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Forbidden Desires

Page 24

by Roberts, Jaimie

  "I love you, Savannah Williams. I fucking love you."

  My heart surges at his words, a sense of urgency clawing at my insides. Tears pool in my eyes as I frantically try to remove his shirt.

  "I love you too, Owen."

  He growls, and the intensity of it sends a deep yearning between my legs. "Say it again."

  "I love you too."

  "Fuck!" he shouts, desperation crawls through the air as he pulls my dress over my head before claiming my mouth again. "Those sweet, fucking words are my undoing."

  My dress is discarded, along with his shirt. We both scramble to get his pants off next. I'm panting, desperate for him to be inside me—desperate for us to be one.

  He rips my panties from my body and pushes his way inside me. We both scream out, the feel of him beyond anything I can imagine. He starts to move inside me, one hand gripping my thigh as he thrusts his way in.

  "How did I ever convince myself I could stay away from you? You're like my beacon of light to shine my path home. You're fucking everything to me, Savannah."

  I moan out a cry, tears streaming down my face. My emotions are all over the place. So joyous in this moment, an orgasm crashes through me. My head flies back, and I scream out his name, my fingernails clawing at his back.

  Owen growls, but he keeps going. The more he thrusts, the more my orgasm intensifies, robbing me of all my senses.

  "Fuck, Savannah, I'm going to come."

  His pace quickens, along with his breaths. He roars out, stilling inside me as the pressure of his release hits my womb.

  I have been so caught up in everything that's been happening, I forgot about the pill. "Owen, I haven't been to the doctor."

  Owen's heavy breathing stops a moment. He lifts his head to gaze down at me. "It's too late for that now. Whatever's done is done. I certainly can't stand the thought of you pregnant with my baby and taking a pill to get rid of it. Nope. Ain't fucking happening."

  I nudge at him. "You're such a caveman."

  He smirks down at me, his warm breath kissing my cheek. "You fucking love it."

  Yeah, I do, but there's no way I'm letting him know that nugget of information. I doubt I need to answer him anyway. He already knows what I feel.

  "Can you stay?"

  Kissing me softly on the lips, he wipes a strand of hair away from my eye. "Yes, but I have a meeting tomorrow morning, so I will need to leave at six."

  "Do you need me to come?"

  He shakes his head. "No, you stay here and rest. You've been through a lot. Your body needs to heal after that shit my beloved fucking son put inside you."

  The thought makes me clam up, and Owen pulls out of me. "Sorry, that was stupid of me to mention right now."

  "It's fine," I reply, pulling the dress down over me.

  "I don't know where we go from here, but I promise we'll sort something out, okay? We'll talk about it tomorrow when I get home." My smile surfaces, causing Owen to frown in amusement. "What?"

  "You called this place home."

  Owen leans over me, flicking my nose. "That's because you're here."


  Kane Brown


  The next morning, the light of a beautiful orange sun kisses my skin, awakening me. I know before I even turn in the bed Owen is not beside me. After our little tryst on the couch, Owen carried me upstairs where he made love to me for the very first time. On the couch, it was fast and unrelenting, but in the bed, he was gentle, slow, and tender. I had never been made love to before, and it was cathartic as much it was beautiful. With his dark secret shared with someone other than my mother, Owen seemed much more relaxed than I had ever seen him. It was almost as if it were cathartic for him as well.

  Every bone in my body ached, but in a good way. Like Owen, I don't know where we go from here, but the fact that he loves me is good enough for me. Now we can deal with my bitch of a mother.

  My phone starts ringing downstairs, and I spring up from the bed and race downstairs, thinking it's Owen. I'm surprised to see Patricia's name.

  "Patricia, hi."

  "Dear God, girl, why didn't you call me last night?"

  I frown, then realize I haven't bothered looking at my phone at all. "What's wrong?"

  "What's wrong is you were attacked by my own grandson, of all people. I've been worried sick."

  "I guess Owen told you?"

  "He called me yesterday. I've been trying to get a hold of you since. I talked to Owen a few minutes ago, and he said you were resting at the lake house."

  I bite my lip as my smile grows at the mention of his name. "I can't be around my mother anymore."

  "Speaking of," she starts, excitement in her voice. "My PI called me a few moments ago and is coming by at one. He says he has something to show us."

  Excitement bubbles at the news. "I'll be there."

  "Okay," she breathes, as if in relief. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  I smile at her concern for me. "I'm fine. Honestly."

  I am now, knowing your son loves me.

  "I'll call a cab to pick me up at twelve."

  "Okay. See you then."

  We say our goodbyes and I'm about to look up a good cab company when I spot a note hanging on the fridge door.

  Frowning, I move toward the note and recognize the writing immediately.


  I can still smell you on me, and it's the most fucking torturous thing on earth. I have to leave knowing you're in my bed, smelling as good as you do while you roll around naked in my sheets. I'm even getting hard thinking about it.

  I just wanted to let you know before I left that last night gave me such a relief. I have been feeling this way since that day here at the lake house…the very first time we shared our bodies. I was fighting you back then as much as I have been since.

  But no more.

  I know it's not your birthday until tomorrow, but I got you something and I can't wait until then.

  I love you, Savannah. All my heart and fucking soul, I love you.

  All yours,


  P.S. Take a look out the window.

  Butterflies dance in my belly as I practically skip to the window and gasp at what I find. Outside wrapped in a big, red bow is a yellow Lamborghini Urus.

  "No. Fucking. Way!" Shocked doesn't even begin to begin to describe what I'm feeling right now.

  Racing toward the car, I notice a white envelope tucked inside the bow. I grab it, open it up, and take a look inside. A key slips out, along with a card.

  To Savannah,

  I realize you're going to be pissed at me for buying this, but someone (mentioning no names) let it slip that you missed driving.

  If I could lock you up in my house forever, I would. That would not only be illegal, it would also be extremely selfish of me. I love you, and I want you to feel you can be free with me—no matter how hard it is to let go.

  I hope this birthday and every other birthday is as good as I can make it.

  Love you, baby,


  If I thought I couldn't fall anymore in love with this man, I was wrong. He bought me a fucking car!

  My cell starts to ring in my back pocket. I grab it and see it's Owen calling.

  "Did you see it?" he asks, the moment I answer.

  "Did I see it!" I screech. "Owen, are you fucking crazy? It's a car—a goddamn car!"

  "I know what it is, baby."

  My heart does a little flutter in my chest. I don't think I will ever tire of hearing him call me that.

  "Do you love it?"

  "Of course I do." I run my hand over the trunk of the car, loving how sleek it is under my touch. I would never go for yellow, but this one stands out. It's a stunner.

  "Well, shut up then. Accept it and say thank you."

  Grinning like an idiot, I say, "It's too much."

  "It's not too much. You deserve it for putting up with my shit for the last few months. Besides, can't a man buy the
woman he loves a present for her special birthday?"

  "Of course. It's just…" I sigh, admitting defeat. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

  He lets out an exhale of what I believe must be relief. "You're welcome."

  "I’m going to call her Bumblebee."

  A slight chuckle tickles my ear. "You've been watching too many of those goddamned Transformer movies."

  I gasp. "Hey, don't knock the Transformers movies. They're awesome."

  "Okay, whatever you say. I'm sure Bumblebee will take good care of my baby."

  I bite my lip. "I'm sure she will."

  "When are you going to take her for a spin?"

  "I'm going to get ready and have some breakfast, then the moment I'm ready, I'm taking my Bumblebee for a ride."


  "Will I see you later?"

  "I've been avoiding your mother. I’m afraid of the damage I’ll cause if I do. As soon as I'm finished here, I will be on my way to you. Hopefully around six."

  I find myself swaying as I answer. "I'll look forward to showing you just how grateful I am."

  "Oh, baby. Definitely not as much as I am for receiving it."

  I say a dizzying goodbye before skipping back to the house to get a shower and something to eat. It's only when I'm in the shower that the euphoria slips away and flashbacks of what Ethan did comes crashing into me. Up until this point it all seemed like a dream—like I was inside somebody else's body. Now, I can see it like I'm there—feel his hands on my skin.

  Closing my eyes, I will the memories to go away. I should be happy. I'm away from my toxic mother, I've just been given a car, and most importantly of all, I have Owen.

  Getting dressed quickly, I take the stairs down to the kitchen and make myself something to eat. To lift my spirits, I read both notes Owen left again and it's just the medicine I need to start my day.

  I'm so pumped at jumping in the car and taking my Bumblebee for a spin, that I end up leaving an hour earlier than intended. I start her up, loving the purr of the engine surrounding me. I'm so high up in the car that I feel I can take on the world if I had to. I fix my eyes ahead, picturing my mom and Ethan in front of me, and my foot instantly presses on the accelerator making her roar to life.

  I put the car in Drive, making my way along path that leads onto the road from the house. All is quiet as I ease her out onto the main drag, so I put my foot down and scream my joy as I wind down my window.

  Taking an extra long route to Patricia's, I almost end up late I'm so engrossed in my driving. I've never been one to enjoy a simple drive like Owen does, but sitting in this and getting a feel of it, I’m beginning to understand why.

  When I arrive at Patricia's a little before one, I find another car parked outside the entrance. I slip in after, immediately putting it in park and getting out. I can't help but look back at her before I saunter up to Patricia's porch. I'm about to knock on the door when it flies open.

  "Savannah, you're here!" Patricia opens her arms to embrace me, and I smile.

  "I'm so happy you're okay. I’ve felt sick ever since I found out you were in hospital and it was Ethan who put you there."

  Nausea starts to float in my belly, but I will it down, refusing to let Ethan win. If I keep telling myself it was all a dream, I can quickly move on with my life.

  "Thanks to your son, I'm fine."

  She pulls away, smiling. "Owen seems to be making a habit of this whole hero thing," she jokes.

  "I think he gets a secret kick out of it."

  She chuckles before motioning me into the living room. Tea is already made, and so are the cookies. I'm so used to being a part of this ritual, it feels weird to just sit down. We do have a guest, so this is the reason. He's currently sitting in my chair, eating one of the cookies on a plate. When he spots me, he quickly chews before wiping his hands on his pants and getting up.

  "Savannah, this is my PI, Grant Thernball."

  "Nice to meet you," he says, raising his hand out to me.

  "Nice to meet you too," I reply, shaking his hand.

  "Grant says he's done more digging than intended, but has come up with something he really wants to show us."

  I smile at both of them, hope filling my heart. "Sounds intriguing."

  "It is," Grant begins, taking a laptop out of his briefcase. "It took a lot to get a hold of these, but I'm glad I did. I had this hunch about your mom, and when I get hunches, they normally turn out to be something. I don't know what I've gotten here, but it's definitely something."

  Eager to get on with it, I say, "Show us."

  Opening the laptop, it lights up, asking for a password. He types it in, and a paused video of what looks like the outside of a bar pops up on the screen.

  "Before I begin, I already found out Owen and Sarah met at a charity gala. I have surveillance video of them that night, and it shows Sarah driving him home, then leaving to come back to this bar. Now, she does something here that completely baffles me, so I managed to pull surveillance from earlier that evening to find out why she did it. And I found this." He clicks on the laptop, and I watch as a dark car pulls up and a man gets out. From the looks of his clothes, he's a blue-collared worker of some kind, possibly in construction. It's after eight in the evening, and he rubs a hand over his face, looking stressed.

  My mother comes into view, dressed in a short denim skirt and crop top, following in after him. The shot stops for a moment, then starts again some two hours later.

  "Now, watch this," Grant says, pointing to the screen.

  They both come out of the bar, hands all over each other, kissing. I'm disgusted by what I’m witnessing, but I can't look away either. They disappear from sight, then it stops and starts playing again at after four in the morning. My mom is dressed in something completely different. It's a beautiful, long, flowing gown, and she's obviously finding it difficult to manage as she holds it up and she makes a beeline for the man's car. The same man she had been kissing earlier. She fiddles with something in her purse, then gets in the car and drives off.

  The video ends, and both Patricia and I glance at each other, completely bewildered. I turn to Grant. "Do you know who that man is?"

  "The video was a little grainy, but I managed to get a partial plate. I narrowed it down to one Tony Becksworth." His lips twist a little. There’s more.

  "What is it?"

  "Tony Becksworth was reported missing the day after this surveillance was taken."

  Trust in Me



  "Holy shit," I reply, my head scrambling to make sense of it all. "How on earth did you manage to get all this?"

  "I used to be a cop. I know a lot of people who are willing to bend the rules a little. It's not hard when you have the correct resources at hand."

  I point to the laptop. "Can I get a copy of that?"

  He holds a USB up in his hand. "I kind of figured you might ask that."

  "I don't understand any of this," Patricia starts. "What has this guy got to do with the night Owen and your mother met?"

  Grabbing the USB from Grant, I say, "I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out." I get up from my seat, causing Grant to do the same. "Can you send me your contact details? I have a feeling I'm going to need them later."

  "Sure," he replies, digging in his pocket and pulling out a card. "Best to call my cell."

  I nod, turning to a very confused Patricia. I smile reassuringly at her and take her hand. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Okay? Just sit tight for now."

  When she nods, I go to leave, but then her voice temporarily stops me in my tracks. "Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to the city to see Owen. I'll be in touch."

  In my car, I call Owen the moment I pull out of the driveway. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

  "Owen, I'm coming to meet you…"

  "What's happened?" he asks, panic evident in his voice. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, but I need to see you. I need to show
you something. Can you meet me somewhere with your iPad in about an hour?"

  "Will you be in your car?"

  "Yes. I need to show you something real quick, so I'll be with the car when I do."

  "Pick me up outside the Conrad. I'll be waiting."


  I'm about to put the phone down when his voice stops me. "Oh, and Savannah?"


  "I fucking love you."

  I chuckle, my heart accelerating at the thought. "I fucking love you too."

  Ending the call, I take the journey as fast as I can toward the city, breaking speed limits along the way while frantically looking out for any possible cops lurking around.

  When I cross the bridge into NYC, I let out a little sigh of relief. Almost there. My hearts beating in tune with the adrenaline now coursing through my veins.

  Due to some traffic, I reach the Financial District some twenty minutes later, arriving outside the hotel five minutes later than scheduled. Owen is standing there dressed impeccably in a blue Armani suit, looking ever so casual with his hands in his pockets and an iPad under one of his arms. He opens the door and slides in, his scent hitting my nostrils…and also my groin.

  "I'm ever so sorry, darling," I drawl. "Traffic was a bitch."

  His eyes scan the pale blue satin Burberry dress I'm wearing, and I note the hint of lust coursing through them.

  "If I knew you'd look this fucking sexy driving a car, I would have bought you one ages ago."

  "You know," I begin, pointing a finger at him, "you do like to use the word fuck a lot."

  He raises a cocky eyebrow. "Is this the face of someone who gives a fuck?"

  "Obviously not," I whisper under my breath.

  "So, what have you dragged me out of my office for? My assistant is sick today, so I can't be long."

  "Your assistant should be fired," I joke.

  He smirks at that. "I can't."

  "Why not?"

  "Because she'd probably deny me her super tight cunt."


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