I can't go another day while here and not tell you how I'm feeling."

  My heart pounds in my chest at his words. A warmth surges through me. I may have fallen in love with Micheal in their absence, but I never stopped loving them either. The dreams I've been having, have only made those emotions stronger.

  Tears gather in my eyes. "I love you, too. I love all of you." My gaze goes to each of them. "I never stopped loving you either, even with Micheal. He knew about you, and he knew how I felt. I was always transparent with that. I honestly never thought we'd ever be together again like this."

  Lance leans down. "Coming here was the best decision we've ever made." He firm, but also tender he kisses me. I hold onto his hand. Savoring every moment. Getting to kiss them makes me feel as if I've come home, but I know it can't last once Harper comes back. I refuse to be around him, and if he sees me, it'll only cause problems for them. This is such a bad idea. But for the first time, in a long time, I feel something beyond the numb emptiness I've felt for year. The emptiness I tried to fill everyday with drinking.

  We pull away and Navin comes over. "I'm glad we decided to come here for our vacation time. Perhaps it was time for us to be back in each other's lives. And I will always love you more than you'll ever know."

  Lance steps to the side, allowing Navin room to come forward and and also kiss me. I melt against him, my hands traveling up his chest to his shoulders. They all kiss so differently from each other. Navin brings a tenderness only he has, as if he's afraid to break me, but still wants me to know how much he loves me.

  I reach a hand out toward the others. My old signal that I want more, and it's okay for them to come forward if they want.

  Navin runs his hands over my sides and down to my ass. His finger grip and knead it through my plaid sleeping pants.

  Darius's large hand takes mine. He brings it up to his warm lips and kisses the back of my knuckles. A spark runs up my arm and creates a shiver down my spine.

  Someone else comes up behind me and kisses the curve of my neck. By the feel of his lips I can tell it's Lance, he's always firm and loves to scrape his teeth along my pulse point.

  I moan into the kiss with Navin, whose hand has pushed my shirt, and strokes the my l sides.

  Darius's lips turn my hand over, kissing along my wrist and up my arm. It feels like heaven

  Navin breaks the kiss, tugging at my shirt. I start to let him take it off and then stop. My mind comes back to me just enough to remind me I no longer look like how they remember I have scars.

  "Wait," I say, holding the hem of my shirt down.

  They all stop pulling back a little. Navin frowns. "What is it, love. Are we moving too fast? We can stop."

  My clit aches to be touched, the last thing it wants me to do is bring things to a grinding halt. "No, I... It's just." I close my eyes. "I don't look like how you remember."

  Titus touches my right hand and the pulls me toward him. "Evangeline, no matter your age, or how you think your body looks, you'll always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me. You always have been, ever since we were kids, and you always will be."

  He pulls me to him, and kisses me tenderly. He pulls back. "I love you."

  I stare into his blue eyes. "I love you, too, Ty."

  Darius hums. "I agree with him, Sugar, you'll be lookin' fine even when we're old and senile. I'll be chasing your tail until my last day."

  I look at him as he bites his full lower lip and can't help but life. "Even when my boobs hang down to my knees?"

  Lance laughs. "We'll probably all have bad knees, so if we can get walker level and still suck on them, I'll be more than fine with that."

  The thought of us all being old enough to be senile and still having a sex life sends me into a fit a of laughter. "Oh, god. Our nursing home will probably have to separate us because we'll be having too much sex for our old age. "

  Darius pulls me to him until we're flush with each other. His hands go to my ass. "No one will be able to keep me from you, sugar. They'll just have to deal with a brunch of seniors who like sex."

  Navin clears his throat. "While you lot are in an old folks home. I'm going to spend my hard earned money on getting to stay in my own house with staff to help me out. Evie can stay there, and you can visit.

  Titus laughs. "I like his idea better. Besides, old people scare me."

  I laugh, glancing over my shoulder. "When we're old enough to be in a place like that, you will be one of the old people!"

  He shudders. "Maybe they'll have youth treatments by then."

  Darius's fingers knead into my ass, and head south. It's been a long time since I ever did anything with my ass. Micheal wasn't into it, but I've missed being fucked in the ass. His returning hard on presses into my stomach, and move up against it, causing a groan to leave him.

  Instantly the playful air in the room shifts. I really do want them. Darius pulls me into a hungry kiss. Tongue parting my lips, and flicking against mine. Soon, their hands are everywhere along with their lips. I have no idea who is who and I let Darius dominate my mouth.

  Soon, they tug down my sleep pants and underwear. Darius continues to kiss me, keep my mind more focused on him and less focused on the fact they might be able to see the scars from the accident on my right leg and hip.

  Darius's fingers pull my ass cheeks apart, as someone's hot tongue swirls around my asshole. I jump in surprise and break the kiss, to peer over my shoulder. Titus crouches behind me, his face half hidden, as his tongue swirls.

  I groan. "Oh, fucking hell that's good."

  Titus presses harder into me and moans.

  My gaze go to Lance and Navin, both now have their shirts off, and fuck, they're more muscular than when we were young, and each have more tattoos Navin has a sleeve, while Lance sports various tattoos all over, including his infinity symbol wit the musical notes interwoven on his right pec, matching my tattoo on my left shoulder-blade.

  Author note: If you’ve reached this far and haven’t seen my message on Facebook, please resync your kindle or kindle app, or go to Manage Your Content and Devices page and look for the “Update Available” button in the far right column next to this book.

  I’m sorry. When I first planned this book, my life was hectic but I thought I could finish it and things wouldn’t get harder. Long, long story short, life looked at me and said. “Hold my beer.” Needless to say, 2020 has made the last three years feel like a walk in a park. The finished version of this will be uploaded on the night of the 23rd, which means some UK and AU readers will be getting this message while most US readers won’t. I’m sorry. I don’t have preorder anymore for the next year, so th
is won’t be happening again, all future books will be live dropped and I will no longer be giving dates for anything, because it seems like everytime I do, something insane happens two days before.

  For reference, the finished version will have 17 chapters. Once again, I’m so sorry. Please let me know if you have any issues getting the updated version. I’ll be contacting Amazon to do a wide push update, but it can take several days.




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