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Wicked Beat

Page 12

by Olivia Cunning

Page 12

  Author: Olivia Cunning

  “But I can’t have sex with you. ”

  “Oh. ” He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t return his attraction.

  “I want to do other things with you though. ”

  “Other things?”

  “I really like it when you watch me. ”

  “You do?”

  “I do. ”

  His heart thudded with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. “Can I watch you again, right now?”

  “If you promise you’ll be okay with no sex. ”

  He didn’t have a problem with that, but he wondered why she was reluctant. “Why don’t you want to have sex? Are you a virgin or something?” He covered his mouth with one hand. Why did things fly out of his mouth like that?

  “Something. ”

  “What kind of something?”

  “I don’t want to say. ”

  “You can tell me. ”

  Her body was all stiff beneath him now. She sighed in exasperation. “I’m totally out of the mood now. ”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet. ”

  She chuckled. “Too late for that. ”

  “I should leave, I suppose. ”

  “Or you can get me excited again. ”

  “I’m not sure I’m the right man for the job. ”

  “What do you mean?” Her fingers brushed his hair in the darkness, and he shuddered.

  “I’m not good at it. Not like the other guys. I get too excited too easily. ”

  “I like that about you. ”

  “You do? I always come way too fast. ”

  “Lots of guys do. ”

  Maybe, but none of the guys in Sinners did. They were all fucking studs, and Eric felt like more of a dud. He remembered how happy he’d been when Jace had joined the band. Vertically challenged guys were supposed to be lacking in the package department. When Eric had seen the size of Jace’s massive cock for the first time, he had contemplated suicide.

  “Maybe we can help each other out,” she whispered.

  “Help each other? How?”

  She took a deep breath. “Maybe you can help me relax and get comfortable with my body again, and I can help you

  last longer. ”

  “What’s wrong with your body?” Looked perfect to him. Felt perfect too.

  “I don’t want to say. If I disgust you—”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen in my life. ”

  She giggled. “So do we have a deal?”

  Seemed like a strange arrangement, but if it meant he got to spend more time with Rebekah in a sexual capacity, then he was all for it.

  “How do I help you?” he asked.

  “Touch me. Just not there. ”


  “You can touch me anywhere. Just not inside… not inside my… p-pussy. ” She said that last word in a rush, as if it turned her on just to say it.

  He wanted to touch her inside her p-pussy. So much. “Why?”

  “I’m not ready to tell you yet. ” He could feel her heart thudding like a jackhammer in her chest.

  “Okay. I’ll touch you. I think I can handle that. ” He chuckled. Oh yes, he could definitely handle that. “But how are you going to help me?”

  She was quiet for a long moment. He was beginning to think she’d decided that he was beyond help when she said, “What makes you come the fastest?”

  “Certified Grade A pussy. ” A second too late, he realized he shouldn’t have said that. Ugh, I’m a fucking idiot! He winced, waiting for her to cuss him out. She just laughed.

  “Well, I can’t help you with that. My pussy is off limits. What about oral? Do you like that?”

  Was there a man in existence who wouldn’t want her plump lips wrapped around his cock? If there was, he wasn’t one of them. “Oh yeah, I like oral. ”

  “So you touch me, and I’ll suck you. ”

  “You’re going to suck my cock?” Just the thought made him shudder with excitement.

  “Would you like that?”

  He moaned in torment. He couldn’t form an intelligible sound, though he wanted to tell her exactly how much he’d like that.

  “Okay, lesson one. ” She squirmed. “Roll onto your back. ”

  “What? Now?” His balls tightened.

  “Why not? Do you have something better to do?”

  Oh. My. God. He loved this woman’s spontaneity so much. “No. ”

  He rolled onto his back. When her delicate hand slid over his belly, he cried out. Damn. He was already so fucking excited, the second her lips touched his cock he’d be coming.

  “You are really sensitive, aren’t you?” she murmured.

  Every inch of him, but eight inches in particular.

  She slid down his body and kissed his belly. He squirmed sideways along the bed. At this rate, she wouldn’t even have to touch his cock to make him come.

  She chuckled. “Hold still. ”

  “God, I want you, Rebekah. ”

  “Do I really excite you that much?”

  He nodded vigorously. “Yeah. I can’t take it. I want to fuck every inch of you. ” He bit his lip, wishing she’d gag him so he’d stop blurting inappropriate shit.

  Her hand slid down his hip bone. He sucked a deep breath through his teeth.

  “Try to think about something else,” she advised, before directing his cock into the warm confines of her mouth.

  Think of something else? Was she fucking kidding him? How could he possibly think of anything but the feel of his cock head lodged in her throat? Her tongue stroking the underside of his shaft? Her tiny hand lodged against the base of his cock to hold him steady while she pulled back with strong suction?

  “Ah fuck, Reb. I’m gonna come. Like right now. ”

  She kept drawing back until he popped free of her mouth. “No, you aren’t. The longer you hold back, the sooner we’ll do this again. ”

  “What?” He couldn’t think well enough to reason through her statement.

  “If you last five minutes, we’ll try lesson two tomorrow. If you last ten minutes, we’ll move on to lesson two as soon as you can get it up again. ”

  “What’s lesson two?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but I guarantee you’ll like it. ” He could hear the smile in her voice.

  “What if I last ten seconds?” Because honestly, he’d be surprised to last that long.

  “No lesson two. ”


  “Nope. I’m timing you with the clock there. Fight release as long as you can. ”

  She took his cock into her mouth again, and he cried out. But he didn’t come. He bit his lip and tried to think of the least sexy thing he could. He settled on solving complex mathematical equations in his mind. It kept his big head occupied (sorta), but his little head’s attention was one hundred percent on the pleasurable tug of Rebekah’s lips as she sucked him. The writhing of her tongue. The moisture. The heat.

  Rebekah was sucking his cock.

  Sucking him. Rebekah.

  Sucking. In her mouth. His cock was in her fucking mouth.

  Thank God it was dark, so he couldn’t see it happening. He shuddered hard and clenched muscles, fighting orgasm. No good. Too excited. Felt too good.


  “Okay, I’m done,” he gasped. “I’m gonna…”

  She sucked harder. Oh God. He was going to come in her mouth. With no condom. Would she swallow it? Or spit it out? Shit.

  “Stop. You have to stop. Reb. ”

  Her soft hand slid over his balls. He lost all semblance of control. Gave himself to the blinding pleasure. To the spasms of ecstasy that gripped his entire body. He flooded her mouth with his fluids. Instead of the startled or disgusted reaction he expected, she swallowed him and stroked his balls with her fingertips until he was shouting in

  Unfortunately, that feeling was short-lived. She lifted her head and he slipped from her warm mouth. “Three minutes. ”

  He flushed in embarrassment. Damn it. He hadn’t even lasted five. Did that mean no more lessons? He couldn’t really blame her if she never wanted to touch him again. What woman wanted to be with a man who had absolutely no control?

  “Did I really excite you that much?” Her voice had a hint of pride and happiness.

  He lifted his head, but couldn’t see her expression in the darkness. “Fuck, woman. I’m surprised I lasted that long. The second your lips touched my dick, I thought I was going to blow. ”

  She giggled, and his heart warmed. If it made her happy to make him come quickly, he was certain to make her the happiest woman in existence.

  “Well, the deal was a minimum of five minutes, though I was really hoping for ten, so I could start lesson two tonight. That was fun. ”

  Fun? It had been fan-fucking-tastic.

  She slid up his body and kissed him. He could taste himself on her lips. On her tongue. His cock twitched with renewed excitement. She tugged her lips from his. “You taste good, huh?”

  “Not as good as you do. Are you sure I only lasted three minutes? Maybe you read the clock wrong. ”

  “I’m sure. ”

  “Does that mean no more lessons?” He felt like crying. “Ever?”

  “I didn’t say that. You lasted longer than ten seconds. Because you didn’t make it five minutes, there will be no lesson tomorrow. You’ll have to wait until the next day. ”

  He was smiling with relief and happiness, but he said, “There is no way in hell I can wait that long. ”

  “You don’t have a choice. That was our deal. And now it’s your turn to live up to our bargain. ”

  Yeah, it was. “Just tell me what you want me to do. ”


  This arrangement between herself and Eric was perfect. He might be able to help her get over her fear of intercourse, and then she could go back to seducing Trey. Except Rebekah wasn’t sure if she was really interested in Trey anymore. He’d obviously left because she’d freaked out when she’d felt his cock against the opening of her vagina, and she had made him stop. Again. As hot and sexy as Trey was, she was feeling something more substantial for Eric. She wasn’t sure what it was yet. His excitement and enthusiasm made her feel beautiful. Wanted. Irresistible. And he was fun. And generous. And almost as spontaneous as she was. She liked him. It would probably wear off quickly—the topsy-turvy happiness he brought bubbling to the surface. This kind of overwhelming emotion never lasted. But while it did, they could certainly have a lot of fun together. And help each other with their sexual inadequacies at the same time.

  “Touch me, Eric,” she urged.


  “Everywhere. ”

  He used those wonderful, strong hands to awaken every inch of her skin.

  “Kiss me, Eric. ”


  “Everywhere. ”

  “Can I turn on the light?” he asked, his lips against a sensitive spot just beneath her ear. “I want to look at you. ”

  “If you want to. ”

  He found the lamp on the side table and switched it on. They blinked at each other as their eyes adjusted to the glare. He smiled and touched her face. She turned her head slightly to kiss his bandaged thumb. “How’s your cut?’

  “It’s fine. ”

  He didn’t move for a long moment. Just stared at her. Made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “Is this real?” he murmured.

  “It feels real. ”

  She lifted a hand and toyed with the long lock of blue hair curling around his throat. “Are you really okay with this? I don’t want you to feel used. ”

  “Why would I feel used?”

  “I make you touch me—”

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