Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance

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Saved by the Big Bad Wolf: A Darkhills Romance Page 16

by Elizabeth Greene

  “If you wouldn’t mind.” Cayden smiled.

  “Not at all, you provided a most thrilling night of entertainment, it is only fair that I repay my thanks with a favour.” Lucian bowed his head gracefully, “Goodbye Cayden.”

  With that Cayden pulled on his clothes and watched as Lucian strode to where Russell was being held by members of the pack. He spoke briefly to the wolves, dismissing them with a tired wave before turning on his heel. He snapped his fingers and Cayden looked on in amazement as Russell immediately got to his feet and shuffled listlessly behind.

  The Beta’s eyes were glazed and fixed on some far-off point in the distance.

  The rest of the pack stood just as slack jawed as they watched Russell climb into the passenger side of the shining black sports car, his eyes still unblinking and vacant.

  “I look forward to doing business with you Mr. Greystone,” Lucian called out, as he opened his door, pausing as he dipped to climb in. “And remember, I do so hate it when I miss an invitation to a mating ceremony.” With a wink, he climbed in behind the wheel and with an excessive roar of the engine, he sped off into the night.

  “Well, he’s a strange man.” Rose murmured.

  “Yup. But a good one… I think.” Cayden nodded with a slight frown, before turning his head to take in the beautiful sight that was his Rose.

  She sighed as other pack members began to gather around them.

  “I know you’ve got Alpha duties now, but I don’t suppose you’d like to,”

  “Get the hell out here?” Cayden took her hand in his and strode towards the forest path “Hell yes, Alpha duties can wait until the morning”



  Rose’s head was spinning. On one hand she felt giddy and elated that Cayden had not only returned but had stepped up to save her pack. Her wolf was in seventh heaven now that her mate was with her again, and Rose couldn’t blame her for having rolled over and forgiven him for leaving in the first place. She herself had been swept up in the moment and had let her relief and joy at having Cayden back, smother her hurt and anger at what he had done.

  Now, with him taking a shower in her small bathroom, she had a moment to breathe and to think clearly.

  She was undoubtedly pleased that he was back, and she knew she wanted him to stay. She still wanted him as her mate, but she needed answers. Perhaps he had a good reason for leaving her, but until she knew what had happened with him, she wasn’t sure she would be able to let herself trust him. She wanted to. She knew he was a good wolf, but the prickle of doubt in her mind whispered that there was a chance that he might leave her again.

  She had changed out of her friend’s pretty pink mating dress and pulled the pins out of her hair, letting it fall loose. She gently rubbed at her scalp in relief, wondering why women regularly put themselves through such torture. She stared into the mirror and let out an amused snort at her reflection. Her make-up had run, making her resemble something out of a horror movie. She scrubbed at her face with a cleansing wipe and pulled on her soft and comfortable pyjama shorts and cami.

  Feeling more like herself again she padded to the kitchen to fix herself a hot tea. As she stirred her drink she sensed, rather than heard Cayden’s approach. His clean fresh scent tickled her nose, and she could almost feel the warmth from his body. It would be easy to just take him by the hand and fall into bed with him, but in the morning, she’d still have the same questions and doubts running through her head.

  Rose turned and let her eyes track down over his sculpted body. He stood there in her kitchen wearing just a towel wrapped around his hips, his chest glistening from his shower. He sure was one delicious specimen, her body’s reaction to him was undeniable. But by the slightly uncertain look in his eyes, she knew he had been thinking the same thing as her. They needed to talk.

  “Did you want some tea?” She asked quietly, cursing herself for beginning with such a dumb question.

  Cayden shook his head and smiled softly at her.

  “I’m good.”

  Rose nodded and gestured to the lounge, before lightly stepping around him. The temptation to drop a quick kiss to his lips as she passed was not something she could give in to. Not until she had her answers.

  Cayden followed quietly behind and joined her on her couch. She clutched her mug of tea tightly in front of her, using it as a shield.

  “So, I guess we need to talk.” Cayden began, resting his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward in his seat.

  “We do.”

  They both sighed and stared at the same spot on the ground. Before she lost her courage, Rose decided to rip the bandage off.

  “Why did you leave me, Cayden?”

  He scrubbed a hand over his face and turned to look at her.

  “I thought I was doing what was best for you.”

  “Why did you think you could make that decision for me?” She countered.

  “I know.” He agreed, “I should’ve spoken with you, but at the time I was afraid.”

  “Afraid of what?”

  “That you’d convince me not to go, convince me that I deserved you. I couldn’t risk giving in to what we have between us. A mating bond like this tore my family apart. Turned my father into an abusive monster. I was afraid that history would repeat itself.”

  “So, you thought you were protecting me from yourself? Cayden the best way to protect someone is to love them enough to give them honesty. Instead, by keeping how you felt from me, you’ve hurt me. You’ve hurt me more than I ever thought possible. Now, I don’t know if I can be certain that you won’t hurt me again.”

  “I know.” Cayden sighed sadly and placed his hand on her knee. “I’m so sorry Rose. I never wanted to hurt you. I was wrong. I realize that now. But in my warped view of things, I thought I was loving you in the best way I could. By letting you go, so you could find safety and happiness elsewhere. I was so convinced that after the initial attraction levelled out, you’d never have happiness with me. I’m a lone wolf. I have no connections, I live from paycheck to paycheck, I move around for work and I live out of a truck and a trailer.” He cursed shaking his head, “Well, I used to. Russell burned down my trailer and Lucian had my truck towed, so now I have jack shit to my name.”

  Tears welled in her eyes as she finally saw the broken man that sat in front of her. He might appear strong, confident, big and bad, but he was filled with self-loathing and low esteem. He was for once, completely bare to her. His flaws on show and vulnerable. While she might’ve been hurt and angry with him, the love for him that flooded her was all consuming.

  “Cayden, I don’t want you for your job, I don’t want you for your home or the car you drive. I want you because you are a good wolf, who stands up for what is right and puts the needs of others above his own. You care for people, showing them kindness and consideration when you yourself rarely get the same in return. I want to be your mate because I love you Cayden, and I know you love me back.”

  He raised disbelieving eyes to meet hers.

  “But Rose, if you mate me, you’d be a lone wolf. You’d have to say goodbye to your grandmother, to your friends, your home, to everything you’ve ever known and loved. We’d be on the road constantly; we’d be shunned by other packs.”

  Rose frowned and put her tea down on her coffee table.

  “Aren’t you forgetting that you’re not a lone wolf anymore? You’re Alpha of Darkhills now, we don’t need to go anywhere. Our home can be here.”

  Cayden shook his head and looked away again.

  “I wasn’t fit to lead before, my father said I was a disgrace, that all I would ever do is hurt people, that I didn’t deserve to be an Alpha. And he was right, I hurt you Rose, the one person I should protect and cherish above all else. I’m not fit to remain as the Darkhills Alpha.”

  “Your father was so very wrong about you Cayden, one day I hope you’ll be able to see that. You acted how you did because you thought you were protecting me.” R
ose countered.

  “And look how well it turned out.” Cayden said bitterly, “I hurt you anyway and put you in even greater danger.”

  “OK, and then what happened?” Rose asked, “You came back, you fought to protect me, and you have apologized to me.”

  “I’ll always fight for you Rose, but I’ll never be what you or the pack deserves. I’ll never be a perfect Alpha wolf.”

  She took his hands and forced him to look at her again.

  “Cayden, I don’t need you to be a perfect male or a perfect Alpha, I need you to be honest with me. And Darkhills needs honesty too. Hell, we’ve all lived with so much deceit and blackmail for far too long. What this pack deserves is a wolf with your compassion, fairness and integrity.”

  “I promise to be honest with you from now on Rose, I,”

  “Good,” Rose interrupted him, holding up a hand to silence the protest that she didn’t doubt was on the tip of his tongue. “So, answer me honestly now: Do you love me?”

  “Yes, with every fibre of my being.” Cayden answered, his amber eyes burning into hers.

  “Do you want for me to be happy?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Then will you please stop being so self-sacrificing and mate me already?” She asked with an exasperated sigh. “I love you Cayden Greystone and I don’t care if you are a lone wolf, an Alpha or a man without a penny to his name, I want to be with you.”

  Cayden’s lips tilted up in the smallest of smiles and Rose had never seen a sweeter thing in her life.

  “I know you see yourself a certain way because of your upbringing and that it will take time for you to see things the way everyone else does, the way I do, but I promise you, you are worth every bit of my love.”

  “Then for you Rose, I will work every day of my life to try to be the man you deserve, and the Alpha Darkhills needs.”

  Cayden took a deep breath and dropped to one knee in front of where she sat on the couch.

  “I love you Rose Woods, I never thought I’d be so lucky as to deserve a female as perfect as you. Please, would you do me the honour of becoming my mate?” His amber eyes shining with sincerity.

  “Yes, you big, bad idiot!” She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his.

  “Are you sure Rose?” Cayden asked as he got to his feet, taking her with him in his arms, “I can’t promise that I won’t mess up again, or that,”

  “Yes, I’m sure! Now would you hurry up and take me to bed already?” Rose clamped her hand down on his mouth with a grin.

  His eyes blazed and lit with need as he strode with her in his arms into her bedroom.

  “With pleasure.” He growled as he threw her lightly down onto the mattress.

  Rose giggled, as he launched himself at her, tugging her up the bed so her head lay on the pillows. Her laughter ceased as soon as his lips closed around hers. Instead of the fiery blaze of passion that she had expected he peppered her lips, her cheeks her eyelids, with feather soft kisses. Rose sighed happily as she basked in his love.

  “My Rose, my beautiful Rose.”

  Cayden continued to trail kisses down her neck, slipping the thin strap of her camisole to the side so he could continue his path across her skin. She gasped as his fingers gently grazed down her side.

  “Cayden, please don’t torture me again.” She begged, already desperate to be one with him.

  “Tell me what you want Rose.” He purred as he slid her camisole lower and gently sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  Her back arched, as she desperately sought more of the sensations he was giving her.

  “I want you, inside me.” She groaned.

  He chuckled softly, giving her puckered tip a small nip with his teeth.

  “Then we had better get rid of these.” He sat back and flicked out a claw as he eyed her wickedly.

  With a few careful slices of fabric her clothes fell away from her body.

  “Sorry if you liked those, but I think you’ll prefer being without them.” With that he pulled the clothes away from beneath her and tossed them across the room.

  He grasped her thighs and spread her before him, his eyes heating with desire. God, she loved how he looked at her, just a look was enough to flood her with arousal. He bent his head low and inhaled deeply at her core, groaning out his satisfaction.

  “Your scent drives me wild Rose.” He opened his eyes and shot her with a look of molten desire, “And your taste,” He slowly ran the flat of his tongue up her slit and over her sensitive nub, both of them moaning in unison. “You taste like heaven.”

  With that he lowered his mouth to her nub, licking and sucking it into his mouth in a demanding rhythm that left Rose gasping for breath as an orgasm struck her like lightning.

  She cried out his name, her hands finding purchase in his hair as she rocked her hips against his mouth.

  Cayden growled and lifted her so he could grasp her backside and pull her onto his tongue as he dipped low into her core. The hot wet lapping sensation had her moaning again as she helplessly gave herself over to the deep, pulsing pleasure that was building within her.

  She opened her eyes and felt her orgasm come tumbling towards her as she watched the erotic sight of her huge and powerful mate, lost in rapture as he feasted on her core like he’d never get enough of having her on his tongue.

  She came apart with a low moan of greedy satisfaction, her hips rolling of their own volition as Cayden gently lowered her to the mattress. He placed hot wet kisses up her thighs as he pulled back to remove the towel from around his hips.

  “Mine.” The possessive growl left her throat as she eyed his thick manhood.

  “Yours.” Cayden husked as he gripped himself, his eyes locked on hers.

  “Tell me if you’ve changed your mind, Rose.” He whispered.

  Her reply was to reach forward and wrap her hand around him. He shuddered in her hand as she stroked the velvety smooth shaft. Rose suddenly felt like the most powerful woman in the world as she watched his head tip back and a grunt of pleasure leave his lips.

  “God, Rose.”

  She worked her hand a little faster and squeezed ever so slightly, enjoying how his breath hitched.

  “Look at me Cayden.” She purred at him, her Luna voice filtering through the lust filled haze in the room.

  His eyes immediately found hers, a look of astonishment and need burning hot in his gaze.

  “Do I look like I’ve changed my mind?” She licked her lips and bent her head towards him.

  “Oh fuck.” Cayden cursed as she licked the head of him.

  Her playtime was swiftly over as she found herself hauled up and tossed back on the bed, Cayden’s body pressed firmly against hers. She eagerly pulled her knees up so he could rest the thick head of his cock against the entrance of her sex.

  “Cayden, please.” Her plea ended on a sigh as he slowly thrust his hips forward, filling her.

  When he was fully seated inside her, they both gasped and stared into each other’s eyes. Love and desire coursed through her as she felt Cayden’s heart beating firmly against her own.

  Keeping his eyes locked on hers he began to move. Each withdrawal and thrust lit her up with the most delicious sensation of slick friction. Her body clenched around him and with a pleasured groan he upped his thrusts until their hips were meeting in a carnal and hungry rhythm. A climax that threatened to drown her in ecstasy crested within her, with every deep thrust from her mate she whimpered with the need to fall into the pleasurable abyss that awaited her.

  Cayden roared as his need to claim his mate overcame him. He bit down hard upon her neck, his canines sinking into the tender flesh, causing her orgasm to finally break, flooding her with wave after wave of blinding pleasure.

  Her body pulled and clutched at her mate as spirals of never-ending release poured through her, her teeth extended, and she bit down hard on his muscular shoulder. His body stiffened as he spilled into her tight heat with a loan moan
of abandonment, sending her into another rolling swell of bliss.

  They pulled their heads back and stared at one another, their lips stained slightly with each other’s blood. Their mouths collided between harsh breaths in the aftermath of their mating. Their kiss slowed to soft licks and caresses as their bodies relaxed and their heartbeats slowed to the same steady rhythm.

  Cayden rolled off her, pulling her across his chest, as they both lay there catching their breath. Rose glanced up at his shoulder and smiled as she saw the mating mark she had given him already healing to a light silvery scar.

  She couldn’t wait to inspect hers in the mirror later. She snuggled into his chest and placed a kiss over his heart with a softly whispered ‘I love you.’

  “I love you my Rose.” He sighed in happy exhaustion.

  Tomorrow they would face the rest of their future together. It would be difficult at times, and there was a lot of work to do to restore the Darkhills pack to the happy and thriving community that it once was, but Rose knew they were both up for the challenge. As long as they were together, there was nothing they couldn’t face.



  Cayden climbed out of his new pickup, grabbing the architect’s blueprints from the side seat as he went.

  The plans to re-purpose the old Alpha’s large town house as a boutique hotel were looking good. He needed to get his interior design experts to take a look over a few samples that the architect had suggested for the flooring but, he was certain they would already have an idea what the place needed. He’d bring it up after dinner that evening, Rose was looking forward to hosting her best friend and his Beta for dinner.

  He strode up the porch steps of the old Woods house and smiled as he saw Judy perched on a chair in the kitchen, regaling his mate with some cringe worthy story while her carer shook his head ruefully. The elder might be weaker in body after the incident a few months back, but her wit and sense of humour were as strong as ever.


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