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Out of the Blue: An MM Mpreg Romance (True Colors Book 2)

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by Shea Phoenix

  I had four unanswered texts from him:

  * * *

  Rowan: You ok.

  * * *

  Rowan: How’d it go?

  * * *

  Rowan: Need bail money?

  * * *

  Rowan: Dude?

  * * *

  Me: Quit it we’re having dinner..

  * * *

  Rowan: Enjoy!

  * * *

  I put the phone face down on the table. “Sorry, my Boss.”

  “Your boss texts you on vacation?”

  “I texted him first. We’re close.” My phone vibrated on the table again and sheepishly I picked it up.

  Rowan: …he’s with you voluntarily right? and conscious?

  * * *

  Me: grr… he invited me over for dinner. I didn’t kidnap him, he’s fine…just a little bit blind.

  * * *

  Eh. That’ll just invite more questions.

  * * *

  Me: I’m shutting my phone off while we eat because its rude.

  * * *

  “Won’t happen again.” I said and watched the shut-down animation.

  “If you put it on silent I doubt I would be able to tell. Nothing you do could upset me.”

  That’s so not true. “Um.. Is that hard to get used to? No body language, no facial expressions, having to figure everything out just by a person’s voice? Until you get those sweet heightened senses.”

  “They were already heightened before the accident. I never thought they might become even more heightened. I guess I will find out and let you know.”

  Shit. I forgot. He can’t see me ogling him, but he can scent my arousal. Probably hear it too. I hope I don’t ruin dinner with all this…arousal.

  His second, Nate brought us out some food but would not sit down with us. I recognized him, but if he recognized me, he didn’t let it show. In fact, it seemed like he was very happy to see me, or maybe anyone, spending time with Gavin and he gave me the widest smile when Gavin laughed.

  He had really only seen me that once, when Finn was injured. He had barely looked at me then, too busy bundling Finn in his arms to notice very much about me.

  And after Finn was better, I sort of melted away back into my real life while Finn recovered. And now Finn was off somewhere on pack business, very secret stuff. When he suggested I take a vacation and pointed me to this place near Gavin, I jumped at the chance.

  “Tell me about your work. It must be demanding if you can’t go a week without talking to your boss.”

  “No, it’s really not. We just miss each other. I mostly do what Rowan doesn’t want to do. Make deposits at the bank, type letters to clients, send out bills, pick up fabric samples.”

  “Do you think your boss can manage without you?”

  “Yes, but don’t tell him that. Rowan plans weddings and does some match-making after they have this great wedding planned out but are missing the alpha. That was a joke. Mostly.”

  “It is hard to tell sometimes with only the voice. I imagine you use your face a lot as you talk, and make jokes. But that’s good. Tell me when it’s a joke if I don’t get it. I will try to learn your sense of humor better.”

  “If I don’t get a laugh I probably will tell you.” That got a sexy laugh.

  “So you solve problems for your boss. That’s very valuable.”

  “I mostly just sit around and read your books—” Oops.

  “Can I steal you from Rowan for a few weeks? I need you. I need someone who can solve problems because I have more than I realize. And you know and like my writing, would you help me write?”

  Nate interrupted us before I could answer.

  I watched Nate whisper in his ear, it was something distressing. Both looked like it was bad news. I had a brief fear that it was me- Nate was telling him who I was. Or that other person I had met on the beach had conferred with Nate.

  Before Gavin or Nate could handle whatever was distressing them, a handsome young man barged in and sat down next to us at the table.

  The one who kicked me off the beach for trespassing. I tried to sink in my chair, but that was impossible. He looked directly at me, head to toe, and recognized me even though the last time I was in my swim suit.

  “What are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you?”

  “Who are you talking to Dillon?”

  “This… trespasser at our table. Don’t tell me—”

  “Slate. He's no trespasser, he's my guest. He was just contemplating my request to move in here and help me begin writing again. I hope he was about to say yes, but you interrupted us before he could.”

  Thank god Gavin couldn’t see me squirm and blush.

  “You have me, Gavin. Why would you want anyone else’s help, especially from him?”

  “He’s my mate for one. Secondly, he didn’t rush to escape me as soon as he found out I couldn’t see. Now unless you have something more important than my mate- and you don’t. Please leave us.”

  Dillon's face fell. He wasn’t trying very hard to be pleasing or to hide how he looked at Gavin- like a piece of meat. But everything in him changed when Gavin said ‘mate’. This was a murderous look. First at Gavin, then both his eyes fixed squarely on me.

  He pounced towards me in a split second, but Nate held an arm out, clotheslining Dillon and throwing him hard at the floor before he moved. I stood up and rushed at Gavin, to protect or be protected I wasn’t sure, but he held my wrist out and pulled me behind him as I held on.

  Nate had his foot on Dillon’s neck until he released him and walked over to me and Gavin. I squeezed Gavin’s hand, imagining how confusing this must be without sight. I saw it all and still didn’t know what was happening.

  Dillon gave a cold, hard look at the three of us, Nate, Gavin, then me last and turned around, flying as fast as possible out of the house with a screech.

  The only thing I could think of was Dillon knew. He knew what I did and that’s why he wanted to hurt me. But Gavin and Nate misunderstood and chased him off. Gavin tried to protect me from him.

  “Are you alright Slate?” Gavin asked me frantically, his hand trying to find my face. I grabbed his hand and let him brush his thumb back and forth across my cheek. It was so tender I was more confused than ever.

  “I don’t know.”

  He removed his hand from my cheek and started checking my body for injuries. “Stop,” I begged before he made his way to my cock and I embarrassed us both. “I’m okay physically. And still bad at talking to a blind person.”

  “I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you. Nathan, take Slate to my room and make sure he is not hurt. I’ll go after Dillon.”

  “But alpha—”

  “Slate is the most important thing in the world to me now Nathan. I’m ordering you to protect him. Do not argue.”

  “Yes alpha.”

  “I’m sorry for this interruption. If you agree to move in, I promise I’ll never let anything happen to you. I’ll hope for a ‘yes’ when I return.” And he was gone in a flash, before I could tell him why Dillon was so upset.

  “Come alpha-mate.”

  I could hear the tension in Nate’s voice. Maybe he knew too, but was watching me, ready to throttle me to the ground if I ever looked at Gavin cross-eyed. “Call me Slate, please. You know who I am don’t you?”

  “My alpha’s mate.”

  “No, I mean maybe, whatever that is. I’m also the creepy stalker guy who Gavin had to throw off his property earlier. Finn's roommate. You know that don’t you?”

  “Yes. I noticed you the last few days. So did Gavin. He doesn’t remember everything before the accident, but you might jog his memory. I hope you will. But getting Dillon out of Gavin’s life was the second thing I hoped for, and I think you have. Dillon was using him and Gavin was the only one who couldn’t see it. Now that he’s blind, he might be able to see more clearly.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell him who I was?”

didn’t you?” He smiled, then became serious again. “The doctor said the more he remembers on his own, the better that is. If memory comes back to him, sight may follow.”


  “Gavin refuses to believe it’s anything more than a physical problem. I don’t like to argue with him. But the doctor did like to argue with him. His view was that the brain and vision was more complicated than a simple crossed wire. That’s one reason why I didn’t tell him, that and I don’t think he’ll mind you were trespassing, or even ‘stalking’ him before. The second reason I didn’t tell him was Finn thinks a great deal of you. And because you made him laugh. I hope you agree to stay with us. He needs to work- without it he has no hope. I believe you’ll help him but I don’t know how. Whether it’s remembering, regaining his eyesight, writing, or merely laughing- you will help. I hope you wish to help as much as I hope you do.”

  “I’m probably not the best person to-”

  “You are. Eli is out looking for whoever did this, but it'll be some time before he comes back to you. I’m taking care of the pack and everything we do until we get our Alpha back. Finn is making the other [packs play nice. We all have the easy job, your job is to get us our alpha back.”

  Oh man.


  I knew he wanted to say yes- I could scent the arousal coming from my sweet mate all evening, like a perfume. And I’m sure Nate could smell mine too. I wished I could tell whether Slate had second thoughts due to my sight, but I didn’t sense that about him. I refused to believe fate would be so cruel as to bring me my mate and my mate would reject me due to something as petty as me losing my eyesight.

  That was Dillon, not Slate. Not my blue boy.

  After Dillon left, and the danger passed, it was nearly impossible not to kiss Slate and hold him tight to me. He stopped my hands from checking all over him for injuries just in time. I could barely control myself. The thought of my mate begging me not to stop turned me on more than anything ever had. The thought of capturing his lips… if I let my imagination run wild, I wouldn’t be able to control myself- and I deeply wanted to find out what the rest of him could do to me if just the thought of those lips could drive me wild.

  Chasing Dillon down was partly to give me the chance to regain some control. I was still an alpha. Still the alpha, even if Nathan was the only truly loyal member of my pack at the moment. Dillon hadn't spread the rumors very wide, yet. Elie and Nate were not going to tell anyone. The others, if they believed the rumors, they were waiting. Maybe to see if I got better. Maybe to see if I could still be an alpha. Maybe to see if anyone challenged me. I couldn’t blame them for waiting, but if they waited much longer I could. I needed them now to protect my mate.

  Dillon I had hoped would be loyal too. But after this, after trying to attack my mate, he would need a very, very good explanation for me not to kill him.

  When I returned, I put Dillon out of my mind. It was easy as I crept into my bedroom and listened to my mate sleeping peacefully. I wished I could see him, it wouldn’t make me want him any more than I already did, but it was impossible to imagine the face that belonged to that sweet voice.

  I could feel his warmth, taste his breath in the air. I slid in beside him careful not to wake him, but I couldn’t resist pulling my delicious-smelling mate into my arms. He curled his body into mine, a little spoon, and pressed his ass against my growing erection. Since I wasn’t going to be able to sleep like this, I thought of how wonderful fate was to give me such a wonderful, perfect mate just when I needed him the most.

  I held him until I dozed off. When I woke, it was the absence of him I noticed first. I reached across the warm spot in the mattress and then realized Slate was awake and aroused and adorably confused. When the clear scent of his arousal woke my body, I could hear his lips part, feel his breath halt. My cock got harder as the smell of his arousal grew.

  “I wish I could watch you looking at me. Do you like what you see?”

  “I- uh.”

  “I'll need to help you with you with words I guess. We both have touch.” I reached out for his hips, felt his tight pants, fumbled with the buttons on his jeans and slid the tight denim down, listening for any protest. I hooked Slate's underwear in my thumb, and heard him suck in a breath and tremble. I paused, then heard him whisper, ‘don’t stop’, so I didn't, I dragged his underwear down.

  His prick throbbed, desperate to be free. I wanted to stroke Slate and taste him, rub our bodies together, feel his cock against my bare skin. God I wanted to see him more than anything. See him achingly hard and swollen with passion.

  I kissed him hard, desperate to enjoy the softness of his lips, the sweet, delicious taste of him even after a night’s sleep. I expected him to shy away, I expected to need all my control to not scare him with how desperately my body wanted his, but he shockingly pulled me in, wrapping his arms around my neck, squeaking as he thrust his tongue deep in my mouth. He didn’t need words at all.

  The sounds he made were the most erotic and beautiful things I had ever heard. The deep thrusting of his tongue had my wolf growling at his lips and nipping at his chin. He was as desperate for this as I was.

  Unable to control myself, I punched my hips forward, dragging my dick through his tight grip and rubbing it against his hard cock.

  “Fuck, Gavin.”

  My beautiful mate in ecstasy, I needed him like I've never needed anything. I needed to touch my mate. To be touched by him. And to feel and smell his cum, to taste him.

  I broke from his lips and kissed my way down, exploring every inch with my lips and fingers.

  When I took his cock in my mouth, the precum was delicious as honey I moaned and felt him squirm, then thrust into my throat. He was close already, twitching and moaning. My cock was leaking, when his moan became a squeak he was ready, his body jackknifed, his head kissing my shoulder, and squeezing my bicep. His hot cum shot down my throat, and the orgasm that shook me was unlike anything I ever felt. Nothing had ever shook me, ripped me apart like this. I collapsed on his glistening stomach, listening to his breathing calm, then turn into a soft snore. I scooted up next to him, he couldn’t feel the kiss I planted on his cheek and forehead, but his body moved to curl into mine.

  Nothing ever felt so good holding my satisfied, sweet mate in my bed. I was happy to fall asleep, knowing we’d be together all day and I had no doubt I wouldn’t have any problem thinking up some amazing sex scenes.


  I woke staring at his hard cock inches from my face I closed my eyes again and it was the only thing I saw, I was afraid to open them in case this was still a dream. This felt way too much like all my dreams, but it felt more real than any had before.

  I braced myself as he woke and stretched and his arms to squeeze me briefly. My eyes went up his perfect chest, and shoulders, the stubbled chin and those bright leafy green eyes. I took a breath and let it out. I had never been naked with someone else before, alone and intimate with them and only them. For some reason, it was a hundred times less awkward than I’d imagined.

  Maybe that was from my body’s utter need, I didn’t know what exactly I wanted, but anything beat the ache that strummed through my muscles and down to my bones. And my cock, which was stiff and desperate for attention.

  I was slowly looking him up and down, and I licked my lips, “You’re fucking gorgeous.” I meant to think that, not say it. But I quit regretting it when the smile spread all over his face and his chin nuzzled next to mine.

  “So is that a yes on working for me, helping me write?”

  “You still want me to?”

  “If I can write half as hot as you were last night I’ll be better than I ever was. You’re the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced in my whole life. And the most beautiful.”

  “You’ve never seen me.”

  “My fingers, my lips, my ears all tell me. They might be heightened after all.”

  I blushed and thought of the erotic images from last night. “I fel
l asleep after you..I…

  “We.” He helped.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t have much experience.”

  “I thought the bed might catch on fire you were so hot. I’m glad more people don’t know it, I’d have to fight them all off. Last night felt like a yes. But let’s make sure. No nodding your head. Tell me yes.”

  My mind was blown. He wants to see me more. To spend all day with me. To tell me a romance story, dictate sex scenes to me. “Yes. .. but Rowan.”

  He pulled my mouth to his, exciting me and making me forget about Rowan for a second. He felt so freaking good! Like an old favorite song coming on the radio. This was my new favorite song, it always was.

  “I’ll give him whatever he wants. I need you more.” He said and persuaded me by grinding his cock against mine.

  I’ll figure something out. I told myself since my brain was definitely not going to be able to concentrate on anything other than his body and how freaking good this felt. He squeezed my ass and I was already close to coming, my balls pulled tight and my hips were thrusting against him without any thought of mine. I closed my eyes and grabbed two fistfuls of his hair to bring his mouth on mine, needing to push my tongue inside and not being able to control myself or this deep need to be closer to him.

  When his finger moved across my cheeks and brushed over my hole, I looked down at our cocks, mingled together, precum swirling against his stomach, I came at the sight and tingling feeling from his finger. I kept thrusting as I spilled all over his stomach and his cock, my hips still thrusting as I cried out against his mouth. A moment later I felt his hot cum against my stomach, mixing with mine.


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