The Heroin Scene in Fort Myers

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The Heroin Scene in Fort Myers Page 25

by Oliver Markus Malloy

  I told Jasmine that 14 people had warned me about what a lying lowlife Veronica was, and that I was glad they did. And I figured Jasmine had the right to know that Veronica had not only been cheating on me and her jail girlfriend Kim with Jasmine, but she was now cheating on Jasime with a bunch of other people, including Kim, Kathleen, Anita, Nina, Shelly, Miriam, Urban, and a few others. Veronica was still writing Kim love letters in prison, to try to get her hands on her baby.

  Veronica had called Crimestoppers on Nina to collect the money, and Nina ended up in dorm 3 with Jasmine, and told her that she had sex with Veronica. That's how Jasmine found out that everything I had been telling her about Veronica was really true. Jasmine wrote me back and told me that she was done with her, and that she and I both deserved someone better than Veronica. Jasmine said she was getting out of jail soon, and that she was going to move to Key West with her mother 3 days later. She said we should hook up during those 3 days, while she's still in Fort Myers.

  When Lucy told me that Veronica had been writing love letters to Jasmine and Kathleen again ever since she got arrested at my house, I just didn't want to believe it. I decided to find out the truth for myself. I sent Jasmine a letter and asked her if Veronica was writing her again. I figured she owed me a favor, and she would tell me the truth. But Jasmine never wrote me back.

  Lucy asked: "If I can prove to you that Veronica is really cheating on you again, and she's really writing love letters to Jasmine and Kathleen, will you stop talking to her? Will you break up with her for good this time and will you be my boyfriend?"

  I told her: "Yeah, if you can prove that, then I want nothing to do with her anymore, and then I would love to be your boyfriend."

  The next day I was having lunch with George at Cici's Pizza, when Lucy called and put some girl named Shondra on the phone. She said she was a trustee who moves from dorm to dorm, and she had passed a love letter from Veronica to Jasmine. I told Lucy that I hoped she didn't make Shondra lie for her, because that's the kind of grimey lowlife shit Veronica had done to me several times in the past. Lucy swore that she didn't put Shondra up to it, and that it was the truth.

  The next morning I got a call from Jasmine. She had been released from jail a few hours earlier. She said she wanted to meet up with me, and she had something for me: a bunch of love letters from Veronica.

  A bunch? What the FUCK?!?

  I met Jasmine at the Days Inn on 41, where she was staying with her mother. We sat in the car and talked for a while. She handed me Veronica's letters. I gave her the letters Veronica had written me recently. We compared notes. Veronica was telling each of us the same thing: I love you so much, I want to have a future with you, you're all I think about, I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you, bla bla bla. Same old, same old.

  I told Jasmine I had to leave, because I was about to have a viso with Veronica. Jasmine and I made plans to spend the next day together.

  When I went to see Veronica, the video screens were broken. We couldn't see each other, but we could hear each other. I held her love letters to Jasmine in my hands when I asked her: "So have you written any letters to Jasmine or Kathleen since you were arrested at my house?"

  "No, absolutely not," she replied. "And if anyone says that I did, they are lying!"

  "You dumb cunt! I have your fucking letters in my hand right now!! FUCK YOUUU! I'm so done with this shit," I yelled and left.

  Veronica called me later that night and acted indignant: "At least you could have finished the viso with me and let me explain. Ok, fine, yeah I wrote some letters to Jasmine. But it's not like they were love letters. I was just talking to her about some stuff, but I never wrote I love her or I still want to be with her."

  "Are you fucking RETARDED?" I screamed. "That's EXACTLY what you wrote. You fucking wrote that you love her and you still want to be with her!!! Seriously, what the fuck is WRONG with you, you PSYCHO?"

  Then I hung up the phone. She tried to call back, but I didn't answer.

  The next morning, when Lucy called, I told her I had officially broken up with Veronica, and I was now all hers. She was really happy and said: "I love you, I love you, I love you sooo much!" That made me feel really good. I had the biggest smile on my face. Finally this crazy love triangle nonsense was done and over with, and I could just concentrate on one girl. I was glad it was Lucy.

  She told me that I was going to be the only person on her visitation list. She didn't want anyone else to come visit her. Only me. And she said that she wasn't going to talk to any other guys anymore. She promised she would be nothing like Veronica. She would show me that she's a much better girlfriend. She would be 100% faithful to me.

  And I promised that I would not talk to any other girls anymore either, and I wouldn't have sex with anyone but her from now on. And I meant it. I was going to wait for her to get out of jail. I really didn't want to be with anyone else. I was really happy whenever I was around Lucy. She was my little ray of sunshine.

  When Lucy called me back a little while later, she sounded depressed.

  "What's wrong?" I asked.

  She said: "I told some people in dorm 1 that you are my boyfriend now, and they just laughed at me. They said you don't really care about me. Everyone in jail knows you, because you talk to a whole bunch of girls in jail. And everyone knows that you're Veronica's man."

  "What? No, I don't talk to a bunch of girls. I don't know why all these girls pretend to know me. I talk to Haley, because I have known her for 4 years now. We are really good friends. And I talked to Veronica, because she was my girlfriend. And I talk to you, because I love you, and you're my new girlfriend. That's it. I don't talk to anyone else. I wrote a few people some thank you notes a while ago, because they warned me about Veronica. I really appreciated that they told me she was cheating on me with Kim, and that she wasn't really pregnant. But I don't talk to a bunch of girls in jail. And you know that I don't like to have sex with girls I don't know, and I don't call girls on Backpage. I really do love you," I replied.

  I asked her when our next viso was, so we could talk about this in person. She said her list hadn't been processed yet.

  The next day, I suddenly got a call from Wigger: "Yo, don't fall for Lucy's games. Don't be a duck!"

  I had talked to him a few times since Lucy got arrested, because a bunch of her new clothes were in the hotel room they shared, and she wanted me to get all her things from Wigger and keep them at my house, until she'd come home to me. I could barely understand a damn thing he said, because he slurred his words so badly.

  But from what I understood, he was telling me that Lucy didn't really care about me, and she was just using me, just like she had used him and a bunch of other guys. I had the feeling he was mad, because she wanted me to get her things from him, but he had thought they were going to be together, although he had a girlfriend, Abby, who was also in jail right now. In dorm 1 with Lucy and Haley. He had been cheating on Abby with Lucy and a bunch of other girls.

  When Lucy called me back, I told her about Wigger's strange call. I asked her what he meant by that. She said she didn't know. But something about the tone of her voice made me suspicious. I did a little research, and found out that her visitation list had been approved, and I was not the only person on her list. There were 4 other guys besides me, and she had scheduled her two visits for next week with two other guys: her old pimp G-Force, and her sugar daddy Cho. She was playing the same sick games as Veronica.

  I was really hurt and disappointed. I felt so betrayed. I really thought she was different.

  Once again I sent her a nasty postcard and told her not to call me again.

  Veronica kept calling me, so I finally answered the phone, and we started talking again. She told me she didn't know why she wrote those letters to Jasmine and Kathleen. She said she really didn't want to be with any of them, that she loved me, and that she wanted to come home to me. She asked me to come see her so we could talk.

  I went to viso
the next day, and she told me that she knew she had some sort of mental problem that compelled her to keep telling all these people that she supposedly loves them. She said: "I keep selling them dreams, and then I treat them like shit. I don't know why I do it. I'm not even interested in them, but it's like a sick game or something. I guess I just wanna see if I can get them. I feel bad sometimes, because I really shit all over Snickers and Shelly, Kathleen, and Jasmine."

  "And what about me?" I asked. "Do you feel bad that you keep hurting me with your behavior?"

  "Of course," she said. "I really do love you."

  To me it seemed like Veronica had some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder that made her act this way. I knew she really did have OCD. When I stayed with her at her apartment, I had seen her comb her hair for over an hour.

  I love when a girl has long, flowing hair. It's so feminine. But Veronica always tied her hair back into a really tight ponytail. It was a shame, because she had beautiful hair.

  I had seen her stand in front of the mirror and just get lost in a trance-like state, while she combed the tightly pulled back hair on her head over and over and over with a toothbrush. Each individual hair had to be exactly where she wanted it to be. Later some of the other inmates told me that she did the same thing in jail.

  While she told me during that viso that she supposedly felt bad for selling dreams to all these different people and for hurting me, I noticed that she had a hard time hiding a smirk. She really didn't feel any remorse. She was actually proud of herself. She wasn't really apologizing for cheating on me, she was bragging to me about her conquests.

  "Man, I fucked so many girls while I was living on Brantley," she said and laughed. "I totally shit all over Jasmine!"

  "Yeah, and you tricked with a bunch of guys too," I said calmly.

  "No, no, that's not true! I didn't post on Backpage. I didn't trick," she objected.

  In her sick mind, she wasn't really a whore, if she didn't post an ad on Backpage and had sex with hundreds of guys, and she just had sex with dozens of "regulars" and dope boys instead.

  "Really? You seriously think fucking Urban, and Tim, and all those other guys wasn't tricking? I found a freshly used condom in your nightstand. I found you in bed with Norbert," I said. I was getting disgusted with her all over again.

  She started laughing: "Yeah, I can't believe we didn't wake up when you kicked the door in!" She thought it was hilarious. She had no sense of empathy whatsoever. She couldn't put herself in my shoes and consider how that situation felt on my end. She really did not comprehend how terribly she hurt me when she cheated on me.

  "You really think the stuff you did to me is funny?" I asked. "How would you feel if I sat here and laughed about having sex with Anita?"

  "That was crazy, when I fucked Anita," Veronica laughed. "We fucked for like two hours!"

  "Do you understand how badly you're hurting me when you say shit like that?" I asked. "Seriously, let's turn the tables. How would you feel if I told you I fucked Anita twice, and it was awesome?"

  She stopped laughing and got a suspicious look on her face: "DID you have sex with Anita?"

  "Yeah. Twice. And it was awesome. She did all sorts of acrobatics, and she let me cum inside her pussy," I replied calmly.

  "What? What the fuck are you talking about?" Veronica asked angrily. "Is this supposed to be a joke? Like when you made up Faith? Or did you really fuck Anita?"

  "I really fucked her. And I really liked it," I replied with a cold, cruel superiority in my voice.

  Veronica got so pissed! She started ranting: "Imma kill that bitch! That fucking hoe! I knew something was up when you guys stayed up all night and talked! I knew I couldn't trust her! Imma beat the shit out of her if I ever see her again." Then she got quiet. She was in her own head, plotting her revenge against Anita.

  "Did you use a condom?" she asked.

  "No. We were going to be in a relationship together, remember? So Anita let me cum inside of her without a condom," I said. I started to enjoy seeing Veronica this upset. Karma is a bitch.

  "That's DISGUSTING! What if she got pregnant?" she asked.

  "Why is it disgusting if I fuck other girls and cum inside of them without a condom, but it's ok for you to fuck all these girls, and other guys, and you let them cum inside of you?" I asked.

  "I don't ever fuck anyone without a condom! You're the only one I let cum inside of me. I always use a condom with other guys! You even found one of them in my nightstand," she yelled.

  "Bullshit! I saw your text messages when you were talking to Urban about having him get you pregnant. You let that dirty lowlife thug cum inside of you without a condom all the time! And I'm sure he wasn't the only one. And remember when we first met, and your leg was hurting and you told me I was the only one you wanted to have sex with? There was someone else's cum dripping out of your pussy while you said that. Ever since I've known you, all you have ever done is lie and cheat. And you think it's cool. You're actually proud of yourself, like some sort of sick sociopath. You don't give a shit if you hurt other people, but when someone does it back to you, you act all upset," I replied.

  She got quiet and said: "I don't want to argue anymore. I'm sorry for all the shit I've done. I really do love you."

  I didn't feel like arguing either. I was so sick and tired of feeling like shit. It was so emotionally draining. I was exhausted.

  "Why can't things between us ever just be easy?" I asked sadly. "I'm so sick of all this drama."

  We stopped arguing and everything went back to the way it used to be. She called several times a day every day, and I visited her twice a week. We were back together. She told me she really wanted to have a future with me and she wasn't going to fuck it up again. She swore that from now on, she would be 100% faithful to me and not play any of her sick games anymore, not cheat anymore, not write any more love letters to anyone else or do anything else she shouldn't be doing as my girlfriend.

  Then Haley called me and told me that everyone in jail knew about Veronica dating her bunkie Wendy. She said they were fucking each other pretty much every day, and they almost got caught a few times. The corrections officers got so sick of always seeing Veronica and Wendy together in dark corners, or taking showers together, they separated them and sent Wendy back to dorm 3.

  I didn't want to believe it. But Haley had never really lied to me. Well, except when she stole my hard drives, and when she pretended that I got her pregnant. But since she had been in jail, everything she told me about Veronica was always true.

  I looked on the Sheriff's website, and I saw that Wendy really had been moved to dorm 3.

  When Veronica called me back, I asked her what was going on in jail, and if there was any interesting new gossip. I gave her a chance to tell me that her "best friend" Wendy was no longer in the same dorm with her. But she didn't bring it up. I had noticed that in the past few weeks, there had been complete radio silence about Wendy. Veronica used to mention her all the time in the beginning, because they were friends and they were hanging out together. But lately Veronica never mentioned Wendy at all anymore. I knew what that meant.

  When people withhold seemingly harmless information, it's usually because it's not harmless after all, and they are afraid if they reveal that bit of information, it will get them into trouble. So I knew that the only reason why Veronica wasn't mentioning Wendy's name anymore was because there was something going on between them.

  And now the fact that they had been separated and Wendy was sent to another dorm, and Veronica didn't even mention that, when I casually asked her for the latest gossip, was proof that she was hiding her relationship with Wendy from me. Veronica told me a while ago that Wendy had given birth to a baby boy right before going to jail. So I figured now Veronica was going to try to get her hands on Wendy's baby, in case she couldn't get Kim's or Shelly's or Kathleen's baby.

  I told Veronica that I knew she was cheating on me again, that she was dating Wendy behind my back, th
at they had sex all the time, and that they had been separated now.

  "What? No! That's crazy! There is absolutely nothing going on between Wendy and me. Her being sent to dorm 3 had nothing to do with me. She got caught in the wrong bunk area. That had NOTHING to do with me," Veronica claimed.

  But then, a few minutes later, she slipped and said: "Wendy and I used to be in the same bunk area, but she got moved to another one. She has this stupid high school girl crush on me, so she kept coming over to my bunk area, and then she got caught."

  Like always when Veronica was in one of her shallow fake relationships with some girl, she claimed that the other girl was madly in love with her, she was stalking her, she was obsessed with her, but Veronica wasn't into her at all. It was the same story every time. She had told me the same thing about Miriam, Lola, Shelly, Theresa, Snickers, Nancy, Kim, Nina, Jasmine and Kathleen.

  She always pretended they were chasing after her, because they were supposedly madly in love with her, but she didn't want anything from them.


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