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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

Page 5

by Elizabeth Greene

  She skidded down to kneel by Judy’s side and quickly swept back the hair from her face. She had a nasty looking bruise marring her cheek and eye on one side and a deep scrape above the other side. Thankfully, her chest was steadily rising and falling with slow breaths. Through her now ruined blouse, Rose could see that her grandmother’s shoulder had returned to its human form, all signs of fur gone, but the collarbone was protruding at a painful angle beneath the skin.

  Rose held back a silent sob as she took in the full extent of the damage to her beloved, fierce guardian. She must’ve known her body was too old and frail to shift. Judy hadn’t been in her wolf form since long before her husband had passed. And yet, the sweet and loyal lady had almost killed herself trying to protect her. Rose straightened her spine, filling herself up with some of her grandmother’s fortitude.

  Now it was her turn to become the guardian. She wouldn’t let her grandma die like this, she would get her to a hospital and would do everything in her power to make sure she was back to putting the world to rights and reading her dirty romance books in secret, in no time.

  “I’ve got you Gran, and I ain’t going anywhere.” Rose vowed as she placed a kiss gently on the old lady’s bruised cheek.

  A furious growl from behind her caused her to spin round in time to see the Alpha lunge at her. His teeth were mere inches away from sinking into her ankle and dragging her away from her grandma, when the lone wolf landed squarely on his back and sunk his teeth deep into the Alpha’s neck.

  The speed and ferocity of the attack made Rose gasp in shock. She was rooted to the spot, her feet now pulled back out of harm’s way as she sat in the dirt shielding her grandmother.

  It all happened so quickly, she didn’t have a chance to look away or regret what happened next. Sam’s wolf tried to twist free and escape from the huge maw that held him, but all that did was cause the black wolf’s fangs to sink deeper. With a swift shake of the dominant wolf’s head, the Alpha’s thick neck snapped with a final, pitiful whine.

  The heavy panting of the lone wolf was the only sound that filled the eerie silence that fell.

  Rose watched dumbfounded as Cayden’s wolf slowly backed away from the dead Alpha, watching the prone animal with a careful intensity. Violence wasn’t anything shocking to her, she knew the way of wolves and had seen many males fight to establish themselves in the pack hierarchy. Hell, she’d been involved in fights with some of the females growing up, but she’d never seen a death dealt out with such certainty. She knew fights to the death happened. Her parents had lost their lives in an Alpha challenge when she had been a pup; she of all people shouldn’t be surprised at the turn of events. However, knowing such things happened and watching it unfold right in front of your eyes were two very different things.

  Rose expected to feel afraid, destroyed by grief for the life lost or at least experience some inner turmoil. Instead, she felt next to nothing about the death of the Darkhills Alpha.

  She frowned at her own lack of emotion. Surely there was something there. She had known the Alpha nearly all her life. She’d looked up to him as a kid, as all young wolves did to their Alpha, then as she’d grown, she’d understood a little more of his character and had disliked the man. Based on the past 24 hours she was certain that dislike had graduated to a level of justified hatred.

  Finally, an emotion surfaced; simple relief that he was no longer of this world. As though it was one less thing to have to worry herself with. Not the outpouring of emotion she expected but it was something. Rose could accept that; more would come in time.

  The heavy and cloying scent of hot wolf blood rose to greet her nose and she was shocked to find that her animal didn’t let out a mourning howl at the loss of its Alpha. Instead, she felt her animal’s emotions loud and clear, its approval proclaimed in a howl of celebration.

  As if he could hear her, the lone wolf’s head tilted upward and let loose a long and powerful answering howl of victory that echoed through the trees surrounding her grandmother’s house. The sound sent hot shivers through her and any dread that she would’ve felt at seeing her pack’s Alpha killed in a challenge were chased away. The wolf in front of her had defended her and her family and saved Rose from being made to mate the Alpha by force. In doing so, the big, bad lone wolf had staked a claim:

  Rose was his she-wolf to protect and he would kill all those who threatened her.



  Cayden watched the female as she steadily rose to her feet and stood firm before him. His wolf was high on his victory and the echoing calls from the she-wolf fed his need to claim his mate.

  That was what she was to him. He couldn’t deny it any longer. The auburn-haired beauty was his mate. He had tried to fight his attraction to her, tried to convince himself that he still had a chance to run from this impending bond, but it was far too late for that. He had felt her fear and anger from miles away and followed it like a flare in the night sky to return to her side. He hadn’t hesitated to shift into his wolf and tear into the clearing in front of the elder wolf’s house to protect his mate.

  The Alpha had signed his death warrant the moment he had tried to force his mate. Lunging for her with his teeth bared while she cared for the elder wolf had been the nail in the coffin. Cayden sniffed down at the body of the dead wolf and huffed his disgust. A wolf like that was better off dead than in charge of a community of good and honest wolves like those he had come to know. But now the fight was done, a moment of doubt crossed his mind. Would the female despise him for what he had done? He drew his eyes back up to meet with hers.

  The hunger and desire he saw in her striking gaze swept all doubts from his mind. His wolf growled low in his mind as he began the transition. He’d get his chance to run with his mate soon enough, but for now Cayden needed to claim his. In less than a moment, Cayden returned to his human form, standing as he shifted. His chest heaved and his body was slick with sweat, dirt and blood from the few minor scratches and cuts he had sustained. Nothing that a hot shower and a night’s sleep wouldn’t fix, and by the look in his mate’s eyes, she didn’t seem to care as he strode towards her. His body flexed instinctively as she eyed his every move with unabashed desire.

  He could hear her pulse beating like a drum as he closed the distance between them and pulled her into him. Rose all out moaned as his lips crashed against hers. Hot and fevered, Cayden greedily feasted on her lips making his own hungry and desperate noises as he took her mouth like a man possessed.

  His tongue swept possessively into her mouth to stroke and tangle with hers, fighting her for dominance. He threaded his fingers through her silky hair to cradle her head as he plundered her mouth deeper. All his senses zeroed in on his mate and the world around him fell away. There was no way he could walk away from her now. Nothing had ever tasted sweeter than his mate and he felt as though he would never tire of kissing her delicious lips.

  Rose kissed him back with an intensity that challenged him in the most exciting way. Her hands grasped at his broad back, pulling him closer still, like she couldn’t get close enough. Cayden knew how she felt as he tugged at her lower back pressing himself against her. The greedy moan that escaped her had him wanting to thrust up against her like an over eager teen. All the while the voice of his head spurred him on. Mine.

  “Looks like I skipped to the good part.” The croaky and amused voice of the elder wolf was like a bucket of ice water on their heated desire.

  Rose broke the kiss and spun around, thankfully shielding his obvious excitement from the eyes of the elder. Cayden kept his hand on her hip to secure her in place.


  The old lady stretched her neck to try to peer behind Rose. A wicked smile pulled at her lips.

  “My, what big…feet you have.” Judy Woods grinned and winked at Rose.

  Willing himself to regain control of his desire, Cayden coughed awkwardly while Rose gasped, and he saw a flush of pink rise across the back o
f her neck.

  “Grandma, this is Cayden. Cayden this is Grandma, or Judy Woods I should say. Cayden just, well he just,” Rose stuttered, lost for words.

  “Just took care of that no good, abusive, pitiful excuse for an Alpha.” Judy offered, “Yes, yes I can see that. About damned time someone put his sorry ass down. We’re much obliged young man.”

  “I didn’t come here to kill your Alpha.” Cayden tried to explain in a rough tone, his voice still recovering. Although the thought of the dead Alpha quickly helped him eradicate any obvious signs of his arousal.

  “No, no, I didn’t think you did. You would’ve done it sooner this summer or possibly last if that had been your intention.” Judy agreed as she struggled to prop herself up against the porch steps. Rose pulled away from his hold and he followed as she rushed to her grandmother’s side to support her as she leaned back.

  “You came here to protect your mate. Sam was too damn stupid to know he was beat.” The lady stated.

  “Mate?” Rose gasped and hushed her Grandmother. “Gram, Cayden is a lone wolf, we’ve only just met. I think we need to get you to the hospital to get you checked out, you hit your head pretty hard,”

  “Don’t you try to palm me off with that one. My head’s working just fine. And you haven’t only just met, you think I didn’t know who you spent all of last summer running with?”

  Rose’s mouth dropped open.

  “Think I wouldn’t smell a male like that?” Judy gestured to him as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

  Nudity was part and parcel of being a wolf, and now that he wasn’t sporting a serious hard on, he had nothing to be embarrassed about, especially after having just shifted. Sometimes you were naked in front of an audience, it wasn’t a big deal.

  “As much as I’m enjoying the view darlin, would you mind putting something on? I’m not sure my poor, weak heart can take much more.” Judy asked him, frankly.

  Rose’s cheeks flamed once again as she subconsciously flicked her gaze his way and caught an impressive eyeful from her vantage point, knelt beside her grandmother.

  The lady had a point. The positioning was unfortunate and would soon feel rather compromising if he didn’t move away. Cayden glanced down at Rose and caught her eye with as much sincerity as he could muster, he didn’t want her to think he had no control over his desires. Stiffly. he nodded before stalking off in the direction of his truck that he’d abandoned some way down the drive.

  “Boy’s gonna put someone’s eye out if he ain’t careful with that thing.” Judy muttered under her breath, but loud enough for Cayden to still hear. A small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth.

  As he approached his truck, he gathered up the torn remnants of his clothes, grateful to see his boots had survived the shift, although they had been strewn in opposite directions. He had spare clothes in his truck. Having been on his own for a while he always kept a bag in the back with enough for a couple of days. He’d not always had his trailer and many a night had been spent sleeping in the back seat of his truck.

  As he pulled on some clean clothes, the voices of the females reached him. His hearing was good enough that he didn’t need to crane to hear their conversation.

  “Grandma, are you OK? Where does it hurt?” Rose changed the subject quickly.

  “I’ve been better my darling girl and I think it’d be quicker if I were to tell you where it doesn’t hurt.”

  “Oh Gran. I’m so, so sorry. I had no idea Sam would come up here and harass you. He’d tricked me into going on a double date with him and I needed your advice, I wish I’d come to you sooner, then none of this would’ve happened.” Rose gushed.

  Anger rose in Cayden once more and his head turned to look at his mate. She was not at fault here and he would be reminding her of as much just as soon as he got a chance to speak with her alone.

  “Now you listen here Rose Woods, you ain’t got a thing to apologize for.” Judy lifted Rose’s chin, forcing her to keep the old lady’s stern gaze. “None of what happened here today was your fault. Sam McClaw was an abusive and manipulative man, and it weren’t the first time he’d come up here trying to get my blessing. If none of this had ever happened, he would still be trying to force you to mate him and your true mate might not have been pushed to act as he did.” Judy explained.

  Cayden liked the elder wolf even more. She might have been stern, but she was also full of sense and seemed to have no qualms about making her thoughts known. The only problem was that she was about to tell Rose about their mating bond before he had a chance to come to terms with it himself. Cayden pulled on his boots and climbed up into the cab of his pick-up.

  The pack would likely be on its way. The death of the Alpha would carry significant repercussions and Cayden wanted his mate and her grandmother far away when he was put on trial. He would plead guilty then accept his punishment. Rose didn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of any of the blame.

  Cayden started up his truck and headed back towards the house, windows down he continued to listen in to the females as they talked.

  “My true mate? Grandma, why do you think he’s my true mate?” Rose asked.

  “He has been pining for you just as much as you have him. Been running round this old house, scenting for you.” Judy said with an amused lilt to her voice. “Besides, he just killed the Alpha to protect you.” She looked over Rose’s shoulder and nodded her head in the direction of the dead wolf. “Not exactly the actions of a mere friendly hired hand?” Judy raised a knowing eyebrow only to immediately wince in pain; Cayden admired the lady’s fighting spirit, but it was time to get her seen to by a doctor.

  The rumble of Cayden’s truck pulling up to the house interrupted their conversation. Freshly dressed, he jumped down from his truck and strode over to the two women.

  “We better get you to a hospital Ma'am,” He said firmly, “The rest of the pack will have heard the fight, if not they’ll soon smell the blood, they’ll be arriving soon. I’d rather you ladies weren’t around when that happens.”

  “Polite and smart too. I’m growing fonder of you by the minute Cayden, darlin.” Judy smiled at him and gestured for him to help her up.

  His arms came round her, and he gently scooped the old lady up, careful not to jostle her. She was lighter than he thought. A protectiveness swept over him as he lifted her.

  “I’ll grab you a bag Grandma and lock up the house. They might want to keep you in overnight.” Rose stood and Cayden watched her bound up the steps.

  He realized they hadn’t said a word to each other, he had just killed the Alpha and kissed her to the point of madness immediately afterward, and not said a damned word to her. He cleared his throat awkwardly. Still not knowing what to say to her. He turned away from the house and walked slowly and evenly towards Rose’s car, careful not shift the elder wolf in his arms.

  “I’ll put you in your granddaughter’s jeep Ma’am and she’ll get you taken care of.”

  “You will do no such thing; my granddaughter just had the fright of her life and is in no fit state to drive. You will take us both in your truck and you’ll keep her safe while I’m in the hospital.” Judy Woods jabbed him hard in the chest as he carried her, making him grunt in surprise. “Besides, I ain’t having you throw yourself at the mercy of the pack and take responsibility for that asshole’s death without anyone there to tell it like it happened.”

  “Ma’am, I understand there are consequences to my actions and I’m not about to run from what I did,” Cayden argued back.

  “I know you’re not running. You’re doing what a real wolf does. You’re putting your family first.”

  Cayden opened his mouth to argue with the lady some more, only to be cut short.

  “Hush now darlin’ and do what needs to be done. You wouldn’t want to disappoint your mate, now would you?” Judy’s voice was laced with humour.

  The thought of disappointing his mate caused a dull ache to form in his gut and something
about the smug look on the elder wolf’s face told him she knew exactly how he was feeling.

  Oh, the old lady was good.

  Tired of arguing with the injured and surprisingly sassy elder wolf, Cayden carefully placed Judy into the back of his truck and turned to return to the body of the dead Alpha. Not that he deserved it, but Cayden would at least see to it that his body were covered from sun.

  “Leave him now Cayden,” Judy called out from the backseat. “His spirit is long gone. Just nature among nature now, moving him isn’t going to change a thing.”

  Cayden paused and took a deep breath; the words of wisdom were so similar to what he had been told years ago by a pack member when he’d pitifully sobbed by his mother’s side. Painful memories threatened to overwhelm him, but the sound of Rose’s voice drew him back to the present.


  “Over here darlin’, we’re going in Cayden’s truck.” Judy called back. “Sure is sweet of him to make sure we’re taken care of, don’t you think?”

  The old woman was crafty. If it weren’t for the seriousness of the situation, Cayden would’ve probably chuckled at her cunning. As it was the old lady was right; he had a job to do. His mate needed to be made safe. With both women secured and as comfortable as possible in the backseat, Cayden pulled out of the driveway and headed off down the back roads towards the nearest hospital.



  Rose hated the smell of hospitals.

  She was all for keeping a clean ship and all, hell, she was teased by the locals for the amount of cleaning fluid she used on the floors at the bar, but hospitals were another level all together. Her wolf wrinkled her nose in agreement. Too many chemicals, too many fake pine scents trying to camouflage the smell of vomit and blood and other bodily fluids. As she sat in the family waiting room, she reminded herself to breathe through her mouth.


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