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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

Page 8

by Elizabeth Greene

  He heard the hair dryer start up behind the closed door and he let loose another growl, safe in the knowledge that she wouldn’t hear the pent-up sexual frustration in his voice.

  Damned seductive she-wolf. Why did she have to be so irresistible?

  As if being all hot and dewy from the shower wasn’t enough, she’d claimed one of his shirts and was wearing it like she owned it, when in reality, she owned him. Completely and utterly. Her sweet curves had been hidden beneath the fabric but the tiny, stiff peaks of her breasts had taunted him and her long, slim legs had strutted away from him with such command that he was compelled to follow her like some lost, young pup. He wouldn’t have been surprised if he had been drooling.

  Cayden cursed himself for being so easily caught off guard. He had a plan. He was going to see her safely to her room, get her some food, make sure she was comfortable and then sleep in his truck. But she’d threatened to join him or sleep on the hood of his truck if he didn’t share the room with her.

  Then he thought he had mustered enough resolve to return with the pizza and face a night of platonic pleasantries only to be greeted with the most delicious sight. His mate looked refreshed and happy, striding barefoot towards him wearing his shirt with her damp, red hair hanging in dark tendrils over her shoulders. Damn if she wasn’t every hot-blooded male’s fantasy.

  Not every male. Only him. She was his fantasy. No other male could see her like that.

  The only problem with that line of thinking was he had every intention of letting her go, so she could be with a male who deserved her. Then, that lucky bastard would get to enjoy that vision of exquisite female beauty.

  The thought caused a violent stirring of aggression to swell in his chest. Damn it, his mating instinct was killing him. One minute he wanted nothing but the best for her, the next he wanted to give her the best night of her life for the rest of her life, and then he was ready to rip apart any male who dared even look at her: even those that existed only in his own tormented musings.

  Cayden growled again and scrubbed a hand over his tired face, blinking at his drawn-out reflection in the mirror. The scratches he’d received from his fight with the Alpha had nearly all faded but there were a few traces of the other wolf’s blood on him still. His eyes dipped downward to see that his hard cock stood proudly to attention, mocking him.

  Fuck this shit.

  He climbed into the shower and turned the water on cold. God it felt awful, but it helped.

  With his back taking the brunt of the icy spray, Cayden was able to summon his rational mind once again. Taking long, deep breaths he felt his emotions calm. His body was tense as a board but at least he was no longer considering pouncing on Rose like she was his prey. Confident that he’d punished himself enough, he turned the faucet and let warm water sink into his body.

  He let out a sigh as he finally relaxed enough to squeeze out some of the complimentary shower gel and hurriedly washed himself all over. He didn’t intend on spending any longer than necessary touching his own body, for fear of imaginings of the she-wolf’s touch entering his mind.

  What was he going to do? How could he avoid her in such a confined space when she simply had to breathe for him to want her? It was physically impossible for him to not crave her closeness and her touch.

  Unless… a moment of genius struck him, and Cayden smiled to himself.

  He would spend the rest of the night as his wolf. He’d curl up on the floor quite comfortably and he would be able to avoid pawing at her.

  Shutting off the water, Cayden stepped out of the shower and grabbed his towel. He deliberately avoided making eye contact with the pretty pink talisman of his mate that hung threateningly on the rail. A swift rub down and he opened the door. He shifted into his wolf, who was mightily unimpressed with the plan, and padded into the hotel room to find Rose sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed.

  Upon seeing him, her mouth dropped open. Even in his wolf form he could appreciate how beautiful she was, her long auburn hair was now dry and a mass of loose waves. Her green eyes lit up with humour after her moment of surprise and a wry smile curved her lips. Cayden didn’t like the look of that smile.

  “Well then I guess you don’t want any pizza after all.” She said with a shrug and climbed off the bed, “All the more for me then. I only wish you’d told me you were going to be in your animal, I wouldn’t have waited for you.”

  Cayden lay down on the floor and watched as she opened the pizza box and took another slice. He was famished and it looked like the ultimate cheesy pie, but he had made his bed now, so he would lie in it. He could go without eating until tomorrow morning. His wolf whimpered at that.

  “What’s wrong boy? You want this?” Rose sauntered over and dangled the pizza above his head.

  His mouth may have salivated a bit, and by a bit, he meant he was drooling. Stupid wolf.

  “Maybe I’ll let you have some if you’ll play nice.” Rose cooed at him. He was very much regretting his decision as he watched her take a bite.

  “Do you shake paws?” She mocked, her smile widening.

  Before Cayden knew what was happening his wolf had sat up and presented his right paw for her.

  Damn it.

  Rose laughed and the sound was magical. She shook his paw lightly and held out the slice for him to take. Cayden was mortified that his wolf had overridden his sense of pride and was now playing the good dog, but he wasn’t about to look a gift pizza in the mouth. He gently took the food from her hand and quickly gulped at it. His wolf might prefer straight up meat, but it seemed he was willing to take one for the team.

  “Oh, you are such a good puppy, and everyone said you were so bad.” Rose cajoled, her hands furrowing through his fur on his head, scratching behind his ears.

  Oh hell, this was a mistake.

  He might have stopped himself from touching her by being in his wolf form but he sure as hell hadn’t stopped her touching him and right now, he was in seventh heaven. Her hands running through his fur was the most gratifying feeling, his wolf nuzzled into her, rubbing his head against her face while she laughed before rolling onto his back and pawing at her for more attention. God he was acting like an idiot, but he seemed unable to stop himself.

  “Now that I have your attention Cayden, I have a proposition for you.” Rose soothed while lightly rubbing his wolf’s chest. Cayden didn’t like the sound of this, but he couldn’t get his wolf to fall back in line, not while he was being petted and pampered.

  Damned traitor.

  “I was looking forward to finding out a little more about you while we talked and had dinner together, and if you’d shift back then I’d really like to do just that.” Rose spoke softly but firmly, “But if you are so determined to avoid me, which honestly hurts my feelings, then you can stay in your wolf form and I will continue to eat all of the pizza while I snuggle with you and give you belly rubs, only I’ll be naked.”

  Cayden finally managed to force his wolf to snap to attention. He rolled away from Rose and lay on the floor a short distance away from her. His amber eyes watched her every move like she was the most dangerous creature alive. And truth be told, she was. He sure as hell wouldn’t be able to resist shifting back to his human form if she were pressed up against him, running her hands all over him and she were naked. Then they would both be human and pressed against each other, naked.

  “It’s your choice.” She shrugged and stood up gripping the hem of his shirt, ready to lift it up.

  With a huff Cayden turned and paced back to the bathroom. He quickly shifted and looked at his defeated expression in the mirror as he pulled on his jeans.

  Damned smart mate.

  “Satisfied?” Cayden grumbled as he re-joined his mate.

  “Not in the least, but actually being able to hold a conversation with you is much better, so thank you.” Rose answered back, already climbing back onto the bed with the pizza boxes in hand.

  She sat back against the pillows and p
atted the mattress next to her.

  “Come on, I won’t bite. Not yet.” Rose grinned victoriously, “I’ll save that for when we seal the deal.”

  Cayden sighed and climbed up next to her, resigning himself to his fate. He was powerless against his mate. She wanted something from him, and she got it. He would please his mate however she wished, for now at least. He took the pizza box that she offered and dug in. Awkward silence stretched between them while they both ate. Something she had said was bothering him.

  “I’m sorry for hurting your feelings.” He said sullenly, between slices.

  “That’s OK, I get it, this is all unexpected and new. But although I know that everything in the rule book says we shouldn’t be together, I don’t get why are you trying to avoid me so much? Why won’t you touch me like a mate should? It’s obvious that you feel the pull between us.” Rose asked, keeping her eyes on the pizza in front of her, refusing to meet his gaze.

  Cayden supposed it was her way of trying to make a very heavy and loaded question seem lighter. He sighed heavily.

  “I’m not avoiding you Rose.” He tried to deny it.

  “Uh huh, sure. You just came out of the bathroom in your wolf form just because you felt like shedding all over the floor.”

  Cayden laughed at that.

  “OK, so maybe that wasn’t my smartest move. I’m just trying to be a gentleman here; a lot has happened today, and you should be taking it easy. A lusty wolf sniffing around you is the last thing you need.”

  “And when did you become an expert in what I need?” Rose challenged.

  She dropped her final slice of pizza back into the box and finally turned her body to face him.

  “I never said I was an expert, but I’d be pretty selfish and insensitive to pursue anything the same day that you and your grandmother were attacked. You were almost raped Rose and you witnessed me kill your Alpha.” Cayden argued back, glaring into her flaming green eyes.

  If arguing with his mate was what it would take to keep her at bay, then so be it.

  Rose growled at him.

  “You saved me and my grandmother.” She bit out, glowering at him. “And trust me if you hadn’t have turned up when you did, I would’ve shifted and fought for my life regardless of him being the Alpha, so I feel zero remorse at the death of that man.”

  “And if he had forced his influence onto you? Forced your submission?” Cayden countered.

  “He tried, it failed, turns out while he might have been Alpha of the Darkhills pack he wasn’t my Alpha.” Rose replied.

  Cayden’s mouth went dry. She didn’t cower to Sam, but she had easily and willingly submitted to his influence, her wolf had rolled over and practically batted its eyes at him. Yet another reminder of their bond.

  “So, you are an Alpha female. I suspected as much; no wonder Sam was so hung up on you. How come you aren’t leading the pack?” Cayden asked.

  “I’m not an Alpha. I’m strong but not an Alpha.” Rose sighed and looked down at her lap. “My parents were the Alpha and Luna of the Red Rock pack; I was three when they lost a challenge and paid with their lives. I only survived because I was accepted into the Darkhills. I can’t be the pack’s Alpha. I’m only there through the blood tie from my mother and grandparents. I was supposed to mate when I came of age to secure my place within the pack. When I didn’t meet a male I bonded with, I remained within the pack out of courtesy to my grandparents.” Rose stood and carried the empty pizza boxes back to the desk. “My grandfather died last summer. It hit me hard. He really was the best, most honourable wolf I’ve ever known.” She sniffed.

  Cayden didn’t need her to say anymore. The only thing keeping her connected to her pack was her grandmother, who was currently in hospital. She was being pressured to mate or she’d be forced to leave. Cayden’s wolf growled. He was even gladder that he had killed the bastard Alpha.

  “I’m sorry Rose. I didn’t realize you were under so much pressure. For what it’s worth, I don’t regret killing that asshole and I’ll tell your Beta as much, he needs to know what kind of man was leading your pack.”

  Rose turned and returned to the bed, crawling to lie on her side.

  “They do need to know the truth. Sam wasn’t just trying to manipulate me and my grandma, he was also taking a cut from the bar where I work. He was skimming the books of most of the businesses in town to fill his own pockets and increase his status while the rest of us saw our wages cut. I’ve suspected it for a long time, I was building a case of evidence to bring to the Beta and the elders when Sam upped his game in trying to seduce me. With enough testimonies from others, I’m pretty certain we’ll be believed.”

  Cayden nodded. His female was smart and had been planning on exposing her Alpha to protect her pack. His heart swelled with pride. She was the most admirable female he knew. He might not be worthy of her, but it didn’t stop him from wanting to be. He’d help her expose Sam and ensure she could instigate change for her pack.

  “A few others in your pack have the same suspicions. I’ve heard unhappy grumblings about the state of wages and long hours. I think the true character of your Alpha is about to be exposed. Things will be better for you all once his deceptions are made public.”

  Cayden turned on his side to face his mate. He couldn’t help himself from reaching out to stroke her hair back from her face, revealing the freckles that kissed her cheeks.

  So pretty.

  Rose smiled and leaned into his touch.

  “It’s the least I can do for them, before I leave with you.”

  Cayden inhaled sharply.

  She was killing him with her words. Part of him wanted to tell her now that he would be leaving without her. But a stronger part wanted to savour the moment. He wanted to bask in the warm glow that being beside his mate brought about. He wanted to enjoy one night before she hated him forever, and he ripped apart their mating bond.

  “You’re a good wolf Cayden, I never thought I’d find someone who makes me feel so connected. I never knew feelings like this existed, I know it’s insane to fall so fast, but I can’t ignore how I’m drawn to you.” Rose continued, her soft voice like the sweetest music.

  Cayden swallowed hard as her hand reached up and stroked his bare chest. Her touch sent ripples of delight through him. He should tell her it’s not going to happen, but he knew his emotions were real. He knew the intensity she spoke of, felt how all-consuming the pull between them was. It was only getting stronger. The sexual chemistry was one thing, but he felt such tenderness towards his mate.

  She had shared her past without any fear, allowing herself to be vulnerable to him, the trust she put in him was precious and he cherished it. She had proved herself to be smart and brave. She was funny and knew how to tease him, and yeah, he secretly enjoyed it. He admired her and cared for her, beyond anything purely sexual. His mate was the most wonderful person in his world.

  “I’ve never known a woman like you Rose, you’re beautiful in every way possible.” His words came out rough and clumsy. Cayden cursed his inability to articulate his thoughts and feelings towards her.

  Rose blushed and seemed to gather her courage.

  “Cayden, I won’t ask for anything else tonight, but please, kiss me goodnight.”

  Her gentle request was his undoing. He wouldn’t deny his mate. He wouldn’t deny himself, not tonight.

  “You’re wrong.” He rumbled low in his throat as he tugged her across the bed until she was pressed against him, her breath leaving her in a gasp.


  “You will ask me for a lot of things tonight.” He murmured against her neck.

  “You will ask me for more. You will tell me to never stop. And you will beg me to make you come. Repeatedly.” Cayden grinned at every gasp he elicited as he punctuated his words with hot kisses against her skin. His mate was responsive to his touch and he wanted to overwhelm her with pleasure.

  “And what will your answer be?” Rose said breathlessly as he gr
azed the sensitive skin at the base of her neck with his teeth.

  “A good wolf never denies his mate.” With that he took her mouth and swallowed her moans.

  Tonight, he would enjoy his mate.

  Tonight, he would give her memories of him to last a lifetime.



  Rose clutched her mate’s chest as he swept his tongue inside her mouth hungrily. God his kiss was so overwhelming, so demanding and intoxicating. She had feared that her reaction to his kiss before had been fuelled by adrenaline and the strong scent of testosterone in the air, but this was just her and him lying on a hotel bed. The intoxication was purely Cayden.

  She massaged her tongue against his, moaning as his hands tightened around her. She had been saved and captured by the Big Bad Wolf and it felt nothing but good.

  Cayden’s hand gripped her waist and shifted her so that she lay beneath him. He propped himself up to keep his full weight off her and rolled his hips. The hardness beneath his jeans that pressed against her centre, made her break their kiss with a cry of need.

  “Tell me to stop Rose and I’ll stop, I give you my word, but otherwise I’m going to make you cry out like that for me all night.” Cayden spoke softly and earnestly against her lips, tugging her swollen bottom lip between his teeth, making her groan.

  “Yes, like that.” Cayden moved his lips away from hers and tugged the shirt off over her shoulder and began nipping at her slender neck, making his way fervently down to her collar bone.

  Rose squirmed and tried to make sense of the intense arousal flooding her. She felt as though she were drowning in sensation.

  “Cayden.” She begged with a ragged voice she barely recognized. “It’s too much please, go gentle, this is too much.”

  She sighed her relief as he lightened the pressure of his kisses and released his firm hold on her waist.

  “Is this better my Rose?” He looked up at her with amber eyes that shone with tenderness as he softly kissed his way back up to her lips, every brush of his lips an apology.


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