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The Keeper Finds Her Mate

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by Red Phoenix

  The Keeper Finds Her Mate


  Red Phoenix

  The Keeper Finds Her Mate

  Copyright © 2014 by Red Phoenix

  Smashwords Edition

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Book cover design by Viola Estrella; Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

  Big thanks to my betas: Marla, Christina, Becki & Jacque

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Adult Reading Material

  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.



  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Challenging Fate

  A Different Path

  New Understanding

  “You Will Now”

  Forever, Little Flower

  The Light of the Moon


  About the Author Red Phoenix

  Connect with Red on Substance B

  Challenging Fate

  Something felt off, but Layla couldn’t identify what was making her so edgy until she heard the howl of a strange wolf. The other clans were coming…

  Ezra had returned home several nights before, after learning of his mother’s death. He’d warned Layla that although the empire was vast, the news of Mika’s death had traveled quickly. With the Daric clan’s Keeper passing unexpectedly, other clans were intent on sniffing around, hoping to find dissension among the four Alphas.

  Layla suspected that they would come in the guise of condolence and support, but she knew the Daric clan was a prize of great worth. To bring it down would shake the very foundation of werewolf society—and there were many who longed to see it pass.

  She shook off the eerie feeling crawling over her skin and concentrated back on the task at hand. She was gathering the bitter red berries the new healer had requested. Her mother’s death had forced the clan to realign. Just as Layla had taken her mother’s position as Keeper, Holt had reluctantly accepted the role as Healer.

  The sharp prick of a thorn caused Layla to look down. She cursed herself when she saw a red drop form on her fingertip. She brought it to her lips, sucking at the blood with irritation.

  Rushing causes mistakes.

  That had been a favorite saying of Mika’s. Layla looked up at the sky and smiled. “Are you laughing at me, Mama?”

  Her smile faded when she heard the low, throaty rumble behind her. The breeze shifted for a moment and the rank odor of the cat filled her nostrils. She had failed to sense the puma—it would be her undoing.

  Layla felt rather than heard the giant beast leap towards her. In a desperate attempt to survive the encounter, she rolled to her right, but the cat easily caught her in its lethal claws. The cold chill of death flowed through her veins as its teeth rested on her neck. There was no escaping her fate and she whimpered, “Mama…”

  Just as the cat began to close it jaws around her throat, there was a sudden jolt. Merciless claws scraped against Layla’s shoulder as the cat floundered at the sudden impact.

  Layla heard the terrible fight but was too numb to move. The cat screeched in pain and cried out as it was attacked. It was with great relief that Layla heard it scurry off into the woods. She lay there unmoving, still coming to grips with the fact that she had survived.

  She was relieved when Valen came from behind her and began licking the wounds on her back. His warm tongue thawed the icy chill that had settled in her soul. When she didn’t move, he nudged her shoulder with his snout. She was startled to hear an unfamiliar whine.

  Layla turned her head and gazed into ice-blue eyes. “Who…”

  Before she could finish, he sprang away. Moments later, Jerric and Amira bounded up. Her father transformed and began examining her injuries while Amira, the magnificent black wolf, kept watch.

  “What happened, Layla?”

  “Puma… A strange wolf…” she gasped.

  “Strange wolf?” he asked, clearly concerned.

  She pointed feebly in the direction he had run. Jerric nodded to Amira. “Find him.”

  Amira disappeared into the woods while Jerric slowly helped her to her feet. He howled a warning to his people within hearing distance before transforming back into a wolf. Layla gingerly bent down and picked up the pouch of berries before she climbed onto his back with great difficulty. She clamped her legs around his torso as she laid her cheek against his rough fur, closing her eyes. She trembled uncontrollably, struggling to hold on as her body reacted to the aftershocks of the attack.

  Layla fought to keep consciousness as Jerric loped, the rhythmic jolts causing unbearable pain. When he finally arrived at the village, Valen was there to greet them. “What happened?” he demanded.

  Jerric gently lowered Layla to the ground, taking the clothes Renz held out to him after transforming back into human form. He threw them on as he barked, “There is no time to explain. Find Maska. The clans are almost here and we must show a unified front. Triss, join Holt to help get Layla bandaged up. No one must know we are weak.”

  Layla winced inwardly, realizing she had compromised her people by being so careless. Valen stared at her with possessive concern but left without another word.

  Jerric let out a short howl, alerting the Alphas and the clan to gather. An answering howl began in the forest as the ambassadors of several clans converged on the village at once.

  Triss, Layla’s best friend, took charge of her. “First you need to get bandaged up and then we will dress you in new clothes. They cannot see any sign of your wounds.”

  Layla wondered about the wolf who’d saved her, as she struggled out of her leather and allowed Holt to dress her injuries. What clan is he from, and who is he?

  “These are deep,” Holt complained. “It’s a good thing you were collecting the berries you now need.”

  Triss growled, “She wouldn’t need them if she hadn’t been out gathering them for you.”

  “It’s a moot point, Triss,” Layla said, shaking her head. “I should have been more careful. I’m grateful the Healer can remedy my mistake.”

  Layla hissed as Holt cleaned the area and crushed the berries, applying them to her wounds. Together, Triss and he bound Layla tightly in bandages and redressed her.

  “Stand,” Holt instructed.

  Layla did not move, still feeling weak and lightheaded.

  “Stand, Keeper,” he said in a more commanding tone.

  Although he was out of line to speak to her that way, it what was needed at that moment. Layla gathered her strength, sucking in her breath at the excruciating pain as she stood before them.

  “Back straight. Keep your eyes forward and don’t show any expression,” Triss advised. “You look more authoritative when you appear disinterested.”

  Layla nodded. It was sound advice.

  Jerric entered the tent and informed her, “They’re here—the Tavish, Sholto, and Renic clans. Walk out a few moments after I leave here and stand beside me. Do not speak, even if spoken to.”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  He put his warm hand on her cheek, caressing it gently. She could tell by the haunted look in his eye that he understood just how close he’d
been to losing her.

  Layla could hear the clans approaching. She closed her eyes when she heard what she assumed was Bram’s voice as he was the most ambitious and ruthless of the young clan leaders. “Your Keeper is gone. We have come to offer our sympathy and assistance.” His voice had a superior tone to it, one that instantly put Layla on defensive.

  “Our Keeper is here,” Jerric stated firmly.

  Triss lifted the flap of the tent and escorted her out. Layla bit back a groan as she straightened up and walked towards the four Daric clan Alphas and stood next to her father. With a sideways glance, she counted the number of rival clansmen gathered. There looked to be over twenty-four, a dangerously high number of warriors to defend against should they attack as one.

  Bram snorted in disgust. “This is not your Keeper; she is but a child.”

  Layla was surprised by how striking Bram was. His long hair and dark eyes accentuated the strong cheekbones of his face. His attractive appearance clashed with the man she knew him to be.

  Amira spoke up. “She is the new Keeper of the Daric clan.”

  The young rival leader’s voice became as cold as ice. “Do not make fools of us, Amira of the South.”

  Jerric’s reply was remarkably controlled. “Layla performed the Ritual last moon, and will do so again at the next full moon.”

  Bram burst out in cruel laughter as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked Layla over. “You willingly sacrificed your own child?” He turned to his fellow clansmen and snarled in disgust. “Do they expect us to believe such a ruse?”

  “You need not concern yourself with our internal affairs, Bram of Tavish,” Amira replied evenly. “We neither need your approval, nor have we asked for it.”

  Bram stared hard at the three older Alphas but only threw a disparaging glance in Valen’s direction. “Then am I to understand that you are no longer a leader of the Daric Clan, Jerric of the West?”

  “I have stepped down as one of the four.”

  Bram abruptly turned from him. “I do not need to concern myself with betas.”

  Layla wanted to snap at his arrogance but kept her eyes forward and her mouth shut.

  Bram spoke to Amira again. “Considering she is so young, I must ask, is Layla of the West mated?”

  Valen growled. “She is promised, Bram.”

  The young male leader refused to acknowledge Valen but smiled, pounding his chest several times as he announced loudly to the assembly, “I, Bram, leader of the Tavish clan, declare my intention to claim her as mate. It would be an advantageous pairing for both clans.”

  There was an audible gasp in the crowd.

  Layla looked to her father. He shook his head slightly, commanding that she remain silent.

  Maska moved forward protectively, growling in disgust. “Bram of Tavish, our Keeper chooses her mate. It is not a clan decision.”

  “Are you the one who will claim her then, Maska of the East? For I know both Amira and Etan are already mated.”

  Valen barked angrily. “She is pledged.”

  Bram laughed condescendingly. “To you, pup? Don’t make me laugh.” He turned back to Amira. “You have lost your Keeper and your Alpha pack has been compromised. I think we find you in a much more vulnerable state than you lead us to believe.”

  Amira’s voice was low and threatening when he spoke next. “Our Keeper stands before you; the Alpha pack has not been compromised.”

  Bram glared menacingly at Amira, the tension building among the Travish group, and then the young leader laughed.

  “Layla of the West,” he said, addressing her directly as he removed a thick blanket from the pack on his travois, placing it in her arms. “Since you are the one to make the decision, I offer myself as your mate.”

  She yelped silently as the weight of the blanket played havoc with the fresh wounds on her back. Layla stared back at him, keeping a disinterested expression as she struggled to hide her agony.

  An Alpha from one of the other clans spoke up, addressing Layla’s father. “I, Gannon of the Sholto clan, respectfully offer myself as potential mate for your daughter, Jerric of the West.” He added his blanket to the one already in Layla’s hands, then took both from her, handing them over to her father.

  Layla breathed a sigh of relief, wiping away an errant tear that had escaped from the pain of the heavy burden. She caught a whiff of his familiar scent, and looked up into his icy blue gaze.

  My rescuer…

  Amira must have caught his scent too, and nodded discretely to Jerric, alerting him to the identity of the wolf standing before them. This wolf, who had not only saved her from certain death but appeared to be protecting her now.

  Valen was visibly shaking with anger, and growled, “This is an outrage! The Keeper is not open to suitors.”

  Jerric spoke to both Bram and Gannon. “Valen of the West is correct; the Keeper has been promised. However, it is up to her whether she will consider either proposal.”

  Layla’s jaw dropped. What was Papa doing?

  Bram cleared his throat with an air of self-importance. “I’m certain the significance of my offer will not be lost on you, despite your tender age, Layla of the West.”

  She gazed up into his unyielding gray eyes and shuddered inside. Mating with one such as him would be death to her soul.

  “I look forward to her decision,” Gannon stated, then glanced in Layla’s direction. He gave her a little wink before moving back to his men.

  Layla braved a look at Valen. He was glaring at both men, the veins in his neck pulsing with indignation.

  Amira directed the unwanted intruders. “You may set up camp on the eastern side of our village. Our people will see to your needs.”

  “Come, Keeper, we must talk,” Jerric commanded.

  Layla felt a firm hand on her shoulder. She looked up and met Valen’s gaze. There was a mixture of protectiveness and anguish in his eyes. He appeared as shocked by the turn of events as she.

  She dutifully followed her father into their tent, anxious to hear his explanation. Jerric directed Layla to sit on his bedding, but did not join her until he’d finished talking to Holt about her injuries and excused him.

  Layla sat there stunned, desperate to understand the turmoil Jerric had just caused.

  “You did well, daughter.”

  She shook her head, not wanting to hear his praise. “What is going on, Father?”

  Jerric took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. “Layla, for the first time since your mother’s death I see a way out for you. Being the Keeper does not have to be your destiny.”

  “What are you talking about? I am the Keeper.”

  “You have an opportunity to go with Gannon and lead a normal life. The responsibility of the Bonding Ritual does not have to be your burden.”

  Layla was at a loss, his suggestion not making any sense to her. “You want me to leave our clan without a Keeper, Father?”

  “After the last ceremony, I created a list of mated she-wolves in outlying villages who would do. Seeing your distress, my desire has been to relieve of you of this unjust burden.” He looked at her earnestly. “Daughter, we have time to pick a new Keeper before the next moon if we act now. These are experienced she-wolves who are not innocent like yourself.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Father, I am no longer innocent.”

  “You only performed the Ritual once, Daughter. You are still new to the ways of men. That one event does not have to define the rest of your life.”

  She was offended by his statement. “I would never deny my duty to the clan. I’m hurt that you would think I would be disloyal to my people.”

  “You were never meant for this role,” he insisted. “This is not what your mother and I wanted for our little flower. The gods have seen fit to gift you a new path, and I believe you should take it.”

  “But what about Valen, Papa?”

  “Valen was raised to take my place. That is his fate, but fulfilling your mother’s role doe
s not have to be yours.”

  A whole new future opened up to her with his words, but it would also require sacrifice. She would have to leave her people, and mate with a stranger. There was also another element; Layla would be forced to leave Valen behind—a wolf she had come to care for.

  “Give it consideration, Daughter. Tonight I will talk to Gannon. If I find him fit as a mate, I will send him to you tomorrow. Please, Layla, do not discount this opportunity.”

  Layla growled in frustration. “Do you understand what you have done, Papa? You have thrown my entire life up in the air.”

  “I have done nothing other than to present you with a different life’s journey. One more suited to your spirit. It is your choice whether to accept it or not. But I admit that if you chose to leave this clan, I will celebrate in my heart.”

  “And if I decide to stay, Papa?”

  “Then I will know this is the life you have freely chosen, and I will respect your decision.”

  She sighed, staring longingly at the spot where her mother used to sleep. “Although I see the wisdom in having this opportunity to decide for myself, it hurts to even consider it.”

  “Go to your friend, Triss. Spend the night with her and talk this out. I must leave now to speak with Valen.”

  Layla frowned. “Poor Valen…”

  “No,” her father snapped. “He is a Daric Alpha now. His future is tied to the good of the clan; there is no room for sympathy.”

  As Layla watched her father leave, she thought how cruel it was that both she and Valen had been thrust into these adult roles, both having celebrated their rite of passage not that long ago.

  Fate was unkind, in so many ways…

  A Different Path

  Layla did not end up going to see Triss. The only one who could truly understand was her mother, the former Keeper. Only Mika knew the sacrifice involved in being the clan’s Keeper. Only she could appreciate the freedom of running away from such responsibility. Since Mika was dead, she sought out her brother, Ezra.


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