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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

Page 10

by Elizabeth Greene

  Yup, he was a bastard.

  He’d almost given her a mating mark too. He’d felt everything driving him to do it, in the moment, his wolf demanding he stake his claim for others to see. How he had torn himself away from her, he didn’t know. Even now the need was riding him hard. Cayden lightly swept her auburn hair aside and inspected her neck. It was lightly grazed, a small pink mark lingered there, taunting him. It would heal he told himself. It wouldn’t be visible to her future husband.

  Fuck. He hated the thought of another man enjoying her.

  His wolf whined and Cayden’s arms tightened around Rose as she frowned in her sleep. He told his wolf to quieten down, he wasn’t ready for Rose to wake. He needed to get his shit together before that happened. Re-group and form a new plan.

  Did the plan need to change? It would be harder now, but he knew that would be the case the moment he had kissed her again. He could still see to it that she was returned to her pack. He would give her time to refresh at home and then go visit the Beta without her, absolve her of any fault in what happened with the Alpha and between the two of them and take his punishment.

  He’d probably lose his canines for having slept with her. He didn’t care. Rose would be safe, and that was all that mattered to him. His wolf agreed with him on that at least, even if it meant he’d be maimed. They’d grow back. Eventually.

  Cayden’s phone pinged quietly from across the room. He loathed to leave his mate’s side, but he needed a distraction. He slipped from the bed, Rose barely stirred, so deep in sleep. Cayden couldn’t help but smile at her soft snores. He pulled the covers up and tucked her in tight.

  Picking up his phone he saw a message from a business associate. The man was dangerous, and Cayden didn’t always agree with how he chose to conduct business, but he was a good source of income. Sometimes a job needed doing and Cayden knew he could refuse the task if too underhand for his liking. The man also paid his contractors extremely well, to ensure their silence and his privacy.

  Lucian: Dear Mr. Greystone, I have need of your services. Respond to arrange a briefing.

  Cayden would’ve rolled his eyes at the man’s ridiculous formality, if he wasn’t such a scary son of a bitch when he wanted to be.

  Cayden considered the message. He would need work now that he’d blown his summer contract with the Darkhills pack, and Lucian’s job would likely pay more than what he stood to earn logging timber this summer anyway. It would also be a good distraction for him after leaving Rose behind. It was a no brainer.

  Cayden: Mr. Nightingale, I’m available. What do you need?

  He didn’t have to wait long for a response.

  Lucian: Excellent. Arrive at Tumbricane tomorrow night. We shall discuss the particulars then. Yours, Lucian T. Nightingale.

  Cayden sighed.

  He hated the mansion where the man lived. It was dark, foreboding and had a sickly-sweet scent about it. He also didn’t like the servants that Lucian kept on hand. They were strange and silent. But work was work, and he needed it. Tomorrow night would be perfect. He might turn up to the mansion a little worse for wear after receiving his punishment from the Darkhills pack, but it gave him somewhere to be, meaning he would have to stick to his plan.

  Lucian Nightingale was not a man to be kept waiting.

  “Hey handsome, what you doing?”

  Cayden lifted his head at the sound of his mate’s voice. She was sitting propped up, clutching the bedsheets, her hair was a wild tangle around her head, and she was the most breath-taking beauty that he had ever seen.

  “Just taking care of a little business.” He replied honestly. “I’ve been offered some work elsewhere.”

  “Oh, that’s good. Where is it? I can start looking for something too.” Rose smiled encouragingly at him, not realizing how her words and cheerful optimism cut him like a knife.

  “I’m not sure if I’ll take it yet; need to find out more about it.” Cayden replied, tossing his phone absently into his bag. His heart ached. He should tell her now that he was leaving her behind. It would be the honourable thing to do, let her hate him. Cayden bowed his head and ran his hands through his hair. He didn’t want her to hate him.

  “What’s wrong? You thinking about facing the Beta?” Rose asked softly.

  Cayden scrubbed his hands over his face and looked up into her concerned emerald gaze. He hated to see the frown lines marring her pretty complexion.

  “Nah, it’ll be what it’ll be. I’m going to receive a punishment but that isn’t anything new.” He replied trying to appear unconcerned.

  “You get into trouble with packs a lot?” Rose asked, her frown staying firmly in place.

  “Not really, but I’ve taken a few beatings in my time. Besides, it ain’t nothing new for packs to hate on a lone wolf.”

  Cayden tried to brush the impending trial off so that his mate wouldn’t worry for him. The less concern and affection she felt for him, the better.

  “How long have you been a lone wolf? Have you ever had a pack?” Rose asked, the frown lines fading, her eyes lit with curiosity instead.

  Cayden stood and strode to the bed, causing his mate to blush and avert her eyes. She was a sweet female. He thought better of reminding her that she’d become well acquainted with his naked body only a few hours prior. He didn’t want to embarrass her.

  “Yeah, I had a pack.” Cayden answered as he slipped back under the covers and lay back with his hands resting behind his head. “Not many lone wolves are born that way, everybody’s got to start somewhere.”

  “What pack did you belong to?” Rose asked as she turned to lie against his chest. “If you don’t mind me asking?”

  Cayden looked down his body to where she leaned against his chest. Her warmth sinking into his skin felt like the best kind of comfort and her big, inquisitive eyes gazing up at him were too beguiling to resist.

  “I was born into the Greystone pack, but left a few years back after the old Alpha passed.” He answered.

  Rose’s eyes rounded.

  “Greystone? Wow! That pack is the stuff of legends. Their territory is huge, and I heard their bloodlines were the oldest and most powerful.”

  Cayden simply nodded. He found his throat was tight at the mention of his old territory. He loved the wilderness of the mountains and forests where he had been raised. He supposed it was partly why he liked being in the Darkhills. The forested terrain reminded him somewhat of the home that he refused to admit he missed.

  “How come you left? Hang on, did you leave or were you banished?” Rose frowned again.

  “I left.” Cayden replied, satisfied when he saw her eyes lighten again. He didn’t want his mate to think he was a criminal.

  “So how come?”

  Cayden sighed heavily. He wasn’t quite ready to tell her the full truth.

  “My relationship with the old Alpha was difficult. When he passed, I left so that there was no shadow hanging over the pack. The new Alpha is a good wolf, and from what I hear, he runs things well.”

  “I’ve heard the same. I also heard that the old Alpha was a hard man, lots of wolves feared him.” Rose nodded at Cayden’s explanation, “Was he really that bad? I mean you said you had a difficult relationship with him and that’s why you left, so I guess that’s a dumb question.”

  “He had his reasons for being the way he was.” Cayden answered quietly. “But yes, he was hard to live alongside.”

  Dark memories of his father’s violent episodes, followed by hearing the tortured howls of the man’s wolf in the night while Cayden had laid in his bed nursing his injuries, swarmed his mind. A soft hand cupping his jaw helped draw him back to the present. The memories of the day he lost both his parents ran on fast forward through his mind. He still felt the loss keenly.

  “He lost his mate when they were in their prime. She saved her pup from a rockslide but became trapped. The Alpha arrived too late and couldn’t save her. Her death drove him insane over the years until he took his own life

  “You seem to know a lot about it.” Rose suggested softly, keeping her voice low and steady.

  Cayden nodded, staring blindingly at a spot on the wall beyond his mate’s head.

  “His mate was your mother, wasn’t she? You were the pup she saved.” Rose asked.

  Cayden stayed silent, willing his emotions to calm. It was in the past. All of it was, feeling sad about it wouldn’t change what happened. It wouldn’t erase the years of abuse by his father’s hand, and it wouldn’t bring his beautiful mother back.

  “It wasn’t your fault Cayden.” Rose whispered, her hot tears against his skin shocked him out of his daze.

  “It was. If I hadn’t had been playing on the mountain, she wouldn’t have needed to save me. She’d still be alive” Cayden argued. His father’s words echoing in his mind.

  You killed her. It should have been you. It’s your fault that she’s gone.

  Rose shook her head and grasped Cayden’s chin, tugging his face down to hers.

  “You were a child. She was doing what any parent would do; protect their pup. You would’ve done the same had it been your child in danger. I would do the same for our child.”

  Her words slammed into him and a pained growl tore from his throat.

  “Never. Never will you put yourself in danger, Rose.”

  He quickly flipped their positions and held her securely beneath him. The powerful instinct to protect his mate throbbed in his veins. Her eyes grew wide with shock.

  “I would do whatever was needed to protect our child, Cayden.” Rose countered, refusing to back down like he wished she would.

  Cayden screwed his eyes shut trying to block out her words. He needed to stop thinking about this. He couldn’t stand the thought of one day losing his mate, it made him crazy. He could feel the echo of his father’s tormented howls resonating in his own heart.

  Would Cayden act the same way as his father did? Would he become a violent and abusive monster, lashing out at his own child? He refused to let that happen. His heart hammered in his chest, the need to keep his mate safe and the need to run from what he feared would come to pass, warred within in. A pained groan slipped past his lips and he clung to Rose tightly, pressing her into the mattress.

  “Hey, Cayden. It’s OK. I’m here. I’m safe, you have me.” Her voice called to him through the fog of his dark thoughts.

  He could feel her calming persuasion pouring through him, she was a strong wolf to be able to reach his soul with her influence. An Alpha female he reminded himself, whether she would admit it or not.

  Small kisses peppered his lips, soft and imploring, his mate’s body squirming beneath his. Cayden felt his body begin to stir in response. His lips met hers fractionally at first, the soft pressure grounding him in the present. As she licked and nibbled at his bottom lip, Cayden felt a possessive surge rise within in, his mouth opened, and his tongue played with hers in a slow and pleading kiss.

  “You have me Cayden, and I need you.” Rose husked, breaking away from their kiss.

  Cayden opened his eyes to meet her burning gaze. The delicious scent of his mate was heady and the need to reassure himself of her safety drove him to act.

  “Mine.” He growled low before sliding down the bed.

  He pulled her legs apart and gazed hungrily at her soft and inviting core.


  Cayden gripped her thighs and hefted them over his shoulders bringing his mouth right where he needed to be. He licked his lips and with his mates cries of passion filling up his fragile soul, he feasted upon her until morning.



  Rose woke to the sound of water running. She stretched out her well-worn limbs and rolled into the middle of the bed. Upon opening her eyes, she saw the tangled sheets spread around her and her cheeks warmed with a grin.

  Cayden had been insatiable last night, and she’d enjoyed every second of it.

  Her satisfied smile didn’t last long however, as she remembered the pain and obvious trauma that her mate carried with him. She sobered quickly. The revelation that her male wasn’t just a strong wolf, but the true Alpha of the great Greystone pack, a pack steeped in history and prowess, still had her head in a whirl. He should be leading his pack, but instead he had abandoned it.

  The notion of Cayden abandoning anything, didn’t sit right with her. She didn’t know enough about his reasons for leaving, she had known not to press any further the night before but the wolf she knew was the kind to do the right thing. He clearly blamed himself for his mother’s death and the lasting affect it had on his father, but surely after losing a parent, the closeness and community of the pack would’ve been even more important to him.

  Rose thought about her own formative years. She would’ve been lost without the Darkhills pack accepting her, each and every one of them were part of her history. Her family.

  And yet she was planning on leaving them for a future with her mate, as an outcast.

  A shiver of doubt crept into her mind. Could she truly turn her back on Darkhills? Would her grandmother want to give up her home for a life on the road with Rose and Cayden?

  Rose sucked in a breath. She knew her grandma wouldn’t want to leave the place and the people that held so many memories for her. The sweet and stalwart lady was laid up in hospital recovering from multiple fractures, a stark reminder that she was getting on in years. A life on the road wasn’t a realistic life for her grandma. The sudden realization that she would be leaving her behind made Rose’s heart sink.

  Her wolf whined and ducked her head low.

  Rose agreed. She had been foolishly blindsided by finding her mate and hadn’t thought through the reality of a future with him. Yet she couldn’t deny that she wanted a future with him.

  Everything in her screamed that her rightful place was by his side, like it was her purpose to bring peace to his scarred and tormented soul. He’d sought refuge in her last night as he had struggled with memories of the past. Being able to soothe and heal him resonated deeply within her. It made her feel powerful and honoured to hold his trust. She couldn’t imagine being without him now, the old adage seemed to be true, they were two halves to one whole.

  Perhaps he would consider joining Darkhills. The thought was a rogue one and considering he had killed the Alpha and seduced a pack female while bearing lone wolf status, meant that he wouldn’t be accepted easily by the pack, if at all.

  Unless he challenged for Alpha. He had killed Sam, so he had more right than many others to enter the challenge. But considering Cayden had walked away from the mantle of leadership before, she doubted he would want it now. And who in the pack would second his challenge?

  Rose sighed heavily. She couldn’t see a way past the complications.

  Things would work out, they had to. The words of her grandfather came to mind:

  When times are tough, take things one step at a time and you’ll find your path through.

  He was such a sensible wolf, always there for her with words of encouragement and advice. She missed him terribly. What she wouldn’t give to climb up on the bench in his workshop and talk with him as he pottered around. While that wasn’t possible, she still had her grandmother to confide in. And that was the next step to take.

  Rose rolled off the bed and stood, stretching her arms up over her head. She would take a shower and go visit her grandma in the hospital.

  Cayden came out of the shower room, a towel wrapped round his middle. Her mate was a magnificent sight to behold. His eyes tracked down over her naked body and heat curled in her belly. The looks he gave were dangerous.

  As much as she had no doubt that she would enjoy another tumble with him, she had a game plan to follow. She sashayed past him, pausing to tip toe up to deliver a quick kiss upon his soft lips, and padded into the steam filled shower room.

  The hungry growl that rumbled behind her made Rose smile. She loved how he reacted to her. Shaking her head to clear her though
ts she stepped into the shower and got ready to face the day, just as her grandfather had told her; one step at a time.



  Cayden shook his head as the shower room door softly clicked shut. Rose was the most beautiful sight. He doubted he would ever stop wanting to lay claim to her. He had needed her last night. The urge to run from the memories of his past and the fear of history repeating itself, had been so strong.

  The distraction of making love to his mate was like a sanctuary to his soul. She was everything he needed, and all that he ever wanted. But the truth remained that he wasn’t good enough for her. He wouldn’t condemn her to a miserable and damaging future with him.

  Leaving her would likely kill him, or drive him insane like his father, but he’d shoulder that pain on his own. Far away from the woman he would love until his dying breath. It was the only way.

  His wolf whined and whimpered at him, but Cayden ignored it. It was time to do the right thing when it came to Rose, rather than being driven by his animal’s instincts.

  Rubbing absently at the dull ache in his chest, Cayden dropped his towel and shucked on his jeans. He looked to the discarded shirt that Rose had worn the night before and smiled softly at the happy memories that the innocuous material conjured up. He grabbed it up and shoved it back into his gym bag. He’d keep the memento of his mate with him for always.

  His phone lit up in his bag, revealing missed messages from Russell.

  The Beta was demanding justice.

  Cayden knew this would be the case, he was prepared to face his punishment and go through with his plan to absolve Rose of any wrongdoing. What he wasn’t prepared for was the video message that showed his trailer burning brightly where he had left it parked within a small clearing in the forest.


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