Seduced by a Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 1)
Page 15
When she glanced over again, she caught him studying her. His eyes were the color of lapis lazuli today and when he raised an eyebrow along with a suggestive grin, her lady parts throbbed. She honestly couldn’t remember ever feeling this happy. The wind in her hair, her man by her side, the love of her life strapped in the back seat…
Kyle started singing along “If I could choose a place to die it would be in your arms….do you want to hear me beg to take you back… give me one more day…”
“Here we are!” Finn yelled as Ella pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream parlor.
Kyle reached for Finn’s hand and grabbed Ella’s with the other as the three of them strolled in together. After ordering Finn some god-awful concoction that looked like a candy machine had exploded, Kyle chose two scoops of chocolate, and she a scoop of butter pecan. They sat outside at a picnic table under a shade tree. Licking her cone delicately while Kyle and Finn slurped like cattle, she flashed Kyle her signature wide toothy smile.
“What’s so amusing?” Kyle asked.
“Oh nothing,” she said her eyes twinkling with humor.
“Finn what do you think?”
“I think she’s hiding something.”
“I was just admiring your synchronized attacks of your ice cream cones.”
“Oh really? And you found that amusing, did you?”
Ella snickered and said, “Yeah like watching two cows at a salt lick.”
“Finn are we going to let her get away with insulting us like that?”
“No way!”
“Hey, what do you have against cows? It was a compliment,” Ella said.
“Yeah Dad, what’s wrong with looking like a cow anyway? I love cows,” Finn said taking the last bite of his cone. Kyle tossed him a napkin.
“I guess we have to wait while miss dainty-pants slooowly finishes her one dip,” Kyle said teasingly.
“Like a cat,” Finn said.
She winked at Finn as she bit into the crunchy cone, tucking her hair behind one ear. He beamed back at her. She peeked at Kyle, who returned her glance with an intense gaze of his own. She could almost read his mind. His eyes told her that he wanted to feel her tongue lapping at him like that damn ice cream cone. Warmth shot through her at the thought. Finn’s bedtime couldn’t get here fast enough.
They loaded up and headed for home. When they were out of sight, the car sitting across the street slowly pulled away from the curb in the opposite direction.
The three of them were sprawled out on the sectional sofa in the theater room watching Finding Nemo. Kyle had his head in Ella’s lap, and she had her arm around Finn as he snuggled against her on the other side. She ran her fingers through Kyle’s hair and stroked his face and neck. He rubbed his head against her belly, as one hand rested on her thigh. Her body was practically humming, and she couldn’t wait for the movie to end.
Finn’s eyes were heavy, and he looked like he was about to fall asleep. She wanted to feel Kyle’s hands on her body so badly she was ready to scream. Not that she wasn’t enjoying the time spent with the three of them, but being in such close proximity to Kyle, feeling his warm skin on her bare thighs, having his head so close to her womanhood, was taking its toll. He turned to look up at her and his eyes burned with desire. Good.
The End. Finally! Kyle picked his sleeping son up from the couch and carried him to the elevator and on to bed. Ella rode up with them then went to her room to brush her teeth and slip into a nightie. Kyle had bought her a plunging black lace teddy that she hadn’t worn yet, so she decided to surprise him. Dabbing a hundred dollar’s-worth of perfume behind her ears, she smiled wryly, remembering how angry she had been when she’d googled the price point. It seemed like months ago. She fluffed out her hair then, adding a touch of lip gloss, threw on a robe and headed to his bedroom.
Kyle was brushing his teeth as she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind to watch him in the mirror. She kissed and licked his strong back, then rubbed her cheek against him. Their eyes met and his were liquid fire. She trembled with need. Slipping her hands into his boxers she fondled him. Her palm gripped him firmly as she slowly moved up and down his rock-hard shaft while the other hand cupped his roundness from behind. His muscular buttocks clenched as he braced both hands on the vanity and spread his legs apart. She stopped to pull down his shorts and he stepped out of them.
As she trailed her finger down the cleft of his buttocks, he turned and unbelted her robe, gasping when he saw her in the impossibly sexy lingerie. She knew he could see her nipples through the lace and the swell of her cleavage in the lowcut halter of the bodice. The bottoms were thongs which left her round butt exposed and her back completely bare.
His voice was husky, and her pulse fluttered when he whispered her name, before pulling her roughly to him, plundering her mouth. Her skin felt seared where his hands splayed across her ass. She trembled as he squeezed and massaged while holding her pelvis tight against his own. His assault was unrelenting, and she matched it thrust for thrust. Their tongues danced and explored. She curled her hands into his hair and gripped tightly as she held his mouth to hers.
Ella felt breathless as he scooped her into his arms and carried her to his bed. He climbed on top of her rubbing his length between her thighs, poking against the flimsy fabric driving her crazy with longing. He was all male, skilled, confident, strong…he buried his fingers in her tangled hair fanned out around the pillow, his eyes burning with desire. Swooping down he covered her parted lips and took what she was offering. His biceps bulged as he hovered planting kisses all over her face. She was throbbing as he slowly kissed his way downward, lingering at the hollow of her throat before continuing on his path.
He nuzzled her breasts before pulling the lace aside to take her engorged nipple into his mouth sucking hard. She bucked under him, every pull sending shock waves through her body…He guided his erection beneath her panties and was now rubbing against her juiciness, he dipped the tip in and quickly pulled back out.
Bending her knees, she spread her legs wider, coaxing him to enter her fully, “I need to feel you inside of me now!” He reached in the bedside table and pulled out a condom. After rolling it over his shaft, he thrust, hard, deep inside of her. She was hot and wet and ready. Then he rode her. Sweat glistening on his brow, she watched him and was swept away; still, he kept driving in and out. He had her hands stretched above her head and his hungry gaze was pinned to her full breasts, which bounced with each pounding thrust.
“I—don’t know—how—much longer—I can… I’m coming,” he groaned as they climaxed at the same time. She moaned and shuddered beneath him as his body was racked in the throes of orgasm.
Ella loved the weight of Kyle’s body pressing hers into the mattress. His lips pressed against her neck, nibbling tenderly. She ran her hands down his back cupping his butt, she squeezed. “You’re not so bad for a billionaire,” she said, her voice husky with sex.
“Babe, you have no idea…”
Kyle rolled off Ella and turned onto his side facing her. He traced his finger across her lips as her teeth caught it and bit down. “Ouch, you wench, that hurt!”
She stretched her arms overhead, squirming like a cat, still half in half out of her skimpy lace nightie. He pulled it down the rest of the way and undressed her. She lay naked and vulnerable under his intense stare. “Ella, beautiful Ella. I’m tangled up in your web.”
She arched an eyebrow, “So you’re comparing me to a spider?”
He grinned, “As a matter of fact, yes, a black widow.” He dove between her legs and nuzzled the soft hair on her mound before gently licking her vulva. She shuddered. He used the pad of his thumb to press against her sweet spot while inserting his finger inside her.
She breathlessly said, “Are you trying to kill me?”
“I’m trying to make it impossible for you to leave me.”
She took ahold of each ear and tugged him up to her face. “Can we plea
se not talk about that tonight?”
“Why not? You know this is right. Why are you being so stubborn?”
He should have taken the hint when he saw her lips tighten but in his usual pushy style he continued, “We have something special here. You know it, I know it, even Finn knows it. Are you sure you’re not just trying to prove a point that I can’t have everything I want?”
“You know what…you can go screw yourself. I asked you not to ruin our night by pressuring me. And yes, you always get your way, maybe it’s time you learned the art of accepting the word no.”
“That’s just what I thought. How immature can you get. You’re willing to take a risk of losing us, just to prove a fucking point. Great.”
“Grow up Kyle. I have to return to work next week. Imagine the dragon lady hearing that I am now shacked up with the billionaire who paid for my services. That would be a real fun time for me.”
“That’s what this is all about? What other people might think?”
“My reputation happens to mean something to me, I’m sorry if that seems shallow to you. I happen to be self-made; nothing was given to me.”
Kyle jerked his head like he’d been slapped. “You know what I think? You’re a snob. That’s what I think. You think you’re better than me because you had to “work for everything” and I’m just some dumb schmuck born with a silver spoon in his mouth and of no value as a person.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it? You seem to be the only one hung up on my money. Let me ask you this, if I weren’t rich would you stay with me?”
“That’s not fair. How would I know. It would certainly be easier that’s for sure.”
“There, you just answered it.” Kyle got up and went to the bathroom to grab his boxers.
Seeing him standing there naked and bent over pulling up his briefs made her heart turn over. She knew he was hurt but she couldn’t explain her feelings. “Kyle I’m not trying to punish you for something you had no control over. It’s just that the inequality of our situations puts me at a disadvantage. It’s probably impossible for you to understand. For one you’re a man and therefore judged on a completely different playing field and two you’ve always had money and power.”
“Money yes, power no,” he said quietly.
“Societally, you’ve always had power, that’s not to say you’ve always felt powerful.”
“You say tomotto I say tomato.” With eyes narrowed he said, “I’m going downstairs for a shot of whisky. Then maybe a dip in the pool to cool off. You want to join me?”
“No thank you. I’m going to go to sleep.”
“Fine.” He stomped out of the room, leaving Ella to wonder what the hell just happened. She felt like she just suffered a whiplash. How could things have gone south so quickly. She was tempted to return to her own bedroom but that seemed childish, so she got under the duvet cover and turned on her side; reaching for the bedside lamp, she switched it off. Soon she fell into a restless slumber.
Sometime much later she awoke to Kyle slipping into bed beside her, turning on his side with his back to her. She could smell the bourbon and figured more than one shot was involved. She felt hurt and lonely. She had hoped that when he returned to bed, he would have cooled off and come to his senses. Apparently not. Spoiled brat. She sighed.
“Are you going to pout all night?” Ella asked quietly.
“Who’s pouting?”
Ella rolled over to face him and snuggled up against his back. He stiffened for a moment then softened and relaxed into her. “Goodnight,” she said kissing him on the back of his neck and slinging her arm around his waist.
The following morning, she woke up to the sound of Kyle taking a shower. She lay there, still half asleep, missing the warmth of him next to her. She rolled onto her belly and buried her head in the pillow. Hearing the water shut off she glanced through the open door of the bathroom and watched him towel off.
What a magnificent creature he was. Every girl’s fantasy. She admired his broad shoulders and sculpted back; his defined muscles taut as he vigorously towel dried his hair. His ass, oh my God, his hamstrings. Warmth pooled in her belly. He glanced in the mirror and met her gaze. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes flickered with some emotion he was determined to keep to himself.
“You’re up early,” she ventured.
“I guess you’re not talking to me?”
“You’re pretty quick,” he snapped.
“He does speak. Kyle…”
Kyle interrupted her, “Ella I don’t want to hear it. You’ve made yourself perfectly clear. I guess I was no more than a fuck for you. I get it. You’re afraid of losing yourself. You’re afraid of being hurt again. I get that, but what I don’t get is your lack of courage. Why not try facing your fears instead of running from them.”
“Who’s the one running now and last night?”
Kyle shoved a leg into his jeans, “I invited you to join me.”
Ella sat up covering herself with the sheet, “Yes, you did—after you tried bullying me to go against my own better judgement.”
Zipping his jeans, he said, “And after you told me I’m a sexist pig that would never be able to understand.”
“I said no such thing!”
“It’s what you didn’t say. I can read between the lines babe.”
“Apparently not. Hey, I’ve got an idea, why don’t you go out and buy me some expensive jewelry, that might convince me.”
He pulled a tee-shirt over his head, “You’re unbelievable. You know I finally figured you out. You really are the one with the problem. You have a poverty complex.”
Ella glared, “You’re practicing without a license there Freud.”
Striding toward the door he said, “I’ll take Finn to school this morning. I’m heading into the office anyway. Lindsey starts tomorrow. I guess that means your nanny obligation is fulfilled.”
Ella fought back tears as she said, “How dare you twist this around. Finn has never been just an obligation to me. I love him. I have loved every single second of my time spent with him.” Ella stood up with her chin in the air; with the sheet wrapped around her she gracefully strode to retrieve her robe from the bathroom.
Frustrated, Kyle watched her walk away and felt powerless to stop the train wreck he saw happening in slow motion. He wanted to snatch her up and throw her onto the bed and never let her go, but he was frozen to the spot.
“I guess since I’m out of a job here, I’ll pack up today and be on my way.”
She raised her eyebrows, hands on her hips, waiting to see what he was going to say.
His nostrils flared as he glared at her. “Nothing,” he said and walked out the door.
She threw herself on top of the bed and sobbed like her heart was broken, because it was. Was that really the best he had?
It was a typical Monday morning and Ella’s first day back at the hospital. It had been almost a week since she had moved out of Kyle’s place. When she arrived at work this morning, she had been welcomed enthusiastically by her colleagues but had yet to run into the head nurse. She dreaded it. Deb had filled Ella in on the latest gossip and brought her up to date about the patients Ella would be covering that day.
Before Deb had clocked out, she had looked Ella up and down, forehead creased with concern, and commented about her appearance. Ella had been surprised it was so obvious. She knew she hadn’t been sleeping but she thought her makeup would conceal it. Deb’s empathy touched her and was almost her undoing. She would rather stay numb. Ella shut her out and felt bad at the look of hurt on her friend’s face. She just couldn’t. Not here, not at work…maybe not anywhere.
Kyle had tried calling the first several days after she had left, and Ella had let it go straight to voice mail. Then he had stopped. She stayed busy and exhausted herself with work and exercise. That had worked in the past. It would
work again damn it. Damn him!
She had just finished sponge bathing her patient when the head nurse, Deloris Henry popped her head in. Rattled, she missed a step as she was carrying the tub of water and spilled half of it on the floor.
“That will be a slipping hazard. Clean that up immediately! You should be more careful.” Ella’s cheeks reddened and she secretly fumed but said nothing.
“Come to my office when you finish up here.”
Ella nodded her head yes and continued cleaning up. Deloris leaned against the doorway, arms crossed watching her, wearing her permanent scowl. Exasperated Ella said, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“No. Carry on.”
Ella’s eyes flashed with anger and Deloris smiled, her lips twisting in a satisfied smirk as she exited the room.
Her patient, a charming senior on the other side of eighty, patted her hand as she took his blood pressure, “She’s a real piece of work that one is.”
Ella smiled warmly and winked, “Ya think?”
“I know. What a dour and unpleasant woman. I take it she’s your boss?”
“Yes, but don’t worry about me, I can handle it.”
“I’m here if you want to talk about it. I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere in the near future,” he said, looking hopelessly tiny and frail.
“I might just take you up on that Mr. Fogarty.”
His smile lit up his weathered face, “Good. I hope you mean it.”
“You’re all set for now. I’ll be back soon to check on you. Try to get some rest.”
“Don’t let the witch push you around.”
“I won’t.” She plumped his pillow and adjusted his covers before heading into the viper’s den.
Ella knocked lightly, “Enter,” Deloris said.
Ella stood just inside the door, hands clasped waiting for her instructions.
“Sit.” She did.