London Metropolitan Archives 7
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see also individual names
Lord Chancellor 19–20, 22
Judicial Statistics of England and Wales
Lord Lyndhurst’s Act (1835) 15
72, 74
Loughboroug h, Lord Chancellor 19
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Louise, Princess 1
Marx, Karl 204–5
Lush, Justice 75
Communist Manifesto 204
Lushington, Stephen 14
masculinity 21–3, 35–6, 42–7, 79, 137,
Lyon, Kate 102, 104–5, 230
158, 228
see also gender difference; gender
McCarthy, Mary 126
MacDonald, Margaret and Ramsay
Mathew, Justice 34, 90
Matrimonial Causes Act (1857) 1, 16,
MacLoghlin, Percy 212–13
73, 195, 199
McNeil , Dorelia 141
Maxwel , John 97, 100–1, 103, 107
magistrates 11, 17–18, 23, 26–7, 33–4,
Maybrick, Florence 44
53, 58–9, 76–7, 80, 83, 85, 89–90,
Mayer, Gustav 158
110–11, 113, 136–7, 228
Mayhew, Henry 7, 52–3, 125, 127–31,
see also parish; poor law;
135–9, 149
Mearns, Andrew 124
maintenance 12, 16–17, 21, 23, 26–7, 53,
Mellor, Justice 40, 85
64, 111–12, 114, 172, 205
melodrama 22, 155
Malthusian League 197
ménage à trois 99
Manchester 61, 64–5, 115, 158, 179, 201,
Menefee, S. P. 108
Methodists 57, 126, 178
Manea Fen 182
Michel, Louise 213
Mangin, Revd S. W. 54
middle class 5–8, 21, 23, 32–4, 40, 42–7,
Mann, Tom 55–6, 207–8
53, 91, 96–108, 113, 124, 131, 140–2,
Mansfield, Lord 19
185–9, 226
marriage 5, 10–11, 55, 80, 97, 132–3, 185,
see also class; cross-class couples
Mil , J. S. 184–5, 200
clandestine 9–10
Mil ais, John 259
critiques of 169–220
Miller, Annie 160–3
definition of 1–4, 9–11, 17, 64–5,
mistresses 18, 149–53, 231
67–8, 82–3, 90–1, 99–100, 107, 115,
monogamy 2, 4–5, 133, 139, 172, 196,
117, 142, 169–70, 199, 219, 225–7,
201, 205–6, 208, 212–13, 218,
225–26, 233–5
false declaration of 6
Montefiore, Dora 208
foreign 16
Monthly Repository 184, 186–7
incompatibility 80, 97–8, 110
Mormon chapel 17
indissolubility 88, 98, 169, 178, 185
Morrison, Frances Cooper 181, 183–4
189, 204–5, 229
Morrison, James 181, 183–4
interfaith 17
Mumm, Susan 58, 126–7, 156
licence 10, 17, 55–7, 72–3
Scots 16–17
National Secular Society 197
under-age 9, 12–13, 16, 85
neglect 7, 79–80, 109, 111, 113
Martin, Anna 211
see also desertion
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Martin, Emma 183
neighbours 2–3, 55–8, 64–6, 78, 80,
Martin, Justice 37, 39, 138
82–3, 86–7, 90, 115–16, 124–5, 130,
Marx, Eleanor 4, 205–6, 209–10
134–5, 225–7
j 260
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Nesbit, Edith 208–9
Pollock, Chief Baron (I) 43–4
New Poor Law (1834) 21, 89, 228
Pollock, Frederick (III) 65
bastardy clause 12
polygamy 198–9, 212
see also magistrates; parish; poor
poor law 7, 26–7, 58–9, 89–90, 111–12,
law; workhouse
126, 183, 228, 230
newspapers 6–7, 73, 77, 83, 134, 137, 152
see also magistrates; New Poor Law;
Nichol, Sir John 12
nullity of marriage 6, 13–15, 58, 60, 154
Pre-Raphaelites 99, 159–63
see also individual names
Offences Against the Person Act
Priest v. Parrot (1751) 18
(1828) 73
prohibited degrees 14–15, 18, 47, 52–71,
Offences Against Persons Act (1861)
73, 87
see also deceased wife’s sister
Old Bailey 7–8, 88
prostitutes 19, 21–2, 37, 41, 46, 113, 130,
Oliver, Hermia 218
135–8, 143, 148–50, 152, 155–6,
Orpen, William 156
162–3, 180–1, 198, 201, 204–5, 215,
Outhwaite, Ralph 10
217, 227, 231
Owen, Robert 176, 180–4, 204, 207
see also bullies
Owenism 180–4, 189–90, 203–4, 214,
Pygmalion 149, 159–63
Quain, Justice 41
Paine, Tom 171
Quakers 10, 64, 170, 211
Panton, Jane 163
White Quakers 178
Paris 5, 153, 217
Queenswood 181
parish 17, 26–7, 55–6, 58–9, 64–5, 76,
85, 89
race 129–30
see also magistrates; poor law;
radical couples 3, 169–220
Radical Unitarians see Unitarians
Parke, Baron 88
Reay, Barry 6, 124, 129–30
Parkes, Bessie Raynor 104, 199
Reddall v. Leddiard (1820) 12
Parkes, Joseph 197
Registrar General 13, 57
Parliament 9, 10, 14–15, 68, 97, 137, 149,
Registrar’s Office 10, 13, 54, 57, 77
170, 232
Reg. v. Tolson (1889) 74
see also House of Commons; House
Re Val ance (1884) 20, 156
of Lords
Robbins, Amy Catherine 101
patriarchy 9, 21, 32, 35–6, 170, 172,
Roberts, Elizabeth 8, 109
203–4, 214
Roberts, Morley 163
Pearson, Karl 150
Roberts, Robert 53, 135
Pember Reeves, Amber 208
Classic Slum 53
perjury 13, 17–18, 44, 56–7, 66–7
Robinson, Henry Crabb 186
Personal Rights Association 212
Robinson, Mary 171
Place, Francis 178
Rocker, Rudolf 216–18
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Platt, Baron 78
Arbeter Fraint 217
lice courts 33–4, 37, 111–12, 228
Romanticism 174–6
Pollock, Baron (II) 23, 40–1
Romil y, Sir John 24
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Rose, Jonathan 211
servants 13, 77, 113, 115, 150, 154–5
Rosetti, Arthur, Helen, Olivia, and
sexual double standard 3, 97, 99, 101,
William 216
123, 126–9, 140–2, 148, 155, 158, 181,
Rosetti, Christina 63–4
185, 199, 226, 234
Rosetti, Dante Gabriel 160–3
Sharples, Eliza 178–80
Rosetti, Lucy 64, 216
Isis 178
Rounsfel , J. W. 131
Shaw, G. B. 208
Rowntree, Seebohn 124
Shaw, Nellie 214
Royal Commission on Marriage (1848)
Shelborne, Lord Chancellor 20
6, 53–4, 59, 60, 62–5, 125
Shelley, Harriet Westbrook 174–5, 230
Royal Commission on Marriage and
Shelley, Mary Godwin 104, 175–6
Divorce (1894) 125
Shelley, Percy 174–6, 188, 230
Royal Commission on Marriage and
Queen Mab 174
Divorce (1912) 6, 83, 108–16, 128,
Shinman, Hugh 53
135, 232
Siddal , Lizzie 160–2
Royal Marriages Act (1772) 12
Sims, George 124, 131
Rudd, Martha 157–9
Slate, Ruth 202
Ruskin, John 162
Slawson, Eva 202
Russel , Lord 90
Smethurst, Thomas 42–4, 47
Russia 203, 216–17
Smith, Barbara Leigh see Bodichon,
Barbara Leigh Smith
St Clair, William 175–6
Smith, Benjamin Leigh 156–9, 200, 230
St Laurent, Madame Julie de 151–3
Smith v. Roche (1859) 20–1
Sale, William 61
Social Democratic Federation 207–9
same-sex couples 5, 235
socialism 4, 157, 169, 176–7, 182–3, 195,
Sand, George 197
202–11, 213, 216–17, 219
Savage, Gail vii, 72
social ostracism 1–3, 12, 64, 98–9,
scandal 55, 101, 103, 116, 128, 175–7, 179,
101–4, 106–8, 115, 142, 176, 179,
182, 186–7, 195, 200–1, 207–9
186, 190, 203, 226–8
Schreiner, Olive 150, 198, 206
Socialist League 207
Scotland 4, 10, 16–17, 24–5, 124, 174,
South Place Chapel 184, 188, 200
Southcott, Joanna 177, 182
Scott, William Bell 99, 105
Southwel , Charles 181–2
secrecy 153, 158, 163–4, 179, 197
Southwood Smith, Mary 98, 187
see also discretion
Southwood Smith, Thomas 98, 101,
secularisation 97, 99, 170–1, 195–7, 199,
105, 107, 185–6
205, 229, 231–2
Spence, Thomas 171
Select Committee on Drunkenness
Spicer v. Hayward (1700) 18
(1834) 136
spiritual unions 177–8, 198
self-divorce 78, 80, 84–6, 108, 182–3
Stephen, Justice 54–5
see also divorce
suicide 33, 40, 173, 175, 206
separations (marital) 72, 82, 84–5, 99,
Sussex, Duke of 12
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108, 110, 117, 179, 197
Swaine v. Kennerly (1813) 23
cohabitees 106–7, 117, 172–3
Switzerland 60–1, 64
deeds 85
j 262
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Tabili, Laura 130
Walters, Catherine 149
Tarleton, Banastre 171
Ware v. Ware (1765) 15
Taylor, Barbara 176, 180, 182, 184
Watson and Watson v. Faremouth and
Taylor, Harriet 102, 185, 200
Others (1811) 15
Terry, Ellen 139–40, 141
Watts, Frederick 139–40
theatre 105, 139–40, 151–2
Waugh, Edith 61, 63–4
Thompson, E. P. 108
Waugh, Fanny 61
Thompson, Thomas Ranelagh 162
wedding 9–10, 67–8, 73, 81–4, 86, 91,
Thompson, Tierl 202
100, 125–6, 131, 172, 174–5, 185, 214,
Thompson, William 181
225, 234
Appeal of One Half the Human Race,
informal 27, 131
Women, Against the Pretensions of
see also banns
the other Half, Men 181
Wel s, H. G. 101, 106, 208–9
Thornton, Henry 61, 63
West, Rebecca 106, 140, 209
Thornton, Marianne 62–3
Westminster Review 196–7
Throne 103–4
Whistler, James 156, 159–60
Times (London) 32, 48n.1, 92n.5, 117
Whiteway 214
Todd, Janet 173
Wiener, Joel 179
Torch 216
Wiener, Martin vii, 38
Tosh, John 110, 158
wife sales 86, 108, 178–9, 182, 225
Turner v. Vaughan (1767) 19
Wightman, Justice 39
Wilkinson v. Adam (1812) 23
Unitarians 107, 185–6
Willes, Justice 89
Radical 176, 184–9, 196, 199
Williams, Jane 82, 102, 104–5, 107
United States 90, 106, 116, 202, 217
Williams, Justice 37
wil s 1, 6, 18, 20, 23–36, 43, 64, 104, 150,
Vickery, Alice 197–8, 213
164, 207, 230, 232
Victoria, Queen 1
Wilson, Harriette 149
violence 6, 8, 32–47, 75, 79–80, 87, 90,
Wiltshire v. Prince (1830) 13
97, 108–10, 114–16, 129, 132–7, 139,
Witkop, Millie 214–15, 217–18
225, 232
Witkop, Pol y 215–16
attempted murder 33, 37, 41
Witkop, Rose 214–16
grievous bodily harm 33, 37, 41
Wohl, Anthony 53
manslaughter 33–4, 37–41, 104
Wol stonecraft, Mary 4, 171–6, 181,
murder 33, 37–41
201, 207
unlawful wounding 34, 37, 103
Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman 172
Voice of Labour 215
Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Wade, Emily 185, 188–9
Wolstenholme, Elizabeth see Elmy,
Wade, Lara 188
Elizabeth Wolstenholme
Wade, Thomas 185, 188
women 11–12, 16, 18, 34–5, 64, 76–80,
Wainwright, Henry 45–7
100–1, 104–5, 107–8, 113–14, 127–9,
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Wakefield v. MacKay (1808) 13
143, 227–8, 234
Wales 4, 66
p; anarchism 213–19
Walker v. Perkins (1764) 18
radicalism 169–70, 173–4, 176–7,
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180–1, 183–4, 190, 195
adulterous 108–18
socialism 205–11
affinal 52–9
Women’s Cooperative Guild 7, 108,
bigamous 77, 80, 87
115, 117
radical 176–84
Wood, John Carter 36
see also class; cross-class couples
Wood, Sir W. P. 24
Wynne, Sir W. 16
workhouse 27, 58, 85, 110–12, 127, 228,
Yeames, James 126
see also parish; poor law;
York 7, 79, 88, 124
York, Duke of 151
working class 5–7, 26–7, 32–4, 38–9,
Yorkshire Gazette 8, 32, 48n.1, 92n.5
41–2, 46, 226, 228
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j 264
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