Full Circle
Page 6
Feeling a little unnerved at the presence of a stranger, his voice sounded strange even to him, as if his tongue had dried out and was too big for his mouth.
The stranger stepped aside and Alex spotted a safe which, to his relief, had a locking mechanism which was very familiar to him.
“Keep your mouths shut and your eyes open for the bobbies, I need to concentrate.”
Having directed the gormless pair, he then crouched down and lovingly fingered the combination lock, as if he were about to unwrap a special gift package. Backwards and forwards he went and after about five minutes a smile broke loose on his lips and the contents of the safe were displayed.
Alex had long since learned to keep his mouth zipped and ask no questions when he was called upon for these types of jobs, so he got straight to business.
“Where’s the envelope for Bob? I’ve got to get going he’s expecting me.”
Charlie handed it to him and after bidding them a goodnight, he melted into the murky shadows of the alley, momentarily pausing to stash the envelope into his knapsack. He then made his way stealthily to the old theatre down the back streets which he knew so well.
Hearing a sob he froze and there she was, the most beautiful girl he thought he had ever seen. Hard to say how old she was but she couldn’t have been more than 15 years. Crouched with her arms round her knees, she rocked backwards and forwards in despair, wretched and frozen. Taking off his jacket, he put it round her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her holding her close to him until her shaking subsided. Gradually he released her when he thought she was warm enough and smiled to give her confidence.
“What’s your name then?”
“Amy, my name’s Amy.”
“Well Amy, I’m Alex. What are you doing here?”
“I left home some months ago; lost track of exactly when. It was just my mum and I when I was growing up; my dad left us when I was very young. Then she got herself a new boyfriend and that was okay with me, she needed someone to take her mind away from the rotten treatment she’d received from my father but then her boyfriend moved in with us. They hadn’t known each other long but he had money and set us up in a lovely little house near the New Forest in Hampshire. Things were okay for a while but he never really liked me, my mum was always trying to defend me but things were just getting worse; they were arguing about me being there. He seemed to watch me all the time and it got really uncomfortable. I was afraid to tell mum and knew it wasn’t going to improve; I just felt in the way all the time, so I made plans to get out. I didn’t want to go, I loved that house and the garden was a paradise on earth. I had savings for school but it’s all gone now and I’ve nowhere to live, been living on the streets.” She started to cry again, long anguished sobs and frantically dabbed her eyes with a bit of rag which she managed to drag out of her pocket.
“Do you have anything to eat in that bag?”
Alex dived into his faithful knapsack and gave her a sandwich. Frank had been especially generous and had given Alex such a huge sack of food he had trouble fitting it all in.
“Quick, get that down you and I’ll take you somewhere safe for the night but you have to give me your word you’ll never ever mention this place to anybody.”
Even though they had just met she seemed familiar and her vulnerability was bringing out a strong sense of protection within him. She nodded and he took this to be her word.
They arrived at the old theatre and entered through the hidden entrance. He led her through a maze of corridors, a particularly circuitous route for added security just in case and eventually through a door at the end. Standing in a very large room, Alex headed over to a disused cabinet and pulled it to one side, just enough for them to squeeze through into another room. Pulling it behind them, he could see Amy was impressed, her eyes were everywhere.
“My goodness you’ve certainly got yourself fixed up, haven’t you?” She was incredulous.
“This place looks like a good hotel room. What’s in here?”
It was a bathroom of sorts. The appliances were cracked and worn but the sink and toilet were still intact.
“The council have forgotten to turn off the water so I usually fill that bucket and manage to get a good wash. Not sure I want to drink the water though. I carry mine from the tap up the alley at the back of the second hand shop. I know the merchant as I buy the odd thing from him now and then.”
He started preparing the table for them to have something to eat while he spoke, delving into his bag at intervals.
He saw that she was in rough shape and handed her his water bottle watching her eagerly gulping it back choking in her haste. He wondered when she had last eaten or drunk anything decent.
They both devoured their food and finished off with some fruit and water, only pausing once in a while for a little conversation. Once their meal was finished, there was no stopping them and their chatter was non-stop. Neither could believe how well they got along and how much they seemed to have in common.
Finally, Alex stood. They were both showing signs of sheer exhaustion and always cognisant of timing, he started clearing away the remnants of their meal.
“Now do you want to get cleaned up and I’ll dig up a blanket for you?”
When she reappeared, he settled her down on an old straw mattress with the blanket.
“Where are you sleeping?”
Alex had been wondering the same thing.
“Don’t worry your head about me, I’ll sort myself out.”
He grabbed the other blanket and after a good swish down, settled on the old carpet. What was he going to do with her, he wondered? He had to get back to Bob’s with his envelope and pick up his own ‘donation to the cause’. Suddenly having a brainwave, he thought of good old Frank. Yes, I’ll take her to Frank and see if she can stay with him for a couple of days until I get back. That would give us a chance to think things out. She can’t stay on the streets by herself she’s not going to make it. He couldn’t imagine how she’d made it this far. He would broach the subject to her in the morning.
He’d just managed to drift off into sleep when halfway through the night, she leapt on him terrified and half out of her mind with fear it seemed.
“Are there any rats here? Please let me sleep with you.”
She was frantically trying to get under his blanket. This is getting a bit much, he thought, struggling to his feet.
“Now get back on that mattress. I’ve got to get some sleep we’ve got an early start in the morning.”
“Only if you stay with me, I’m scared,” she wailed.
“Oh for Christ’s sake; sorry but you really bring out the worst in me.”
He climbed in beside her and she fell asleep almost immediately. Feeling very uncomfortable, both physically and emotionally, he was afraid to move in case he woke her.
What a rotten night that was, he thought as he struggled to his feet in the morning. He hadn’t closed his eyes and his skin felt like sandpaper.
“Well, that was the best sleep I’ve had in a while,” she said stretching luxuriously some time later.
“Good. I’m glad somebody slept well,” he said sourly.
He had already carried out all his ablutions and gone up to the water tap for fresh water and filled the pitcher. He’d got used to moving about in the early hours while all the deadbeats were sleeping off the previous night’s debauchery. He laid out some more of Frank’s food on the makeshift table, while Amy was sorting herself out.
“We have to get out of here soon while the place is deserted.”
He was eying the rough jeans that only an orphaned waif would wear, but her pretty little pink blouse really suited her.
“I’m going to take you to a friend of mine. You don’t have to worry, he’s an absolute gentleman. My mother and I knew him as far back as I can remember but you have to look like you’re not on the streets, or he’ll worry and wonder what is going on. Right now, you look like you fit rig
ht in. Do you have anything else to wear? I don’t want to lie to Frank. I’m just going to say that you are a friend who needs a place to stay for a couple of days. Frank will be good with that and if you behave yourself, I’ll pick you up when I’m back in the city in four days.”
He knew he had another assignment coming up from Bob not far from this area.
“Thank you, oh thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah I just don’t know what to say.” Alex was mimicking her throwing in all her mannerisms which he knew inside out already.
Sitting across from him after she had changed into another pair of pants only marginally more presentable, she reached across and touched his hand lightly.
“You saved me, you are my king and I thank you, kind sir.”
He almost choked on his bread; it was so eerie.
“My mum always called me that. She named me after Alexander the Great and always said I was her little king.”
“Well, you’re mine too, and look at this magic castle you’ve brought me to.”
Their peals of laughter echoed all around the empty room.
Chapter 7
Friends and Lovers
When they arrived at Frank’s, he opened his eyes wide but managed to restrain himself and kept to the preliminary introductions.
“Frank, this is my friend Amy; she’s in London for a short while and has been waiting for somebody to show up.”
Somebody showed up alright, thought Alex, and let’s just hope Frank will put her up until I get back from Camden Town. Give me a chance to think this through.
Amy held out her hand to Frank and he took it enthusiastically beaming with pleasure.
“Well Amy, I sure am glad to meet you. You must be exhausted moving through the city with Alex, he sure doesn’t let the grass grow under his feet. Here I’ll show you the bathroom if you want to freshen up.”
As soon as they were on their own, Frank pounced on Alex.
“Where did you find this little princess? Come on lad fess up.”
“Oh I just know her that’s all.” Alex smirked enjoying the attention.
“Well she’s quite the little lady isn’t she? Not from around here that’s for sure.”
“No, she came visiting from the south.”
Alex was getting mildly uncomfortable.
“Do you think you could put her up for a few nights? She really does need somewhere to stay. Frank, I’ll owe you one if you can watch out for her till I get back. I’m working for the bloke I told you about; you know the one who is a locksmith with the pawnshop. He’ll be expecting me and I don’t want to keep him waiting, hanging around with Amy for whoever is coming and they may not even show up and what then. She’s better somewhere safe until I get back.”
“Of course, lad no problem, no problem at all, she’ll be okay here.”
“I’ll be back in the city in three or four days at the most.”
Frank knew what the locksmith and pawnshop usually meant but said nothing. The boy looked as if he had landed square on his feet and he was proud of him as if he were his own.
“Any friend of Alex’s is a friend of mine and adding grudgingly, I suppose I have to give up my room for princess, she’s obviously a lady.”
Amy appeared suddenly looking a little abashed.
“Oh no, I couldn’t have you do that.”
“Well, we can’t have you sleeping on the sofa now, can we? The spare room is full of storage boxes. So that’s that settled; now what about a bite to eat?” Frank changed the subject immediately, looking a little shamefaced at his imprudence.
“Alex can you fix the till? I’m having trouble with it again and I’ll have to get hold of another one if you can’t get it going.”
A while later, all having practically inhaled a heart-warming meal and the till being fixed, Frank was eying both of them. He didn’t want to be obvious but he was thinking, cripes they’re so young but they certainly make a pair, a good match.
It was very early morning as Alex had to clear the centre before it really woke up. Frank and Amy gave him a good send off and Amy threw her arms around his neck as he was about to leave.
“You won’t be long coming back for me, will you?”
“No, course not, we have things to sort out.”
Smothered with embarrassment, especially when he got a very familiar wink from Frank, Alex busied himself getting his knapsack positioned on his back. Looking over his shoulder one last time, he saw Amy with her arm locked firmly around Frank’s. Standing close to each other, they looked just like very old friends.
Hastening down the alley, he felt a strange sense of loss. He had enjoyed having her around and looking after her. Idiot, he thought, haven’t you got enough on without developing feelings for a slip of a girl for cripes sake, get your head together? And he did. He didn’t give Amy another thought, well hardly, until he arrived safely at his destination.
Bob was delighted with the envelope and reciprocated with one of his own for Alex.
Amy and Frank were getting on like a house on fire when Alex arrived back at the bakery a few days later and were heavily involved in the baking for the counter and café section. Frank was teaching her how to operate the huge ovens and use the various pieces of heavy-duty commercial equipment. Alex felt slightly left out as she was totally occupied and he didn’t get the exuberant welcome he was expecting. But crikey didn’t she look sweet with flour all over her nose and sporting an outsize pinafore type of apron that Frank had dug up from somewhere, probably his late wife’s. She had been a fair sized woman according to what Alex’s mother had told him. Frank was gently chastising her for doing something the wrong way.
“No princess, no that’s not the right way to turn these sponge cakes, give me the spatula and I’ll show you again. Here, now you try.”
Eventually she got it right and Frank finally turned his attention to Alex.
“So, how are you doing lad?” Not waiting for an immediate reply, Frank proliferated.
“Have to say this little girl is a real tonic. She can stay with me any time. If you decide to stay in this part of town princess, I could use the help in the bakery.”
Amy’s face lit up.
“I’d like that Frank, I really would.”
Later that night in the old theatre, they sat and talked.
“Amy, you’d do well to consider Frank’s offer. You could stay with him and work in the bakery. At least it would get you off the streets. I can see he’s really fond of you and you would be a great help to him not only in the business. You would be good company for him as well.”
“I like Frank but I want to stay with you. I could always help Frank out and stay with him the odd night when you’re not in the city.”
Alex was flattered but still concerned.
“I think you’d be better staying at his place. This is not the way to live, particularly for a princess like you.”
They were going to Bob’s the next day so Alex let the subject drop for a while but Amy persisted.
“Look, after we get back from Bob’s why don’t we talk to Frank about me working with him for a bit and staying on the odd night? Do you think he’d go for that? I just want to be with you when you’re around; after all you’re my king.”
“Yeah, Yeah, I know.”
Throwing off his acute discomfort, he leapt up.
“I’ll go and get some drinking water and you do what you need to while I’m gone and we’ll get some sleep. We have to be up early tomorrow. You know the routine.”
Later that night when they were settled, Alex was thinking, she really is a little princess, Frank named her well. As if she sensed him thinking of her, she turned to face him.
“Alex, can I be your girlfriend?”
“Well I’ll have to think about that, I’ll let you know. Now get some sleep.”
His voice was crackly and rasping, exacerbated by the fact that he was drowning in hormones.
Hurrying down the street at sunrise the next day, they came in sight of Bob’s.
“Oh my God, what’s that?”
Amy clung to Alex as Bruno bore down on them in full flight. She got behind Alex as the massive brute slammed into them, knocking them both to the ground. Bob was at the doorway by then almost splitting his pants, doubled over he was laughing so hard.
“Bruno, get over here this minute you big bugger, you get over here.”
The dog immediately left his fun and returned to his master, leaving the two teens to get up and collect themselves, falling over each other they were laughing so much.
Bruno couldn’t resist another charge and once again tackled them both to the ground; just a mélange of legs, arms, fur and slobber. This time Bob was really firm and Bruno half-heartedly swaggered back to him taking his own sweet time, leaving the pair once again getting themselves together. What fun, oh what a laugh they all had. Bruno was besotted with Amy. He couldn’t stop licking her and constantly knocked her to the ground by accident. Bob always kept an eye on him though because Amy was such a slip of a girl, so tiny and delicate but what a little beauty, he thought echoing Frank’s sentiments.
Later, following a hefty breakfast, Amy passed by them into the kitchen to wash the dishes, looking over her shoulder at both who obviously wanted to discuss ‘stuff’.
“Why don’t you two men discuss business while I go and clear up?”
Alex tried to look nonchalant about the ‘men’ bit but Bob looked at him knowingly.
“What a little sweetheart and looks like she’s taken a shine to you alright,” he said after Amy had left the room. “Now I believe you’ve got something for me.”
Alex fished the envelope out of the knapsack and the usual routine ensued. Bob left hurriedly, to return shortly after, beaming all over his face as he handed an envelope to Alex, who just as furtively squirrelled it away making room for Bob on the sofa.
“Now Alex, my long-standing friend, Harry, skippers his own tug up and down the Thames, sometimes he does jobs off the estuary as well. I’ve been thinking about your situation and while I can keep you busy, I think we need to think in terms of a proper job for you. You’re a growing lad and you need to focus on the future now and get something a bit more stable. He’s in port for a couple of days and I want to introduce you to him. If things pan out, you might be able to start with him as a trainee when you’re sixteen. There are so many different areas you could work in once you get the proper training. What do you think?”