Falling For The Single Dad Surgeon (A Summer In São Paulo Book 2)

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Falling For The Single Dad Surgeon (A Summer In São Paulo Book 2) Page 12

by Charlotte Hawkes

  Or perhaps that was just his wishful thinking.

  ‘It’s up to you, Jake. You can be as close as you want to. The question of whether you bring him into the jungle or not is more about the symptom than the cure. If you want that connection, then yes, you just need to approach Brady like he’s more than a seven-year-old kid. And yes, you need to talk to him, ask him what he wants. But more than that, I should imagine, you need to talk to him about his mother. Because you’re the only connection he has left to her now.’

  ‘Maybe you’re right—when we get back to the city, I’ll take him out for something to eat and we’ll talk.’

  ‘One more night after this one and then you talk. Really talk,’ Flávia added fiercely, the second greatest champion Brady had ever had.

  As though she truly cares, Jake thought as he stared past the confines of his shelter roof, and to the vast night sky beyond.


  FLÁVIA HURRIED INTO Maria and Luis’s pool house, and froze.

  She’d intended to drop off large towels whilst Jake was filling Brady in on the two days of their short jungle expedition. Either that, or Brady would have been filling Jake in on his first ever sleepover in her sister’s mad household.

  She hadn’t expected to be faced with the sheer mouthwatering sight of Jake standing in the kitchen with only a tiny towel around his waist, his dark hair still slick from the shower.

  ‘Where’s Brady?’ she managed, her tongue suddenly too thick for her mouth.

  ‘Maria took them all out for ice cream. Apparently, she’d promised them this morning and she hadn’t expected us back until much later.’

  ‘Oh. Right.’

  ‘She made a point of telling me that they wouldn’t be back for a few hours.’

  ‘Oh,’ Flávia repeated. Then, as the import of his words sank in, she felt the flush creep up her body. ‘Oh.’

  ‘She isn’t the most subtle, your sister.’ Jake grinned suddenly.

  ‘No. Not at all. Anyway, I... I thought you might need these,’ she offered redundantly, edging forward to slide the towels onto a bar stool before edging backwards again.

  But only a few steps, her body resisting all instructions from her brain to turn around and leave.

  The revelations of two nights ago had been more than she’d expected, and at times she’d even convinced herself that there was something arcing between them again. She’d even been waiting—hoping—for something to happen out there. A loaded glance, maybe. Or even a stolen kiss. But ultimately, nothing had happened.

  She’d told herself it was for the best. That her...dalliance with Jake had been over after that one night together and now she was just trying to be a good friend to him. And to Brady. But right now Jake was standing metres from her, practically naked, his lightly tanned skin shimmering from the water. Worse, with a hungry gleam in his eye that seemed to perfectly match the roar inside her.

  Try as she might, it was impossible to stop her eyes from skimming their way down his body. From the sharp lines of his jaw, over the impossibly contoured ridges of his abdomen and to the deep V which disappeared tantalisingly below the fluffy, white material.

  She didn’t want to be his friend. She wanted more than that.

  And she wanted it too much.

  Flávia swallowed. Once. Twice. Dragged her eyes back up to where they ought to be. But they didn’t quite make it, and instead she found herself staring at some point around his collarbone, forcing her mouth into more mundane conversation.

  ‘I thought you’d still be telling Brady about your jungle adventure, as he calls it.’

  ‘Brady said he’d rather hear about it when you’re there.’ The wry smile was almost her undoing. ‘He thinks I might miss important fauna details.’

  Flávia tried to laugh, but it came out slightly choked. Her heartbeat was frantic. Her skin felt like it was too tight for her own body, and between her legs was molten.

  ‘You will need to get the details right.’

  ‘Don’t I know it?’ He flashed her a smile which felt like it was shot through with lust, and the air thickened in the room around them.

  She ought to leave. The door was right behind her. But she still couldn’t seem to get her feet moving.

  ‘Do you want a drink?’ She didn’t even realise she’d started moving again until she found herself in the kitchen area. ‘There should be something in the fridge.’

  Then she was standing in front of him, so close that she could imagine reaching her hands out to flatten them against those oh-so-appealing abdominal muscles. Her palms prickled with the effort of resisting. And then she lifted her head, their gazes colliding, his eyes hot, and almost black with desire.

  It was like a catalyst.

  Jake slid one hand into her hair—still wet from her own shower—and hauled her to him, his head bowing so that his mouth could claim hers and at last—at last—they were kissing again.

  Only, Jake didn’t merely kiss her, he dominated her. Deliciously and devastatingly so. Even better than she remembered.

  His mouth claimed hers with such complete authority, just as electrifying as she remembered. She could feel it deep in her core.

  A heat bloomed right through Flávia.

  She pressed her body against his, her hands gliding over him and revelling in every ridge and every dip, as though she couldn’t get enough. Her entire body shivered when he dipped his fingers into the waistband of her jeans and hooked around her fitted white tee, pulling it up and over her head.

  Then Jake unhooked her bra and removed that, too, her nipples proud as they strained against his chest. The slide of her bare skin over his was almost too delicious, and as he kissed a trail along her jawline and down her neck, his hand skimmed over her to cup one heavy, aching breast.

  Gentle and demanding all at once, driving the sense of anticipation up even further.

  Almost too much to stand.

  He toyed with her, played with her, then let his hands smooth over her skin as if reacquainting himself with every inch of her. From the ridges of her spine to the soft curve of her waist. Only, unlike last time, this felt less urgent.

  More indulgent.

  Without thinking, Flávia reached out and hooked one finger into the waistband of his towel and it fell away with one flick.

  Her mouth went dry in an instant. She hadn’t overplayed her memories of last time as she’d begun to fear she might have, because he was every bit as hard, ready and uncompromisingly masculine as she recalled.

  She didn’t realise he’d swept her into his arms, high against his chest, until he started carrying her through to the bedroom, and all she could do was cling tightly and gaze at him, lost in those impossibly blue depths.

  A thrill coursed through Flávia as he laid her on the bed, and stripped her down with ruthless efficiency. She sank back, expecting him to move alongside her, to cover her body with his own, but suddenly she felt his hands slide under her backside and pull her forward.

  When she looked up, he had already settled himself between her legs, a wicked curve to his lips, and her heart slammed against her ribs.


  ‘Brace yourself, my selvagem. Now it’s time for me to dole out the lessons.’

  Before she could answer, he lowered his head and used his tongue to trace the line up the inside of her raised thigh only to stop a breath short of her core. Then he tracked his way back down the other thigh.

  It was the sweetest torment she thought she’d ever known.

  Again and again he teased her, stoking her desire, making her lift her hips in anticipation each time, only for him to skim over where she needed him most. She threaded her fingers through his hair, unable to help herself.

  ‘Anyone would think you didn’t know how to hit your mark,’ she grumbled breathlessly on his third time over.r />
  ‘Oh, I know how to hit my mark,’ he muttered, his mouth never leaving her skin. So close that she could feel the curve of his wicked smile. ‘You just don’t know how to ask for it nicely.’

  She lifted her head to glare at him, but this time, when he reached the top, he paused, and looked at her.

  ‘Still, maybe I should prove it to you.’

  Then he dipped his head and licked his way into her. Jettisoning her into pure sensation.

  He tasted her, over and over, using his tongue like the most exquisite weapon against her. Licking her, sucking her and making that hot thing in her belly pull tighter, more hectic.

  She rode them out for as long as she could, these desperately perfect sensations. And when she didn’t think she could bear it any longer, he sucked harder and slid one finger deep inside her.

  Flávia broke apart. Splintering into a million tiny fragments which she didn’t think she’d ever be able to put back together. No one had ever made her feel like this. So wanton. So alive.

  By the time Flávia came back to herself, it was to find Jake lying next to her, propped on one arm and watching her, his expression entirely too self-satisfied for her liking. She’d been entirely too lost in the moment and she felt the flush of embarrassment creeping over her.

  ‘That was hardly balanced.’ She was going for prim, but her raspy voice fell far too short of the mark.

  ‘You aren’t really complaining.’

  Less of a question, more of a statement.

  Unable to answer, she merely reached for him, pulling him onto her. Letting him haul her into his arms beneath him, and settling himself between her legs like he was meant to be there.

  And, so help her, that yearning in her swirled around all the more. Coiling tighter every time he nudged against her entrance, making her want to lose herself all over again. Not that she could, surely? Not so soon?’

  Flávia shifted her hips, trying to find out, and a low sound escaped the back of Jake’s throat.

  ‘Careful, Flávia,’ he warned.

  Could it be that he wasn’t as in control as he was pretending to be?

  The realisation stirred through her. She tried it again with the same result. Lifting her legs, Flávia wrapped them, with deliberate ease, around Jake’s hips and wriggled around him.

  ‘If you keep doing that, I’m not going to be responsible, my selvagem,’ he growled.

  She felt heady, too close to the edge. Again. Already.

  ‘Who says I want you to?’ she murmured, meeting his eyes as he looked at her.

  Then he held her gaze as he thrust into her. Long, and slow, and deep, as her lungs expelled every last bit of air in a soft, juddering sigh, before drawing back out again.

  ‘Again,’ she choked out, her arms looped around his neck and her legs still locked around his waist. And he complied with devastating control once. Twice.

  Each time, she could feel herself adjust to him, tighten around him, and then he started to set the pace. Steadily at first, but building quickly, the fire raging wildly under every inch of her skin. And Flávia, already halfway there from what he’d already done with her oh-so-compliant body, clutched tightly and surrendered to him.

  In. Out. Faster and faster, taking her higher than she’d ever been, until he was driving her straight to the edge, and her body was shaking as she begged him not to stop.

  Never to stop.

  So good that she could almost cry.

  When he slid his hand down between them, it was like a ball of flames shooting straight through her veins, and he finally took her over the edge.

  For one long moment, she felt herself floating there, and there was nothing but a white heat rushing headlong towards her. And then it hit, and she started falling—spinning and somersaulting over and over as she tumbled into the blissful abyss, calling Jake’s name.

  And as he followed her, this time he called her name, too.

  * * *

  By the time she woke, several hours later, she was alone in the bed.

  She glanced around for Jake, even listening out for the sound of him moving around in the main lounge, but it was silent out there. Of course, he would have had to take Brady home. She’d lost track of time, but he couldn’t afford to. Their lives were so very different.

  Sitting up, Flávia threw her feet over the edge of the bed and moved gingerly forward. Her body ached in places which hadn’t ached for too long; they’d been intimate twice more after that first time. But, crucially, it was her heart which ached the most.

  She glanced tentatively around the bedroom—the supposed scene of the crime—but even though she had no idea how Jake was going to treat her the next time she saw him, she couldn’t say that she regretted what had happened.

  Scanning further, she’d been surprised, even touched, to see her clothes folded over the chair in the corner of the room rather than dropped around the place as they’d left them. But then it occurred to her that he hadn’t done it for her, but to ensure than Brady didn’t see anything when they’d all returned home after their ice-cream trip.

  Quickly, she grabbed a shower—Jake had thought to place the towels she’d brought in the bathroom—and dressed, before hurrying out to the main house. And straight into her sister, who eyed her knowingly.

  ‘Good afternoon?’

  ‘Great,’ Flávia replied loftily. ‘And yours?’

  ‘Well, I got honeycomb ice cream, so I can’t complain.’

  Flávia waited for Maria to say anything more. Unreasonably disappointed when she didn’t.

  ‘Did you...um...see Jake before he left?’

  ‘Well, now that you come to mention it, I do believe I did.’

  Another pause. It seemed that her sister was going to make her fish for every detail.

  ‘And did he say anything?’

  Maria cocked her head speculatively.


  ‘Uh-oh.’ Flávia forced herself to grin. ‘I know that tone—it’s never a good one.’

  ‘No.’ Maria shook her head. ‘It’s not like that.’

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘You’re not falling for this guy, are you?’

  ‘Of course not,’ Flávia scoffed. But even to her own ears her voice was too bright. Too high.

  ‘Oh, Livvy.’

  ‘I’m not.’

  ‘This is all my fault.’ Maria shook her head, her hand reaching out to stroke Flávia’s cheek.

  Flávia pulled away sharply. ‘I’m not falling for Jake. You told me to have a little fun, that night of the gala, remember? So that’s what I’m doing. I’m having a little fun.’

  ‘You’re falling for him.’

  ‘No,’ Flávia denied.

  Only in that instant she realised, with blinding clarity, that she was lying.

  ‘You can’t fall for him, Livvy. He’s leaving. In a matter of weeks,’ Maria pointed out forcefully.

  ‘I know that.’

  So why did it now press so heavily on her chest that she felt as though she was suffocating?’

  ‘Do you? Because I’ve never seen you like...this before, Livvy.’ Maria swirled her arm in Flávia’s general direction. ‘Not even with Enrico. And if I’m right, then you’re setting yourself up for the hardest fall of your life.’

  ‘You’re wrong.’ Flávia crossed her arms obstinately. ‘I know the situation. Jake is going back to England, and I’m going back to the jungle.’

  ‘And he will be going, Livvy.’

  ‘I know, Maria.’ Flávia rolled her eyes. ‘Look, it was only supposed to be a bit of fun that night. But then this happened—and do I need to remind you that you’re the one who encouraged it, with your “we won’t be back for hours” comment? But that’s it now.’

  ‘I encouraged you before I realised you were in so deep,’
Maria censored.

  ‘Well, I’m not. Look, I’ve had fun, but now it’s done. I doubt I’ll even see Jake again before the closing dinner.’

  ‘Is that right?’ Her sister pulled a suspicious face.

  ‘It is,’ Flávia concluded firmly.

  ‘Well, you won’t care that he asked you to meet him tomorrow, then.’

  As bait went, it was a powerful one. Flávia felt her heart stop. Then lurch. She glared at Maria, who looked equally defiant.

  ‘Meet where?’ she demanded.

  ‘What does it matter?’


  Okay, so she was in deeper than even she had realised. But she knew there was a deadline to their relationship.

  Jake would be leaving. And as long as she remembered that, she could certainly handle anything else.

  ‘Where does he want me to meet him, Maria?’

  Maria pursed her lips and then finally relented.

  ‘For breakfast, at the café opposite Paulista’s.’


  ‘About seven.’

  Flávia drew in a breath and tried to rein in the galloping in her chest.

  ‘Thank you,’ she told her sister at last.


  ‘I know,’ she cut her sister off, moderating it with as gentle a smile as she could manage. ‘I’ll be careful.’

  Only, Flávia had a feeling she was already further gone than she would ever have wanted to be. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to care.


  ‘DID YOU TELL your uncle what you saw on the adventure trail yesterday?’ Flávia asked Brady as he finished his eggs and sat back, replete.

  Brady wrinkled his nose.

  ‘Uncle Jake isn’t like us. He doesn’t like animals—he only likes his hospital work.’

  There was no animosity in the boy’s tone, no making a point, just a simple statement of fact. Which arguably made it all the more damning an indictment, as though for every three steps forward he seemed to be making with his nephew, they then took two steps backwards.

  But before Jake could say anything, Flávia cut in, her voice light and encouraging.


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