Book Read Free


Page 9

by Cara E Holt

  Chapter Nine.

  “Well, well.” I comment. “This has to be a first for you Grayson. No girl to dig your claws into today.”

  His lips twitch as if threatening a smile. “I had my fun last night Manchester. I had a hot female body wrapped round me all night.”

  I gulp. “Poor girl.”

  “Ah I don’t think she felt poor. The way she moaned my name, I’m pretty sure she felt like a pretty lucky girl actually.”

  Owen laughs. “Who was the lucky girl this time?”

  He shrugs his eyes not leaving mine. “No one. She just happened to be in the right place, at the right time.”

  I let out a laugh. “You are pathetic.”

  I feel Lottie and the boys looking from me to Grayson silently. “Ah, come now Manchester, I think you can come up with a better word than that. I’m a real giver, wouldn’t you say?”

  I shrug and continue to glare at him. “I wouldn’t know, and I don’t ever intend to find out.”

  He taps his nose. “Your nose is growing Manchester. Lie after lie.”

  Owen coughs. “Who wants a game of pool?” he asks climbing out of the hot tub. “Lottie you in? Ben? Let’s leave these two to their little war of words hey.”

  Before I can protest, they all leave the hot tub and head out through the door, leaving me alone in the hot tub with him.

  “You’re a dick posh, you know that?”

  He moves so quickly that I don’t have time to register him doing so. He grabs me and lifts me onto his lap. I move to get off him and he holds my hips in place.

  “Let me go Grayson.” I demand.

  “Why do you make me so mad Manchester? Why do you make me want to fuck all the words out of that smart mouth of yours?”

  My mouth hangs open in a big ‘O’. “I thought you said I would have to beg.”

  I can feel his eyes on my lips. “Fuck begging.” He replies as his lips crash into mine.

  I should resist, I should tell him to go fuck himself, but I don’t. I kiss him back just as hard, I rock my hips against his and I cling on to him for dear life. This is what I have wanted all day, this is what I have done nothing but think about since I uncurled myself from that sofa we slept together on. Grayson and I are like two waves that crash against each other, one trying to out-do the other.

  “The others.” I mumble against his lips.

  “Fuck the others.” He replies as his hand dips inside my bikini briefs and I tip my head back desperate to feel him inside me. When he slips a finger inside me I groan, the he adds another, and I ride his hand harder. I feel him move my bikini top to one side and then his mouth sucks on one nipple and then the other.

  “We can hate each other Manchester, but we can do this too.” He says blowing a cool breath over one nipple that has me biting my lip hard.

  “I need inside you sweet cheeks.” He whispers against my neck as he softly kisses me. I feel him tug my briefs down and off and the feel him lose his swim short, his erection pressing into my stomach. We shouldn’t be doing this, it is way too fast, but I know right now, that I can’t stop this, there is no going back.

  “Damn my johnnies are in my wallet.” He groans as he nibbles on my ear.

  “Are you clean?” I ask him. He stops his assault on my ear and looks at me, slightly insulted.

  “I’ve never not used protection.”

  “Me either. I erm, I’m safe, I don’t have periods.” He looks at me slightly surprised but then nods and lifts me slightly back and then lowers me slowly onto him. We don’t take our eyes off each other as he slips inside me. Oh, holy hell, we sit silently for a second drinking in the feeling and then Grayson rocks my hips and I move.

  “Fuck Ev. You feel so good.”

  I tip my head back and rock myself on him. So, this is what good sex feels like? He grips my ass tightly and whispers my name. My lips find his and I kiss him deeply, needing to feel him everywhere. I move faster, and he moves my hips encouraging me to move faster until I can feel myself building up to my release.

  “Fuck Gray.” I whisper, biting my lip. He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him.

  “I want to see you come Ev. Look at me when you come.” And then I cry out as I fall over the edge. My eyes not leaving his. I feel him tense inside me. “Fuck baby, I’m close. Don’t stop moving.” I rock my hips faster and then he explodes inside me and we come to a breathless halt.

  He rest his forehead on mine. “Fuck.” He groans.

  “I can’t believe I just had sex with you, in a hot tub.”

  He laughs and kisses my nose. “Me either.”

  “Anyone could have walked in.” I say biting my lip, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “Makes it exciting, huh?” he waggles his eyebrows at me and I nod blushing.

  “You are so fucking adorable.” He laughs, ruffling my hair. He lifts me gently off him and hands me my bikini briefs and he pulls his shorts back on. “We should go find the others, they’ll start to notice we have been gone a while.”

  I nod and suddenly feel uncomfortable. “Don’t.” He tells me as he pulls me to him. “Don’t look like that. Like what we just did was wrong Ev. Because it was so fucking right.”

  “But we hate each other.”

  He grins at me. “I’m pretty sure I don’t do that with people I hate.”

  I nod and run my hand nervously through my tangled hair. “Maybe now we have done it and got it out of our system we can, you know move past whatever this is.”

  He bobs his head from side to side. “Maybe.”

  I join the others first. Finding Lottie and the two boys playing pool. Lottie is laughing and joking with Owen and I can’t help but notice some playful banter between them.

  Grayson strolls in five minutes later looking all cool and relaxed and not like he just fucked my brains out in the hot tub.

  “You want a game Grayson? Me and Lottie against you and Everly.”

  “Sure.” He replies, grabbing a cue and handing me one. Our eyes meet as he passes it to me and I bite my lip giving him a quick shy smile. He grins at me and putting his hand on my hip brushes past me.

  I take my gaze from him and find Lottie watching me with a strange smile on her face.

  “What?” I ask her innocently.

  “Nothing.” She winks. “Prepare to lose, because I am a legend at pool.”

  “Oh, fighting talk.” I laugh. Who knew Lottie had a competitive streak.

  Owen and Lottie beat us easily and I feel a lot of that falls on me, as Grayson can play.

  “Looks like you picked the wrong partner.” I tell him joking. He smiles back, leaning back against the wall.

  “No, I don’t think so. I think we play well together.” His insinuation isn’t lost on me and I shake my head and laugh.

  Monday morning rolls around far too fast. I actually feel hungry this morning and manage to finish off two slices of toast and a waffle.

  “Grayson is picking us up this morning.” Dom tells me.

  “He is?” I reply looking up surprised. “How come?”

  “My cars going in for its service.”

  Great. I hadn’t slept properly last night. My thoughts had been all about him. His lips, his eyes, him. I was in so much trouble. My theory that us having sex might solve things was a pile of crap because now, I just craved him more. He was fast becoming a drug I was addicted to. My resolve hadn’t lasted long. I met him a week ago and swore he would never get between my legs. I should feel ashamed I guess, but I don’t. I wanted him, and he wanted me and there is nothing wrong with what we did. I chug down my juice and dash back upstairs to check my appearance. Making sure my hair is okay. I add a touch of blusher to my cheeks.

  “What are you doing Everly?” I ask myself in the mirror. A car horn beeps outside and my heart backflips in anticipation of seeing him. I need to take myself into a corner and have a word with myself!

  Grayson’s car is a black Audi. Music plays loudly, and he leans on his open windo

  “Morning Manchester.” He greets me winking.

  Giving him a shy smile I climb in the back. “Shut up and drive Posh.”

  This rewards me with his laugh and giving me one last look in the mirror he moves down the drive.

  “Someone’s in a good mood.” Dom observes. “You get lucky or something?”

  “I got lucky alright.” He admits grinning, and from my seat in the back I blush and allow my hair to fall over my face.

  “Gross guys.” Abi pipes up from beside me. “Can you not talk about this shit when I’m around.”

  “Yeah I agree.”

  “You mean you don’t want to hear how this girl rocked my world yesterday.”

  “Who was it. Was it that girl Lauren? Owen said you disappeared for a while?”

  Grayson shakes his head. “No, it wasn’t Lauren.”

  I see Dom waiting for him to say more and he looks kind of shocked when Grayson turns up the radio thus ending the conversation.

  We pick Izzy up and she squeezes into the back with me and Abi. We park up at school and all climb out of the car. No sooner is Grayson out the car, when a girl with black shoulder length hair comes over to him and whispers in his ear.

  I see him look very briefly over at me. “Erm, I’m kind of busy this morning.” He walks away and leaves the girl stood there speechless.

  “Are you ill?” I hear Dom ask him when he witnesses him turning down a girl propositioning him.

  “I told you I got my fill yesterday.”

  Dom laughs and throws an arm around his shoulder as they walk ahead of us. “I need to shake this girls hand if she leaves you in this good a mood.”

  Grayson laughs. “I’m keeping her to myself, for now.”

  We enter school and Izzy kisses Dom and heads off for drama, leaving just the three of us. Grayson looks at me. “You walking to English.”

  I nod in response and look at Dom. “Okay, I’ll catch you later.”

  I fall into step beside Grayson and we walk silently side by side. I am so conscious of him beside me, it’s like my body is hyper aware of his presence. My greedy body is already hungry for him. We are half way down the upper corridor when Grayson stops and looks up and down the corridor and throwing open a door at our side grabs my hand and drags me inside. He pushes the door closed and cages me in against the wall.

  “I can’t fucking help myself.” He admits before his lips crash down on mine. This is what I needed. This is what my body was starving for. I groan into his mouth and kiss him back.

  “What are we doing Grayson?” I whisper against his lips.

  He pulls away from me. “I can’t stay away from you Ev. We can pretend out there, but I need this.”

  I nod biting my lip as he lifts my legs, so I’m wrapped round him. “It can be our secret.” I suggest, and he nods firmly as he kisses me.

  “Out there we are enemies, but alone we are this, okay?”

  I nod as my lips find his again and all conversation is forgotten about for a few quick minutes before the school bell rings.

  We both make it to class in time. Grayson leaves the cupboard first and then I follow a minute later. He is sat in his chair when I walk in, chewing on his pen. I slip into the seat in front of him and pull out my I-pad. I feel his foot tap against mine and he leaves it there resting against my foot under my seat. I sit through two hours of having him sat behind me. Two hours of feeling his presence and having to ignore it. Lunchtime rolls around and I grab my lunch and head for my usual table. As I’m passing his table, he sticks his leg out blocking my path.

  I look at him and roll my eyes. “Move it Posh.”

  He grins at me. “Now, now, Manchester. That isn’t very nice. I just wanted to talk to you.” All the rugby lads sit listening to our exchange.

  I sigh and tap my foot. “And what could we possibly have to talk about Grayson?”

  He winks. “Lots of things. You can sit with us if you want.”

  I laugh. “I’m so flattered.” I put my hand over my heart. “Thanks, but no thanks, I’d like to keep my food down.”

  A few of his friend’s snigger and Grayson’s lips twitch. He pulls his leg back under the table. “Go on then, run along Manchester.”

  I take my seat beside my friends and surprisingly no one asks me about my exchange with Grayson which is fine with me. I needed to stop thinking about that guy.

  The next week passes like this. In public we snipe and have a go at each other and then we sneak make out sessions in cupboards or empty classrooms whenever we can. I know this game we are playing will lead to trouble, but I can’t stop it, not now.

  It’s Friday and after a full day of sixth form I arrive home and throw myself on my bed and get some homework done. Sophie shouts me down for tea, so I quickly pack my books away. It’s as I stand from my bed that I notice the cover and pillow cases have been changed. My heart drops and I lift my pillows and it isn’t there! I can’t breathe, the panic consumes me. Choking on a sob I fly downstairs. Everyone is sat around the table chatting.

  “My room. Who’s been in my room?” I ask my voice sounding slightly hysterical.

  Sophie looks up at me. “Ruby, our cleaner has been in today.”

  “Oh god no.” I say painfully, raking my fingers through my hair and rocking on the spot. “She took it. It was the one thing I had left.” I feel a tear run down my cheek.

  Sophie stands looking concerned. “What did she take Everly? I don’t understand.”

  “My Mum’s jumper.” I scream at her, now hysterical. “It smells of her. I can’t sleep without it, without being able to smell her.”

  My father stands up full of concern. “Oh, love I’m so sorry. Ruby must have stuck it in the wash”

  “No, no, no. I can’t deal with this.” I turn on my heels sobbing and run out the front of the house, just as a black Audi pulls up. I yank open the passenger door and climb in.

  “Get me out of here, please Grayson.” I ask him with tears running freely down my face. He doesn’t question me, he just slips the car into reverse and heads back out the drive.

  Chapter Ten.

  We ride silently for a few minutes before Grayson’s phones rings. He presses the button on the main screen in the car to take the call.

  “Grayson, are you near mine. Everly just bolted from the house. We don’t know where she’s gone.”

  Grayson looks at me as he replies. “She’s here in my car Dom, I have her safe. She’s not ready to come back yet.”

  “Shit G. Our cleaner washed her mum’s sweater. She went into meltdown.”

  I feel Grayson’s eyes on me and he reaches over and squeezes my hand. “I’ll look after her man. If anyone understands this, it’s me.”

  I hear Dom breathe a sigh of relief. “Just take care of her okay?”


  We drive another five minutes in silence and I look up at him puzzled as we park outside a cemetery.

  “Is this a joke? Because if so it isn’t funny.” I tell him drying my eyes with the sleeve of my sweater.

  “I want to show you something.” He climbs out of the car and I follow him out. He climbs over the metal gate and hangs at the top holding his hand out for me. “Come on.”

  Sighing I put my foot up and climb up. I reach the top and he helps me over and I jump down.

  “I hope you know I’m not making out in a cemetery.”

  He laughs and takes my hand in his and tugs me along the path. We weave through the night, through gravestones old and new. This place is creepy at night and it’s also a little chilly. We come to a stop before a grave. He gestures with his head for me to look at the headstone. The expensive looking headstone says ‘Charlotte St. Clair beloved mother and wife.’

  “My mum.” He tells me. His voice flat. “She took her own life when I was nine years old.”

  “Oh god Gray. I’m sorry.” I reach out from my side and grab his hand in mine.

  “It’s why I go for counselling. Fi
nding your mum hanging in the garage can I guess, really fuck you up.” He rubs the back of his neck, looking uncomfortable talking about this. “She was tired of my Dad’s affairs. Over the years he chipped away at her soul. She was depressed. So, I guess I’m trying to say, that I get it Ev. I’ve been where you are.”

  “It was the one item of clothing I kept. It smelled of her, of her favourite perfume. It let me feel close to her.” I wipe away a stray tear that falls down my face. “I miss her so much. I can’t sleep at night without her smell and now it won’t smell like her anymore.”

  He nods, kicking at the dirt with his foot. “But it’s still hers, it’s still something she wore. Eventually it would have stopped smelling of her and started smelling of you the more you slept with it.”

  “I know, but it still hurts really bad.”

  He tugs on my hand and pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. “I know Manchester. Come on let’s get out of here.” I lean my head on his shoulder and let him guide me out of there and back into the car. We set off driving and I expect him to take me home, but he doesn’t. Instead we turn into a gated house. That sits in darkness.

  “Your house.”

  He nods as he kills the engine. “Welcome to my casa.” He says smiling sadly.

  “Is no one home?”

  Grayson laughs in response as if I’m asking a silly question. He unlocks the door and holds it open for me. “No, my Dad isn’t here much.”

  I feel a sadness in my heart for this boy. He has no Mum and a Dad who is absent in his life. No wonder he is around at our house so much. I follow him into the hallway. A large expensive modern chandelier hangs from the middle of the room. A large staircase winds up and around to the right.


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