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Forever Love (Kingpin Book 3)

Page 6

by Brooke Summers

  “If he was helping him escape you, how was it a bad thing? A lot of people deserve to live Mr Brady, you don’t need to kill anyone,” Josie tells him, she’s trying to help her husband. I commend that, I’d do the same for Hudson but she’s digging herself a bigger whole.

  “Let me enlighten you, Mrs Johnson.” The way he says her name makes my skin crawl, the anger is palpable. “Your husband,” he spits. “Helped a man kill a nineteen year old girl, he also helped him cover up the death of a seventeen year old, a girl who he had kidnapped three years prior, not only that, since then he has set fire to a house, trapping a woman inside, killing her in the process and only last night he shot two innocent women, injuring one and killing another.”

  She gasps, getting to her feet. “Clive?” she questions, finally she’s starting to realize that her husband isn’t as innocent as she’s been led to believe.

  “Josie,” Mr Johnson cries, “Listen to me, he’s lying.”

  “Have you helped this man?” she questions, her voice strong, there’s no more tears, she’s angry. Anger is good, it’ll help her see the truth.

  When Mr Johnson doesn’t answer her, Jagger helps him out, his hand presses down on his broken leg. It snaps and I cringe, God, he’s broken it even more. Mr Johnson cries out.

  “You’d better answer her Clive, otherwise, there’ll be more snapping,” Hudson tells him, he’s reigned in his anger.

  “Fine,” he yells. “Fine.” He’s breathing hard and shallow. “Yes, I’ve helped him.”

  “Did you know what he’s been doing?” Josie asks and I stare at her in disbelief, why? Why the hell is she asking such stupid questions? There’s no way he didn’t know about what Martin was up to.

  Again, Clive doesn’t answer her, his silence speaks volumes.

  “Oh God, what have you become?” Josie questions, utter disgust in her voice. “When did you turn into this monster?”

  “I was sick of him getting away with everything. The missing men, the enemies that vanished into thin air, and nothing ever traced back to him. He’d come up clean as a whistle every single time. Even his club is legit.”

  Hudson scoffs. “So you thought you’d work against me? That you’d bring me down?”

  “You need bringing down,” Clive yells and Jagger presses down on his leg once again, his scream fills the air. “He does, he’s evil, and how do you manage to always get away with it?”

  Hudson raises his brow. “I have no idea what you are talking about. I’ve not done anything criminal until this very moment. But who are you going to tell? Hmm? Your colleagues? Once they find out what you have done, the murders that you are responsible for, do you really think they’ll put you on the stand to testify against me? My attorney is too good for that, he’ll discredit you with just one sentence. Let me make myself very clear Mr Johnson, because of your actions the woman I love was hurt, hurt beyond your comprehension and for that I’ll never forgive you.” Hudson raises his gun, its aim pointed at Clive.

  “What?” Clive blubbers. “Who?”

  “You have someone you love?” The softer tone of Josie makes Hudson glance at her, “What happened to her? Did she die?”

  “No, she didn’t die,” Hudson grinds out.

  Josie nods. “She was assaulted.” It’s not a question.

  “I’m sorry, how is she doing?”

  “Better than I expect, but there’s times that she’s not. Now because of your husband, her mother was killed this morning.” He releases a harsh breath and turns his attention back to Clive. “How many times does she have to take the hit because you’re a pussy?”

  “I never intended anyone to get hurt, that wasn’t my plan.”

  “What exactly was your plan?” Jagger asks, he’s getting angry now. Nothing Clive is saying makes sense, he isn’t being truthful, or if he is, he isn’t letting us know the full story. It’s frustrating as much as it is annoying. This would be over a hell of a lot sooner if he would just say whatever it is he’s done or has planned, instead of making everyone even more angry and pushing Hudson to his limit.

  “I planned on pushing you to do something illegal, that I’d catch you in the act as you did it.”

  “So what changed? You haven’t caught me as of yet so what was it that changed?” Hudson grounds out, his gun still aimed at Clive.

  “Martin.” He breathes. “He kidnapped two women, he hit one of them on the head and she crumpled to the floor, I thought she was dead.” He shakes his head. “Things had changed, I couldn’t do it anymore.”

  A gunshot sounds, followed by a thump.

  Hudson shoots and I cover my mouth so the scream that’s lodged in my throat doesn’t escape. He shot Josie, I can’t help but stare at her lifeless body, she’s slumped on the ground with a bullet between her eyes. Tears sting but I don’t let them fall. Why did he kill her?

  “Josie!” Clive wails, “You’re a coward.” He yells at Hudson, “You can go to hell, I’m not telling you anything else.”

  Hudson stalks toward him. “You were there.” His voice deadly, it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “You were with him when he took the two girls?”

  I remember his words, he knew I was hit over the head. He was there? Oh my God, he’s meant to protect people, he’s meant to be the one that people trust when they’re in danger. Instead he was a participant in mine and Lacey’s kidnapping. This world is so messed up, he’s meant to keep me safe and the man that is viewed as a monster, the one I’m meant to keep away from at all costs is the one that has proven that he’ll protect me. Is it any wonder why I’m so at ease with the Boss?

  “I asked you a fucking question. Now answer it!” Hudson yells, digging the gun into Clive’s chest, causing him to hiss as the heat from the gun burns his flesh. The smell is putrid but I breathe through it.

  “Yes, I was there.” He spits out.

  “You’re the reason that they were hurt, that she was raped and the other died.” Hudson tells him in a quiet voice. My skin breaks out in goosebumps and I bite back a whimper. That voice is the scariest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s something I never want to hear again.


  “Yes. You should have stopped him,” Hudson yells taking a step back. “What did this get you huh? Working for my enemy? Did it make you feel good? Hm? Or did you get paid handsomely for it?”

  “Neither,” he responds instantly, his voice shaking.

  “Then why?” Hudson’s out for answers and he’s not letting him go without them.

  What happened to me affected him more than it did me. Yes, I wake with nightmares, I’m scared that Martin’s going to get me again, I can’t sleep without the bathroom light on. But I know that once Martin is out of my life that I’ll be okay, I’ll know that he won’t be able to hurt me again. Whereas Hudson, he blames himself. He heard what happened to me and it’s chipped away a piece of him. He thinks he’s failed me, he fails to realize that he saved me, that because of him I was able to survive what that animal did to me. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to get that piece back.

  “What did you get out of this?” Again his anger is receding, it’s weird to watch how close to the edge he comes but he’s able to pull himself back.

  “He was blackmailing me.”

  I roll my eyes, isn’t that always the motive? God, have some damn backbone. I wonder if it was worth it? Was all of this worth whatever the hell he wanted to keep a secret.

  “About what?” Jagger questions.

  I glance around the room, each of the men are standing in the light. I’m the only one hidden in the shadows. All of them have their hands on their guns, ready for whatever is coming next, they all have the same look of disgust on their faces.

  Clive looks at Josie’s body on the floor beside him, “he was blackmailing me about the child I have. The one that was the result of the affair I had. I didn’t want Josie to know.”

  “You have a child?” Hudson laughs, “Imagine what they’re going t
o think about their father?”

  Clive struggles against his restraints. “I pray you never have children, to inflict the evil that you are on them.”

  “My children will know what I am, I’ll never pretend to be anything else. Unlike you, a man that acts as though he’s one of the good guys when in fact you’re no better than I am. Now, what is Martin’s endgame?”

  A smirk forms on Clive’s lips, “To end everyone you care about. He’s going to kill everyone you love and then he’s going to kill you.” He’s revelling in dishing out that information.

  “That’s never going to happen.” Hudson tells him and once again lifts the gun. When he pulls the trigger this time, I don’t even flinch.



  Jagger drives us toward home, David’s in the front and Mia’s head is against my shoulder as she sleeps. The rest of the men are in two other cars, one in front and one behind. Now we know what Martin’s end game is, we’re going to ensure that nothing happens. The car behind will be turning off soon and heading to the hospital. They’re on protection duty for my mom, there’s no way that fucker is going to get another shot at her.

  “David, did you talk to Rory?” I ask quietly not wanting to wake Mia.

  “Yes boss, he said your father was talking to them, that he’s been demanding answers and if they haven’t been forthcoming he’s been forcing those answers out of them.”

  “Good, has Aaron checked in?” I ask, wondering how long my dad’s going to take, the longer he’s there the more chance he’ll be caught.

  “Yes boss, he called just as we were leaving the church. He said to tell you that you were right. He has a visual.” David replies and I smile. “Boss, may I ask, what he has a visual on?”

  “Martin,” I respond and watch as both Jagger and David immediately still.

  “We have him in our sights?” David asks cautiously, I know he’s dying to get his hands on him.

  “Yes, once my father has done his job, we’ll be leaving the bodies where he stays. Show him that we can get to his family as well,” I reply, wondering if I should have David go to Aaron or not? If I do, can I trust him to reign in his anger and stay hidden? Or will he lose the plot and maybe have Martin run, making us lose him again? “David, once it’s done, you’ll be with Aaron, watching to see where that fucker goes.”

  “Boss, when Portia died I vowed I’d extract revenge, I promised her parents that I’d make the man that killed her pay. I’m not going to go against you to get that revenge because I know that once we have him, my promise will be made. I may not be the man to end him, but I’ll be part of the reason he’s dead,” He’s reassuring me that I’m making the right decision.

  “I respect that, I really do, but I expect you to take the shot if that fucker runs. I’d rather him dead than have him regroup and take more shots at our families.”

  He nods. “Understood boss, if he does a runner, I’ll take him out. If not, we’ll bring him in and we can play.” His tone is sadistic and I smile, my boys love their blood. Not only that, they love exacting revenge and I’m not one to let them down, except when it’s to do with my family.

  “Jagger, once my dad’s finished, I’ll ask him to watch Mia. You’ll organize a meeting. Every man is to be in attendance other than Aaron and David. Anyone not in attendance will be put on notice. Once the meeting is done, I want you to have the men sweep the club for bugs. No more shit, we’re getting our house in order.”

  “Will do boss, I’ll call Coby and see if he’s got anything we can use in his office. What about your mom, when will she be going home?”

  Mia lets out a low moan and I glance down at her, she looks uncomfortable but I’m not moving her. She’s strapped in her seatbelt and I’m not risking taking her out of it. “Probably another couple of days. While Martin is out there, she’ll have twenty-four seven security.”

  “Have you thought about moving her into your house until this is over?” Jagger asks, “It’ll mean Mia has some company that isn’t male, and she’ll be looked after if you have to leave.”

  I have thought about it, but I haven’t approached Mia about it yet. “I’ll talk to Mia and see what she thinks.” While it will be a sensible idea, I want Mia to be comfortable in her own house.

  The car behind us turns, we’re almost at home. Once I get inside, I’ll be fucking happier, although Aaron hasn’t said Martin’s on the move, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have someone watching us. Anything can happen and all of us are on alert.

  Jagger pulls into the driveway and I gently wake Mia. “Let’s get you to bed.” I tell her, as I open the door.

  “Hudson,” she moans. “You’ve had it twice already, let me sleep.”

  Jagger laughs and David’s ears turn red, no doubt he’s hiding the laughter.

  “Mia, we’re home,” I tell her a bit louder and her eyes open and she gapes at me. Jagger’s still laughing. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says sheepishly as I get out of the car.

  I hold my hand out for her, she takes it. “Don’t worry about it, Princess.”

  She rests her head against my chest as we walk toward the door, Jagger’s still laughing his ass off and I turn and glare at him.

  I turn on the light, Mia buries her head even further into my chest, shielding her eyes from the brightness. “Go to bed baby, you need the rest.” I tell her softly, kissing the top of her head.

  “Okay,” she says through her yawn. “Don’t stay up too late.” She pulls away from my chest and places a kiss on my lips. “Goodnight Jagger, goodnight David,” she says as she walks toward the bedroom.

  “Goodnight, Mia,” Jagger says, the fucker still has a smile on his face.

  Goodnight, Princess,” David responds.

  She disappears into the bedroom. I walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge, I reach for the beer.

  “Hudson.” Her shrill scream rents through the air.

  Jagger, David, and I are running into our bedroom. My hand on my gun, I come to a stop when I see her staring at the bed. I glance around the room and see it’s empty except for us.

  “Hudson, he’s been here,” She whispers.

  “Mia, what’s going on?” Jagger asks as I try and regain my breath. Christ I thought someone was here.

  She picks something off the bed and turns to face me. She hands me the small box and a note. Her entire body shaking, tears fall down her face. God, what the fuck happened? How did this get in here?

  I read the note.


  We’re expecting. How amazing. I never thought about being a father before but I’m really looking forward to the idea.

  When will we know about the gender? I’d like to know so I can attend the scan.

  Please ensure that Hudson is not in attendance. I do not want that man near my child.

  I’ll be close by, keeping an eye on you.

  Here’s a little gift for our baby.

  All my love,


  You have to be fucking shitting me.

  Before I can say anything, Jag snatches the note out of my hand. His eyes grow wide as he reads the note. “Mia, you’re pregnant?” His eyes watery, and I know he’s thinking that what that asshole has said in that note is true. He loves Mia and is hurting for her.

  “Yes, she is and that fucker better watch his step. Mia is ten weeks pregnant, we found out today, she had a scan. So get that fucking look of your face, it’s not his.” I’m going to be fielding this goddamn questions for a long time.

  “Congrats boss, another male to take over,” David says patting me on my shoulder.

  “Thank fuck for that,” Jagger sighs in relief. “Welcome to the club man.” He pulls me into a hug. “So the little dude is due when? March?”

  “I’m not sure, I never asked,” I say, and look to Mia to help me out. She’s standing there with her hands on her hips, tears falling down her face but she’s pissed. “Mia?”
br />   “Since when did we know the gender? Hmm? Last time I checked, I was ten weeks pregnant.” There’s a bite to her tone, I know she didn’t want anyone to know just yet, but there was no way around them knowing. Especially with this fucking gift.

  “What’s in the box?” David asks, anger lacing his words.

  I take the lid of the box and I see red. The fucker bought a fucking teddy bear.

  “Can we throw it in the trash?” Mia’s voice is small, she’s upset, absolutely fucking wrecked. “How did he find out?”

  I pull her into my arms. “I don’t know, but I promise you he’s not getting anywhere near you.”

  “He’ll die before he gets a chance,” David vows. “Mia,” he says and she turns to face him, it’s the first time he’s called her by her name, he’s called her Princess so far. “I’m going to stay on that fucker’s trail, I’ll know where he is every second of the day. He’s not going to hurt you, or your baby.”

  Mia pulls away from me and walks over to David, her arms going around him and she pulls him into a hug, sobbing against him as she does. I leave her be, knowing that she’s grateful to him, I’m not jealous of it, in fact, I’m relieved that they’re developing a friendship. David needs some softness in his life right now. I’m not sure if I’d be so easy if it were any of my other men. Jagger’s an exception.

  My cell rings, taking it out of my pocket I see that it’s dad. About fucking time. “Is it done?” Mia and David pull apart, the hardness he had in his eyes has softened.

  “Hello to you too,” he replies, but I’m not in the mood. “It’s done, you little shit.”

  “Dad, get here, bring Rory and Cormac with you. David will bring them to the dump site.”

  “Shit, what’s happened now?” He’s not as wound up, it seems he’s released some of that anger.


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