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Page 3

by Katie Dowe

  “We have to try and make sure we attend together in the future.”

  “Possibly,” she murmured. “Goodnight Liam.”

  “Goodnight Amani.”

  She had not hung up two minutes before the phone rang again. This time she looked at the screen before she answered the call. “I see that Liam is already showing a lot of interest.”

  “Are you calling for a progress report?”

  “I already have a progress report darling. I have eyes in my head and I saw that the two of you were getting along quite fine. A few snoopy reporters wanted to find out who you were and I gave them a false name.”

  “Good, because I told Liam that my last name was Smith.”

  “When this is all over will you be able to walk away?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I saw you with him darling and you looked as if you were having the time of your life.”

  “I am a professional and you already know that.”

  “Of course you are but Liam Moses is a very handsome and charismatic man.”

  “I can take care of myself Hanson.”

  “I really hope so darling. For your sake.”


  Liam Antonio Moses was thirty years old and had just reached the thirty-year-old mark in January of that year. He had everything that wealth could buy. He had been spoiled since birth and he was well aware of it. He had never found anything that he wanted that he could not get, whether it be a long lists of beautiful women, a piece of art or anything else he had his eyes on. He did not believe in long term relationships. Even though he had seen the men at his club be successful at it, he could not see himself staying with one woman for the rest of his life! He was easily bored and never had a relationship that lasted more than a month. He knew that it was his duty to produce an heir, and when the time comes he would choose a wife who was willing enough to leave him alone to live his life the way he was accustomed to living it. He would provide the heir and then go on with his lifestyle as usual. He was interested in Amani and had every intention of taking her to his bed as soon as possible. He had to admit that he was intrigued by her, by her lack of intense interest in him and the fact that she treated him like a normal person. No woman had ever treated him like that before and he was fascinated. She was also incredibly beautiful and sexy and a great conversationalist. He was not particular when it came to women, only that they had to look good on the eyes. Usually for what he had in mind, conversation was not in the least bit necessary. But he had to admit that he had enjoyed talking to her and watching her laugh. She did not flirt with him as the others had always done. She had engaged his mind and he found that he was fascinated by that fact. Maybe she would last two months instead of a month, he thought with a wry laugh as he entered his sumptuous bedroom and went over to the alcove where he touched a button. The cabinet slid out silently, revealing the shelves complete with bottles of wine and stronger drinks. He poured himself a glass of bourbon and sipped from it, feeling the warmth as it hit the lining of his stomach. He was getting pretty fanciful! He had been out of a relationship for a month now and it was telling on his brain and his body. But he was going to enjoy taking the lovely and mysterious Amani to bed pretty soon. He had no doubt about his ability to break down whatever resistance there was, and pretty soon at that. He never usually had to work to get a woman into his bed and was looking forward to the challenge. He lifted his glass in a silent toast to his upcoming victory, finishing the drink in one gulp!

  Chapter 3

  She contemplated the contents of her wardrobe a full ten minutes before she decided what to wear to dinner. He had not told her where they were going but he was Liam Moses, which meant that it was somewhere high profile. She knew that she ran the risk of being photographed with him but that was the risk she would have to take. She always covered her tracks well and when her ‘marks’ found out that they had been conned they never associated it with her. And most times they preferred to cover it up and let the insurance deal with it. She had gotten a scare a year ago when she had pilfered a diamond bracelet from an estate she had been invited to. The wife of the millionaire, who had been very touchy/feely with her at the party, had kicked up quite a furor over the loss of the bracelet and had demanded that every single guest at the party be investigated! But she had been smart and had made sure to avoid the cameras positioned all over the vast estate. It was as if she had never been there! She had flown to Paris and stayed there for several weeks until the entire thing had died down. That had been part of the reason why she had decided that this was it for her. She had taken extreme risks and had loved the rush of adrenaline flowing through her body when she was on a job, but the excitement had gone out of it for her. And she was not arrogant enough to think that she would not get caught one day. She wanted to quit the business before she did. This one was different! Usually she did not get personally involved with the ‘marks’ and Liam Moses was not only high profile, but a very handsome man at that. She had to be extra careful! She would do her best to charm him and get him to take her to his apartment, pour something in his drink, swap the painting out with an excellent copy and then get the hell out of his life and out of the business! She might take a Caribbean cruise for a couple of weeks before coming back home to start living her normal life. Hanson had told her that when she was ready to quit he would have a job waiting for her at the gallery. She had no need to work, but she needed to occupy her time and she loved art. With an objective eye she studied the stark black dress with the thin straps and decided that it would have to do. She applied her makeup skillfully and getting to her feet she studied the effect in the mirror. She looked like a coolly, beautiful and sophisticated woman who had her act together, and that’s exactly the image she was hoping for! Picking up a light jacket from her closet she examined her lightly teased thick curls again before heading out. Liam called her with instructions the minute she was in the car and she felt her pulse quickened in excitement as she realized that he had selected the very popular floating restaurant, ‘The Water Shack’, which was anything but! It was a very popular restaurant frequented by celebrities and movie stars. It was very hard to get reservations! She had seen the reviews written up in Restaurant Weekly and knew that the cuisine there was first class. A valet came forward to take her keys and parked her vehicle. A white coated man walked down the plank to help her board, directing her to the upper deck where tables were strewn along the large expanse of flooring. “Mr. Moses is expecting you madam,” he told her with a respectful bow as he departed. A man hurried over to her and she assumed that he was the Maître D by his very formal dress. With a professional smile he led her to a table by the railing which had a clear view of the water. Liam got to his feet the moment she appeared and she could not help but admire the way the thin black sweater stretched across the expanse of his wide chest and how the fabric clung to the rippling muscles of his arms! His dark hair was brushed back from his face with a stubborn lock escaping and clinging to his forehead. His dark gray eyes met hers and he took her hands in his and held them for a moment before letting go. “A bottle of Dom for now Alex,” he told the man who bowed and disappeared. “How do you manage to look more beautiful than the last two times I saw you?” His deep voice slid across her skin like fine silk and Amani made a production of taking her time to remove off her light jacket, careful to keep her expression neutral.

  “Maybe it’s the light.” She looked over the rippling blue of the ocean and felt the stirring of the sea air against her skin. “This is very nice.”

  “I thought you would like it,” he murmured. The waiter came forward to poured their wine and then left.

  Liam studied her exquisite face as he sipped the champagne. He had felt a jolt as he saw her coming and wondered if tonight was the night he should try and get her into his bed! But he was going to wait and see how the evening turned out before he made his decision. He had a feeling that she was not shy, but she seemed somewhat preoccupied. “Tell me
about yourself,” he invited softly.

  She turned and looked at him, her tapered eyebrows lifting in amusement. “What do you want to know?”

  “Dare I say everything?”

  “Are you really interested in knowing about my life history or are you pretending that you do?”

  Her blunt question threw him for a moment and then he laughed softly. “I was actually making conversation but now I am intrigued. Who are you Amani Smith?”

  Amani picked up her glass and sipped slowly, trying to come up with some half-truths. “My mother gave me up for adoption when I was a baby and I never knew my father.”

  “Is she still alive?” His gray eyes were on her face and for a moment she actually thought she saw more than idle curiosity there.

  “No she is not.” She firmly turned the subject to him. “Now it’s your turn. I know you are into collecting and that has been the way of life for your family for generations. What is there about it that you like?”

  He gave an imperceptible nod of his dark head that had the waiter materializing immediately. “I recommend the duck á l´orange – it’s the best I have ever tasted.” He looked at her to confirm her interest and when she nodded he gave his assent to the waiter who left immediately.

  “I like everything about what my family does. I have the distinct privilege of viewing and studying the best art in the world and holding the largest and purest diamonds from Africa in my hands.” He started to tell her the history of diamonds and she listened, enraptured by his interesting anecdotes not only about diamonds but other stones as well. His voice had a deep hypnotic quality to it that could have her listening to him for hours! Their meals came and even though she tasted the delicious tanginess of the duck, she was so absorbed in the conversation that the time flew by rapidly!

  Liam too was deep in the conversation. He realized that for the first time he was having one with an exceptionally beautiful woman whom he was definitely taking to his bed. He delighted in her laugh and loved the way her dazzling white teeth looked against the coral of her lips. He found himself laughing along with her as he recounted amusing stories of his ancestors.

  “You are joking!” she exclaimed.

  “Hand to God, I am not,” he told her, his eyes twinkling with laughter. “Henry Moses was a notorious rake in the early eighteenth century. His ability to bed chambermaids and scullery maids was legendary. It caused enough scandal to keep the ton during that time entertained with juicy details. He was also a pirate. So he appeared to be the so called respectable gentleman during the day and one who resorted to pillaging at night. And to make it even worse he did not need the money, he was in it for the thrill.”

  Amani felt a shiver of apprehension as she realized that he was actually talking about her! “Was he ever caught?” she asked him casually, as she leaned back against the chair and sipped her wine.

  “Eventually,” Liam said with a grin. “But he was not imprisoned for long. The family had connections and the ear of the king.” He studied her for a moment. “I have been doing all the talking, how did you accomplish that?”

  “I have a feeling that it is all you,” she told him lightly. “You are a great conversationalist.”

  He ran a long well-manicured finger along the moisture at the side of the glass before looking at her. “I want to be honest with you.”

  “I would like that,” she said, inclining her head.

  “I really like you.”

  “I like you too,” she told him frankly. In fact she had not expected to like him so much and had thought him to be just another handsome face! But he was more, God help her, he was so much more!

  “I also want to make love to you.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She deliberately made her tone amused even though she could feel the pull of attraction at his words.

  “You are an exceptionally beautiful woman and I am attracted to beauty,” he told her lazily.

  “And whatever you want you happen to get,” she guessed.

  He inclined his head. “I have a feeling that you are going to make me work for what I want.”

  She finished sipping the wine and leaned forward onto the table. “What if I tell you that I have no intention of going to bed with you?”

  He frowned at her and then laughed. “Then I would have to ask you why and tell you that I don’t believe you.”

  “Because you have never met a woman who can resist you?’

  He inclined his head without answering.

  “You can have any woman you want Liam, why would you want to work hard to get a woman who does not want to tumble into bed with you?”

  His expression cleared as he stared at her! “Are you a lesbian?”

  Amani stared in shock at the question and then burst out laughing, throwing back her head to expose her long neck and the hollow of her throat. “You certainly give the word arrogance a whole new meaning! Because I do not want to go to bed with you, then I must be gay?” She shook her head.

  “How else would you explain it?” His smile was wide as he stared at her. He really did like her and was prepared to spend the time to break down her resistance, however long it took. He had never met a woman who refused him before and he was intrigued, even if he was a little stymied by it. She had to be attracted to him or what was she doing there in the first place?

  “You are bored and you are looking for something to occupy your time.”

  “I have plenty to occupy my time darling,” he told her. He put away his glass and took her slender hands in his, studying the manicured nails for a moment. “I am prepared to turn up the wattage on my charms.”

  “I thought you were already doing so.” She felt a tingle as his fingers moved over her palms. She had lied to him when she said she was not feeling anything, but she could not let him know that! It was too soon and she had every intention of roping him in before she made her next move. She turned her wrist and realized to her surprise that it was almost 11pm! “I have to go.”

  “Already?” He sounded very disappointed and refused to let go of her hands. “I was thinking that we could take a stroll along the shore.”

  “So that you can take me into your arms and kiss me?”

  He gave a wolfish grin. “Something like that. Unless you are afraid of falling under my spell.”

  She gave his hands a squeeze before pulling away from him and getting to her feet. “That never usually works for me.”

  He got to his feet and came to stand next her, helping her with her jacket, his fingers lingering on her soft skin. “I am very disappointed Amani,” he whispered.

  “I am sure you are.” She ignored the tremors of her body and forced herself to remain casual. He turned her to face him.

  “What can I do to change your mind?”

  “Nothing.” She lifted a hand and placed it on his chest, feeling the muscles flex. “But you can try and work your magic by asking me out again.”

  “I am having a summer fling on my yacht next Saturday. How about coming as my guest and bringing a swimsuit or maybe no swimsuit at all?”

  “Will there be other people there?”

  “Unfortunately, yes,” he said with a woeful sigh that had her smiling. “But I can take you into the master suite where we would be assured the utmost privacy,” he added hopefully.

  “So you would try to seduce me right there with people all over the boat?”

  “You are right,” he admitted. “When I seduce you I want it to be just us. So you see you will be safe if you come to the party.”

  “I will let you know.” She slid her hand up and around his neck and his heart slammed into his chest when she touched her lips briefly to his. His hands slid around her waist with the intention of deepening the kiss but to his maddening frustration she slipped out of his arms. “I will call you,” she told him.

  With a wave of her hand she wove her way between the tables as he stood there looking after her. He chuckled softly as he realized that their positio
ns had been switched. She was the one holding the winning hand and he was the one left with a pair of nothings in his hands!


  “Darling you are not doing justice to my excellent cooking,” Hanson said reprovingly as he sat around the table. It was their usual Thursday night dinner and Amani had almost told him that she did not want to attend, but she knew him well enough to know that he would make an issue out of it.

  Liam had called her two nights ago to talk, but had tried to coax her into going for a ride with him. She refused, realizing with alarm that she had wanted to say yes!

  “What’s on your mind?”

  “I have been invited to a party on Liam’s yacht tomorrow,” she said softly.

  “You already told me that.” He looked at her closely. “You are going of course.”

  Amani shrugged. “I do not want to get too personally involved Hanson and I am wondering how to step up the game. What time frame are we looking at?”

  “No time frame at all. The client is willing to wait until we get it done. So you can take your time.” His light blue eyes searched her face. “You went to dinner with him last Saturday and only gave me a cursory amount of details. How was it really?”

  “It was exciting as you would expect. Liam Moses knows how to really make a woman feel wanted, no wonder women fall at his feet.”

  “Are you one of them?” Hanson asked her shrewdly.

  Amani laughed self-consciously as she reached for her glass of wine. “It’s just a job for me, Hanson.”

  “So you say darling, but you look as if you want it to be much more than that. Liam Moses is a connoisseur of beautiful things darling and you are an exceptionally beautiful woman whom he is obligated to make his own for a very short time. You know his history.”

  “I know what I am doing.”

  “You like him.”

  Amani shrugged. “He is easy to talk to.”

  “And I have a feeling that this is the first time Liam Moses ever had 'just conversation' with a woman.” Hanson’s tone was amused. “He has broken more hearts than any man I have ever heard about and I need to warn you not to be taken over by his charms. He is an expert at getting what he wants darling and now that he has decided that he wants you, he is not going to stop at anything to get you.”


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