Home Is Where You Are

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Home Is Where You Are Page 14

by Melissa Grace

  “I’m here a lot.” Grace placed a large mixing bowl in front of me, and I began measuring out the flour. “Aunt Liv and I love to try out these crazy Pinterest baking projects together. The three of us are together a lot. Always have been. During the holidays we like to stay up all night, baking Christmas cookies and fudge, and listening to crooner Christmas music. It used to make Benton crazy. He hated it.”

  I raised my brow at her as I sifted together the flour, sugar, and cocoa. “Really? Why?”

  Grace shrugged as she walked around to the other side of the counter, facing me. She propped her elbows on the smooth marble, resting her head in her hands. “Benton never really liked mom and me all that much. We were kind of the family he never wanted. Mom and Aunt Liv were always best friends, but after my dad died they became even closer. When they started working together, the three of us became pretty much inseparable. Benton worked late a lot, and he went to events most weekends, so the three of us would hang out together. It’s always been us.”

  “I know that had to be hard for you and your mom.” I looked up at her sympathetically. “I’m sorry about your dad.”

  “It was tough, but mom and Aunt Liv made sure I never felt like I was missing out on anything, you know? They’ve been to every school play and parent night. They even took me to the father-daughter dance at my school a few years ago. Honestly, I don’t know where mom and I would be without Aunt Liv.” She opened the package of chocolate pieces and measured them out so I could begin melting them for the batter. “I think she likes you.”

  “You do?” I peeked at her over my shoulder. “Did she say anything?”

  “She didn’t have to.”

  “I like her too.”

  “I know,” she said simply. “Promise me you won’t hurt her, okay?”

  I turned around and met her sincere eyes with mine. “I never want to hurt her. I only ever want to make her happy.”

  “And you gotta know we’re a package deal.” Her voice was laced with worry. “You get Aunt Liv, and you get me and mom too.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I assured her. “I promise.”

  “Good.” She nodded. “Then you have my blessing. Now, stir your chocolate before it burns.”

  My heart was in my throat as I turned my attention back to the stovetop. I knew what a big deal this was. Grace was a huge part of Liv’s world, and her approval was important to me.

  “Knock, knock,” I heard Cash’s voice call as he and Brady made their way to the kitchen. “I come bearing the entire florist shop. I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to get it all in the car.” His eyes lit up when he saw Grace. “Hey, Grace.” She moved around the counter to hug him. “It’s good to see you again. How’s your week been? How’s your mom?”

  “We’ve been good,” she answered. “Mom took Liv to the salon to get her out of the house for a while so we could get ready for the party.”

  “How much longer do we have?” He looked over at me, rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt.

  “About three hours,” I replied. “Ella texted to let me know they finished their pedicures. She said if she had to she could probably stall a little longer by stopping to get coffee before they head back here.”

  “We’ve got this,” Cash said. “We can pull this surprise party together in three hours.”

  “Speaking of surprises,” I started. “Did you guys park in the driveway?”

  “Two steps ahead of you,” Brady spoke up. “I parked across the street, and as we were coming in Katie was moving her car so there are no cars left in the driveway except for Liv’s and Ella’s. That’s surprise party 101.”

  “You guys are on it.” I swirled the spatula through the chocolate, which was now shiny and melted. “I’m about finished with the cake. I need to clean up real quick, but I can help decorate before I make the frosting.”

  “Take your time. Grace and I’ve got this.” Cash winked over at her. “Jax, I wanted to tell you, those songs you’ve been working on are brilliant. I listened to them this morning. They’re fantastic. You said Liv helped you write them?”

  “She sure did.” I nodded. “I’d never have been able to write them without her.”

  “She’s incredibly talented,” he said. “We need to get her writing with you for the next Midnight in Dallas album.”

  “Wait till you hear her sing.” A smile stretched over my face at the thought of her beautiful voice.

  “She can sing too?” Cash raised his eyebrows at me.

  “You have no idea,” Grace piped up. “She’s seriously the best singer I’ve ever heard, and I’m not saying that because she’s my aunt. No offense, Jax. You’re a close second.” She beamed over at me and laughed.

  “No offense taken.” I chuckled. “I know when I’m out of my league.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to hear her.” Cash clasped his hands together. “Miss Grace, what do you say we get going on those decorations?”

  “Are you good here?” She watched me gently stir the batter.

  “I’m good, and I haven’t even burned the house down.” I stuck out my tongue at her.

  “Yet,” she emphasized.

  “Go ahead.” I laughed as I started to pour the batter into the three cake pans on the counter. “I’ll be right behind you guys.”

  “After you,” Cash said to Grace, gesturing to the back patio door. With one last glance over her shoulder, Grace let him guide her outside.

  I put the cake pans in the oven and said a silent prayer that those baking lessons with Liv had paid off. I scrubbed my hands over my face, a nervous tension building inside me. I’d decided I was going to try to get her to sing some of the material we’d been working on together for the guys. I knew the second they heard us, they’d see what I’d seen this entire time—that she was destined to be on stage, and that together, we were magical. I hoped their excitement would help her realize she wanted to give this a shot.

  Then, there was the matter of my gift for her. In the little time I hadn’t been with Liv, I’d written a song for her. I had every intention of singing it to her for her birthday, but after our encounter a couple of days ago at the penthouse, I’d grown increasingly worried she’d never let go and give me a chance, musically or otherwise.

  I’d spent months being uninspired, but when she came along, the floodgates opened up. I knew the second I sang this song for her, there was no turning back. She’d have no doubts about my feelings for her.

  I knew I had to share it with her. I had to tell her how I felt.

  My heart raced, and my palms began to sweat. I was scared she would shut me down, and I could lose her forever.

  But I knew deep down, she was a risk worth taking.

  Chapter 15


  “Are you sure you left your keys in here?” I asked, shoving my key in the front door. “I could have sworn you got your sweater out of your car before we left.”

  “Ummmm, yeah. I’m positive,” Ella replied, sounding completely unsure. “I must have left my car unlocked. I think I left them on the kitchen table.” I flicked the switch next to the door.

  “I could have driven, you know. We don’t want to be late picking up Grace.” I started down the hall, and Ella closed the door behind us.

  “It’ll take two seconds,” she promised, her heels clicking behind me. I entered the kitchen, but before I could even slide my hand over the light switch, the room was suddenly illuminated.

  “Surprise!” A chorus of voices shouted, and I shrieked, one hand flying to my mouth as the other reached for Ella’s arm. My eyes adjusted, and the faces of everyone around me came into a twinkly-lit view.

  “What the…” There stood Brady, Derek, Luca, Dallas, Katie, Cash, and Grace. Finally, my eyes settled on Jax at the center of them all. I turned to Ella. “Did you… ”

  Ella shook her head gently, turning her gaze to Jax. “It was all Jax’s idea.”

  “You did this?” I could feel tears forming behind my eyes as I turned to face him.

  “I had a lot of help.” He stepped toward me. “I know we haven’t known each other long. Many of the people in this room haven’t known you long, but I… we wanted you to know how special you are, today and every day. Grace, will you do the honors?”

  Grace proceeded to the back door, flinging it open to reveal a twinkly-lit dreamworld. I gasped and moved forward, not stopping until I was outside on the patio. Gorgeous white archways led out into the yard, and a beautiful bohemian style table had been set up, complete with plush pillows for seating. Tequila sunrise roses and rose petals had been scattered around like confetti. I could smell the warm spiciness of Thai food that I instinctively knew was from Bow Thai. I could recognize the smell of those soy sauce noodles anywhere.

  To my right, there was a snack table filled with goldfish crackers, an assortment of donuts, and Pop-Tarts—all callbacks to our first couple of days spent together. Soft music played through speakers I couldn’t see while the bonfire roared, waiting for people to surround it for warmth. I felt Jax’s presence next to me, and my eyes found his in the soft glow of the lights around us. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I threw my arms around him.

  “Happy Birthday, Liv.” His voice was soft and low as he folded me into his arms.

  “I donut believe you did this,” I said through my tears.

  “Happy Birthday, honey.” Ella wrapped her arms around my shoulders, kissing me on the cheek. I pulled Grace into my arms, and everyone filed out onto the patio to give me hugs and birthday wishes.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving!” Dallas pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

  I chuckled. “How are you feeling, Dal?”

  “Much better, thanks to you.” Dallas made a beeline for the Thai food that Katie was beginning to uncover. “Food line starts behind me.”

  I turned my gaze back to Jax, his eyes filled with warmth as he placed an arm around me. “After you, birthday girl.”

  After dinner, we lingered at the table, enjoying the light breeze of the night air. We laughed as Luca shared stories of their lives on the road and felt Dallas’s excitement when he talked about his new penthouse. Derek told us about the areas he’d been exploring the past few days. He asked Ella and I questions about cities like Leiper’s Fork, Franklin, and Spring Hill. Grace bubbled over about the Homecoming Dance she was looking forward to the following weekend. As I took in the faces around me, I couldn’t deny how beautifully we all blended together.

  “I believe I heard there was some cake here.” Dallas looked pointedly at Jax.

  “I believe I heard that rumor too.” Jax winked before jogging into the house. A couple of moments later, he returned carrying a beautiful cake with rich pink frosting, illuminated by the candles that flickered on top of it. He placed it in front of me. “Make a wish, birthday girl.”

  I gasped, taking in the gorgeous confection and the perfect waves of the icing. “Did you make this?”

  “He did.” Grace spoke up before he could even begin to discredit what he’d done. “It was all Jax.”

  “Dark chocolate with raspberry buttercream.” He beamed. “I learned from the best. Now make a wish.”

  As I looked at the faces around me, my wish was simple. I blew out the candles, and everyone cheered.

  Jax began to expertly cut and serve the cake, giving me the first slice. I dug my fork into the decadent cake, moist with melted chocolate and the perfect amount of raspberry frosting, and took a bite. “Jax, this is divine.”

  “Damn, Jax.” Derek took his first bite. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  “Seriously,” Brady echoed.

  “Yeah, man,” Luca agreed. “If this whole music thing doesn’t work out, I think you could have a future as a baker. This shit is amazing.”

  “So Liv, I was shocked to learn you’d been holding out on us,” Cash said from across the table where he sat next to Ella.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Jax sent me some clips of the songs you two have been working on together.” He grinned. “I had no idea you were a songwriter.” I looked over at Jax, and he gave me an encouraging nod.

  “She sings too.” Ella chimed in. “She’s only got the most beautiful voice on the planet.”

  “That’s what I heard.” Cash nodded.

  “Well, that settles that.” Luca threw his napkin down on the table. “We’re going to need a private concert.”

  “Yes,” Grace chimed in. “Come on, Aunt Liv!”

  “You guys—” I started, but Dallas cut me off.

  “Please, Liv.” He looked over at me with what could only be described as a sad puppy dog face. “Sing for us!”

  I looked at the pleading, smiling faces around me, before turning to Jax, who gazed at me with anticipation. “I already have my guitar over by the fire.”

  “What the hell.” I shrugged. “Let’s do it.”

  We moved out to the bonfire with our beverages in tow. Katie stopped by the drink table and snagged one of the open bottles of wine, bringing it with her to top off our drinks.

  I sat next to Jax and watched as he carefully pulled his guitar from its case, handing it to me.

  “Y’all have got to hear this girl sing some Johnny Cash,” Ella said.

  “That’s the truth,” Jax echoed from beside me.

  I gazed at the expectant faces around me for a moment, and then I closed my eyes and began to play. I sang “Ring Of Fire” to overwhelming praise before Jax and I played a couple of the new songs we’d been working on together. When we finished, everyone applauded as Jax returned his guitar back to its case.

  “Damn, Liv.” Dallas took in a deep breath. “You really were holding out on us.”

  “Watch out, Jax,” Luca teased. “We’ll be replacing you with Liv if you’re not careful.”

  Derek took a sip of his wine and leaned back into the sofa. “Seriously, your voice is incredible. You should be making records.”

  “I agree,” Cash said, looking at me and Jax. “Have you guys considered starting your own project separate from Midnight in Dallas?”

  Grace beamed. “That would be awesome.”

  “Actually, I mentioned the idea to Liv a few days ago.” Jax looked over at me hopefully. “I’ve been trying to convince her it’s a good idea.”

  Luca nodded approvingly. “That’s a fucking brilliant idea.”

  “I told you so.” Ella grinned.

  “It’s not that I think it’s a bad idea,” I said. “It’s just a big commitment, and I wouldn’t want to get in the way of the band.”

  Cash shook his head. “It wouldn’t. Artists have side projects all the time. It’s absolutely possible for Jax to do both without it taking away from the band.”

  “And it’s not like the two wouldn’t have some crossover,” Dallas mentioned. “The music would be complimentary enough that Jax & Liv could easily be the opener for Midnight in Dallas, especially while you guys are starting out.”

  Ella squealed. “I can hear it now—and the Best New Artist Grammy award goes to… Jax & Liv!”

  “Jax & Liv need to be a thing,” Luca agreed with a nod.

  “You guys have something special.” Derek gave me an encouraging smile. “Something that’s completely separate from Midnight in Dallas.”

  Jax nudged me with his elbow. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her.”

  “You’ve written some great material that could absolutely be used for the band’s next album, but there are some songs I think need to belong to Jax & Liv,” Cash said simply.

  Dallas leaned forward, focusing on me. “I think I speak for everyone when I say we want you inv
olved on the next Midnight in Dallas record.”

  “Damn right, we do,” Luca echoed as Cash and Derek nodded in agreement.

  “And if you’d be willing, it’d be nice to have your voice on a song or two.” Dallas looked at me hopefully. “But more than that, Jax & Liv need to be a reality.”

  “Come on, honey.” Ella cheered me on. “Do it.”

  “The important thing to remember is you guys aren’t on any sort of timeline,” Cash said. “You and Jax are in the driver’s seat. Right now, you can focus on writing songs for a record. We don’t have to make any announcements or have you performing in the public arena anytime soon.”

  “Cash is right.” Jax placed his hand on my knee. “There’s no rush. We’ll take our time, and we won’t take our music to the public until you’re ready.”

  As afraid as I was, I knew I wanted this. I wanted to give this a shot, and I had to admit, the excitement on the faces surrounding me was contagious. “Okay.” I turned to face Jax. “Let’s do this.”

  His eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes.” I smiled. “Let’s make Jax & Liv a thing.”

  He wrapped me in an excited hug as everyone around us burst into cheers and applause.

  “We need to toast the birthday girl.” Ella hoisted her glass up high. “To my best friend and sister from another mister.” Everyone joined her, holding their beers and wine glasses high.

  Katie looked over at me sweetly. “To the best boss and a wonderful friend.”

  “To the best aunt in the world.” Grace held up her glass of sparkling water.

  “With the incredible voice.” Cash lifted his glass in my direction.

  “To Jax & Liv.” Dallas smiled over at me.

  “Jax & Liv,” everyone echoed, clinking their glasses.


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