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Our Bloodline

Page 26

by KC Kean

  I don’t ask who that is, already knowing he means me. Roman growls before me, anger building around us, and I’m only going to add to it.

  “Tell me where to go, and I’ll be there.” His eyes burn mine, the feel of Oscar’s just as strong.

  “I want you at the Main Hall, alone. I’ll know if you’re not. Your loved ones might want to head to the library before it burns to the ground with Mia inside. There’s probably only five, maybe ten minutes left before it blows completely.”

  The phone cuts off as I stand frozen in place, staring down at it.

  “How can we even trust she’ll be there? Luna, I swear, you are not…”

  “I know, I know. I think I have a plan, but we’re going to need everyone.”

  Everyone and a fucking miracle.



  “Anything?” Rafe murmurs, as he taps away beside me. I don’t answer, because I can feel it in my fingertips that we’re close. Totem has some tech talent on his side, that’s for sure. I’m sitting here trying to hack back into my own damn systems.

  “Close,” I hear Parker reply as he watches me work. The tension in the room continues to build, as I make the mistake of allowing my emotions to build. What I need to do is keep calm and let my logical brain assess the situation.

  “In. I’m in!”

  Glancing up from the keyboard, I watch the monitors come to life around us. Dozens of camera feeds reappear, filling the screens. My eyes don’t know where to search first, there is so much we need to be on the lookout for.

  “Kai, you focus on the two screens in the middle, Parker and I will focus on the ends. Our main focus is looking for Mia, Totem, any of the fucking Dietrichsons, and we are all protective assholes, so when you see Luna, shout.”

  I nod repeatedly in response, as my eyes scan the screens in front of me. Each monitor is linked to four camera feeds, so clicking into each one will give us a better view of what’s going on.

  A knock sounds at the door, but I can’t pull my gaze away. I’m thankful when I hear Rafe move to answer it. Murmurs from the other room let me know he’s let them in, but nobody interrupts my search.

  “Luna and the guys are up on the roof,” Parker mumbles, pulling my gaze to where he’s pointing. My eyes instantly see her wavy brown ponytail floating in the breeze, as they all stare down at her phone. The anxiety building in my chest eases slightly at the sight of my Sakura.

  Focusing back on the monitors in front of me, I zoom in on the library, smoke billowing from the roof, as fire licks the exterior walls. Is that what the explosion was?

  Rafe steps up beside me, “It was Maverick. Jess is safe in her room, but he’s here to help, West too.” I nod, unable to explain how much I appreciate their instant willingness to help. “What’s this?” He then asks, zooming in on one of his screens.

  I watch as the Main Hall comes into view, fully lit up on the ground floor. John Dietrichson stands on the steps leading up to the entry, a cigarette in hand as he grins down at the phone in his hand. Quickly tapping away on my laptop, I pull up the cameras we have in Barbette Dietrichson’s office.

  The room fills the screen, Barbette leaning over the desk as she seethes at Wren. I don’t have time to flick the audio link-up, before Wren storms out of the office, slamming the door behind her. I see the fear, anger, and rage in her eyes, just like it was there when she stood over me, her gun trained in my direction.

  Commotion comes from the lounge, as I hear Luna with Oscar and Roman. Dragging myself away from the laptop, I follow Parker and Rafe to see what on earth is going on.

  Stepping into the lounge, Luna and the guys aren’t the only ones here. Maverick, West, Bryce, Reggie, Patrick, and my father all stand before me too. Luna’s face is lined with worry, concern etched in her eyes. My feet instantly move me towards her, needing to know what’s playing in her mind.

  “Sakura,” I breathe out, my hands bracing her shoulders as I look down at her.

  “Totem wants me to trade myself for Mia.”

  “No! Fuck, no!” I growl instantly, refusing to entertain such bullshit.

  “We have to, Kai,” the pain in her eyes searing my soul. “She’s in the library.”

  The library? It’s on fire. She’s in the burning building. My heart rate kicks up as I look helplessly at Luna. It feels as though the floor is sinking beneath me.

  “Kai, I need you to go to the library now.” She looks around at the silent room as everyone takes in her words. “Travis, Patrick, Maverick, Bryce, all of you. Go with him, please, we don’t have long. Ian already has cars ready to move.” They begin to move around us, but I’m frozen in place. “Kai, go.”

  “But what will you…” She cuts me off with a kiss, her lips feel like heaven against mine.

  “I love you, Kai. Don’t worry about the rest; get your sister. Go.”

  Releasing my hold on her, I look to Roman, who nods for me to do as she says. Grabbing a gun off the table, I look at my Sakura once more before rushing from the room.

  I race out of Ace in a blur, diving straight into the SUV Ian has running outside, my father and the others right behind me. The tires screech as Ian floors it before the rear door has even been shut. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I try to keep my fear at bay. Watching as the library comes into view, the flames brightening the night sky, my pulse quickens. We have to find her.

  “We will get her out, son. I promise you.” I look to my father, his dark eyes filled with despair, matching my own. I can’t even manage a nod in response, my mind wandering back to Luna and the guys. I shouldn’t have left her without knowing what the full plan was, but I also need to save my sister.

  As the SUV slows in front of the library, Maverick quickly opens the door, leading everyone out. “I can’t tell where the fire started. I’ll enter the front with Kai and Patrick. While Travis and Bryce search the perimeter and enter from the second door to the rear,” he says, continuing his approach to the building.

  Without question, my father and Bryce take off to the left-hand side of the building, as Maverick tests the door. Watching as it slowly opens, my heart drops. Smoke fills the whole space around us. The high walls filled with books are engulfed in flames as I frantically search for Mia.

  “Mia! Mia!” Patrick calls from beside me as he steps further into the space. I still can’t process why these people are so willing to help, but I’m thankful they’re here.

  Moving further into the room, I feel water sprinkle on my face. I try to see where it’s coming from, but the thick smoke blocks my view. It’s as if the sprinklers have come on, having been activated by the smoke, but the fire continues to roar around it.

  “Mia!” I shout, along with the others, but I hear no response as I stand even further in the room. The smoke is starting to burn my throat, my chest heavy from inhaling it. I barely see the desk in front of me, catching my leg on the corner of it as I pass.

  I hear my father's voice call out Mia too, but it seems pointless when we’re not getting a response. The sound of splintering wood, followed by a ground-shaking rumble, has me glancing behind us. Watching as one of the supporting beams hits the ground, blocking where we entered, flames torching the doorway.

  The red and orange flames are the only light offered to us in the now burnt, black library. I feel lost, slowly sinking into the pits of hell as I choke and splutter on the smoke around us.

  “I’ve found her! Mia! I’m here. Mia!” I hear my dad yell over the roar of the fire. Looking to Maverick and Patrick beside me, a wave of relief washes over us. But now we need to continue in the same direction because we can’t leave the same way we came in.

  Maverick pulls his arm around, covering his mouth with the inside of his elbow, encouraging us to do the same. Slowly navigating through the room, I hear Patrick cough uncontrollably from behind. Glancing over my shoulder, he drops to his knees, allowing the smoke to consume him. Refusing to let anyone die in here, I force my
arm under his, dragging him to his feet.

  “I can see the exit,” Maverick calls from ahead, as I slowly pull Patrick along with me.

  My shoulder screams in pain as I take more and more of Patrick’s weight, his body growing limp beside me. My body feels heavy as the smoke surrounds me, forcing me to inhale more with each breath I take. My steps slow, the exit in view, but it feels like an endless tunnel to reach it.

  A boom sounds beside me, more wood and debris falling to the floor around us. I can’t take anymore, the strain on my shoulder from carrying a now unconscious Patrick, the smoke filling my lungs. I just need to sit down for a minute. It’s too fucking warm in here.

  My eyes grow weak as I lay Patrick on the floor beside me, black ash smeared all over his face and clothes. Falling to my knees, I barely catch myself on my hands, breaking my fall before my face smashes into the floor.

  “Oh no, you don’t, son.” I hear, but my eyes refuse to open. I feel weightless, my breathing shallow as my feet drag along the floor, the sound of falling wood the only noise in my ears until the heat subsides a little, the chill of the night air teasing my skin.

  “Stay with me, Kai. I’ve got you.” My father's voice rings out around me, but I can’t find the strength to open my eyes. I need to check on Mia, and my Sakura needs me, but the darkness' pull is too strong. My last thought before it all goes black is of Luna whispering she loves me, and I never said it back.



  I watch as Kai races out of the door, taking a piece of my heart with him, but he’s out of the room before I realize he didn’t say I love you back. There is too much shit going on around us right now, but I refuse to die without hearing those words from him. The whole place is going up in smoke, literally, and even when we are on our own turf, Totem still manages to pull the rug out from under our feet.

  Feeling a hand rest against my shoulder, I glance back. Rafe stands before me, offering the same comfort he always does, calming me in my moment of need. There is a mixture of trepidation and pride in his eyes, but I know he can see the slight hint of uncertainty on my face.

  “Where’s Red?” I ask, glancing at Oscar.

  “She’s in her room. Maverick said there were two guys there he trusted her with. So, he came to help knowing she is safe.”

  I nod absently, glad there was less for me to worry about. Feeling time slip through my fingers, I can’t seem to shake myself out of the frozen state I find myself in. I need to get my shit together and end this now.

  “What do we do, Luna?” Parker asks, pulling me from my mind, even though he already knows what the answer will be, from the way I charged down here a moment ago.

  “We give him what he wants,” I answer simply, and Roman growls.

  “He can’t always get what he fucking wants, Princess! That’s not how this shit works. How about I get what I want? Which is for you to be safe!” Oscar nods frantically in agreement, as Rafe and Parker already stand with resigned looks on their faces, knowing what’s inevitably going to happen.

  Stepping out of Rafe’s hold, I plant myself right in front of Roman, chest to chest. I lean my forehead against him, for just a second, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. Inhaling his woodsy scent, my hands grip his waist, taking every ounce of strength from him I can. Slowly lifting my gaze to his, he’s already staring down at me.

  Feeling his hands pull me tighter against him, I find my voice. “Roman, you know I’ll never be able to stand by when someone’s life is in danger. That’s not me, and you wouldn’t love me as fiercely as you do if it were.” He sighs, his eyes closing to slits, knowing the truth in my words. “I can feel our future, Rome. It’s within arm’s reach, our fingertips brushing against the seam. But we’re not going to get it with him still breathing, he’s going to do whatever it takes to rip us apart. I refuse to let him control us like that.”

  It feels like he’s peering into my eyes, pulling my soul apart piece by piece and trying to decide if he wants to put it back together again. “If anything goes wrong, I'll kill you myself, Princess,” he whispers, before taking my lips with the most brutal force. All too soon, he steps back, “Let’s go,” he grinds out, determination in his voice, wanting this to be over with just as much as I do.

  Oscar’s hands cup my face, touching his lips to mine, drinking me down as if feeding his fire with my own. Releasing his hold, he winks and storms out after Roman. Rafe shakes his head, following them out of the door, leaving me with my Parker Parker. He smiles softly down at me, tilting my head back gently with his finger under my chin.

  “I love every inch of you, angel, but you need to explain on the way over how this is going to go down because that fucker dies, tonight.”


  Rafe parks the SUV behind the trees facing the Main Hall, headlights off as we’re blocked from view, the eerie silence surrounding us. Without a word, I step out of the SUV, walking as quickly as I can towards the stone steps. I can already see John Dietrichson and two bodyguards at the top, but fuck them if they think they’re going to scare me.

  Taking the steps one at a time, they can see I’m here, so they don’t need to accelerate anything over at the library, and I’m alone, just like Totem asked. Dietrichson catches sight of me first, his glare washing right over me, as I carry every ounce of confidence with each step I take.

  “The rebellious bitch finally shows,” he taunts, but I don’t miss the tightness in his jaw, or the mess of his usually combed grey hair. The two bodyguards stare me down with matching grins on their faces, their leering eyes grazing my skin. Neither of them holds the butt of their gun with caution, completely unfazed by my appearance, underestimating me as always. How fucking refreshing. Clearly, they think they have me backed into a corner, more fool them.

  It takes everything within me to smile wide, not rising to his bait, as I breeze right past them. Pushing the double wooden doors open and letting them slam shut behind me. I feel the breeze at my back as they do, gaining Totem’s instant attention. He stands on the bottom step of the grand staircase, twirling a knife in the banister.

  The grin that takes over his face, as he takes me in, unsettles me. He’s wearing black pants, with a loose-fitted white shirt, unbuttoned to his belly button. His hair gelled back, a gold chain hanging around his neck, and his scar shining with the light. Totem is dressed like an old school mafia gangster, and it takes a lot of restraint to not roll my eyes at him.

  “Mrs. Luna Moon Steele,” he calls out, his arms swinging out wide as he jumps off the step, “Has finally arrived.” He claps his hands, applauding me with fake glee as he slowly steps closer. “And, I have been waiting for quite some time.”

  I don’t move an inch, refusing to show him the fear his eyes beg for. But I decide silence is on my side right now, he seems the type to want to fill in the quietness surrounding us, and the longer he talks, the more time I have.

  “What’s the noise for? Oh, the little whore has arrived,” Barbette sneers from the open hallway leading to her office. Her usual stylish appearance is on full display in a yellow skirt suit. Yellow, like a fucking canary. She glares at me when she gets no response, her whiny voice ringing through the air, as she hits a sickly sweet tone, batting her eyes. “Tony, grab her, and let’s go.”

  “No, no, no, Barbie. I want to share a moment with my little moon first, there is so much to show and tell.” He grins between us, as she remains standing in the hallway. Rushing to one of the dark wooden coffee tables, with dark leather seats surrounding it, he grabs a remote. I’m too busy staring around me, waiting for the chaos to happen, as sound comes from the monitor.

  The television screen flickers to life, on the far wall, close to Barbette. It takes me a moment to understand what I’m seeing. My heart instantly feels as though it’s breaking in two, as I watch the library burn. The surveillance they’ve set up shows a view of the front of the library. Catching the full view of the library crumbling to
the ground.

  Kai, I scream internally, but I refuse to let them see me react, maintaining my neutral expression, even though my soul screams to know whether Kai is okay, and if he found Mia in time. I don’t see a single person on the screen.

  “Come now, little moon, tell me how you feel. Watching as you lose one of your husbands before your very eyes? Hmm?” His smile stretches wide across his face, reaching his eyes as glee takes over his features at my pain.

  I use every ounce of strength I have to shrug my shoulders in a care-free manner. Totem’s face instantly falls, anger building in his eyes, as his nose flares in rage. Lightning fast, a knife whirls past my face, slamming into the door I walked through. I don’t flinch, I don’t even fucking breathe for a moment, denying him again of the fiery reaction he wants from me.

  “How dare you! You walk in here, as though you haven’t spent the past twelve years fucking up my whole life one breath at a time!” His whole body rattles with fury as he picks up the closest chair to him, smashing it into the side of the banister.

  Barbette slowly steps towards him, “Tony, honey, don’t…”

  “Shut the fuck up, Barbie!” He growls, and I watch as she visibly gulps, edging back away from him. “This little bitch keeps taking from me! No more!” His eyes find mine, his hands fisting his hair, as I rub my thumb against my palm, encouraging myself to remain calm. “Your mother promised me another heir! The second heir to my empire, after one of the twins died before Barb gave birth, Veronica promised me you. Power in numbers and I wanted two heirs.”

  “I’m sorry, Tony, but that’s not really my issue. Veronica’s dead, whatever she promised, doesn’t fall on my shoulders,” I finally speak, but my words only make his face turn red with anger.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, little moon. Would you like to guess why?” He cries out, flipping the coffee table in rage. I don’t answer, he’s just like Veronica, so he’s going to tell me whether I want him to or not.


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