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Trap for a Goose

Page 11

by Liliiana Saint Clair

  ‘Oh, our romantic, Kristin, you have so much positivity, and you nobly try to convey to us these fine emotions,’ said Barbara with a smile. ‘And if you don’t mind, Kristin, today, I will order our coffee. I can’t wait to feel this divine aroma.’

  ‘No, we do not mind,’ answered the friends.

  When the waiter brought them coffee and croissants, they animatedly discussed yesterday’s events at Danielle and James Jackson’s house.

  ‘Girls, you still do not know the latest news. I did not want to talk about it but it would not be fair to you to keep it a secret. You should know that late last night around eleven thirty, they called Steve and said that Craig Davidson had committed suicide,’ reported Barbara.

  ‘What?’ exclaimed the friends in unison.

  ‘Yes, it’s true,’ confirmed Barbara.

  ‘This is a stunning turn of events. Yes, Kristin, from the very beginning you doubted the guilt of James Jackson. And she didn’t trust Craig Davidson,’ Martina said with conviction.

  ‘I am confused by this story, I do not understand anything,’ said Kristin, quietly.

  ‘I think Danielle Jackson demanded a divorce from James or something else, and he decided to kill her. Still, Craig was a negative person. Although I thought that James Jackson’s father could have done it,’ thought Martina, aloud.

  ‘Is James Jackson’s father a murderer? I do not understand what’s going on,’ said Barbara, perplexed.

  ‘Barbara, he had an intimate relationship with Danielle Jackson. Maybe she blackmailed him,’ clarified Martina.

  ‘Kristin, do you think so too?’ asked Barbara.

  ‘Yes. What?’ Kristin asked.

  ‘Kristin, your thoughts wander far away. What is wrong?’ said a worried Barbara.

  ‘Just that the unexpected news took me by surprise. I could not imagine that Craig Davidson is capable of suicide,’ said Kristin.

  ‘Kristin, you always considered him a terrible person. And I remember very well how you spoke about Craig Davidson? You thought back then that he was capable of such a murder,’ added Martina.

  ‘I do not deny this, and that he is a complete egoist, a terrible husband and father, and may be a murderer. However, this man, it seems to me, is not able to kill himself,’ Kristin said indignantly.

  ‘We have a lot of suspects,’ noted Barbara, quietly.

  ‘Yes, I agree with you, Barbara. We have a little chaos in our head, for this we need to put our thoughts on the shelves,’ said Kristin quietly and looked at the clock. ‘Girls, I have to go home.’

  ‘And we have to go back to our duties. In short, let’s keep in touch, and do not forget to put your thoughts on the shelves,’ said Martina with a smile. ‘For everything, time goes by, see you later.’

  Debbie Larsson

  Steve Duke and Dave Tanner were considering the forensic medical report on the death of Craig Davidson when their secretary, John, knocked on the door of the office and entered.

  ‘Sorry, sir, but a certain Debbie Larsson wants to talk to you,’ John reported.

  ‘Who wants to talk to me?’

  ‘Debbie Larsson, a nurse who works with James Jackson,’ explained John.

  ‘Invite her to come into my office in around twenty minutes,’ ordered Steve Duke.

  John nodded his head in agreement and left the office, closing the door behind him.

  ‘Debbie Larsson? James Jackson often called her, but all indications are that they enjoyed a purely professional relationship. But I would add that the relationship was more caring on the part of Debbie Larsson,’ noted Steve Duke.

  ‘Chief, as the forensic examination shows that Craig Davidson committed suicide, and he also indirectly confessed to the murder, it turns out that James Jackson is not guilty,’ reasoned Dave Tanner. ‘If he was Danielle’s killer, maybe Craig Davidson’s suicide wasn’t so voluntary and someone gave him a little assistance.’

  ‘Yes, you are right, my friend. And who is this someone? The list is rather long,’ marked Steve Duke.

  A knock at the door interrupted the conversation. Apologizing, John entered the office, put a gray folder with the inscription, “Danielle Jackson’s bank statement” on Steve Duke’s desk and asked, ‘Can I invite Miss Debbie Larsson in now?’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ said Steve Duke.

  A thirty-five-year-old woman entered the office, displaying a smart face and a fit sports figure.

  ‘Miss Larsson, let me introduce myself. I am Chief Inspector Steve Duke, and my colleague is Inspector Dave Tanner. Come on in. Sit down,’ said Steve Duke, who rose to offer her a chair at his desk.

  Debbie Larsson cautiously sat down and looked around nervously.

  ‘Miss Larsson, you wanted to tell us something?’ said Steve Duke in a calm voice before sitting back down in his chair.

  ‘Yes… I wanted to, no, I have to tell you that James Jackson called me on the evening of the murder at 11.05 p.m. and said in a drunken voice that he was very sick and in “The Abbey” pub then hung up. And I went to him, parked in the neighboring street to “The Abbey” and called him. He left the pub about five minutes later,’ Debbie Larsson narrated, nervously.

  ‘Miss Larsson, where exactly did you park your car, and at what time did he leave the pub?’ inquired Steve Duke.

  ‘He got into the car at eleven twenty-five. I remember it clearly, because I was looking at the car’s clock when he arrived. I parked right outside Superdrug,’ Debbie Larsson answered with an embarrassed look.

  ‘What did you do then or where did you go?’ asked Steve Duke.

  ‘Nothing, we just spent some time talking, or rather Mr Jackson said he felt bad. Tired of eternal lies, human meanness and stupidity,’ uttered Debbie Larsson.

  ‘Miss Larsson, should I know what he was talking about?’ said Steve Duke, trying to clarify the situation.

  ‘I understand, but he was drunk. Mr Jackson said that his wife had lied to him all his married life and it was unbearable to live like this, before bursting into tears. A few minutes later, he apologized for bothering me and got out of the car. I caught up with him, and we walked around in silence for a while. Then he returned to “The Abbey”, and I got into the car and drove home,’ said Debbie Larsson with sadness.

  ‘What time did you break up and have you seen Mr Jackson since the death of his wife?’ asked Steve Duke, dryly.

  ‘I left from there at twelve fifteen and I haven’t met with Mr Jackson again. He was not at work afterwards,’ said Debbie Larsson, quietly.

  Chief Inspector Duke, getting up from his chair, walked over to Debbie Larsson and in a calm voice pronounced, ‘Thank you for coming to see us, Miss Larsson. You are free to go about your normal business. My colleague, Inspector Dave Tanner, will escort you out, but please leave your vehicle’s details with my secretary.’

  Inspector Dave Tanner opened the door, gently stepped aside and said in a quiet voice, ’Please, Miss Larsson.’

  Returning to the office, Dave Tanner found the chief inspector reading documents from the gray folder.

  ‘Dave, these are very interesting. I am simply delighted, our Frenchwoman has an excellent logic in her thinking,’ said Steve Duke.

  ‘Sir, I can add that she is also a beautiful woman,’ noted Dave Tanner.

  ‘Dave, you have the devil in your head, as always. Tell the guys that you urgently need to go and check the video camera in front of Superdrug. If its footage confirms Debbie Larsson’s story, then Jackson will have an alibi.’

  ‘You insult me, boss. I ordered it ten minutes ago! I want to remind you that at twelve p.m. this afternoon, Richard Jackson will come to speak to us with his lawyer in tow,’ Dave Tanner reported.

  ‘It’s impossible to forget that, my friend, but even lawyers have a job to do and his attendance will not be a problem,’ said Steve Duke, meaningfully. ‘I think, however, that it’s time for us to drink coffee. After all, we must be ready for battle.’

  The Labyrinth of Thoughts

>   ‘Cameron, I am going to go grocery shopping. Will I take you to the university?’ Kristin shouted to him, going down the wooden stairs.

  Cameron came very close to her, looked mysteriously into her eyes, and started talking jokingly, ‘If my wife has expressed a desire to give me a ride to work, then I can’t refuse her, although I prefer a morning walk.’

  ‘Actually, out of courtesy, I offered to drive you, if you, Mr Smith, prefer a morning walk, then I do not mind,’ uttered Kristin, sarcastically.

  ‘Yes, and I am as naive as a child, I believed you cared for me, Ms Lavoine,’ said Cameron, smiling.

  ‘Naive child, you are late for work, and I will remain without fresh steak filets. Shortly, the butcher shop will be sold out, so take the car keys and I’ll be right out,’ said Kristin. Grabbing her little black backpack, she picked up a cell phone from the table and quickly left the house.

  Left alone in the car after dropping off Cameron, Kristin plunged deep into thought, trying to reconcile all that had happened. Upon learning of the unforeseen death of Craig Davidson, she was extremely confused, trying to figure out whether or not it was suicide.

  Craig Davidson was a ruthless man and complete egoist. And his attitude towards his wife and children caused one only disgust. Did he like Danielle Jackson? Of course not. What was that relationship? Was it animal passion and comfort? Maybe. This means that Craig Davidson was not able to kill himself. This creature had detached feelings and was without conscience and honor. I, Kristin Smith, in the maiden, Lavoine, can’t admit the thought that Craig Davidson committed suicide. Then, who killed Craig Davidson? I do not know. Then go ahead and find out, Kristin, thought Kristin.

  Smiling enigmatically, Kristin turned on Classic FM and said aloud in a confident voice, ‘In the words of my favourite British politician, Winston Churchill, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm”. And he, of course, is right. Now my thoughts are almost laid out clearly on the shelves. Of course, not everything, but “almost” is also not bad, especially since my lovely Beethoven’s, The Violin Sonatas plays…’

  Enjoying the music, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, then started the engine of the car and continued to vocalize her thoughts in a pleased voice, ‘It is true that I was a little delayed, but what to do if I love this park. Nevertheless, foodstuff purchased, good mood, and now you can go to Jennifer Davidson. Should I console her? Yes, I did not like this Craig Davidson, however, Jennifer and her children are very deserving, they did not have an easy life with such a husband and father. They deserve happiness and love.’

  When she reached Jennifer Davidson’s house, she parked her car and sat silently in tears for about ten minutes after listening to Mozart’s Symphony No. 40. Each time Kristin listened to this symphony, she was left with feelings of admiration, but today this music made her cry and the tears reflected a real heartache.

  ‘Enough! I need to calm down. Great things are waiting for us,’ said Kristin in a quiet but firm voice and got out of the car. Reaching the porch of the house, Kristin slowly raised her hand to knock at the door, but then she saw that the door handle was already turning. The door slowly opened and, on the threshold, stood Jennifer Davidson with an emaciated and motionless stone face.

  ‘Jennifer, how are you?’ asked Kristin in a quiet voice.

  Jennifer Davidson’s exhausted eyes looked at Kristin, her tears streaming down her face, and in a deep voice said, ‘Kristin, you have come?’

  ‘Jennifer, I had to come. Please accept my sincere condolences.’

  Hugging Kristin, the sobbing Jennifer Davidson said, ‘Thank you. Come in and have some tea.’

  Kristin nodded her head and made for the living room. Seeing Jennifer’s parents there, she greeted them quietly.

  ‘Mom, Dad, do you remember Kristin?’ asked Jennifer Davidson, sobbing.

  ‘Yes, Jenny,’ Karen Henderson answered in a weary voice, not ceasing her stroking of Apollo’s back.

  Kristin’s heart sank when he saw the sad eyes of Apollo. He lay quietly on the little rug and looked up sadly.

  Upon seeing Kristin, Leo gallantly approached her and greeted her, ‘Hi, Kristin. Do you remember me?’

  ‘Certainly, Leo,’ Kristin said, smiling. ‘How are you?’

  ‘I’m fine, only Mom cries all the time. You know, our dad died. Grandma says he was sick, so he drank and cursed a lot. Now he is in heaven. There, he will not drink and will not offend anyone. Now I have to be strong to protect my mother and brother,’ said Leo in a confident voice.

  ‘Yes, Leo, you are a good son. Your parents will always be proud of you, and your younger brother will also admire you,’ said Kristin, proudly.

  ‘Kristin, please have a seat,’ said Peter Henderson, pointing to a vacant chair. He then picked up the teapot and carefully poured tea into the cup before handing it on a saucer to Kristin.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Kristin, quietly.

  ‘Kristin, how noble of you that you came to sympathize with my poor girl,’ said Karen Henderson, crying. ‘She is now completely alone, without her dear sister and husband.’

  ‘Karen, please, calm down,’ said Peter Henderson, quietly.

  ‘Peter, when will these nightmares end?’ asked Karen Henderson.

  ‘I do not know, Karen.’

  ‘Apollo feels everything, he has very sad eyes,’ Kristin noted.

  ‘We really miss our beloved girl,’ whispered Karen Henderson.

  ‘Jennifer, yesterday you didn’t notice anything strange in your husband’s behavior. It happened so unexpectedly,’ asked Kristin.

  ‘No, Kristin, I did not notice,’ answered a confused Jennifer.

  ‘Kristin, are you Italian?’ asked Karen Henderson, trying to change the topic of conversation.

  ‘No, I’m French, and my husband is a Scot,’ answered Kristin.

  ‘Do you work with my Jenny?’ continued Karen Henderson.

  ‘No, Mom, Kristin is just a good friend of mine, she is a teacher,’ noted Jennifer Davidson.

  Trying to move the focus of the conversation back to the more serious matters of the recent past, Kristin asked in a naive voice, ‘Mrs Henderson, yesterday, during our farewell to Danielle, I met a woman named Daisy. Is she a family friend?’

  ‘Daisy Bolton? Oh, no. Danielle and Daisy Bolton were once friends, but that was a long time ago. They are very different, my girl worked a lot and she had success, while Daisy found her happiness in a bottle,’ said Karen Henderson. She then took a sip of her already cold tea and continued, ‘Jenny, did you invite her?’

  ‘No, Mom. She made her own decision to come,’ reported Jennifer.

  ‘Does she still live at 12 Sloan Street?’ asked Karen Henderson.

  ‘Yes, Mom,’ said Jennifer in a tired voice.

  ‘Well, she was always a bit strange,’ remarked Karen Henderson.

  ‘Yes,’ confirmed Jennifer.

  During this meaningless conversation, Peter Henderson, apologizing, got up and said, ‘I will go and speak to the children, they are alone and will be missing some company.’

  ‘Certainly, Peter. They will probably be bored on their own,’ offered Karen Henderson in support.

  Kristin abruptly rose from the chair and said in a calm voice, ‘Sorry, but I also have to go.’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ said Jennifer.

  ‘Thank you. See you later, Mrs and Mr Henderson. Jennifer, you have to rest a little, so don’t get up, I’ll find my own way out. See you soon,’ said Kristin and went to the door of the house.

  ‘See you later, Kristin,’ answered Jennifer.

  An Interesting Turn of Events

  After her brainstorming session and visit to Jennifer’s house, Kristin returned home and became intensively engaged in cleaning the house getting rid of all the unnecessary things and rubbish, from which her husband parted with great difficulty. Upon completion of the de-cluttering and clear-out exercise, Kristin sat in the living room with a
cup of aromatic coffee and enjoyed the music of her favorite chansonnier, Charles Aznavour. With a satisfied look, she admired the roses presented to her by her husband, and thought, What a wonderful husband I have. He feels my mood subtly. And all these years we have lived happily together. I am a happy wife, and of course, the best…

  Suddenly, she abruptly rose from her chair and said quietly, ‘Oh, Cameron, how could I do this to you? I’m sorry, my dear.’

  Having run out into the courtyard, Kristin opened the rubbish bin, retrieved some of Cameron’s bric-a-brac that she had just thrown out and carried it to the garage.

  ‘Everything is now back in its place. I am tired, but now my conscience is clear. And this mess will never end,’ she said with regret.

  ‘Kristin, what are you doing here?’ the sudden male voice frightened her greatly. She turned around and saw Chief Inspector Steve Duke and Inspector Dave Tanner at the door of the garage.

  ‘Chief Inspector Duke? Actually, I’m in my garage. What are you doing here? Is it now the case that you are a regular visitor to my house?’ Kristin asked in a surprised voice.

  ‘You really think that I am frequenting your house? I did not even notice. Anyway, for me, you and this cluttered garage are somehow incompatible,’ answered a smiling Steve Duke.

  ‘Chief Inspector Duke, do you think badly of me?’ voiced Kristin.

  ‘Good afternoon, Mrs Smith,’ interrupted Dave Tanner, politely.

  ‘Good afternoon, Inspector Tanner,’ answered Kristin smiling, noticing his embarrassment.

  ‘We were just driving past your house and decided to visit you. And my wife constantly insists that you make very tasty coffee in a cezve,’ justified Steve Duke.

  ‘So, you impose the preparation of coffee on me, Chief Inspector Duke,’ answered Kristin, jokingly.

  ‘No, Mrs Smith. We are gentlemen, we never ask for coffee, we accept an invitation only when it is offered happily and out of free will,’ answered Steve Duke, teasingly.


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