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The Keeper Finds Her Mate

Page 4

by Red Phoenix

  “Come to me…” she whispered.

  “I cannot.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself in a defensive posture, feeling the ache of rejection. “Why?”

  “I’m not allowed because you are Keeper.”

  She shook her head, not understanding. “What difference does that make if I want you?”

  “The Alphas are only allowed to interact with the Keeper during the Bonding Ritual, unless they are mated.”

  Layla smiled, holding her hand out to him. “I won’t tell anyone.”

  “No, I value you too much.”


  His shaft was still rigid, announcing his true desire, but he lectured her. “Layla, if we only uphold the ways of our people when others see, we might as well not honor them at all.”

  Although she appreciated his noble character, it still felt like rejection. She sat up, wrapping her arms around her knees, closing herself up into a tight ball. She made one last attempt to break through his hard exterior, gazing at him beseechingly. “All I want to do is to love you, Valen.”

  He closed his eyes, pain creasing his brow, but he still remained strong and resolute.

  Seeing his reaction changed her understanding of him. Valen wanted her, but he cared too much about the clan and her to give in to his need. It had always been his way.

  Valen was truly a wolf among wolves, and for the first time Layla saw what her mother had seen in him—a true leader, a top Alpha, a mate of considerable worth.

  She stood up in a posture of gratitude and obedience, two feelings that were foreign to her where Valen was concerned until now.

  “You are right. We should return to the village.”

  He stated, “You understand why.”

  She bowed her head to him, without any feelings of internal resistance. “I do, and I agree.”

  The relieved expression on his face gladdened her heart. “That is good, Layla.”

  They transformed into wolves and ran side by side back to the village. She kept glancing at him as they loped next each other. He was handsome as a wolf, with a white chin, neck and chest against a grey and black coat. Those green eyes that had always made her shudder in disgust now called to her soul.

  How had she been so blind to the truth? He was her mate. They were meant for each other—they always had been.

  The moment they reached outskirts of the village, Layla and Valen were met by the three Alphas and escorted to Amira’s tent. His mate, Wynn, gave them food and clothing, making sure they were comfortable before leaving in order that the discussion could begin.

  Layla looked around and was alarmed that her father was not present. The somber look on Amira’s face scared her.

  “Keeper, we are facing a grievous situation. Thank the gods our men were able to uncover Bram’s true intentions. We now must prepare for war.”

  A cold chill washed over Layla.

  He nodded towards Maska, who explained to the group. “Bram intended to kill Gannon and his men if our Keeper had chosen him as her mate. His plans were to make a show of leaving first, but then doubling back and trailing Gannon’s party until they had crossed into their own territory.”

  Layla looked at him in shock. “He planned to kill us?”

  “No, Keeper,” Maska corrected. “You were to be used by the group until they extracted our secret from you. He had every intention of keeping you alive as leverage, knowing he could not hope to survive if you were found dead.”

  Etan was shaking, his face crimson with rage. “I cannot stomach such an act of treachery!”

  Maska shook his head. “It makes no sense strategically, which makes Bram dangerous to the Tethon Empire as a whole. Leaders who strike illogically can cause considerable damage before they are contained.”

  Valen looked at Layla, his expression riddled with guilt. “I was going to let you leave today with Gannon…”

  Amira interjected, “We were all following the Keeper’s wishes. It was her right to step down, and our duty to support it.”

  Still, the troubled look did not leave Valen’s eyes.

  Layla reached out and stroked his clenched jaw. “I was never going to leave, Valen. It was not my fate…our fate.”

  He nodded stiffly, glancing at Maska. “How do we respond to this treachery?”

  Amira answered, “We have already dispensed our finest warriors to watch the borders. Bram’s life will be forfeit if he, or any of his people, cross into our territory.”

  Etan added, “I have also asked our most trusted guards to surround the base of the Sacred Hill during the Bonding Ritual. We cannot run the risk of exposure.”

  Maska leaned in and spoke in hushed tones. “I am certain Bram spoke to members of the clan, seeking dissension. Until he is neutralized, we must treat everyone as a potential enemy of the clan.”

  “No, Maska…” Layla protested.

  His voice was firm. “I am your Battle Sage, Keeper. You must have faith in my judgment.”

  “But to fear and distrust my own people?”

  Etan put his large, sturdy arm around her shoulder. “Above all else, we are charged to protect the clan… even from itself, little Keeper.”

  “Oh Etan, my heart hurts at the thought,” Layla whimpered.

  Valen looked at her with uncharacteristic sympathy. “Until the threat is eliminated, we must remain vigilant. The time of naivety is over for all of us.”

  “There is something else that must be addressed,” Maska stated.

  “Yes,” Amira agreed. “Keeper, you must be mated before the upcoming Bonding Ritual.”

  “Before the ritual?” Layla asked, stunned. “It’s only a few suns away.”

  “Yes, it is absolutely necessary.” Maska explained in the severe voice of an experienced battle leader. “It was due to our Keeper’s unmated status that Bram concocted his plan. We must wipe out that opportunity without delay and announce it to the empire. It is imperative that we present a united front.”

  Etan snorted in agreement. “I concur.”

  Layla looked at Valen, successfully hiding her smile. It seemed fate was shining down on her after all.

  Amira asked respectfully, “Keeper, have you chosen your mate?”

  “I have, Amira. I would be honored to mate with Valen of the West.”

  All three of the Alphas smiled. Layla then snuck a glance at Valen. It was important for her to approach him as a mate and not as his Keeper, so she walked up to the young Alpha and knelt down at his feet.

  “I offer myself as your partner, Valen of the West.”

  She felt her body flow with exhilaration when he knelt beside her and lifted her chin so she could meet his gaze.

  “Layla of the West, this wolf accepts your offer.” He kissed her deeply, sealing the promise.

  “Good,” Etan declared. “It is crucial that the empire know we are one in spirit.”

  Maska came up to Layla after Valen helped her back to her feet. “Keeper, it will be my pleasure to take you after your mating. A she-wolf who has just been mated is delightfully coy.”

  Layla blushed, unsure what he meant.

  Valen turned her around so she was facing him alone, and grinned. “She will cry out my name when you take her, Maska.”

  Amira joined their intimate group. “I beg to differ. It will be my name that will fill the night air.” He looked at her with such intensity that it stole Layla’s breath away. “I have a good feeling about this moon, Keeper.”

  She tilted her head, uncertain what he meant.

  Maska whispered in her ear, “He is the next to take you as wolf.”

  Layla’s loins contracted with desire as she stared at the dark Alpha. Her body’s reaction was disconcerting and unwelcomed, so she quickly glanced away, blocking the erotic image Maska’s words provoked.

  She focused her thoughts on her upcoming mating. The next order of business was to announce to her father their plans to have the mating ceremony before the Bonding Ritual.

  Again, Layla thought it was strange that her father had not attended such an important meeting, but she didn’t question the Alphas. Instead she asked, “Do any of you know where Jerric is?”

  Amira looked uncomfortable, answering somberly, “The last time I saw him, he was retiring to his tent.”

  Layla knew then that something was seriously wrong and excused herself. She was grateful when she saw Valen following closely behind.

  “Papa,” she called out as she burst into the tent.

  He looked up at her, his whole countenance gray and heavy with grief.

  She immediately knelt by his side. “Papa, what’s wrong?” When he refused to answer, she asked, “Is this because of Bram?”

  He nodded, his brow furrowed with guilt and distress. “I never meant to put you in danger, Layla.”

  She smiled gently as she laid her hand on his back. “Papa, none of us suspected Bram was capable of such evil.”

  “But I knew he meant you harm, and I almost handed you over to him in my attempt to protect you from your fate as Keeper.”

  She stroked his back soothingly. “Papa, you did it out of love for me. I know that. There was no malicious intent on your part. Gannon is a good man and would have made an excellent mate. I do not blame you in any way for this.”

  He shook his head violently. “No! I let my emotions overtake my wolf sense. It is the reason I’ve resigned as advisor to the counsel.”

  “No, Papa, please don’t. I still need you!”

  “Daughter, this incident reveals how compromised I am as an advisor to the clan because of my love for you. None of the Alphas were pleased with my decision to allow you to leave the clan, but I insisted and would not listen to reason. Layla, when I imagine what might have happened to—”

  Valen interrupted, entering the tent unannounced with a blanket in hand. He spoke to her father in a formal voice. “Jerric of the West, I am here to formally announce my intention to mate with your daughter, Layla, the Keeper of the Daric Clan.”

  Jerric stood up and accepted the blanket, but his face remained grave. “As the Keeper’s father, I want to accept your proposal, but as Layla’s papa, I reject forcing her to mate as a strategic reaction to this new threat.”

  Layla laughed gently, standing up to kiss her father on the cheek. “Papa, I made the decision to mate with him this morning before I knew any of this. I asked him, Papa. I would be honored to be Valen’s mate.”

  The pain in Jerric’s eyes lessened as he considered their news. Finally, the muscles in his face relaxed, although his expression did not change. “I’m grateful to hear it, Little Flower. Your mother and I…we…we always hoped you would know the fullness of love we had known as a pair.”

  He turned to Valen and spoke with equal formality. “I welcome you into our family, Valen of the West. I know you will look after my daughter well. Not just her physical needs, but those of the heart.”

  “Of course.”

  Then Jerric surprised Layla by slapping Valen lightly on the cheek. “And now you will be my boy.”

  Valen snorted, his hackles going up, but Layla wrapped her arms around his waist, explaining the meaning of Jerric’s words. “Now you will have family, just like I promised.”

  Jerric gave Valen a genuine smile as he lay the mating blanket down on Layla’s sleeping mat. “You will be no different than Ezra to me…son.”

  A strange look came over Valen and he didn’t speak, but he nodded and stared at Layla. She read the emotion behind those guarded eyes. Valen finally knew the feeling of belonging.

  “When is the mating ceremony to take place?” Jerric asked.

  Layla smiled shyly at her father. “Before the Bonding Ritual. Maska insisted.”

  Jerric raised his eyebrow.

  Valen answered his unspoken question. “If we are to stop rumors about the Daric clan not having a secure Keeper, it’s important we act now.”

  Jerric looked at Layla with fatherly concern. “Are you truly ready, Daughter? Once you are mated with Valen, fate as Keeper is sealed.”

  “I am, Papa.”

  Her father sighed deeply and then nodded his head, respecting her decision as he’d promised.

  Jerric put his arms around them. “Then we move forward to complete the family. I will announce to the people that at the setting of the next sun we will celebrate a new mating in the clan.”

  Layla kissed her father’s cheek again, her heart light. “It will be a glorious day.”

  Jerric pressed his forehead against hers. “Yes, my daughter, it will be.”

  Forever, Little Flower

  Layla wore the Keeper’s dress for her wedding. It had been suggested by the Alphas as a reminder to the clan that despite current events, she was and would remain their Keeper.

  Her friend, Triss, lifted the long, white leather gown over her head and let it slip into place. As she laced and tightened up the back, Layla’s womanly curves took shape in the dress. Although it had only been a month since she’d first worn it, Layla could have sworn she fit it better and looked more like a mature woman.

  She ran her hand over the beaded front of the gown. No one in all of the empire had a dress as exquisite as this, with its soft white leather and precious stone beads sewn in. It was a treasure of the Daric Clan—a visual symbol of their rich history. She indulged herself because Triss was the only one there, and twirled in it, loving the way the dress flowed beneath her. It was unseemly for the Keeper to act so childishly, but just this once Layla chose to act as young as she felt.

  The elder women came in to braid her long hair and place petals throughout the braided creation. Layla trusted that when they were finished, she would be the most beautiful girl in the empire—at least for this one special night.

  She closed her eyes and savored the feel of their fingers in her hair, their light touches sending shivers down her spine. She loved all the attention and the fact that soon she would be mated to Valen. Even though they had been intimate before, because of the unusual circumstances, she still felt like a virgin with him.

  Layla looked over at Triss and giggled. “I’m nervous.”

  One of the elders clicked her tongue in amusement. “All she-wolves are nervous about their first mating. Take my advice—drink the spirits they give you and close your eyes.”

  Layla wanted to laugh. What did the old woman think they did at the Bonding Ritual, share war stories under the glow of the moon?

  One of the other ladies scoffed. “Don’t listen to Zeebus. Your first mating is a wonderful connection that cannot be surpassed. I’m happy for both of you; after tonight you will be one in body and spirit.”

  Layla kissed her weathered cheek and that of the other elder. “I’m happy to mate with such a strong and honorable Alpha.”

  “And handsome, too,” the oldest blurted. The entire tent erupted in laughter, which caused Jerric to peek his head inside.

  “What’s happening here? This does not sound like solemn preparations for a mating.”

  “They are solemn, Papa,” Layla assured him, “but lighthearted in spirit because I am so happy.”

  He smiled down at her. “I have a gift for you, Little Flower.” Jerric slipped her a small object wrapped in rabbit’s fur and whispered, “I didn’t think she would mind,” before exiting the tent.

  Layla slowly unwrapped the fur and held back tears when she saw it was a decorative hair piece her mother used to wear. Normally, all objects of the dead were burned to return them to their owner. But Papa had kept this so that Mika could be part of her daughter’s mating ceremony.

  Oh, Mama… Layla kissed it tenderly before handing the comb over to the nearest elder. The woman treated it with subdued reverence as she added it to the bouquet on Layla’s head.

  “You look like a goddess, Keeper,” Triss said in admiration when they were done.

  Layla stood up and bowed before the women. “I meet my future mate with confidence he will find me irresistibly pleasing. Thank y

  The women twittered like small birds and then left the tent to inform the clan that the ceremony could begin. Layla looked at Triss and shook her head. “In some ways, I am shocked I’m mating Valen.”

  “We all knew you would. Even when the handsome Gannon came to stake his claim, we knew you would never leave with him.”

  “How could you be so sure, when I wasn’t?”

  Triss shrugged. “You are the Keeper and Valen was destined to be your mate.”

  Layla giggled as she rubbed noses with her best friend. “Well, it turns out that you are far wiser than me.”

  Triss blushed and giggled. “Oh, Keeper…”

  How grateful Layla was that her mother had directed her with a dream. How could she have even considered leaving her family and friends behind?

  Triss lifted the tent flap and Layla made her big entrance. The entire clan fell silent as Jerric came up to her and offered his arm. Together they walked to the center of the village, where Valen was waiting for her beside a large pile of wood, the three Alphas standing at a respectful distance behind him. The entire village encircled the area with smiling faces.

  This truly was a joyous time for the people—their future secure and a mating to celebrate. Few understood that the darkness of war was looming in the background, and she wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible.

  Layla pushed away the dark thoughts, concentrating instead on the man who stood before her. Valen stared at her possessively with those piercing green eyes. She felt butterflies start, knowing that in a few minutes she would be his in every way for eternity.

  Jerric led her up to stand beside Valen and then Amira addressed the people.

  “As has been our way for generations, we honor those who have come before us with a fire.”

  Several clansmen lit the pile of wood and the flames quickly took over, leaping into the air, reaching upwards towards the now darkening sky. Layla reached up and lightly caressed the comb in her hair, saying a silent prayer for her mother.

  The ceremony itself was simple; it was the celebration afterwards that took the entire night. Everyone enjoyed a good mating ceremony…


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