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Mykal's Second Deadly Journey

Page 61

by Dave Hazel

  “So what’s going on?” Mykal asked his two leaders.

  “We have five dead and four wounded Mykal,” Captain Diaz said with a moan in his tone and it matched his mournful expression. “I understand we’re in a war and we’re on a very dangerous mission, but I hate when we lose any of these boys. They’re like my own family. It really hurts me when they get killed or injured. I always feel like there was one more thing I could have done that maybe would have prevented it, but I know that is my enemy battling with my thoughts.”

  “You’re enemy?” Mykal asked and looked at all the dead on the ground.

  “My spiritual enemy, the devil,” Diaz boldly admitted. “He tries to make me doubt and beat myself up, but I’m not going to do that. I pray about the safety of the men all the time and God is in control so I’m not going to doubt and let this get the best of me.”

  Mykal wasn’t sure how to respond. “Well, who did we lose?” The father and son reporter team told me Klonk the Dwarf got killed.”

  “He did,” Finley replied. “He fought valiantly. He killed several soldiers but became surrounded. He was stabbed in the back while fighting off others. When he reacted to the two swords to his back another slashed him with a sword and nearly severed his head from his shoulders. His thick beard is completely drenched in blood. I don’t know why that picture sticks out for me,” Finley sighed and shook his head.

  “Ah damnit,” Mykal groaned. “Who else did we lose?”

  “One of my Marines was killed,” Captain Diaz said and looked down to avoid Mykal seeing the tears in his eyes. “Sergeant McTaggert took two arrows to the heart area. I’m just thankful that he died almost instantly. He was shot while he was reloading his M-16.”

  “Awh man, McTaggert was with us from the very beginning,” Mykal sighed and remembered some of his antics when they became lost on this side of Towbar’s world the first time. He remembered clearly during the briefing to ask for volunteers that McTaggert wanted to know where the journey was going to start from back on the 7th of January. McTaggert was the first volunteer after being one of the originals of the Lost Patrol where they lost nearly fifty percent of those to this side of the world. Despite the battle raging it hurt Mykal to lose a loyal soldier as Sergeant McTaggert.

  “And so was Sergeant Thompson, one of my Green Berets,” Lieutenant Finley said. “He was there as part of the Lost Patrol. He was a great help for the first timers here to this side of Towbar’s world. He went out of his way to help the first time guys. I also lost Staff Sergeant Clinton. This was his first time over here,” Finley said and let out a heavy sigh.

  “Who was the fifth person killed?” Mykal asked.

  “It was one of the Elves,” Diaz answered and seemed to be saddened just as much over the foreigner as he was over his men. “His name was Gwellon. He was the one whose son and daughter had been captured by soldiers and haven’t been heard from in a while.”

  “That’s who the Elves were standing around,” Mykal said with a sigh. “I saw them standing around one of their fallen Elves but I couldn’t tell who it was or how bad it was from over there. I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “I feel bad also Mykal. It’s funny that the Elves really work hard to mask their emotions,” Diaz said and nodded sadly. “On the surface it appears we hurt more for their loss than they do,” he said with a sad smile at the apparent variance.

  “They’re different,” Mykal said with a half a laugh. “I remember when we first met Gwellon and started our journey here on this side of the world. At one point I think it was you or Finley who told the men to keep their eyes open,” Mykal said with a sad laugh. “I heard Gwellon ask one of the other Elves if our men walk with their eyes closed. I couldn’t help but laugh. I know these Elves, Dwarves, Towbar’s men, Nordad and his men are all foreigners to us, but I really care for them and I really hate to see anything happen to any of them. But I really feel bad for Gwellon cuz he desperately wanted to find out what happened to his son and daughter who disappeared. And I know they are really good about keeping their emotions on hold, but you could just hear the anxious sense of uncertainty and loss when he spoke of his two kids,” he sighed again and felt his emotions were starting to get the better of him because of the magic tied to his special ring.

  Lieutenant Finley cut in to change the subject. “Except for Klonk, all the deaths were from arrows,” he said. “We just couldn’t stop all the archers because of how spread out they were. If they wouldn’t have divided and set up on both sides of us it is possible we wouldn’t have lost anyone. I know, I know,” he groaned. “I could be wrong.”

  “As far as the wounded, two of my Marines Sergeant Moss and Corporal Renner were both wounded and both from arrows,” Captain Diaz said. “And the sad part is they were both acting as my medics. One of the Army 82nd Airborne was injured too,” Diaz said as a cue for Finley to inform Mykal.

  “Corporal Brock from the 82nd was injured with an arrow also,” Finley said. “And one of Towbar’s soldiers, the one named Shayup was stabbed, but his injury seems to be minor. He will be fine, but he also took a crossbow bolt to his arm while we were under the mountain. As a matter of fact all the wounded look like they are going to be okay. None of the injuries appear to be life threatening, but they do need medical attention.”

  “Well, we need to get these guys back to the Pass, but we need to decide what we’re going to do with the four who stayed with us from those we saved in the mountain. Hidtotim will show us how to get to the castle, but now it comes back to if I wanna take them back to the Pass. Hey, what happened with the Hawkmen?” Mykal asked when he saw them walking with the Elves.

  “They were a big help during the battle,” Finley explained. “They dove down from above and stopped archers. They fired on the soldiers with their own bows and they drew the archers’ arrows away from our men by getting the soldiers to shoot at them. So honestly Myk, I think they were instrumental in keeping our losses low compared to what could have been.”

  “And to add to that Mykal,” Diaz spoke up while watching his men. “Not only did they put themselves at risk during the confrontation, but now they are even more at risk if any of those soldiers get back to their headquarters and explain to higher ups that the Hawkmen turned on them. If that happens then their use to us when we near the castle or headquarters etcetera, will be limited because they will become marked birds if you will.”

  “Are they still gonna help us?”

  “They said they were,” Finley replied. “Lanorear said they were going to try to meet up with the soldiers who left and see if they can convince them this happened because of incompetent leadership. He also said that if they can’t convince them that we are allies and all the things we claimed then he and his fellow Hawkmen will have to try an eliminate those who survived.”

  “Damn it,” Mykal sighed deeply. “I would like to really help them but we gotta get the men back to the Pass to get them treated and get resupplied and all that good stuff. Cuz we really don’t want those soldiers going back to where they came from and blowing our cover. I believe that would make our task that much harder than it already is. With that being said, what do you two think we should do about Hidtotim and his three guys? Should we leave them here and run the risk we won’t meet up with them again, or should we bring them back to the Pass with us and run the risk they could end up being eyes for Ziggy Stardust in the future?”

  “That is a tough one,” Captain Diaz said and continued to watch the four men.

  “My idea is,” Mykal said and paused. He wanted to make sure he felt comfortable in his mind before he spoke his plan. “My idea is to take them back to the Pass with us, but instead of going to the rear of the Pass where we normally would go, we just approach the Pass from the front. With our radios we can call for help to come get us and I think we’ll be fine. This way they don’t see the rear of the Pass and won’t be a threat should they meet up with Ziggy Stardust himself and he use a Mind Talk type of magic to see what th
ey saw,” he said and stopped when their confused expressions showed he said more than he needed to.

  “Mykal, do you still think that will be a safe idea?” Finley asked before they returned to the men.

  “Yes, cuz if worse comes to worst and any of these four end up being eyes for Ziggy, then all he will be able to do is make the green fog appear at the opening of the Pass and the Sosos will be at risk of being sent away to who knows where,” Mykal replied with a laugh at the idea of Sosos being sent to this side of the world.

  “Alright, let’s get the men ready and we’ll get the wounded back right away,” Diaz said to Finley who quickly turned to hastily run to his two senior men, Gunnery Sergeant Ratner and Sergeant First Class Lemon.

  “Towbar, walk with me,” Mykal said to the giant when he joined them. “I’m gonna convince Hidtotim to come with us and I’ll tell you what our plan for right now is. I wanna find out what Hidtotim says about how much farther we have to go cuz when we go back to the Pass I think we might bring some vehicles back here to cover some of this ground much faster and then…”

  CHAPTER FIFTEEN 01/21/1984

  1. Saturday, January 21st 1984

  0734 hours, Inside the Pass ready to depart (14th Day)

  “Hey Mykal, did you want to see me?” Gunnery Sergeant Ratner said as he stuck his head into Mykal’s tent.

  “No. I wanted to see Captain Diaz or Lieutenant Finley. I wanted to know if we’re ready to leave yet.”

  “I think we’re just about ready. Captain Diaz was tied up with Major Chick and Colonel Fisher. I think Fisher was trying to get us to delay another day or so.”

  “No damn it,” Mykal snapped harshly at Ratner. “I wanted to leave yesterday. If people are too tired or whatever I heard said we’ll take all new people. I have to find Doninka before the seventh of February. Today’s the twenty-first. We’re running outta time. I’m sorry Ratner. I’m not snapping at you.”

  “That’s alright Sir. Captain Diaz and Lieutenant Finley are eager to leave and so are all the men. It’s the higher ups that are trying to delay us,” Ratner said and rolled his eyes. “We should be leaving shortly.”

  “Besides the replacements for those who have been killed, do you know if there are any personnel changes?”

  “Actually Mykal, no. There are no changes, except for just a couple of the wounded,” Ratner said and pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “Since I’m the senior enlisted man I need to know all who are going. Some of the wounded who I thought for sure wouldn’t be going are indeed going because they wanted to.”

  “Like who?”

  “A couple of my Marines, Sergeant Moss and Corporal Renner, both medics are coming back. Their injuries were very minor and they fought to return. They had both been hit with arrows but just nicked and had small flesh wounds. Corporal Brock of the 82nd was just too hurt. He was responsible for an M-60 and as much as he wanted to return with us we had to replace him with another 82nd Airborne troop to man his 60. One of Towbar’s men really wanted to come back and he begged Towbar to allow him but Towbar said that Shayup just wasn’t ready.”

  “Well good, I’m so glad to hear that these guys wanna help even though their lives are on the line. But everyone knows I wanna leave right away, right?”

  “Yes Sir,” Ratner said and stepped inside the tent and took a seat. “And I did get it worked out as you requested. “Based on what Hidtotim explained that we would have a good five days travel in the plains and then another two days through the forest, we are taking troop transport vehicles to knock off a bunch of time driving instead of walking.”

  “Good. Do we know how many vehicles?”

  “First let me explain a couple of things,” Ratner said. “After you left the meeting that included Chick, Colonel Fisher, Captain Diaz and the other officers, Colonel Fisher said that we should rest and wait a couple more days. Diaz said you didn’t want to do that. Then Colonel Fisher said something to the effect of not wanting to take government equipment to the other side of Towbar’s world, meaning the troop transport vehicles.”

  “What?” Mykal barked and suddenly his face flushed with anger.

  “Wait wait, wait,” Ratner said and laughed. “He didn’t want us to take the vehicles across the world, but Major Chick said, ‘Gunney go get Mykal and tell him to get back here right now because plans are changing’. But before I got up off my chair the colonel quickly had a change of mind and said ‘Well I guess it would be good for them to take the vehicles. That would definitely speed up the process,’ and then he turned away from any negative talk.”

  Mykal started to laugh and knew Colonel Fisher was fearful of him because of the threat he made to the senior man when he turned invisible before him.

  “And between you and me Myk,” Ratner said as a whisper and looked to the tent opening to ensure no one could hear him. “When Major Chick said to get you, Colonel Fisher suddenly got scared. You could see it in his face. I guess he knows not to tick you off,” Ratner laughed and they laughed together.

  “Well good. I’m glad I didn’t have to get involved cuz I woulda got pissed,” Mykal laughed with an exaggerated wink.

  “And oh boy Mykal, Lieutenant Finley created a stir like you can’t imagine, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. It’s all over the Pass about that rifle, helmet and part of the old machine gun we found by the lone tree out in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s going on about that?”

  “Well Finley rushed straight over to the English and Australian soldiers and explained what he found and for those who didn’t know the full story of the soldiers who disappeared from Gallipoli back in 1915 he explained that and they all went crazy. They all wanted to go and do some digging and do some research. Some of them felt like they could play a part in history by discovering the answer to one of the greatest military mysteries of World War One. Hell one of the great mysteries ever. When he explained we just can’t do that right now I thought there was going to be a fist fight,” he joked. “Finley promised them he would talk to you and Towbar and see if when all this settles down if you would be willing to take them out to that spot and let them excavate the area.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” Mykal said just to respond. “Right now all I care about is rescuing Doninka and stopping Zizmon-Tarl from trying to take over the Pass. We’ll deal with that in time. So they were excited about his find?”

  “Oh man, you don’t know the half of it. There were a couple of soldiers who were die hard anti-space ship, anti-disappeared in a cloud and whatever other theories are out there. But when they actually felt the rifle with the bayonet and helmet and knew we were on the other side of Towbar’s world, they were just floored. Those were the same ones who explained it away that the lost battalion had to have been captured by the Turks and executed or kept prisoner all those years, which Turkey had always denied. It was definitely an interesting conversation listening to all them. I would like to get to know more about all that happened on Gallipoli once this all settles down, and see if we could find more proof that those soldiers back in 1915 were transported here to Towbar’s world. I’ve heard of Gallipoli and I know the battle there was disastrous, but I don’t know much more than that. But that’s for another time,” Ratner said while Mykal finished tying up his boots. “They even asked if they could be dropped off there to work on excavating the area and we could go back and pick them up later.”

  “What?” Mykal gasped and shook his head. “It’s possible we wouldn’t get back there for a long time and if another big army passes that way again then they would be screwed big time.”

  “I know, I know,” Ratner laughed and shook his head. “We explained that to them, but you wouldn’t believe how crazy those foreigners are to get their hands on that possible find. Like I said, and they understand, it’s something for down the road.”

  “Good. I don’t wanna have to be dealing with that stuff right now. So, what have we got figured out as far as transportation? Did y
ou get a chance to talk to that Army soldier Staff Sergeant Barry? I wanted you to talk to him specifically.”

  “Yes I did. At first he wasn’t all for leaving here and going to the other side of the world. He’s not a regular grunt per se and his focus since he has been here has been being in charge of transportation and vehicles and the like. When I told him that you requested him personally and that you were just tied up or you would have asked him yourself, he changed his mind.”

  “Cool. On New Year’s Eve before the big battle I had him and some of his guys help me by taunting the enemy before they attacked and they seemed pretty good and easy to work with.”

  “But no problem, he’s on board and he went to his commanding officer to explain our need and he said they have it all worked out. They have those twenty man troop transport vehicles and all we needed was four because there is a total of eighty of us returning. But then instead of them keeping their four man fire teams in each of the vehicles, they would have to leave two of them, so instead we will bring six of the troop transport vehicles. We will split up so there is more comfort in driving with less people in each vehicle. They will bring extra supplies that we can decide to take with us when we depart the vehicles or leave them and they will return it all back here. Towbar was there when we hashed out the details. And what it sounded like is, Towbar offered that once we get back to that side of the world, we’ll drive for as long as it takes to get to the forest that Hidtotim showed us on paper. And when we stop Towbar said he would conjure the green fog and have the vehicles drive into it and bring them back outside the Pass and then they can return.”

  “What about leaving the vehicles parked outside the forest so if we get to the castle and rescue Doninka we can work our way back to the other side of the forest and drive away. Well, scratch that. Cuz if we grab Doninka, we’ll probably be on the run and will have to use the green fog to get away right from there. Let me think this through.”


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