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Mighty Hammer Down

Page 61

by David J Guyton

"I'm sorry I'm late Red Master, I had some complications with some soldiers in the Moon Legion." Battus Gredda said as he closed the door behind him.

  "It's nearly sunset. I called for you two hours ago."

  "Again I apologize. How did the speech go? I missed the whole thing I'm afraid."

  Uritus sat down heavily in the nearest chair. "I don't know. I think it went well. I picked a much easier plan than faking my death. I simply had another Mage wear my old robes--the ones trimmed in red. I had him on the balcony with me so that people will never assume that I am the real Red Master Mage. I explained that in this time of great distress, we will be working side by side with the Mages."

  Battus scratched the back of his neck. "That seems a little flimsy to me. It doesn't sound like you handed the Mages any power at all."

  "Well of course it doesn't. I told you before that I can't just surprise all of Medora with a change like that. Change must come slowly; if you cook them too fast, they will jump out of the pot. But regardless of their level of acceptance, this is the way things are going to be. Soon I will not make any decisions as Emperor, and only as a Mage."

  "But won't the people notice that the robes of Inshae are not the robes they saw on the balcony? Won't they see that something is strange?"

  Uritus threw his head back and laughed. "Oh Battus, you old fool. You should know by now that the public is nothing but an organized cluster of idiots. If they are too stupid to see that the Mages now run the Empire of Medora, then do you really think they are going to notice a tiny bit of red on the edge of a sleeve? Besides, I couldn't very well let any one of my Mages wear the robes of Inshae."

  "I suppose you're right, Red Master," Battus said as he folded his hands. "What is it you called me here for?"

  "I spoke with Inshae a few hours ago. He has commanded me to go personally to kill Rommus and his father. I need you to watch over Brinn while I am gone. I will not be here in Medora for a few days, but I cannot know how long I will be gone."

  "I will have my best soldiers escort you Red Master."

  "There is no need for that. I won't be traveling across the land. I'll be leaving here as soon as we finish speaking. In fact, come with me now so that I can be on my way." he said as he stood up, pushing the wooden chair noisily back as he did so.

  "I beg your pardon, Red Master, but how do you plan to travel if you are not going by land? Have you found a way to fly in the air?"

  Uritus smiled. "No, come with me and I will show you. First let me put on the robes of Inshae."

  Uritus went into the corner where he had placed the robes in a drawer. He slipped them on over his clothes and they walked out of the small room and down the elegant halls of the Emperor's Hall. He did not make any attempt to hide his face, for he knew that with the hood up, his face was magically hidden from any eyes the looked upon him. It was good for the people to see a Legion Commander walking with a Mage anyway. It dulled their fears and made them more comfortable with the coming change. He didn't speak however, for he feared that someone might recognize his voice, and he did not want people to know that he was a Mage--at least not yet.

  They left the Emperor's Hall and made their way towards the nearest temple. Through the buildings he could see the sun hovering near the horizon; its golden rays fading to red and purple as the cool blues of night crept in overhead. Soon a comforting darkness would blanket the land. He wondered if Vindyrion was already much darker, being that it was farther east. He would see for himself when he transported there.

  They came to a temple in a matter of minutes. He turned to Battus before he climbed the marble steps. "Battus, I want the army busy. I can't afford to have them aware of what's going on. Send most of them away from the city. Give them some task to perform; whatever you can come up with. Send them to the southern wall on a special mission or something. Be creative."

  "Yes Red Master."

  Uritus started to climb the steps. "Pay attention Battus. If I'm right, you should see me walk between the columns, and as I turn around to walk back out, I should disappear before your eyes."

  When he reached the top he could feel the power buzzing in the temple. It brought a smile to his face knowing that there was yet another power at his disposal. He confidently walked through the pillars and turned to his left. He took a few steps and turned again, facing the sunset over the rooftops. His smile widened as he saw the strange, liquid-like light floating in front of him, framed by the marble columns. He reached out and swept his hand through the flowing radiance, and it swished through his fingers like the cool waters of the salty sea. Beyond the light was the image of the city of Burnhamheade, waving and shifting as the light moved in wavelike patterns. After a deep breath, he stepped into the fluid mass of light and felt a surge of power well up inside him, mirroring his growing pride.



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