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Forever Love (Kingpin Book 3)

Page 3

by Brooke Summers

  “Yeah baby, we are. I’m fucking tired, let’s get this over and done with and go home.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Over and done with? Damn, don’t you have a way with words?”

  I know this is just her putting on a brave face, she hates feeling the hurt and the pain. She buries it until she has to deal with it and then when she does, she feels it ten times worse. The night of Lacey’s funeral, I found Mia in the bathroom of our hotel room, her knees curled into her body as she lay on the floor sobbing. The pain pouring out of her with every breath she took. I know that she’s cried for her mom, but that’s all she’ll allow herself for now, until the time comes when she has to grieve. Then I’ll be there to make sure she doesn’t break.

  I open the door to Mom’s room and immediately Mom’s head turns to face us. As soon as she sees Mia she holds out her arms and Mia doesn't hesitate to walk into them, being careful as she wraps her arms around my mom.

  "We're not staying long. You need to rest and so does Mia, she wanted to check in on you. Make sure you're okay."

  Mom tsks. "Darling girl I'm okay. It'll take more than a bullet to stop me. I'm sorry about your mom, if you ever need anything all you have to do is ask."

  "Thank you, Marline. I'm glad you're okay."

  “Mom, have you seen Dad? Mia wants to check on him before we leave too.”

  She shakes her head, “No, I haven’t. He left when you went back to Mia. He’s not been back since.”

  I step outside her room and call him, he answers straight away. “Where are you?”

  “I’m outside, is Mia okay?”

  “Yeah, she can’t wait to get home. She wanted to check on you and Mom, she’s with Mom now.”

  “I’m fine, she doesn’t need to check up on me.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, you know Mia, that’s not going to work.”

  He sighs. “Fuck, okay, meet me outside when you’re finished.”

  I roll my eyes, he’s being a fucking pussy not wanting to be around Mom. “We’ll be down in a few minutes.” I end the call and walk back inside Mom’s room.

  “Did you find your father?” Mom asks.

  “Yeah, he’s waiting outside for us.”

  Mom laughs. “Yeah, I think your father is a bit jittery around me. I don’t understand why, it’s not like I was the one to betray him. I was faithful in our marriage.”

  Christ. “Now isn’t the time Mom.”

  She shrugs. “It’s the truth, the man is a coward. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself.”

  I glance at Mia, she’s looking down at her hands, her lips pulled into a thin line. She’s trying her best to keep quiet. “Mom, now isn’t the damn time,” I say through gritted teeth.

  Mom realizes what she’s said and looks sheepishly at Mia, “Sorry.”

  Mia shrugs, “No need to apologize.”

  “Come on, we’d better go and find Dad. Don’t want him to have something to complain about.” I reach out and take Mia’s hand. “Mom, I’ll stop by tomorrow, try not to annoy any of the nursing staff.”

  She looks insulted. “I wouldn’t dare, I’ll be the best patient they’ll ever have.”

  “Of course you will be.”

  “Bye, Marline.” Mia says softly and I think she’s upset about what Mom was saying but she won’t say anything. She’s just not like that. As soon as we’re out of Mom’s room she asks me about Dad. “Is he okay?”

  No he isn’t, I can tell by his voice and the way he’s acting. He’s distracted, his mind is elsewhere. “I’d say he’s as okay as you are.”

  She makes a weird noise in the back of her throat. “That good huh?”

  “You’ll both get there, Princess.”

  She stops and turns to face me. “I know we will. You’ll get us there, just like you did when Lacey died and after he raped me.”

  Fuck me. “Mia…” my voice cracks, what the fuck is this girl doing to me? “You’re incredible, Princess, there’s no other way to describe you.”

  She presses her lips together. “I’m not going to cry.” Her nostrils flare as she tries not to cry. “I love you. When we get home, we’ll talk, okay?”

  “Sounds ominous. Love you too though, Princess, that’s never going to change.” I pull her toward me, her head resting against my shoulder. “Let’s go get Dad.”

  Walking outside, Dad’s waiting for us, and just like Mom he opens his arms and Mia willingly walks into them, they whisper to one another, whatever Mia says to Dad has his eyes closed in pain. They pull away from each other, and Mia wipes tears from her eyes as she walks back toward me, her arms sliding around my waist.

  “I’ll leave you two alone tonight, I’ll swing by tomorrow.” That’s his way of saying he wants his space. I can’t even begin to imagine what he’s going through, I’d lose my shit if Mia died, I’d go on a rampage, I’d kill everyone in sight. I wouldn’t give a shit who I took down. Dad’s being calm and I’m waiting until his anger hits, because that’s when the shit’s going to hit the fan.

  We say our goodbyes and Mia and I go back to the car, she’s gone quiet again and I know she’s thinking about whatever Dad said to her. Mia and her mom had a rough end to their relationship, and I’m partly responsible, if I hadn't met Mia again, none of this would have happened but at the same time, I wouldn’t change it all, she’s fucking amazing.

  The drive to our house is quiet and I’m starting to get on edge, I’m wondering what Mia wants to talk about. Whatever has happened, it sure as fuck has me on edge. I’ve had every scenario running through my mind, and yet I can’t think of anything that could have happened. If it has to do with Martin, I’ll lose the damn plot. She’s staring out the window, the entire journey, her mind elsewhere.

  “I’m going to get changed, I won’t be long,” she says as I open the door, she pushes past me and rushes to our bedroom. I leave her be, knowing that she won’t say anything, not just yet. Let her come to me, it’ll be the best way for her to open up to me. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a beer and wait for Mia in the sitting room.

  She walks into the sitting room, dressed in my t-shirt, it’s hanging off her. She sits on the sofa that’s opposite me, I see that she’s not wearing panties and my mind instantly transports back to the day I found her on that filthy fucking mattress. “So,” she begins, and I look at her. “I haven’t been feeling well lately.”

  I frown, “What?”

  She shrugs, “I’ve been more tired than usual, I’ve been getting heartburn, and I’ve been feeling nauseous.”

  “Okay?” I’m still confused, why didn’t she tell me.

  “I thought it was stress, everything that I’d been through, I presumed it was that.” She sounds so worried.

  “Mia, tell me what’s going on?”

  “I realized that I was late, or that I couldn’t remember the last time I had one.”

  “Mia, Princess, you’re going to have to break it down for me.”

  “Hudson, I bought a pregnancy test and I took it this morning.” A tear slowly slides down her face, I follow it as it drops to her cheek and onto her lip.

  My breath leaves me in a whoosh, my eyes widen as I realize just what she’s saying. “Mia, are you pregnant?”

  She nods. “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

  I blink. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She glances at her hands, wringing them together. “Because I wasn’t sure who the father was.” More tears fall from her, I don’t watch them this time, instead I get up off the sofa and walk over to her. Crouching down in front of her, I wipe the tears away. “I didn’t want to tell you, I didn’t want you to know.”

  “That it could be his?” She nods, the tears falling faster. “Princess, do you think I give a shit? You’re mine and that means any baby you have is mine too.”

  She sobs. “I didn’t know if I could raise his baby. I didn’t know if I would be strong enough.” She wipes her tears and looks at me. “I wasn’t sure if I could overlook what he did to
me and see the beautifulness of the baby.” She shakes her head. “I was scared.” She confesses quietly

  “Whatever you want to do, I’m behind you every step of the way.” I say without hesitation.

  She nods. “I don’t think I could get rid of the baby.”

  I guess it’s something that she has to decide for herself. “What about when you fainted? Are you both okay?”

  She reaches her hand out and her fingers intertwine with mine. “Yes, we’re both fine.”

  I bring her hands to my lips and kiss them. “Whatever happens, we’ll get through it. I meant what I said princess, if it’s his, I don’t give a shit, your kid, is mine too.” I’ll make sure that Martin has no fucking idea that Mia’s pregnant, he’ll never get to see my child. Ever.

  Her lips part, and her tears are soaking her eyelashes but she smiles so brightly. “It’s not his Hudson,” she whispers and it’s like a punch in the gut, the wind is taken from me. “I love you, I love that you would have raised this baby with me if it wasn’t yours. But it is.”

  “What?” I need to hear her say those words again.

  She squeezes my hand. “It’s not his baby, it’s yours.”


  “We’re having a baby,” she tells me her grin from ear to ear.

  “Seriously?” She nods. “How do you know?” I have no idea about this shit.

  “They did a scan at the hospital, we’re ten weeks.” That smile just gets wider and wider.

  Ten weeks? “Wait… ten weeks?” Her eyes narrow but she nods. “So the first night.” I can’t help but grin.

  She rolls her eyes. “I didn’t say that.”

  “But?” I can’t help but smirk.

  She closes her eyes and shakes her head. “Fine, you got me pregnant in the first week.”

  I kiss her lips. “The first week,” I murmur.

  She pushes me away. “I told you to put on a damn condom.”

  “You loved it,” I quip.

  She rolls her eyes at me again. “That may be so. I still can’t wrap my head around this. We’re pregnant.”

  “We’re pregnant,” I echo her words. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad.” I lift her off the sofa and her legs go around my waist, her arms going around my neck.

  “I’m sorry I never told you right away, I was scared.” She leans her head on my shoulder.

  I kiss her softly, “Princess, don’t apologize.” I understand why she never said anything. She was scared, she’s been through a lot, and Martin has put her through hell.

  “I’m still scared though, Hudson.”

  My gut tightens at her words, I know why she is and I hate that I can’t fucking do anything about it. “I’m going to get him Mia, he won’t hurt you, he won’t hurt our baby.”

  She nods. “What if he finds out about the baby? What if he thinks it’s his?”

  I have no answer, because I honestly don’t know what he’ll do. “You’re safe, Mia that I can promise you.” My hands squeeze her ass cheeks. “Now isn’t the time to think about him. It’s time to celebrate.” Her head lifts off my shoulder, her green eyes so bright, so full of happiness. My lips descend on hers, my tongue sweeping into her mouth and dominating hers.

  I undo my pants so that my cock is free, turning to Mia, I lift her so that she’s straddling me, it takes ages before she lowers herself completely down on my dick, her hands intertwine with mine and she leans forward and places a kiss on my lips. “Love you,” she whispers.

  “Princess, I fucking love you. I’d go to hell and back for you. But baby, you’ve got to move.” I thrust inside of her, pushing myself deeper than I’ve been before. Mia throws her head back and cries out with pleasure. My hands grip her hips and I lift her so that only the head of my dick is inside of her warm, wet pussy and push back into her.

  “Fuck!” She cries out and I do it again, her hands releasing mine, going to my chest. I do it again, pulling out a little bit more and thrusting all the way inside of her again. “Yes,” she whispers, her fingers digging into my skin.

  I’m getting close, I lift her off me and place her on her back. Her legs automatically open for me, and I thrust back inside of her. Her hands go to my shoulders and she begins to fuck me just as I do her, we’re in sync. The sounds of our ragged breathing, along with our bodies hitting off one another is all that can be heard.

  She grinds down on my cock as she comes, the walls of her pussy contracting against my dick, pulling my cum from me. “Mia.” I growl as I thrust, once, twice, three times inside of her, trying to get as far inside of her as I can.

  “Fuck, I love you.” I breathe as I place a kiss against her lips, pulling out of her and collapsing beside her.

  We lie on the sofa in silence, both of us trying to regain our breath.

  “Do you think your dad’s okay?” She asks me after a few moments in silence.

  “He will be,” I tell her, I have something for him to do, it’ll help him take his mind off things as well as release some of that anger he has.

  She turns so she’s lying on her side, her smile is sad as is the look in her eyes. “A part of me wants to tell him about the baby, but I know that right now, we all need to focus on finding Martin and both he and I need to grieve, once we have, then we can tell him.”

  She always manages to say something that I wouldn’t expect. “Yeah Princess, I think that’s a good idea. Dad needs to come to terms with what’s happened, knowing my dad, he’s probably kicking himself for pushing her away.”

  Tears shine in her eyes. “She deserved it, the way she was acting…” she trails off shaking her head. “I wish she’d have known how much we really did love her.”

  I pull her into my arms. “She did, trust me baby, she knew.” That I have no doubts about, both of them loved her unconditionally, yes, they were mad, but that didn’t change how they felt. Tina would have known that.

  “I hope that she’s with dad. I know they didn’t love each other romantically, but they did love each other. I want them to look after each other now.” The tears slowly fall down her face, “What am I going to do? They’re both gone.”

  “They’re not completely gone, Princess. They’re still in your heart.” Great I sound like a damn sap. “You have the memories you made with them, they’re never going to go.”

  She nods, the tears falling thicker and faster, I reach over and wipe them away. “I’m alone,” she whispers.

  She’s fucking gutting me, she’s not even twenty yet and both her parents are dead, one because of this fucking war that I’m in. She was an innocent, she didn’t deserve to die. “You’re not alone, you have me.” My hand touches her stomach. “You have us both.”

  She gives me a watery smile. “I do.”

  My cell phone rings and her body stills under my hand. Every time that thing fucking rings, it brings bad news, what the hell has happened now.



  Fear, that’s all I feel whenever his cell rings. “Don’t answer it.” I can’t deal with anything else today, we’ve all been through enough.

  “I have to,” he tells me, placing a chaste kiss to my lips. He climbs out of the bed, and reaches for his pants that are on the ground. “It could be the hospital.”

  Shit, I’ve been so caught up in myself and losing mom and the baby that I completely forgot about Marline. I’m such a bitch.

  “It’s one of the men,” he tells me and answers the phone, “Rory, talk to me.” He walks out of the bedroom, completely naked.

  I reach for my phone, I need to call Sarah. I put Facetiming calling and wait. Pulling Hudson’s t-shirt off the floor, I quickly throw it over my head and sit up. She doesn’t make me wait long. “Mia.” Her eyes are watery, she’s heard.

  “Hey you,” I say softly and her tears slowly fall. “How’s Allie?”

  She wipes away the tears. “She’s fine, more importantly how are you? Hudson told me what happened.”

  I shrug, right now, I�
��m numb. I’ve been numb since I’ve found out. Hudson has made me happy, hell having sex made me feel alive but I’m back to where I was, feeling numb. “I’m okay.”

  She glares at me. “You’re full of shit.”

  I nod. “Yeah, I am. I don’t know what to do, what am I supposed to do? Sarah, the fucker is still out there, he’s still hurting people. But what I don’t understand is why he had to kill Lacey and mom?” They had nothing to do with this, so why on earth did they have to die? What did I, or they, do to him to make him want to kill them? To make me hurt so deeply?

  She shakes her head. “Mia, I have no idea what goes through his damn head. I don’t want to see what goes through it either.”

  I can just imagine the evil that runs through it. “Let’s not talk about this anymore,” I tell her, as I wipe away my tears.

  “Hey Mia, I’m really sorry about your mom.” Frankie says, coming into view, as he stands behind Sarah.”

  “Thanks.” I give him a sad smile, really hoping he’ll leave it as that.

  “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

  “Thank you,” I reply and watch as Sarah rolls her eyes.

  We stay here in silence, as Frankie just stands behind Sarah. I’m dying to tell Sarah about the pregnancy but I know that I can’t, not yet. I haven’t told her everything about what happened with Martin. She’s going to be so hurt that I’ve not confided in her about any of this.

  “Frankie, go away, we’re talking,” Sarah tells him as she pushes him away.

  He smirks, “See you later Mia.”

  I wave at him. “Bye.”

  Sarah laughs, “God, he’s so weird. He’s got a crush on you.”

  I give her a get real look, “Yeah, right.”

  She continues to laugh. “I swear to you, Mia, he’s got the biggest crush on you, it’s why he was pissed at Lacey’s funeral when he found out you and Hudson were engaged.”

  “Where’s Jagger?” I ask changing the subject.

  “He’s working.” The fear in her voice is clear to hear.

  “He’ll be okay.” Even as I say the words, I don’t believe them. Martin doesn’t give a shit who he hurts and he certainly wouldn’t hesitate in hurting Jagger.


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